Chapter 16 New Learning

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  Chapter 16 New Learning
  Early the next morning, Lindsay got up on time.

  Because the window of his room faced south, the early morning light entered the room through the window and hit his face warmly.

  "Today is the first day."

  Lindsay opened her eyes and climbed out of bed happily.

  This is the first time he has woken up as the owner of this house after confirming his future life. It is inevitable that he will be a little excited due to the novelty.

  And compared to yesterday.

  There was a wooden basin on the cabinet in the house, with an off-white towel draped around the edge. His eyes moved to the ground, where there was a carpet that Lindsay bought herself. It was made of tanned animal skins and could not be stepped on with bare feet. You will feel uncomfortable.

  Everything was perfect!

  Lindsay changed her clothes and got up to wash up.

  When he walked out of the church's backyard, he found that the red moon had gotten up earlier than him.

  The doors of the chapel were opened to welcome the townspeople, and Red Moon himself prayed in the cemetery as he had done day after day, year after year, whether it was cold or hot.

  "The food is in the kitchen. We will start class in five minutes."

  Hongyue continued to pray at the cemetery and asked Lindsay to eat first.

  In the kitchen, a piece of toasted bread, a hard-boiled egg, and a cup of drink made from ground beans were already on the table.

  After Lindsay finished eating, his godmother returned on time.

  Still taking out the files from Hongyue's room to use as teaching materials, today's writing teaching began.

  I learned about Lindsay’s skills yesterday.

  Today's red moon will directly increase the difficulty of learning.

  In addition to the necessary study of [Common Language], she also included her knowledge of [Woodland Language] and [Secret Language of the School of Death] into the scope of her teaching.

  The former is the language of the world where Hong Yue comes from, the world of the sea of ​​trees. Each letter is like a branch; the

  latter is the secret language used by the Death School. Many internal classics and secret volumes are written in this way. The graphics are messy and numerous, but they all have their own characteristics. A circular outline with some Common Language text mixed in.

  Thus, Lindsay's ordeal began.

  Yesterday's "General Text" was based on the learning speed of learning to write only on the premise that he can speak it himself.

  Today I changed into two languages, and I know nothing about listening, speaking, reading and writing.

  In the initial study.

  Lindsay couldn't even 'install' experience bars on them.

  Thanks to Hongyue's diligent teaching over and over again, and Lindsay's unwillingness to live up to the other party's careful teaching efforts, it took him a full two hours to successfully add these two languages ​​​​to his skill list.

  Then, things are simple.

  Even if the learning speed is not as good as [General Text].

  But relying on the cheating level effect of [Experience Bar], Lindsay listened, read and wrote together. It only took an hour of mechanical practice to fill up the experience bars of [Woodland Language] and [Death School Secret Language], and reached the [Beginner] level together.

  Then, the gamer's skills take effect.

  He was immediately able to read simple words in both, and also gained preliminary abilities in listening, speaking, and writing.


  In front of Hongyue, Lindsay realized the introduction of two languages ​​​​from scratch.

  And in total, the whole process only takes three hours.

  Even a Death School monk with a plain personality like her, faced with this incredible learning speed, couldn't help but sigh again:
  "What an amazing ability!"

  "Among the skills I know, there is only the knowledgeable Wanxiang Wizard. Or messengers who walk in many worlds can do similar things."

  Lindsay scratched his head in embarrassment.

  If you are a native of this universe, you can still be modest about your skills at this time.

  But his [Gamer]...

  can't say that this ability was developed by playing games, right?

  Hongyue didn't have the habit of prying into other people's secrets, not to mention that this was her godson.

  So she ended today's teaching, put away the files on the table, and began to arrange Lindsay's future itinerary.

  "Lindsay, An Rui's manor is just north of the town. You can recognize it at a glance when you go there." "

  If you really can't find it, ask other townspeople and they will give you directions." "

  You can trust An Rui, He will not harm you. If you follow a master of the war school and study hard, you will definitely gain something."

  Hongyue said a lot of words with sincerity, and Lindsay also remembered it carefully.

  Before Lindsay went out, Hongyue finally added: "After studying with An Rui, you don't have to rush back. You can allocate your time as you like." "But

  if you want to have dinner, remember to come back before dark."

  " I will prepare you some reading material suitable for now in the evening."

  Lindsay nodded goodbye and headed to the border town for the third time.

  Although he had just arrived here not long ago, he felt a subtle feeling of parting at this moment.


  two experiences of shopping and wandering yesterday.

  Lindsay came to the town square, started from here to the north, passed a market with many people setting up stalls, and soon found the lord's manor.

  Lindsay also discovered something interesting.

  After being isolated from the outside world for 10 years, the residents of the border town prefer to barter. Most of the old coins are only used for small transactions or to make up the difference when exchanging items.

  When arriving at the manor.

  The sun approaching noon casts its rays on the limestone walls, reflecting a faint golden color.

  The gate to the estate is made of solid oak.

  In the center of the gate, exquisite ironwork depicts a brave man carrying a lion's head, and his majestic eyes seem to warn of any potential threats.

  Lindsay stood outside, and apart from the main building of the manor, he could only see an apple tree high above the fence.

  "Is anyone here?"

  Lindsay shouted, the door of the manor opened, and a young man ran towards the main building while shouting.

  "Lord, the guest you mentioned is here!"

  Only a minute passed before Lindsay saw the lord at the hidden border.

  This is a energetic middle-aged man. He only wears a white shirt in winter. He has strong muscles. His majestic figure can be highlighted through the clothes.

  Plus a figure of nearly two meters.

  Standing in front of him, a thin person seemed to be looking up at a giant!

  Is this the master of the war school?

  Lindsay thought of the monster chasing her a few days ago.

  If that thing were placed in front of this lord, I'm afraid he would be beaten into a pulp with one punch!

  On the other side, Lord Anrui came to Lindsay, smiled and patted his shoulder.

  "Haha, we're finally here. Are you Lindsay?"

  Lindsay almost staggered after being photographed, but she still replied politely: "

  I am Lindsay, your lord, and I would like to say hello to you on behalf of my godmother!"

  An Rui waved his hand generously.

  "That's so polite."

  "Just call me Uncle Anrui. We don't need to be so open-minded."

  Lindsay said politely,

  "Uncle Anrui."

  "Okay, very good!" Lindsay's frankness made Anrui very satisfied. He grabbed Lindsay's hand and dragged him towards the manor, "Young people should be so generous and not be submissive." "

  Before you came, Hongyue must have told you everything you need to know. . I will teach you fighting skills carefully. But whether you succeed or not, your future is in your own hands."

  Walking into the main building of the manor, the first thing you see is a spacious hall. The walls here are made of rough stone, while the floor is paved with gray flat slates.

  A huge stone fireplace dominates one side of the hall.

  The fire crackled, bringing warmth to the cold stone interior. On either side of the hall are several small private rooms used for daily life and work.

  This simple and spacious interior made Lindsay a little curious, and he took the initiative to ask,

  "Can combat teaching also be conducted indoors?"


  An Rui was immediately amused, and was a little overjoyed.

  "Of course not indoors."

  "It's just, kid, fighting is not something you can learn casually. Before we start, we need to change your clothes first."

  (End of Chapter)

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