Chapter 17 Lin Xue's wooden sword

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  Chapter 17 Lindsay’s Wooden Knife
  Anrui prepared a linen suit for Lindsay.

  This kind of clothing fits the body with just the right amount of tightness, which will not cause any tightness in the muscles and clothing. It will not hurt if it breaks, and it also provides enhanced warmth in winter.

  Best for Lindsay right now.

  After changing their clothes, they came to the back of the manor.

  The wall here opens a back door, which opens into the exercise area used daily in the manor.

  From the geographical point of view.

  Anrui's lord's manor is located in the northernmost part of the town, directly adjacent to the external forest.

  But these trees that originally grew here have long been cut down to the ground, creating a large open space. The few that survived were turned into natural wooden stakes for training.

  Lindsay looked around, and saw that birds and animals did not dare to appear here.

  On the uncut trees in the distance, there were several archery targets at different distances.

  When they arrived, there were already several people practicing wooden swords and spears here. They were all guards from the Border Town. Only the younger ones are the young people who An Rui thought had good potential and put them here to practice first, but still failed to awaken the essence.

  In fact, even if An Rui is included.

  There were only three people who actually embarked on the path of war in the hidden frontier.

  Before officially starting teaching, An Rui asked:
  "Child, have you ever learned combat skills before?"

  Lindsay answered honestly:

  "I was just a farmer's child before, and I couldn't even write."

  An Rui nodded. He expressed his understanding and did not look down upon anything because of this. Instead, he took the lead and walked to the open space in front of him. At the same time, he began to explain:
  "Generally speaking, the introduction to the war school starts with physical exercise, but since you are the source of life... Now, Hong Yue has taught you how to cultivate the essence of life, right?"

  An Rui saw Lindsay nodding and then continued:
  "Hong Yue will be responsible for your daily exercise, so I don't have to worry about it." "

  Then let's Just simply start with martial arts."

  "Do you have any weapons you want to learn or just like?"

  Lindsay asked curiously:
  "You can teach me all the weapons I want to learn?"

  "Hahaha! "

  An Rui was once again amused by Lindsay's words.

  He laughed heartily, and finally picked up his silver wine bottle and took a sip before continuing:

  "Our war school, especially warriors like me who have learned the essence of combat, will be able to relax after completing the upgrade in the fifth stage. Master the use of all weapons in the world."

  "No matter what you want to learn, I can teach you!"

  Lindsay noticed a special vocabulary:

  "Upgrade after the fifth stage?"

  An Rui explained quite simply:

  "Upgrade This is an honorific title for the awakened person, and it is also a description of the fact." "

  Normally, in the world of the awakened person, the completion of five sublimations of a person's skills will bring about a fundamental change in the person. We call this process promotion."

  Lindsey suddenly realized.

  Then he smiled and told An Rui what he wanted to learn:

  "In that case, I want to learn your best martial arts."


  An Rui was stunned for a moment after hearing Lindsay's answer. .

  After a few seconds, he shook his head and sighed with nostalgia, and then he sighed with emotion and said with a smile: "
  You brat, you are such a smart kid! I wish I were as smart as you!" "

  But I promised it after all. , To teach with all your strength is to teach with all your strength."

  At the same time as he finished speaking, Ruian touched from behind and pulled out two shining blades from his waist.

  "If you say what I'm best at, this is of course it?"

  Lindsay looked at the pair of weapons curiously.

  These two blades... are said to be long knives, but not long enough, and are said to be daggers, but not short enough.

  At a rough glance, the blade is about 30 centimeters long, and it can even be over 40 centimeters long with the handle. The tip is thin and the tail is thick, giving it the feel of an enlarged version of a European kitchen knife.

  "My war skills are inherited from Narcobondek, the legendary martial arts that has been sublimated seven times - Krebs. The core of its key points lies in the four words 'Advantage Strike'." "But here

  . To get started, you need to sublimate your war skills before you can learn in depth. So for now, let’s start from the basics." An Rui explained while giving

  an imperceptible sly smile, and used one of his sharp blades Pass it to Lindsay.

  "Here, hold her. I'll teach you how to hold the knife first."

  Lindsay naturally stretched out her hand to hold it...

  "It's so heavy!"

  The weapon An Rui used weighed nearly ten kilograms!

  If Lindsay insists on holding it, that's fine.

  But to say that fighting with this kind of weapon may even break your wrist is an exaggeration!
  "It's so heavy because she needs to be strong enough." An Rui laughed heartily when he saw Lindsay's surprised look when holding the knife.

  Then he stopped teasing Lindsay, took his knife, walked to the edge of the woods, and picked the largest beech tree in the room.

  A silver light flashed instantly.

  In front of An Rui, it seemed like nothing happened.

  But the next second, he reached out and pushed the zelkova tree in front of him.

  Click -

  the crack that was almost invisible broke.

  The trunk of this tree was more than one meter in diameter. A person could not even hug half of the zelkova tree. It began to tilt instantly. Especially its canopy is larger, as if a house collapsed at this moment!

  An Rui said nothing and threw a heavy punch.

  The zelkova tree that originally fell towards him was hit and changed its direction midway.

  Finally, it lay diagonally across the edge of the woods, like a giant lying here.

  An Rui remained silent throughout the whole process.

  He walked to the fallen zelkova tree, cut off a section with a knife, and then carved out a wooden knife that was the same size as his own weapon with a few strokes.


  An Rui put the wooden knife in his hand and weighed it.

  Then he dug a few holes in it and adjusted the weight and center of gravity of the wooden knife. After it felt almost like a real knife, he handed the wooden knife to Lindsay.

  "Come on, use this first."

  "When you have a preliminary understanding of this technique, I will prepare a pair of real ones for you."

  An Rui said quickly and started teaching directly:
  "The first is where to hold the knife. Don't hold the tail of the handle. This will make it easier for the enemy to knock the weapon out of his hand."

  "Then the hands, the two hands should be one behind the other." "

  In real combat, one is usually blocking and the other is attacking. At the same time, the hand in front can also attack the back. "

  Defense, dodge, block, and ensuring your own safety are also the core of combat. The skills are divided into maintaining the center of gravity, dodging and maneuvering, and stumbling the enemy's weapons..." An Rui's

  previous His attitude was no joke at all.

  When explaining to Lindsay, he held the knife to demonstrate, and then asked Lindsay to imitate. He corrected mistakes and adjusted details, not even missing the tightness of the muscles and the rhythm of breathing.

  The most basic thing in martial arts, the most critical thing.

  An Rui had no reservations and put everything in front of Lindsay.

  But he is the local lord after all, so he cannot stay here with Lindsay all the time.

  About half an hour later, An Rui was about to leave. Before he left, he called his only formal apprentice from the manor:
  "Alan, I'm going to deal with things in the town. I'll leave this child's entrance to you."

  Then Anrui left.

  But his apprentice Alan was looking straight at the fallen beech tree, as if something terrible had happened.

  "You... you practice on your own first, and I'll take a look at the specific situation."

  Alan looked at the beech tree that was lying on the ground with a section missing from his body.

  Feeling dizzy, Alan murmured in a low voice unconsciously:
  "This is Miss's tree. Why did the teacher cut it down..."

  Alan suddenly noticed something.

  He looked back and saw the long dagger in Lindsay's hand.


  Alan was speechless, watching Lindsay practicing alone there.

  In his eyes, Lindsay's movements were stiff, many things were missing the point, and she didn't follow the script well.

  But this is not a problem, after all, these are mistakes that novices make.

  Just correct it slowly with practice.

  Alan was thinking this in his mind, but he was a little confused because of the zelkova matter.

  He had no way of guessing that An Rui created this show on impulse in order to use his powerful strength to attract Lindsay to the path of war.

  About a quarter of an hour passed.

  Alan didn't have time to sort out his thoughts on giving instructions to Lindsay, nor did he understand the reason why his teacher cut down the zelkova tree.

  I saw Lindsay come to the door and said:

  "Mr. Alan, I think I probably understand."

  "Is there anything else I need to learn today?"

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  (End of this chapter)

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