Chapter 21 Seed

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  Chapter 21
  Now that the seed has a mission.

  Finn, of course, doesn't stay at home tinkering with plants.

  He put on clean clothes, took out a satchel from the cabinet in the greenhouse, and took Lindsay towards the lord's manor.

  On the way, considering the future teaching, he did not forget to ask about Lindsay's situation to prepare for the following teaching content:
  "Son, can you read?"

  Lindsay replied honestly:
  "I can speak common language, listen. Reading and writing are not a problem, but remote grammar and writing are not."

  Finn nodded with satisfaction and asked another question:
  "What about [dead words]?"

  Lindsay looked confused:
  "Dead words "What is that, I don't know."

  Finn did not answer directly, but followed the instructions in a clever way:

  "There are countless animals and plants in the universe. And in every world, new species may be discovered at any time. If they are discovered What do you think will happen if people randomly name people?"

  Lindsay made the point:
  "Then the phenomenon of repeated naming will be very serious. If it accumulates over time, it will seriously disrupt the research in related fields!" "

  That's right." Finn Then he continued to explain with satisfaction, "So in order to deal with this situation, the life scholars of Volcano City specially created a language for naming things to clearly designate each type of plant and animal." Lindsay naturally understood


  After all, the Latin names for plants on Earth are based on a similar principle.

  But he was also a little curious. There is no Internet in this world. How can life scholars communicate with each other to achieve a unified name for species? This is a huge gap that spans worlds!

  "Teacher Finn, what if two people discover a species at the same time but give them completely different names?" "

  What a smart kid." Finn obviously likes Lindsay's agility. He praised and then continued to explain, "The naming is not effective immediately. The model comes from the volcanic canon that is updated every 10 years." "If

  a person discovers a new species, he must add a after naming it. [Drafted]. The suffix will not be removed until the sample and name of the species are sent to Volcano City for confirmation at the Volcano Ceremony." The two of them

  asked and answered questions, and time passed quickly.

  The two of them had arrived at An Rui's manor before the sun shortened their shadows on the ground.

  Everyone in the manor also knew the old man and the young man.

  It is even clearer that Miss Anna at home made a big fuss yesterday.

  While the doorman led Lindsay and Finn to the back of the manor, someone immediately went to notify the lord and his daughter.

  Soon, Lindsay and Finn arrived at the clearing by the forest where they were yesterday.

  The old botanist saw the fallen zelkova tree.

  He frowned at the first sight, and after squatting down to check the incision of the tree stump, his expression became increasingly ugly.


  "This guy An Rui actually uses his own skills to cut down a tree? Is this a child showing off his ability?" "..."


  stood behind, saying nothing, no He smiled sheepishly.

  A few minutes later.

  Anri and Anna appeared at the back door of the manor together.

  When the lord of the hidden border saw the botanist for the first time, he immediately began to claim credit for his daughter: "
  Anna, look! I even invited your Grandpa Finn here!"

  "I'm ignoring you! "

  The little girl shook her head and turned a deaf ear to her father.

  She shook off An Rui, whose smile was frozen, and ran directly to Finn, her eyes full of expectation:

  "Grandpa Finn, is it possible for this tree to recover?"

  Witnessing this scene.

  Lindsay thought she would see new Awakener skills, such as reviving this beech tree.

  But what happened next was beyond his expectation.

  Finn, who was squatting next to the beech tree, touched the little girl's head and said softly:
  "Child, the wounds of life can be healed, but death is difficult to overcome."

  Anna understood and immediately choked up:

  " But, but I..."

  At this time, the old botanist reached out and touched the surface of the zelkova tree.

  The tree stump, which was already lifeless, began to undergo new changes as a stream of life was injected into it. The originally lifeless trunk dried up quickly, but in the cracked gap of the stump, a bud suddenly grew.

  The seedling is small in stature, grows rapidly in miniature form, and eventually blooms and bears fruit.

  After a few minutes, the seedlings died.

  And three small brown triangle-like seeds fell into Finn's hands and were placed in front of Anna. "Child, this is the seed of this beech tree."

  "His life has come to an end, but you can personally cultivate his second life. This is also a rare experience."

  Anna looked at the seeds in her hand blankly . .

  She looked at the zelkova tree that had fallen to the ground, and then at the seeds in her palm.

  In the end, the girl nodded deeply to Finn. Although her voice was childish, it carried a serious assurance:

  "I will definitely work hard!"

  The matter was resolved.

  The crisis between Anna and her father is finally resolved.

  After comforting the child, Anri gratefully sent Finn to the door.

  "Finn, it's your fault this time! Otherwise, I really don't know how to deal with this little girl of mine!" The

  botanist looked at An Rui and shook his head:
  "Don't think this is easy."

  "An Rui, one day How long do you think it takes for a beech tree to grow from germination to maturity?"

  An Rui said tentatively:
  "Three...five, about seven years?"

  "At least fifty years!"

  Finn said angrily:

  "If you want to After cultivating this thing, you have to go find something in the forest and make it into a special fertilizer for me!"

  After informing An Rui of the required materials, Finn took Lindsay back home.

  On the way, Lindsay had a new problem.

  However, he saw that Finn was a little tired, so after the two of them got home and changed their clothes, Lindsay approached and asked,
  "Teacher Finn, I just heard you say that Uncle Anri seems to be quite old?"

  Fen En smiled and asked:
  "Who do you think looks older, him or me?"

  Lindsay asked tentatively:

  "Is it Uncle Anrui..."

  "That's right." Finn confirmed directly, "Don't look at him looking like an uncle. The appearance, but in fact that body is the result of the interaction between the source of life and his skills. That guy is actually almost 150 years old!" Lindsay immediately thought

  of An Rui's daughter, who is only in her early teens this year of Anna.

  "But, it's his daughter!"

  Finn continued earnestly:

  "That's because he is lucky."

  "Lindsay, the body of an awakened person is affected by the source of the body's essence, and it is usually difficult to give birth to an heir. And this This probability will become more and more difficult as the number of times your skills are sublimated increases." "

  If you want to have a child, my suggestion is to deal with it as soon as possible before the age of 25. At that time, your source of essence should not have been sublimated three times. , is the most suitable time."

  Lindsay was a little embarrassed about this question.

  But Finn didn't shy away from it at all, and explained to him seriously and carefully the various issues regarding the reproduction of offspring by the Awakened.

  The law can be simply called - the stronger you are, the harder it is to have children.

  "Lindsay, people and plants are both living beings."

  "Just like the beech tree seed just now, it has gathered the life of the original beech tree and is a little baby..."

  Following this topic, Finn began to talk about Introduce real teaching.

  He taught Lindsay about botany and also taught him how to read and write "Dead Letters".

  While studying, the time soon came to afternoon.

  When Lindsay felt that today's study was coming to an end, he was also ready to go home and rest.

  Finn's door was pushed open instantly.

  A woman wearing a leather coat and carrying a bow and arrow on her back suddenly burst in and reached the study in a few long strides.

  She stood in front of Lindsay, her eyes shining:

  "Boy, I can't wait any longer!"

  "There's no need for tomorrow, just come over here!"

  (End of Chapter)

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