140.Chapter 140 Cat Lady

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  Chapter 140 Cat Lady

  ’s night was just like any other.

  Ning Wenyuan came and chatted with Chen Luo for a long time, and even drank some wine.

  This is what this old man is like now.

  Probably too idle.

  Whenever I have free time, I like to hang out with Chen Luo. Occasionally, I bring some peanuts and wine, but later I don’t even bring any peanuts.

  Mainly because he found that he couldn't seem to finish the wine in Chen Luo Gourd.

  There were even a lot of peanuts and melon seeds.

  This made him couldn't help but marvel.

  Just ask.

  I heard that Chen Luo peanuts were stuffed into a storage bag, and melon seeds were also stuffed into a storage bag.

  This old man completely let himself go and no longer remembers the etiquette of bringing gifts when visiting friends.

  Most of my life’s books have been read on dogs.

  This made Chen Luo admire his foresight.

  Over the years, some good Taoist friends have occasionally contributed some treasure storage bags. Chen Luo would empty out these storage bags, stuffing one with peanuts, one with melon seeds, one with clothes, one with wine, and even some There are specially hidden lounge chairs and quilts.

  Then take these more than ten storage bags and stuff them into another free storage bag.

  Every time at this time, Chen Luo lamented the benefits of the awakening of the world of immortality.

  Without these, even going out to do chivalry would be a disaster.

  Thinking of this, Chen Luo couldn't help but wonder, did the knights in the books he had read before walk around the world without clothes?

  Anyway, he really didn't see them on TV.

  Probably, it’s like wearing the front side today and the back side tomorrow, right?
  Good thing.

  You are well prepared.

  Carry a home with you.

  Even traveling has become very comfortable.

  As for Ning Wenyuan, every time he saw himself taking out melon seeds from his storage bag, he couldn't help but sigh: Immortals are unpredictable and

  then look back.

  One foot stepped on the stool.

  Rolling up his sleeve with one hand.

  "What are you doing? Where are you raising fish?"

  Chen Luo refused.

  The old man became angry: "Are you looking down on me? If you look down on me, just say so directly. Why do you have to be like this!" "Yes

  ! Our family looks down on you!"

  Chen Luo replied.

  The old man became quiet.

  Then he pulled Chen Luo's sleeves and cried loudly.

  Crying about the disaster in thirty-six years, crying about the people who froze to death in front of him.


  by this time Chen Luo knew that the old man was drunk.


  Whenever this happens, Ning Wenyuan's son feels embarrassed.

  He supported his old man, got on Xiaohong's back, and jolted down the back hill, back to his home.

  Whenever this happened, Ning Shuan couldn't help but secretly take a look at the little red donkey.

  It is strange to say

  that every time the donkey carries his father home, he only needs to give it a handful of grass, and it will go up the mountain by itself after eating.

  This is one of them.

  Also, no matter how difficult the mountain road is, sometimes you have to be careful when walking at night.

  But this little donkey walked very smoothly.

  At least his father slept very soundly, and even if he turned over, he didn't fall down.

  It's really strange.

  Mr. Chen has the ability.

  Now even Mr. Chen's little donkey is capable.


  After Ning Wenyuan returned, Chen Luo continued drinking alone.

  In fact, Ning Wenyuan is a very good old boy.

  He is respectful to himself.

  But the only thing he couldn't untie was his knot...

  Even though he was usually very serious, he only dared to open his heart like that in front of Chen Luo after drinking.

  Decades have passed since the disaster of thirty-six years.

  But in Ning Wenyuan's heart, he could never get over it...

  He always felt that he had killed those people.

  If he had fought to the death, perhaps there would not have been so many people freezing to death, and not so many people drowning.

  Everyone has forgotten those things.

  But he didn't forget.

  And this is why he really can't stay in the court.

  Can't let go.

  If you can't pass it,

  you won't be able to integrate it.

  Chen Luo said to Ning Wenyuan: "That year has become your obsession. You have to learn to let go..."

  But is letting go easy?

  Even Chen Luo himself didn't dare to say that he could easily let go of his obsession.

  So after Ning Wenyuan left.

  Chen Luo just likes to drink by himself...

  and enjoy himself leisurely.

  Also thinking about something.

  Raise a glass.

  Invite the bright moon.

  [You drink alone under the moon, respecting the moon, respecting others, respecting yourself, and respecting all things... If you feel something in your heart, your immortality has gained experience points.

  Immortal experience value +100!

  PS: Autumn has been a sad and lonely time since ancient times. It’s late at night and it’s time to go to bed. Staying up late will cause sudden death!

  Chen Luo understood instantly.

  He didn't take the green gourd away, threw it randomly in the yard, and staggered upstairs.

  My head hit the pillow and I fell asleep.



  But the main reason was that the system warned that staying up late would lead to sudden death. Chen Luo was afraid of death, so he had better rest early.

  I listened to my advice!

  But Chen Luo didn't sleep well...

  it was fine at first.

  But there were some changes later.

  There were some noisy sounds coming from the yard, as if someone was chasing, or something was jumping around.

  Chen Luo woke up.

  He stared blankly at the beams above his head.

  He looked back at the pillow next to him.

  He grabbed the quilt and covered his head.

  He wants to sleep.

  As a eunuch who listens to advice, this is not a good thing to wake up in the middle of the night. The most important thing is that this bed is really comfortable to sleep on.

  But the sound outside the yard continued.

  The chase was gone.

  There is just some rustling.

  Not very nice.

  It's like something is chewing something.

  Chen Luo couldn't help it.

  Get up.

  Light a candle.

  Put on a coat.

  Holding a candle and

  under the weak candlelight, he pushed open the courtyard door.

  Under the moonlight.

  On the stone table.

  A white kitten was standing there...with a mouse stuffed in its mouth. Most of its head had been eaten, leaving only a section of its tail exposed.

  When I saw Chen Luo appear.

  The white cat was slightly stunned.

  It took him two or three seconds to react. He quickly swallowed the mouse, wiped his mouth with his little paws, and then jumped down from the stone table like an elegant lady.

  Very elegant.

  Very beautiful.

  Although it was a cat, it was as graceful as an elf.

  Chen Luo recognized this white cat.

  The one I met in the forest...

  there were many wild cats around it at that time, and it was their leader.

  It's just that it's very vigilant. I've seen it twice, but it didn't even come close.

  This time when he came to Yushan Academy, Chen Luo passed by the ruined temple again.

  It's just that the ruined temple is no longer a ruined temple. Instead, it has been decorated and the incense has become very heavy.

  The cat-shaped clay statue in the temple was also replaced by an unknown statue... Chen Luo didn't know whether it was a Taoist priest or a monk.

  Anyway, it shouldn’t be a serious sect.

  "I've met you, sir."

  The white cat stood on two feet, like a human being, and saluted Chen Luo. There is something strange about the sound.

  Not a human voice.

  But it sounds a little nice.

  It's obviously a female cat...

  "I've met Taoist friend."

  Chen Luo was just a little distracted and returned the favor.

  This cat... has great fortune.

  He has already opened his spiritual intelligence...

  This is not easy.

  And since spiritual intelligence has been opened, it is not too much to call it a Taoist friend.

  "I haven't seen you for many years. I'm glad that my Taoist friend has opened his spiritual wisdom. I just don't know why he showed up here. It's so late at night. It's a bit bad." The white cat asked, "Did you disturb your sleep

  ? ?"

  Chen Luo:...


  Chen Luo replied.

  The white cat fell silent.   Then he said

  : "In that case, please go back and have a rest, sir. I will come back to look for you tomorrow... It's just that there are a lot of mice in the mountains, and I'm a little hungry... But don't worry, sir, I will be careful to avoid disturbing you."

After that, he bowed to Chen Luo.

  Then he jumped onto the courtyard wall.

  Then he disappeared into the night...

  Chen Luo: ...

  opened his mouth.

  Finally, I yawned and went to bed to continue sleeping.

  Now I feel more stable and at ease...


  Lady is a cat who keeps her word.

  It said it would look for Chen Luo when Chen Luo woke up the next day, and it actually came to look for him when Chen Luo woke up.


  open the door.

  The white cat was meticulous and sat at the door very seriously.

  When it saw Chen Luo looking over, it quickly stood up and saluted...

  Chen Luo just looked at it without saying anything.

  It didn't enter the yard, so it just sat there and waited.

  Watching Chen Luo brush his teeth.

  Wash your face.


  I saw him standing in the yard again, practicing a very strange boxing technique.

  At this time, the white cat became a little curious.

  He couldn't help but follow Chen Luo, standing up straight with his legs and lowering his arms...

  But as soon as he followed, he quickly took it back as if he thought of something.

  He sat there again and looked at Chen Luo respectfully.

  [You did a round of Tai Chi and gained some insights, but it doesn’t seem like you gained much.

  You have gained a little Immortal Experience,

  Immortal Experience +50!

  PS: Practicing boxing every day is good for stretching your body and mind, improving your body’s immunity, extending your lifespan, and improving your mood. It’s good!

  Let go.

  Hold your fist.

  Wiped the sweat from his forehead.


  Looking back, the white cat is still there.

  Chen Luo frowned slightly...

  and finally waved to it.

  After receiving Chen Luo's signal, the white cat finally walked over gracefully. Just like last night, he stood up and saluted: "I have met you, sir." "

  Fellow Taoist, have you been looking for our home for a long time?"

  Xiaobai said to himself when he was still there. I once chased a white cat in HD.

  Now that I think about it, that white cat might be him.


  I just appeared in Yushan Academy not long ago.

  I saw the white cat again.

  Chen Luo didn't believe this was a coincidence.

  You know, when coincidences in the world appear three times in a row, you have to think about whether this is fate, bad fate, or someone wants to kill you.

  Of course, it was impossible for a small white cat that had just opened its intelligence to be hostile to him.

  It can't do it.

  But he followed me all the way...

  I guess he must have wanted something!
  This is why Chen Luo ignored it when he saw it when he woke up in the morning. There were some things he needed to sort out.

  You can't cause yourself any unnecessary trouble.

  Now that I have thought about some things, this cat lady can naturally be seen.

  "Not long after Mr. left Yunshan, the Yunshan Temple was occupied, so I followed him far away to HD. Something happened and I missed Mr. Later, I went there looking for

  Mr. Kyoto, after leaving Kyoto, I lost track of my husband for several years.

  I also waited at HD.

  It wasn’t until a few days ago that my husband’s scent came back again, and I found him all the way.”

  The white cat said.

  Chen Luo was a little stunned when he heard what it said.

  "Does that mean you've been looking for our family for at least twenty years?"

  Cat Lady nodded: "Absolutely."

  Chen Luo: ...

  fell silent.

  More than twenty years.

  This is not just a few days.

  Over the past twenty years, some of them have been a little short-lived and have passed their entire lives.

  Fortunately, this white cat has developed spiritual intelligence...

  Otherwise, I'm afraid the past twenty years would have been difficult.

  What is great perseverance?

  This is called great perseverance!

  Compared with this white cat, I can't compare...

  "If that's the case, why are you looking for our family?"

  Being able to look for myself for twenty years must be a big deal, right?

  Chen Luo really guessed right.

  This cat lady really has big plans.

  It means that he wants to become Chen Luo's disciple.

  It took twenty years to become Chen Luo's disciple.

  This was something Chen Luo didn't expect.


  take it?

  Chen Luo didn't have this idea in the end.

  Back then, he promised to take Ji Bao as his disciple... Later, Ji Bao became someone else's disciple, and now he is entangled with someone else for life.

  He thought about taking Zheng Sanbao to the immortal path, but he only wanted to have a fat son. Now he probably had his third child and was working hard to have a fourth.

  So at that time, Chen Luo felt...

  that he was not suitable to be someone else's master.

  I always feel like something is going to happen.

  In addition, Chen Luo always felt that he was not close to it.

  At least not yet to the point of becoming a master and apprentice.


  "We still don't have the idea of ​​accepting him as a disciple, but if you want to practice, you can stay at Yushan Academy... Now that you have opened Lingzhi, you can often go to the academy to read books, which is good for your practice. .

  Of course.

  If there is anything you don’t understand, you can also ask our family... If we understand, we will tell you. If you don’t understand, then you need to explore it yourself!" The Cat

  Lady, who was originally a little regretful and disappointed, heard this He suddenly became a little happy when he spoke.

  He stood up and thanked Chen Luo quickly: "Thank you, Mr., for taking me in!"

  "Well, by the way, what's your name?"

  Chen Luo asked.

  "Some villagers used to call me Cat Lady. I think I might just call her that. How about you give me another name?" "Have you

  seen it?"

  Chen Luo pointed at Xiaohong: "Its name is ours. The one you picked is called Xiaohong!"

  Cat Lady:...

  "Did a fox chase you before? Our family also named it Xiaobai."

  Cat Lady:...

  "Then today, our family will Let me give you a name, Xiao Hei, what do you think?"

  Cat Lady saluted.

  "Thank you sir, it's just that the cat lady's fur is white and has nothing to do with black. Originally, this novice might be more suitable, but that name has been taken by the fox Taoist friend. The cat lady is not someone who is loved by others

  . I think... there is no need to change the name Cat Lady."

  Chen Luo chuckled.

  This little thing is very good at talking.

  It seems that in these years, I have really seen all kinds of things in the world and learned a lot of emotions between people.

  (End of chapter)

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