180. Chapter 180 Rain locks the city

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  Chapter 180 Rain locks the city.
  If there is anything in this world that should not be touched, perhaps it is Tao.

  There are three thousand ways in the world, all of which are the heart and the root of all.

  Su Han's path is in Qiantang.

  When the dragon enters the Qiantang and disrupts the Qiantang, it disrupts his way and destroys his way.

  So, he wanted to take action.

  When Chen Luo was about to step forward, he took action first.

  And now, Su Han will continue to seek his way...

  Xiaobai doesn't understand why Chen Luo turned around and left after saying: This is his way...

  But Cat Lady understands.


  Since it is Tao, how can we stop it?
  How can we change it?

  It is true that Mr. Su is Master's friend, but since he is a good friend, Master should follow his ways.

  It's easy to save him.

  But what happens after the rescue?
  Some things are not that simple.

  "He didn't kill the dragon, he killed the tribulations on his way!" "

  If you pass, the road will be unimpeded... If you don't, you will end up in the Qiantang River with the dragon!"

  On the Qiantang River.

  Su Han's body became straighter.

  His sword was sharper than ever before.

  There was fire burning from his body.

  This is not ordinary fire, but fire from the golden elixir.

  Some people are crazy.

  So crazy that you can even risk your life.

  So, Jiaolong panicked.

  How could it have imagined that this lunatic would burn the golden elixir and drag him to death as well?

  As a result, its arrogance disappeared.

  Started to want to escape.

  It's just that things have reached this point, and it's no longer possible to leave if you want to.


  Everyone on the Qiantang River was watching that scene.

  Watch the man burn himself.

  Seeing the man fighting crazily and unscrupulously, he was also fighting forward.


  blood fell on the Qiantang River.

  There is his blood.

  There is also the blood of the dragon.

  His sword was broken.

  Broken into two sections.

  Also broken was the body of the dragon.

  He just stood there, looking at the Qiantang River in front of him with a smile...


  Looking in a certain direction in the city.

  Nod slightly.

  He said the words that only he could hear: "Thank you..."

  He didn't take any action, which was good.

  The wind blew over the Qiantang River, making the waves ripple.

  It also blew over the man's body.


  he turned into powder.


  rain falls.

  Misty at first.

  Gradually it got bigger.

  Finally, it rained heavily.

  Chen Luo finally took action... He grabbed his hand toward the void, and a ray of green light appeared between heaven and earth and condensed in his hand.

  That's a little bit of the spirit.

  Small and exquisite.

  A small pine tree exuded brilliance in Chen Luo's hands.

  "You said, this is your way, and we will follow your way." "

  You said, if we don't do anything, we will follow your wishes." "

  But, you shouldn't disappear from the world like this. ..."

  Chen Luo said.

  So, he put away this touch of true spirit.

  Looking in the direction of the Qiantang River...

  "Do you still want to eat dragon meat?"

  Xiaobai asked.

  Xiaobai didn't answer.

  For some reason, it suddenly felt like crying, and its mood became a little uncomfortable...

  Chen Luo smiled.

  However, an oil-paper umbrella appeared in his hand.

  "Cat Lady, please take a look at the house."

  Cat Lady put away the book.

  Nodding: "Cat Lady, please don't worry, Master."

  Of course Chen Luo is relieved when Cat Lady does things.


  The rain in Qiantang is very heavy...

  as majestic as a bead curtain.

  The long-lost land seemed to be reborn, and even the air became fresh.

  Chen Luo walked on the street holding an oil-paper umbrella, watching the people cheering and listening to them talking about Su Han on the Qiantang River.

  It is remembered in people's hearts after all.

  Take a step...


  After a while, Chen Luo had arrived at the foot of a mountain.

  The mountain is a pine mountain, and

  there is a trail leading directly to the top of the mountain.

  But apparently no one has been here for a long time...

  it's overgrown.

  There are spider webs.

  The fallen leaves are not shallow.

  Chen Luo was not in a hurry, and walked up the path, and soon he saw the pine tree... The

  pine tree that had grown for thousands of years fell down at some point.

  There was just a stump left there.

  A bit of true spirit appeared in Chen Luo's hand...

  the true spirit flew out.

  Fell into a tree stump.

  He didn't look back.

  He just said: "Master seems to be very leisurely? You don't go to the temple to copy sutras and recite Buddha's name on rainy days. Come here, is there something about this that attracts Master?" A

  monk appeared behind Chen Luo at some point.

  The monk holds his alms bowl.

  Holding a Zen staff.

  This is hosted by Jinshan Temple.

  "Amitabha... I have seen him not fighting for his father-in-law."

  Master Yayoi saluted.

  Chen Luo didn't even look back.

  Master Yayoi doesn’t think there’s anything wrong…

  it’s just that.

  "My father-in-law doesn't want to fight, and he doesn't want to cause trouble in this world, so why do you still get involved? Since fellow Taoist Su Han died, why do you insist on leaving this glimmer of life?" Master Yayoi said: "This glimmer of

  life , shouldn’t stay..."

  There is a valley in Tanzhou called Yingkong Valley.

  There is a pool in the valley called Longjian Pool.

  This was originally a very ordinary place, but five years ago, suddenly there was a storm, and two dragons, one large and one small, appeared inside!
  The smaller one is a silver dragon.

  The big one is a black dragon.

  The silver dragon is in the Golden Core Demon King Realm...

  but the big one is in the Nascent Soul Demon King Realm.

  Even though he was just entering the Nascent Soul for the first time, he was still the Demon King...

  The appearance of these two dragons caused some commotion at the time.

  Just because of various reasons, everyone finally gave up the plan of killing the dragon.

  The silver dragon later lurked in the Qiantang River.

  "Shouldn't you stay?"

  Chen Luo said lightly: "What if you stay?"

  Master Yayoi said:
  "Su Han killed the dragon in the Qiantang River... If you leave him with a ray of life, you will cause countless troubles to the Qiantang River. !

  He has saved the people in the city, but because you saved him, you have put the people in the city into trouble again.

  Father-in-law, this is not what he wanted!
  It is not your way!"

  "My way?"

  Chen Luoxiao got up.

  Looking at Master Yayoi: "Master, do

  you know our family's way?" "Why don't you fight? Your way should be the way of not fighting!" "

  Why don't fight?"

  "Don't fight with others, don't fight with the world, don't fight with others." All things fight, but this is not a fight..."

  "You understand."

  Chen Luo nodded: "Master, is this the way of our family?"

  Master Yayoi shook his head: "It's not..."

  "Our family thinks it is."

  Master Yayoi He was stunned for a moment.

  Then, he was silent for a few seconds before saying: "This is the fate destined for the people of Qiantang River..." "


  These words immediately made Chen Luo interested: "It seems that the master is also quite proficient in destiny calculation, so Master, can you ensure that if our family destroys Su Han, the black dragon will not come to Qiantang?"

  Master Yayoi was silent.

  "It depends on whether you can come, or you should understand that when Su Han kills the dragon, the black dragon will definitely come back...

  and you just want to hold a touch of true spirit and finally ask the black dragon to fade away. ? Come on, let’s say that all wrongs have their owners and debts have their own owners, and everything will be resolved after death?”

  Chen Luo was originally a little angry.

  But as he talked,

  he wasn’t angry anymore!

  I didn’t bother to talk to the monk about what he was talking about.

  Just turn around and go down the mountain.

  Only the Yayoi monk was left standing there...


  Luo retrieved a pine log from Songshan Mountain.

  This pine wood is no ordinary pine wood.

  It is the heart of a thousand-year-old pine tree.

  After picking it up.

  Chen Luo took out a knife and started carving on the pine wood.

  A few years ago, there was a sword of no return that could be used...

  but since Xu Xiaonian came and took the sword of no return away, Chen Luo had no sword left to use.

  It doesn't matter if it's normal.

  But today is not good.

  This sword, there must be a better one.

  It's not like he was going to fight or anything.

  Put it on your body.

  Holding it in hand, there are always some good choices...


  A sword became...

  Chen Luo named it Jianwu!
  Weijianwu sword...

  is also Chen Luo's current six swords.


  is ordinary and

  has no repercussions.

  But Chen Luo was very satisfied.

  This sword is quite handy to use.


  The rain in the Qiantang River has been falling continuously for several days, and this rain seems to have no intention of stopping.

  Chen Luo didn't care about this.

  On the contrary, on the second day after the sword was completed, he never left the yard again.

  Cat Lady is still reading.

  The little fox feels that something is wrong in the atmosphere recently. It usually turns into a big ball and rolls around in the yard.

  But these days, he doesn't dare anymore.

  Occasionally, I looked inside the room.

  Chen Luo has locked himself in the room for several days.

  It's a little worried.

  So it asked the cat lady in a low voice: "Is Mr. dead? Do you want to go in and have a look?"

  It was wrong to hide there for so many days without even coming out.

  Xiaobai has never seen Chen Luo like this. then.

  It's a little worried.

  Worried whether Chen Luo was dead.

  If he died, Xiaobai would definitely be very sad, very sad.

  It likes Chen Luo the most.

  The cat lady couldn't laugh or cry.

  What and what, why are you talking about the issue of death or not?

  But she also explained: "Don't worry, sir, he has gone into seclusion..."

  "In seclusion?"

  Xiaobai became a little happy...

  "Sir, is he going to enter the golden elixir realm?"

  After so many years, he is finally going to enter the golden elixir realm. Yes, that's great.

  Thinking of this, it jumped out and went out.

  "Where to go?"

  Cat Lady shouted.

  "Go catch the chicken. When the husband comes out of seclusion, I'll treat him to a chicken..."

  Little Baitou didn't respond.

  Because he was walking too fast, he tripped when he went down the stairs. His chubby body rolled down and fell to the ground with a splash, his butt hitting his face.

  "I'm fine, don't worry, I can get up by myself..."

  it shouted.

  He had already climbed up, slapped his butt, and ran away.

  The cat lady shook her head.

  Xiaobai is getting cuter and cuter...

  Thinking of this, he looked into the room.

  Master should be able to advance to Jindan this time, right?


  in the room.

  Chen Luo said he was in retreat, but in fact he was reading a book.

  But there is also research involved in whatever book you read.

  The book is a Taoist scripture.

  It is also the most exquisite book in Taoism, the Tao Te Ching.

  There is no way to know the origin of this book... Chen Luo is somewhat familiar with it.

  It’s just that many things in this scripture are very different from what I know.

  this is normal.

  Nothing in this world can be exactly the same.

  Especially in different worlds, there will always be changes based on local conditions.

  Fortunately, it doesn't matter...

  Chen Luo can see.

  Under the systematic study, I gradually gained insights into this "Tao Te Ching".

  The reason why Chen Luo chose to retreat at this time was not just on a whim.

  After coming down from Songshan Mountain, Chen Luo felt something in his heart.

  After the Jianwu sword was completed.

  This feeling is greater.

  I had a vague illusion that I was about to break through...

  so I simply entered the room.

  The old monk of Jinshan Temple is worried that the black dragon will come...but there is no need to worry.

  If he really comes and

  the son dies, how can the father not be angry?

  Just not that fast.

  There are thousands of miles of road from Tanzhou to here.

  Without ten days, it would be difficult to do this.

  Therefore, Chen Luo has plenty of time.

  [You read the book "Tao Te Ching", and you seem to have some vague insights.

  PS: All the laws in the world belong to one, the Tao can be Tao, but it is not Tao... The sky and the earth are dark and yellow, and Hongmeng is desolate.

  This book has great wisdom, I recommend you read it more!

  The system prompt sound came.

  Still no experience points...

  Chen Luo calmly

  continued reading.

  After entering the foundation-building realm in Penglai Immortal Square in the past, Chen Luo understood one thing: doing what one wants is the right path.

  Therefore...even if he had a feeling in his heart that he might be able to break through, he was in the same state of mind as usual.

  Day one.

  Chen Luo felt vaguely.

  Keep watching.

  The second day.

  This feeling is a bit more, but it is still difficult to enter.

  On the third day...

  the fourth day...

  there was always something gained every day. Although it was not much, Chen Luo was very satisfied.

  Is there any reason why things in the world can be solved overnight?
  Making progress every day is something that can only happen but cannot be expected.

  And if the Golden Core Realm was so easy to enter, there wouldn't be so few Golden Core strongmen for so many years.

  You know, those people are all reincarnations.

  They are still difficult.

  What's more, I am a Qi practitioner who needs to learn all the way?

  On this day, Chen Luo continued to read.

  Or if you become fascinated by it, you can't help but read it out.

  "The Tao can be Tao, but it is not the Tao. The name can be named, but it is not the name. The

  nameless is the beginning of heaven and earth; the name is the mother of all things. Therefore, there is always no desire to observe its wonders;
  there is always desire to observe its beauty."

  This time, Chen Luo fell into a trance.

  He asked...what is Tao?

  Read it.

  Vaguely understood.

  Tao is heaven.

  That's right!

  Heaven and earth, Xuanhuang, the ancient universe, are all Tao, and there is a Tao to follow!

  Therefore it is the Tao!
  Then, the wind appeared...

  In the originally closed room, a wisp of wind appeared from nowhere.

  This wisp of wind blew onto Chen Luo, blowing directly into Chen Luo's body and into his divine sea.

  Chen Luo was still reading...

  but he looked up.

  He then discovered that he was no longer in the room, but in a vast white world.

  He recognized this place.

  This is your own divine sea.

  There is a altar there...

  The patterns on the altar emit golden light, as if they are alive.

  Not just a altar.

  And that golden elixir.

  The golden elixir bloomed with dazzling brilliance, shining brightly to Chen Luo's eyes.

  It was also at this time that Chen Luo realized that he had lost control.

  This kind of control is very strange.

  I obviously want to resist, but there seems to be another voice in my heart, telling myself: let nature take its course!

  So, Chen Luo let nature take its course, letting his body lose control, and finally flew towards the altar.


  I sat on the pedestal.

  It turned into a small human being...

  the little human being held the golden elixir in his palm.

  He was obviously there...

  but he seemed to be in another place.

  Can perfectly see all the changes on the altar.

  This is something magical.

  It was as if he had already separated two spiritual consciousnesses.

  One is here...

  the other is on the altar.

  It was also at this time that he saw that the golden elixir suddenly seemed to come to life, making a thump, thump sound...

  a golden light burst out from the little man, driving everything away.

  Also dispelled was himself.

  He exited the divine sea, but his consciousness did not return... He flew out of the room.

  I saw the cat lady reading a book in the courtyard.

  It's still so elegant.

  It's obviously a cat.

  But it gives people a kind of noble elegance that cannot be toyed with.

  His consciousness continued to fly out...

  He went to Jinshan Temple.

  The incense in Jinshan Temple is dim.

  There are pious people.

  He also saw the old monk...

  the old monk was compassionate.

  Chen Luo admired it, so he thought, could he offer incense?

  He went near the incense burner.

  Sure enough... the incense was under control and stood on the stove.

  Chen Luo lit the fire...

  and a stick of incense smoke rose.

  He wanted to continue, but couldn't do it... so he gave up. So, Chen Luo bowed once...

  and just when he was about to bow twice, the spiritual consciousness suddenly receded.

  He flew out of Qiantang...

  and into the clouds.

  He is drifting in the wind, not knowing the years and where he is going.

  But this feeling was something Chen Luo had never experienced before.

  Better than before when it turned into a breeze.

  This time, if he is willing, if he works hard, he will always touch something...

  even if it can only be a little bit.

  But a little bit is a lot.


  the time is long.

  That’s ten days.

  In the past few days, something happened in the Qiantang River.

  The first thing to happen was Jinshan Temple...

  the black dragon is coming!

  This black dragon has a ferocious appearance, with a strange black mist exuding from its body, and full of murderous intent.

  The first place he went to was Jinshan Temple.

  I don’t know why, so angry!
  Master Yayoi wanted to fight with it, but it was not the land of dragons, and he died in it in just a few rounds.

  The entire Jinshan Temple was destroyed by the black dragon...

  after the destruction of Jinshan Temple.

  Dragons hover over the Qiantang River.

  He also did not enter Qiantang City.

  But on the Qiantang River, the clouds spread rain and make waves.

  Qiantang City, which had been sunny for a few days, started to rain heavily again.


  The dragon looked up to the sky and roared.

  The sound of the dragon spread throughout Qiantang City, and countless people covered their ears, feeling pain from the shock.

  In the city.

  The courtyard where Chen Luo is.

  The Cat Lady put down the book in her hand and looked up at the Qiantang River.

  He looked at the black dragon.

  "It's the father of the original silver dragon..."

  it said.

  Xiaobai looked at the dragon with open teeth and claws.

  The saliva in his mouth was dripping.

  "I want to eat it..."

  Cat Lady didn't answer.

  It didn't know how to answer this.

  It was also at this time...

  the black dragon stirred up the clouds and spread rain, soaring into the clouds and riding the mist on the Qiantang River.


  "Chen Luo, you killed me Jiao'er. If you don't die to apologize today, I will bury my Jiao'er in the whole city of Qiantang! If you don't
  die, this Qiantang City will never stop raining!"

  Cat Lady :...

  It turns back.

  Looking at Xiaobai: "I want to eat it too!"

   "The Wind Rises 2001"

  (End of this chapter)

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