Chapter 22 The huntress who cut off her beard

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  Chapter 22: The beard-cut huntress
  Lindsay looked confused.

  The huntress who was going to teach him tomorrow was so proactive?
  She couldn't even wait all night and just came to grab someone in advance?
  "Dan, you are so unruly." While Lindsay was still surprised, Finn frowned and stopped Huntress, "He is just a child, you will scare him."

  Huntress See Finn's block.

  The corner of her mouth twitched uncontrollably, she put one hand on the table, and laughed immediately:


  "Finn, this 'kid' is not as well-behaved as you see!"

  "You know he did it. What?"

  Lindsay next to her was confused by what the huntress said.

  Since entering the town, he has honestly followed the awakened people in the town to learn from him, without making any extraordinary moves.

  The woman's attitude at the moment really made him confused.

  The same was true for Finn, who had been with Lindsay for a day, so he continued to frown and asked,

  "Dan, if you have something to say, you can say it directly."

  The huntress glanced at Lindsay meaningfully before replying:
  "This kid was in the woods outside the town a few days ago. He actually killed an ice badger with his bare hands." "

  Oh my God! He just... this year..."

  The huntress wanted to continue, but she suddenly I realized I had forgotten how old Lindsay was.

  Finn and the huntress were old acquaintances, so he reminded him:
  "13 years old."

  "Oh, yes, only 13 years old!"

  The huntress nodded vigorously, and then continued in her exaggerated tone:

  "In You can hunt an ice badger alone at this age. Hey! This is a magical beast that can cast spells! Have you ever seen any child who can do such a thing at this age?" "Those in the legend of the Stars Era

  . An ancient hero?"

  After hearing this, Finn's expression also became surprised.

  Although the ice badger is not a powerful monster, because it has the ability to release ice picks remotely, even if an adult encounters it, even if it is unarmed, it is basically impossible to escape death.

  It was hard for him to imagine how a child like Lindsay could do such a thing.

  The botanist was curious and continued to ask about the specific situation:
  "Dan, how did you know about this?"

  Then he looked at Lindsay again, with a tone of curiosity and disbelief:

  "Child, did this guy make a mistake? "

  Seeing the two awakened beings staring at me intently, although their expressions were different, they were both quite surprised.

  Lindsay scratched his head in embarrassment and said,

  "The process was actually quite thrilling."

  "I was lucky enough to defeat the ice badger."

  "Did you hear that? The victim admitted it." Seeing Lindsay admit it. , Dan poured a glass of water from the front hall carelessly, and drank it in one gulp, "Actually, it was just yesterday. Because there were monsters, An Rui went out to check, but there were no results, so I went to take a special look today."

  " Just next to a stone, guess what?"

  "An ice badger with its body pierced by a wooden stick fell in the woods some distance from the town. The other hunters under my command did not leave the prey where it was. habit, I thought there was some big trouble at that time."

  Finn said:

  "Do you think there are outsiders again?"

  Dan looked at Lindsay next to him:
  "This kid can be thrown into this hellish place like ours by space technology. , then other things are not impossible. In the afternoon, I was thinking about whether it was time to go on a long hunt and go to the edge of the world to check out the situation!" Finn continued to ask: "Then how did you figure it out in the


  ? ?"

  Dan spread his hands and said:
  "Actually, you also know that it is the monster that Ms. Red Moon said was infested."

  Finn also remembered it at this time.

  When they were meeting in the church a few days ago, Sister Red Moon reminded An Rui that there might be monsters around the town.

  Now it seems. This matter actually happened to Lindsay in front of him.

  Sister Hongyue's words, 'My godson has a good talent', are really not a joke!
  But it was probably because it was too shocking for a child to kill a monster.

  That's why Ms. Hongyue didn't mention Lindsay's matter when explaining to them.

  Finn figured it out.

  But he still didn't intend to let Dan take Lindsay away immediately, so he asked a very straightforward question:

  "I know that Lindsay is very smart, and can even defeat the weak and kill the monster." "

  But this matter, This seems to have nothing to do with you wanting to take him away in advance."

  Dan immediately shouted dissatisfied:

  "Why doesn't it matter!"

  "This shows that his talent lies in this. If I can't teach him well, it won't be wasted. Such an excellent talent?"

  Finn continued to ask in a calm tone:
  "Then it has to be tonight? Don't you know how to teach me tomorrow?"

  Dan seemed to be prepared for this question, and Finn spoke. In a second, she answered confidently:

  "Practice is the best teacher!"

  "I plan to take him for a walk in the forest to understand firsthand the key points of being a hunter. And going to the forest—— As you know, a few hours in the morning is not enough to prepare." "

  So tonight I plan to have a good talk with the child and make some preparations before entering the forest."

  Finn nodded slightly, he was a reasonable person.

  As long as Dan doesn't show off all his impulses just to steal people, he won't deliberately make things difficult.

  So, Finn asked the final question:

  "Does Ms. Red Moon know about this?"


  "She doesn't know?"

  The huntress fell silent when Finn asked.

  She looked left and right, as if searching for something in the study, and after a while she gave Finn a flattering smile:

  "Isn't this also for this child?"

  Finn stared at Dan and continued to question:
  "So you want to To hide her godson from the lady, take her godson away for a whole day and night?"

  "Okay, okay, I understand."

  The huntress couldn't say that to Finn, and she ruffled her hair in dejection, as if she had a ball on top of her head. Chicken coop:
  "Really, I shouldn't have come to your house to pick up this kid and wait for him to go out and then attack him casually?"

  Finn saw this and continued to persuade:

  "Dan, you shouldn't..."

  "I know, I know. ." The huntress was defeated by Finn's attitude and raised her hands honestly to promise, "I will take him to the church now and explain this matter to Ms. Red Moon. Is this all right?"

  Finn was satisfied. He nodded and stopped nagging from the huntress' ear.

  Lindsay politely said goodbye to Finn, and the two agreed to study here for the next four days.

  Afterwards, Lindsay followed Huntress to the church.

  On the way, Dan started asking nonstop:

  "Boy, do you like eating meat?"

  "With your talent, as long as you become a hunter, you can eat as much prey as you want." "

  Study all day long. It must be boring!"

  "No one will control you in the forest, you can do whatever you want. If you have time, you can even build a tree house in the tree as your own little base!" "Also

  ! Yes, you know, everyone in the town is envious of hunters..."

  (End of Chapter)

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