141.Chapter 141 The God-given Emperor dies

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  Chapter 141: The God-given Emperor dies.

  He made some breakfast and asked the Cat Lady if she wanted to eat.

  Cat Lady shook her head.

  It said that it had eaten a lot of mice last night and its stomach was still full.

  Chen Luo didn't force it either.

  However, Chen Luo was a little impressed by the scene of it eating mice last night. Those crunchy bites... He was still a little nauseous.


  For the cat lady, that may be the best food in the world.

  I happened to take this opportunity to chat with Cat Lady, and probably found out what happened over the years.

  There are few worth remembering.

  Except the Cat Lady talked about some of her magical powers... Of course, these magical powers are not very complicated, but she seems to be naturally restrained against some ghosts and the like.

  Especially some ghosts who have just become spirits.

  It can be swallowed in one bite.

  In its words, the smell of that kind of thing is more fragrant than that of mice.

  Even if you encounter them rarely, you can only meet one occasionally.

  Sometimes if it encounters someone powerful, it won't dare to get close.

  Chen Luo became a little curious when he heard this...


  Xiaobai likes to eat this kind of ghost, even the cat lady likes

  it. What's the reason?
  Is it because those ghosts were contaminated with incense?
  Probably so!

  Don't think about it anymore.

  After eating, I felt the condition of General Xiaman and Yin Yue as usual. The auras of those two guys were quite good.

  There is no need to worry.

  After leaving Penglai Immortal Island, Chen Luo released the two guys.

  I don’t know what’s going on, but those two guys are extremely powerful when they work together, especially if they are trained outside, they will grow faster.

  It's like flying!
  Occasionally, if you do good things, you can still get incense.

  As a master, Chen Luo never likes to restrict the freedom of his subordinates.

  So Chen Luo decided to let them roam freely in the world.

  Obviously the effect is impressive.

  With nothing to do, he looked at Cat Lady.

  Chen Luo asked: "Since you have decided to live here in the academy, how about our family taking you down the mountain to familiarize yourself with the academy?"

  After hearing this, the Cat Lady quickly stood up and saluted: "Then thank you, Mr. "

  What a polite cat.

  Chen Luo nodded with satisfaction.

  It would be even better if I could turn into a beautiful little girl and warm our bed occasionally.

  Chen Luo has always had a question.

  If this animal took the form of a human, would it really not be reproductively isolated from humans?
  Can't figure it out.

  He couldn't figure it out,

  and he didn't know when there would be such a goblin for him to study...

  Chen Luo quickly shook off this terrible thought.

  Eunuch Chen,

  how can you think like this?
  So perverted!

  Gotta change it!


  One person, one cat.

  Slowly walked to the academy.

  At this time, there was the sound of reading in the academy, and occasionally some scholars could be seen walking around. When they saw Chen Luo approaching, they all saluted and called sir.

  Chen Luo also nodded in response.

  On the other hand, they looked at the white cat at Chen Luo's feet and were a little curious,

  but they couldn't say anything.

  Just at this time, a scholar in his teens saw Chen Luo and came over quickly: "Grandpa Chen." It

  was different from what others called him.

  Most people call him husband or something, but he is the only one who calls him Grandpa Chen, and Chen Luo accepts it calmly.

  Because this young man’s surname is Ning.

  He is Ning Wenyuan’s grandson: Ning Caichen.

  Chen Luo had a deep impression on him, but he couldn't help it. It was the same as that warrior's name. It was difficult to remember it.

  And most importantly, where is this place? Guobei County!
  If Chen Luo hadn't confirmed several times that this was not some kind of fairy tale world, he would have been frightened.

  "Grandpa Chen, why did you come down the mountain? You usually don't come down until noon."

  Ning Caichen asked Chen Luo.

  "What, why can't I go down the mountain so early in the morning?"

  Chen Luo slapped him on the head. He wasn't angry, he just covered his head and laughed.

  "No, I'm just asking."

  "Where's your grandpa?"

  "Grandpa drank with you last night, but he couldn't get up today. Fortunately, he doesn't have a class today, otherwise it would be bad."

  Ning Cai Chen said.

  Chen Luo nodded.

  "Okay, you're here just in time. Let me ask you, where is Mr. Xiang?"

  "Master Xiang?"

  Ning Caichen thought: "I saw it just now, maybe on the second floor?"

  Chen Luo nodded. He took the Cat Lady to the second floor, and sure enough, he saw Master Xiang here...

  When Master Xiang saw Chen Luo, especially the Cat Lady at his feet, he was a little distracted: "Sir, who is this cat? Chen

  Luo smiled and said, "This is the Cat Lady. She will probably be in and out of the academy frequently in the next few days. Please take care of me, Master." The

  Cat Lady stood up and saluted.

  "I've seen Master."

  Xiang Master showed a surprised look: "You can actually talk, this... could this be a monster?"

  There is something about his acting skills.

  On a ten-point scale, Chen Luo would give him full marks, not fearing that he would be proud.

  "Monsters don't count. They just have spiritual intelligence. They are incomparable to some big monsters. I heard that all the big monsters in this world can take the form of humans. The cat lady's cultivation is probably enough to give people teeth. There are not even enough seams."

  Xiangfu nodded, but he was still amazed.

  This is really amazing.

  "Since Cat Lady has intelligence, you can rest assured in this academy. I will tell the students that if they see Cat Lady, they will not make things difficult for you." "Thank you, Master." Cat Lady said


  " If she has free time, Cat Lady will also catch more mice to make the academy cleaner."

  "That's really great."

  Master Xiang said, looked at the sky, and said to Chen Luo: "It's getting late, Master Yao's class should be over, and it's my turn, so I'll go first Go down."

  Chen Luo nodded.

  Looking at Mr. Xiang leaving, the Cat Lady said, "Master Xiang is a good person,"

  Chen Luo smiled slightly.

  not talking.

  Nor did he refute.

  It's good, but it's hard to say whether a person is a person or not.

  "Sir, should I go read a book?"


  Looking at the cat lady who was holding a book and reading quietly like a human being, Chen Luo also found a book and looked at it.


  This book is a bit offbeat.

  I don’t know where Ning Wenyuan got it from.

  [You have read a relatively unorthodox book, "The Catalog of Beasts of Tianwu Continent", which records various beasts in the continent.

  Your insights are enhanced.

  PS: Although it seems to be useless for the time being, who knows? It’s always good to look around. ]


  Some strange things have happened in Yushan Academy recently.

  Cat, become a sperm.

  A white cat appeared on the second floor and sat there reading basically every day.

  He looks more serious than any other student.

  Even at the end, I took out my pen to practice calligraphy and

  was not afraid to see the students.

  On the contrary, he could still salute like a human being.

  Some students looked at it and found that the words written by the white cat were a little twisted at first, but after a few days, the words became more and more beautiful.

  Although it's not everyone's style, it still has a unique charm.

  I'm afraid it won't be long before we can really become everyone.

  Of course...

  as time goes by, everyone will become accustomed to this.

  Some students even gave it the title of Cat Master, and the white cat was also a little happy.

  Every time I hear these three words, Cat Master, I feel very happy. And everyone also discovered that because of the appearance of Cat Master, the mice on this mountain were gone...

  Chen Luo sometimes thought.

  When will this cat lady come to me to learn magical powers and so on?

  Turns out it didn't.

  On the contrary, I have always liked reading and writing...

  Chen Luo never mentioned it on his own initiative.

  It has its own ideas, so she doesn't have to worry too much.

  So usually, Chen Luo just fishes, drinks tea, sleeps, and does boxing.

  In the afternoon, I went to the second floor to read.

  Sometimes I go to the academy to chat and brag with the students.

  Ning Caichen was very happy every time he saw him coming...but Chen Luo was not happy.

  The kid is a bit talkative.

  Although Ning Wenyuan didn't say much, he seemed to know something.

  Every day I have to talk to myself about the gods and ghosts in the world.

  What's there to talk about?

  Chen Luo didn't like chatting...

  but he had a regular visitor in his backyard.

  Xiang Cheng Xiangfuzi.

  He rarely goes up the mountain, but recently he often comes to the back mountain.

  I don't like to talk most of the time.

  When I got here, I had a drink with Chen Luo.

  However, he once asked Chen Luo: "Sir, do you think all these demons deserve to die?"

  Chen Luo was puzzled: "Why do you ask that?"

  "Everyone in the world thinks that demons and evil spirits are terrible and deserve to die, and they also They don’t believe that there are good demons in this world. They think demons are inherently evil... Isn’t this what many people think?"

  Chen Luo laughed.

  "What are you laughing at, sir?"

  Master Xiang asked.

  "It's a bit funny to laugh, that's all..."

  Chen Luo said: "People are afraid because of the unknown, and monsters and monsters happen to be a kind of unknown to them, but it is wrong to say that all monsters and evil spirits in the world deserve to die. Yes.

  There are good people, but not many!
  There are good demons, but not many!
  In the final analysis, the two are just the same nature.

  Whether demons are inherently good or demons are inherently evil, sometimes we should not let them It is up to others to judge, but it is up to them to judge.

  Ask yourself, is it evil or good?" "

  What if you think you are good?"

  "That is good!"

  "What if someone wants to kill you, and you kill yourself? What about them? Is it good or evil?"

  "What do you think?"

  "I think it is good."

  "That's it... "

  "What if..."

  "Master Xiang, you have too many questions."

  " The last one, then ask the last one."


  "What if they are still chasing after a demon who thinks he is kind, and the demon can't hide away?"

  Chen Luo was silent.

  for a long time.

  "Our answer is not suitable for you, but when the day comes, maybe you will know your own answer."

  Master Xiang nodded.

  "Then I'll often come here to drink tea with you. Are you welcome?"

  "Occasionally, you're welcome."

  Chen Luo smiled.

  Master Xiang also smiled,


  God granted the spring of the seventy-third year.

  Something happened in Guobei County.

  There is an evil spirit in the county... The county magistrate was killed, and many ordinary people also died.

  The whole county is in panic.

  If it were a simple death of the county magistrate, everyone would be happy.

  It is true that the magistrate of Guobei County is really not a good person...

  Over the years, most of the wealth in Guobei County has gone into his pocket.

  Repair the city walls.

  Improving people's livelihood.

  In recent years, the imperial court has allocated a sum of funds to the cities below, but when it comes to Guobei County, these funds have all gone into the pockets of the county magistrate.

  There has been no change in people's livelihood and economy.

  On the contrary, his pockets were getting fatter.

  Therefore, after his death, these people still cheered.

  It's just that the evil spirit is not a good thing, and he is obviously jealous.

  In the end, even ordinary people were killed.

  In the end, the people in the entire city were panicked, and the students in Yushan Academy were also a little worried.

  After all, Yushan Academy is too close to Guobei County.

  When Chen Luo heard this, he took out a talisman and was about to throw it out,

  but when he looked at the foot of the mountain...

  he smiled slightly, took the talisman back, and continued to lazily bask in the sun on the back mountain.

  If the sky falls, it is not as important as him basking in the sun.


  I entered the city with Master Xiang.

  There are not many food ingredients here in the academy, and the students consume a lot every day. These living people can't starve to death, right?
  But the people delivering food in the canteen have been afraid to enter the city recently.

  Only Master Xiang stood up.

  Everyone was still a little worried about Master Xiang's safety. After all, it was quite far outside now. Fortunately, Master Xiang came back safely the next day.

  This really made the whole academy breathe a sigh of relief.

  On the contrary, after Master Xiang returned from the county seat, nothing happened in Guobei County.

  Until the latest county magistrate took office, there were no evil spirits harming people again.

  Everyone speculated that an expert had removed it, or that the evil spirit was just passing by and went somewhere else.

  Master Xiang also felt a little emotional that

  his luck was very good!
  Of course, this time it wasn't a bad thing. At least the new magistrate of Guobei County ransacked the previous magistrate's house.

  I heard that even Jin Yiwei took action.

  Hundreds of thousands of silver were copied...

  The silver was placed on the yamen, and even the sunlight was not as dazzling as it.

  The new county magistrate was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

  From that day on, the city walls in Guobei County began to be built, the streets became cleaner, and the economy improved.

  Chen Luo went there for a visit.

  After searching the city wall for a long time, I couldn't find an opening to enter.

  Xiaohong angrily pushed her head against it.

  In the end, it didn't matter if he didn't push it away, and he almost sat on the ground.

  Chen Luo was so frightened that he quickly stayed away from this silly donkey.

  He definitely doesn't know such a stupid thing...

  But that's not the most critical thing. The most critical thing is that a big demon appeared less than three hundred miles away from Guobei County.

  As soon as the big demon appears.

  Chen Luo felt it that day.


  Some were worried that Yushan Academy would be affected...


  On this day.

  Chen Luo set up a large formation at Yushan Academy. This formation was used to block the cultivators and demonic spirits.

  He didn't want to be influenced by those cultivators who were trying to eliminate demons.

  This fight is a fight.

  But it wouldn't be good if they came to someone else's house...

  What Chen Luo didn't expect was that before the big demon incident affected him, a piece of news had reached Yushan Academy.

  The news was brought by Ning Wenyuan.

  He went up the back mountain.

  Sitting there, silent.

  It wasn't until Chen Luo came that he raised his head and said in a low voice to Chen Luo:
  "There is news from Kyoto... The Divinely Granted Emperor... has passed away."

  (End of this chapter)

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