181. Chapter 181 Chen Luo kills the dragon

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  Chapter 181 Chen Luo kills the Jiaoren
  like this...

  You don’t fight, but the trouble will not come because of your non-fighting, but because you really don’t get in.

  Hundreds of thousands of people in Qiantang City all saw the black dragon.

  Everyone heard what he said.

  But also because of his words, everyone was confused.

  Was the dragon on the Qiantang River the son of this black dragon?

  But wasn't the dragon killed by Su Han?

  When did it become related to Chen Luo again?

  Chen Luo, who is it?
  Does this person exist in Qiantang City?
  This is wrong!

  Is this dragon a mistake?

  Hundreds of years have passed away many things, such as the former great master of the Zhou Dynasty and the former legendary eunuch.

  The name "Indisputable" is still spread in the world of immortality.

  But among the common people, except for the emperor's family, few people remember this name.

  This is the side effect of longevity.


  fewer and fewer people will know him.

  Until he knew that everything about him was dead and no one remembered him anymore.

  Finally became a stranger.


  looking at the black dragon making trouble on the Qiantang River, these people didn't dare to say anything. Some of them were just uneasy and frightened.

  The rain...

  is getting heavier and heavier.

  The black dragon said he wanted rain to lock Qiantang, and he actually locked Qiantang, and

  the majestic rain poured down.

  Bead curtains can no longer describe this kind of heavy rain.

  It's more like someone holding a basin of water and pouring it on your head.

  The rain was also weird.

  It fell into Qiantang City and did not flow out...

  In less than half a day, the water in the huge Qiantang City had reached several centimeters, and the water level was getting higher and higher.

  In the courtyard.

  The cat lady has already put away the book.

  In front of the hospital.

  A transparent barrier protects the courtyard from rainwater.

  However, the streets were already full of water.

  The people began to panic.

  It started asking for help,

  but no one could help...

  It wanted to help, but it couldn't.

  Master is in seclusion, and you can't stay away from anyone here.

  People in the world may be important, but in Cat Lady's heart, she feels that her master is more important.

  Xiaobai gritted his teeth and looked in the direction of the Qiantang River.

  The hair all over his body is exploding.

  I have the urge to have a fight.

  "What does this have to do with sir? Why should sir take the blame?"

  Xiaobai didn't understand.

  When did Sir take action?

  Not to mention that the master didn't take action, it didn't even eat the dragon meat!

  Why are you taking this scapegoat?

  The cat lady couldn't answer.

  But isn’t this the world of immortality?

  Isn't this life?

  There are so many reasons and excuses for things.

  He said it was related to the husband, so it was related to the husband...

  "I want to eat it!"

  Xiaobai said.

  The cat lady looked around the room...

  and finally shook her head: "Don't go, you are no match for it."

  Xiaobai has been very strong recently.

  It has continued to grow over the years.

  In fact, he had already entered the ninth realm of foundation building two years ago...

  This is surprising.

  Ordinary talent, but growth that is unforgettable.


  The most troublesome thing is that this guy can't transform yet.

  Chen Luo also felt strange, but he really couldn't find the reason...

  He tried the spiritual magic a few more times.

  It was better... it was still the same. When it didn't touch Xiao Bai, it turned a corner and disappeared.

  Chen Luo had no choice but to give up.

  I finally understood that this spiritual technique really had no effect on Xiao Bai.

  It's probably because it's too stupid... so I even despise spiritual magic.

  Fortunately, apart from these, everything else is fine.

  But no matter how strong Xiaobai is... if he wants to fight a demon king in the ninth realm of foundation establishment, he is just looking for death.

  Xiaobai also understands...

  but this cannot prevent it from baring its teeth and claws at the black dragon.

  If you can't beat me, can't you still scold me?
  "I'll bake it and eat it then!"

  Xiaobai and Cat Lady said.

  Cat Lady nodded: "Steaming is also good."


  The rain in the Qiantang River is getting heavier and heavier.

  What happened here gradually spread out...

  The dragon was making trouble.

  Originally, this world of immortality needed to take action.

  But when they heard that it was the Demon King level, they all remained silent...

  The whole city was flooded.

  The cat lady's heart became more and more worried.

  Occasionally, it looked at the black dragon flying in the clouds and mist on the river, and occasionally looked at Chen Luo's room...

  It didn't know when the husband would take action.

  But it understands.

  If no action is taken, the entire Qiantang people may be in chaos.

  More and more people are gathering!

  I don't know when, more and more people gathered outside Chen Luo's yard.

  "Mr. Chen, please take action!"

  "Please take action!"

  "If you don't take action, the whole Qiantang will really be over!"

  "My children...my parents...please!"

  I don't know who it is. After learning about Chen Luo's whereabouts, these people all flocked here.

  They are still rational at this moment.

  They understood that this matter had nothing to do with Chen Luo... After all, he was not the one who killed the dragon in the river in the past.

  So they could only beg him to take action.

  It was their only hope, so they begged.

  "Hand over Chen Luo's body and the rain will stop in Qiantang!"

  A voice rolled in...

  As soon as this voice appeared, it was like the most bewitching language in the world.

  Some of the emotions, dissatisfaction, and despair that had been suppressed in their hearts were slowly ignited.

  The faces of the people who were still pleading for Chen Luo changed several times.

  There was a look called resentment in their eyes.

  Looking at Chen Luo's yard, I began to feel dissatisfied.

  They were thinking...

  all this was his fault...

  if it weren't for him, how could Qiantang have such a disaster?
  "Damn it!"

  Someone finally couldn't help but stand up.

  At first, he was still begging.

  But now he is angry: "Brothers, let's rush in and kill Chen Luo. If he doesn't die, we will be the ones who die!" "Okay, kill him!" "No, the


  dragon We won't give up at all. When the time comes, our entire Qiantang City won't be able to survive at all!"

  "Kill him!"

  "Kill him!"

  One, two, and finally hundreds of thousands...

  They attacked Chen Luo's yard .

  His face was murderous,

  full of resentment and anger...

  He was probably putting all the blame on Chen Luo, right?
  Some old people pulled the young people: "No, no..."

  "This has nothing to do with others!"

  "Don't be like this..."

  But they were suddenly pushed by those energetic young people: "Get out, you old man!" Get out of here!"

  "You're talking nonsense, I'll kill you first!"

  When disaster strikes...

  people's hearts will change!
  Order will also lose balance...

  on the Qiantang River.

  The black dragon laughed loudly as he watched this scene. He liked watching that group of humans become so crazy out of fear.

  In the courtyard...

  Cat Lady's body was glowing.

  It's guarding the yard...

  The evil spirit on Xiaobai's face is getting bigger and bigger.

  In my little mind, I don’t understand why it was fine at first, but now more and more people are coming to kill Mr.

  But it understands...it's impossible to kill Mr.

  Because it will eat them first!


  It was finally broken.

  The power unleashed by hundreds of thousands of people is not to be underestimated,

  nor is the Cat Lady’s deadly attack.

  Naturally, there is an opportunity to take advantage of it.

  So many people came into the small courtyard that it instantly became crowded.


  Xiaobai bared his teeth, his evil spirit burning.

  Cat Lady took one step forward.

  Change becomes human.

  At some point, a sword appeared in his hand.

  She understands.

  By this time, she had no choice.

  "Hand over Chen Luo!"

  "Kill them!"

  "Kill them!"

  someone shouted.

  About to pounce.

  An invisible wave suddenly appeared from that room.

  Immediately, the door that had been closed opened.

  In the eyes of everyone, Chen Luo walked out of the room calmly.

  He is still the same as before.

  There was a lazy look on his face.

  Just as his gaze swept over, the people who were still cursing suddenly shut their mouths, as if they couldn't say a word.

  That look was very calm.

  It was so calm that it extinguished the fire in their hearts.



  Xiaobai ran to Chen Luo's feet and rubbed his head against his legs.

  The Cat Lady saluted.

  "Congratulations, Master, for entering the Golden Core Realm!"

  She could detect the aura on Chen Luo's body. It was very strong and profound...

  After more than ten days of retreat, the Master finally entered the Golden Core Realm.


  Chen Luo stretched out his hand.

  He gently placed it on Cat Lady's head.

  He rubbed her head.

  "Thank you."

  She has indeed worked hard these days...

  Not only did she protect herself, but she also had to face this group of fools.

  "This is what a disciple should do."

  Cat Lady said.

  Another book appeared in her hand, and then she quietly walked aside, found a place to read the book, and

  Xiaobai tilted her head and thought for a while.

  Finally, he followed Cat Lady.

  Looking back...

  the courtyard that was originally full of people was already clean.

  It was as if this group of people had never appeared.

  No shadow can be found, no trace left.

  "Hand over Chen Luo and the rain will stop in Qiantang, otherwise... the water will flood Qiantang!"   The black dragon roared

  on the Qiantang River .   Circled.   Its aura became stronger and full of anger... It   was also at this time.   An invisible but majestic force descended from the sky and landed on Qiantang City.   It was raining heavily in Qiantang City, but the rain stopped in an instant!   The black dragon was stunned for a moment.   There was a look of horror on his face...   "Chen...Chen Luo!"   he roared...

  There was a hint of trembling in the evil spirit.

  It doesn't understand why its magical power is easily suppressed.

  But this is just the beginning.


  A voice appeared from heaven and earth.

  A dark cloud was torn away from the dark sky.

  The Qiantang River is rolling!
  The river seemed to be alive, boiling, rolling...

  Huge waves hundreds of meters high rose into the sky.

  Several transparent chains appeared in the river. These chains appeared from the river and headed towards the black dragon in the sky.

  The dragon was firmly locked on it.

  The dragon struggles!

  If you want to speak...

  A sword appeared between heaven and earth...

  It was a pine wood sword.

  The pine wood sword was no more than three feet long, but when it penetrated the clouds and appeared in front of the black dragon, the dragon's voice had stopped abruptly.

  It didn't fall...

  less than one meter away from the dragon. However, just this meter has allowed the black dragon to truly experience the fear of death and

  that he will die!

  This sword will kill him...

  Jiaolong was terrified.

  It looks up.

  Someone is coming from the sky above the clouds.

  Step by step...

  step by step...

  step towards him.

  It was obviously far away, but within a few breaths, it had already appeared in front of it.


  Looking down at the common people.

  Ask it in calm words.

  "What's your name?"

  "Ying Jiao..."

  Ying Jiao answered.

  It could feel the tremor in its own words.

  That's ironic.

  As a demon king, a strong man at the Nascent Soul level, but now he feels fear.

  This is something difficult to imagine.

  But now this kind of thing does happen.

  "It's a very good name."

  Chen Luo nodded: "You want to kill me?"

  A large amount of cold sweat flowed from the huge dragon head,

  "The old bald donkey from Jinshan Temple said, you killed my son. ...I have destroyed Jinshan Temple, but I was bewitched by Bald Donkey after all...

  Please forgive me, sir!"

  Chen Luo nodded.

  "Master Yayoi of Jinshan Temple... I met him once. I used to be afraid of you and didn't dare to offend your son. Now he can do these things. It's normal. When people die, things disappear... This is the case of diverting disaster to the east

  . You can let it go."

  Ying Jiao breathed a sigh of relief.

  "But... about the flooding of Qiantang, Taoist friends may have to pay something to stop the resentment in the city!"

  After hearing this, Ying Jiao immediately started to struggle.

  "Why? I don't understand!"


  "They want to kill you. In order to survive, they even attacked your yard. Why do you want to save them? You haven't seen their faces clearly? This group of people, there is no way It's not worth saving!"

  Ying Jiao's words were not small.

  All the people in Qiantang City fell silent.

  There is guilt.

  There was a sigh.

  There is trouble.

  There are also those who lower their heads and wonder what they are thinking.

  Chen Luo also fell silent.


  why save it?
  He thought and finally gave an answer.

  "The people I saved were not them. What I saved was just the words of a good friend...

  He saved this city full of people with his own life.

  Regardless of whether they deserve it or not, he still thinks about this city after all! "

  I don't understand..."

  Jiaolong roared.

  But the sword has fallen...his head fell into the Qiantang River.

  A wave of empty hand.

  Be it a dragon corpse or a head.

  All were taken back into storage bags.

  He doesn't understand...

  it's okay if he doesn't understand.

  Not many things in this world have answers.


  Chen Luo killed a dragon in the Qiantang River, and he was still a dragon in the Nascent Soul stage.

  This news swept through the entire world of immortality and

  Bodhidharma like a hurricane.

  Lei Ting,

  Shu Shan,

  the various sects in Duanjian Valley and Fengyue Cliff all fell silent.

  "This... is a pervert!"

  Li Qiufeng clapped his lips.

  "Beheading the Nascent Soul, what level of cultivation can he achieve now? Isn't this a pervert?" "

  I knew that the nine-tailed demon fox didn't escape to the southern border at all..." "

  Behind Fengyue Cliff Such a terrifying sky tower, others can't see it, but we can't see it?"

  "That guy, he killed the nine-tailed demon fox!"

  "Pervert, what a pervert!"

  Li Qiufeng finally understood, Why did my senior brother go into seclusion after fighting Chen Luo?

  If I don't retreat, I'm afraid I won't have the courage to stand in front of him anymore.

  What an outrageous guy!
  Thinking of this...

  Li Qiufeng looked toward the back mountain.

  My senior brother has been in seclusion for decades...maybe he will soon be able to enter the Nascent Soul?
  In recent years, all Shushan's resources have been tilted towards him.

  After entering the Nascent Soul, can we start this prosperous age of cultivating immortals?
  It's a pity...

  I think of Chen Luo.

  Li Qiufeng shook his head.

  It seems that even Nascent Soul will be suppressed.

  "If you don't fight, don't fight. Looking back hundreds of years ago, you have already dominated the world!"

  Li Qiufeng sighed.

  His way... is outrageous.


  On the official road of Qiantang.

  one person.

  A cat.

  A fox.

  Fading away...

  Chen Luo and Qiantang's fate is over.

  Naturally, it was time to leave...

  Before leaving, Chen Luo went to a recently built temple

  called [Wansong Temple]!
  The temple is built on Songshan Mountain...

  and is dedicated to Taoist Su Han.

  The old pine stump of a thousand-year-old pine tree is in the courtyard of Wansongguan, enjoying the incense of the people.

  Within a few days, a new sprout sprouted from the tree stump.

  The new shoots sway in the wind.

  Watching Chen Luo leave...

  mostly, he was saying thank you.

  Rain locks Qiantang.

  It was Chen Luo who saved Qiantang!
  This kindness is difficult to repay!
  "I'm still a little dissatisfied, sir, that group of people are still too hateful!"

  Xiao Bai said to Chen Luo on the official road.

  It's obviously not their fault.

  They also want to kill Mr....

  This tone makes it very unhappy.

  The cat lady said nothing.

  Lowering his head and kicking the stones on the road...

  Chen Luo said with a smile: "There are so many dissatisfying things in this world. Not all things will have results... and not all anger can be vented!"

  "But they are ungrateful!"

  "I was not kind to them before, but Su Han was kind." "

  But you have never harmed the Qiantang people, why did they want to kill you?"

  Chen Luo thought for a moment and said,

  "Probably because of them Are you afraid..."

  "You can hurt people if you are afraid?"

  "There are always some people who feel this way, but this is wrong. Xiaobai must keep it in mind,"

  Xiaobai was still angry.

  "If there is a cause in the world, there will be an effect... Some things are just things, and time will always give a perfect answer.

  The answer came out very quickly.

  The courtyard where Chen Luo and Cat Lady lived was quickly renovated. There.


  a temple appeared.

  The name of the temple is Dragon-Zhan Temple.

  There are three clay statues in the temple.

  A man in white clothes holding a sword.

  A pure white house cat.

  A pure white fox.

  Since the beginning of the temple... Pilgrims The most pious ones among them are none

  other than the group of people who rushed into the courtyard to kill Chen Luo. The

  morning and evening scents

  never ceased.

  They guarded there and became the most pious pilgrims.

  Dragon-Slaying Temple When the news about the incident reached Xiaobai and Cat Lady,

  Xiaobai seemed to understand.

  He grinned and

  said to Chen Luo: "I want to eat barbecue! "

  Okay!" "

  Chen Luo nodded.

  The taste of barbecue is actually pretty good...


  leaving Qiantang, Cat Lady asked Chen Luo where he was going next.

  Whether to go back to Yushan Academy or to travel around the world.

  Chen Luo thought for a moment and decided To travel around the world...

  the main thing is that I still need to accept disciples...

  my journey as a master and apprentice is still unfinished after all.

  There is a legacy in this world... and I also need to leave a legacy.

  That's not to say right or wrong. No. It's

  just that when you are teaching others, others are actually teaching you...

  Chen Luo knows a lot of things.

  But even if he knows a lot, some things will not be seen clearly. Accepting



  In fact, it is It is a reinterpretation and reorganization of one's own Tao.

  Ning Shuan's Tao is Confucianism...

  Chen Luo learned from him the aura of awe-inspiring people, the integrity of the king, and the ability to write in a convulsive manner
  ! The empress's way is the way of tranquility.

  Read books, observe books, clarify your mind, and meditate.

  Although it doesn't seem like there are any big changes...but it actually has a huge impact on Chen Luo.

  Don't be happy with things. Sad for oneself...

  Chen Luo has learned well over the years.

  He is a disciple.

  How can he not be his master?


  Five years after his founding,

  news came from the world of cultivating immortals...

  The mountains of Shu were opened, and

  people with destiny from all over the world were recruited.

  This The news is not a big deal. Over the years, major sects have been recruiting disciples.

  It just depends on fate.   The phrase

  "you have no fate with immortals" has turned away many people.   Therefore, we opened a mountain. It's not a big deal...   It's just that this news also comes with a piece of news: Li Qiuliang is out of isolation!   When Chen Luo heard the news, he was drinking wine and suddenly felt that the wine was no longer fragrant...   That guy Coming out of seclusion means that he has entered the Nascent Soul Realm.   And based on Chen Luo's understanding of him, this guy will definitely find a way to find him and ask for swordsmanship with him.   This is simply a trouble.   Chen Luo is afraid of trouble.   So I had to beg that guy to see me less!   But...   Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty issued an order, asking Eunuch Bu Zheng to return to Beijing to meet...   Three years after his founding,   a battle broke out on the border of Da Zhou.   The core of this battle was Ying Zheng... ...   After several years of hiding, Ying Zheng finally escaped to the border and was discovered when he was about to enter the territory of Great Qin. In   the end, a war broke out!   However...   Ying Zheng was not captured after all.

  The only one captured was Princess Changle of Great Zhou.

  Princess Changle was captured and brought back to the Zhou Dynasty. Hundreds of officials issued an order requesting that Princess Changle be killed.

  Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty couldn't bear it!
  He imprisoned the princess in the princess mansion...

  and gave birth to a daughter last year.

  She is the daughter of Yingzheng of Great Qin.

  When this news came out...

  the court was in an uproar!

  The voices of killing Princess Changle are getting louder and louder...

  Even though he is the emperor, he can't suppress them anymore.

  "Changle is a princess, protected by the great fortune of the Zhou Dynasty... but she gave birth to a child before marriage and ignored the old etiquette. How can she be protected by the great Zhou Dynasty? She should be regarded as a national thief!" "Please, your majesty, punish her!" Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty said


  " She is my sister... How can I kill my brothers?"

  After a few days,

  the officials asked again!
  Emperor Xuan of the Ming Dynasty simply closed the court.

  Not long after, a Jin Yiwei came out of Kyoto...

  He wanted to find his father-in-law Chen Luo!
  he thinks.

  At this moment, perhaps the only way is to not fight for father-in-law and know how he should choose!

  Eunuch Bu Zheng, Chen Luo, did not respond.

  But this day.

  In Kyoto.

  A green cow is coming slowly!

  There was a man sitting on the green ox.

  The old man has gray hair...

  but he is full of energy.

  He appeared under the Imperial City of Kyoto but did not enter.

  He just said: "Ning Shu'an of Yushan Academy, please see your Majesty..."

  (End of Chapter)

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