85. Chapter 85 Purple Leaf Wisteria Branch

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  Chapter 85 Purple Leaf Vine Attached Branch

  "Lindsay, what is this?"

  An Rui cast a confused look when he saw the wooden sword stuck on the island in the lake.

  But Lindsay couldn't give an answer. This time he could only express his confusion by shaking his head:
  "I don't know either."

  "Actually, even the discovery of this secret space was just an unexpected effect of my skills. For I have no idea what's inside here."

  An Rui raised his eyebrows. He accepted Lindsay's statement, and then expressed his own judgment:

  "Then let's not go there yet."

  "Things in unknown places, rashly Contact with unknown things is likely to bring danger."


  "Well, actually, my skills also have the effect of identifying items."

  Lindsay said her ability with some embarrassment. After An Rui heard it, Just spit out one word:


  Appraiser is not a specific professional school.

  Occupations such as businessmen and explorers are all likely to develop abilities in this area, so An Rui was not too surprised.

  Lindsay also admitted it simply:

  "It's like an appraiser. But the information obtained is not very detailed and can only see some basic contents."

  An Rui smiled, shook his head and sighed:

  "Lindsay, your Skills can bring enough effects."

  "You have to remember to keep secrets to yourself from the outside world, otherwise you will definitely be coveted." "

  I will just tell you this."

  Lindsay replied. .

  While talking, he also waded across the lake and came to the flower lawn on the island in the lake.

  This hidden map is not too big. When you get here, you are already at the end of the entire space.

  Although the mission reward pointed out to him the hidden space here.

  But the things in front of him were not created out of thin air by his skills.

  Based on the principle of caution, Lindsay first used the product attributes to identify the wooden sword stuck on the ground.

  [Rare Item/Seedling/Weapon/Material: Purple Leaf Vine Attached Branch] The

  epiphytic seedling climbing on the Babel Vine has the potential to become a connection point in the world; the material in the seedling stage is fragile and has the characteristics of cutting off abnormal spatial connections; it can also be used Use materials to make other props.

  【A unique item, extremely rare and of immeasurable value. ]


  Seedlings can cut off abnormal spatial connections.

  And when it grows up, it can become a connecting point between the two worlds.

  Even without looking at the description of the so-called 'only item' and 'inestimable value', with just these two characteristics, Lindsay knew how precious the thing in front of her was!
  There is nothing to hesitate about.

  Lindsay reached out and grasped the cold wooden handle, then exerted force with one hand.


  With almost no effort, he pulled out the [Purple Leaf Vine Branch].

  It was only when the shape of the thing was completely exposed to the air that he realized that although it looked like a wooden sword stuck in the soil, it was not actually like that.

  The place where the seedlings grow on the outside does look like the hilt of a long sword, but underneath there is a normal root system.

  It feels cool to the touch when you hold it, and you can also feel the texture of the wood on it.

  Lindsay held this "long sword" in his hand, but it was like holding an old wooden broom, and he could hardly feel its specialness.


  An Rui, who was still at the entrance, sat on the ground and called to Lindsay.

  Lindsay then returned to An Rui with this 'wooden sword' and explained:

  "This... is some kind of vine epiphyte." "According to the information I discovered, it can cut off abnormal We can continue to develop more abilities in the future."

  "Cut off the abnormal spatial connections..." An Rui narrowed his eyes thoughtfully, "Can you let me take a look?" "

  Of course." . Lindsay handed over the [Purple Leaf Vine Branch] without hesitation.

  An Rui held it in his hand and waved it twice casually.

  With the help of the weapon master's skill in mastering all weapons, he quickly understood the capabilities of this 'weapon', and his expression became relieved.

  After handing the 'wooden sword' back to Lindsay, Anrui explained:

  "This thing has the same effect as you said, but you have to be careful when using it in the future. Its texture is very fragile, just like ordinary The same branches."

  Lindsay nodded slightly and put the [Purple Leaf Vine Branches] in her bag.

  He carefully checked the cave again to confirm that there was nothing else of value, so he took care of An Rui who was sitting on the ground.

  "Uncle Anrui, how is your injury?"

  While asking about the status, Lindsay also took out the herbal medicine, continued to use it on Anrui's wounds after using it.

  Gudong -

  After using one herbal medicine, he immediately took out another and prepared to continue.

  But this time the action was stopped by An Rui:
  "Lindsay, that's it."

  "One potion is enough, no more will be of any help. And with such a safe environment, I can take some time to The remnants of toxins are removed."

  Lindsay nodded.

  It's impossible for An Rui to joke about this kind of issue.

  He put the herbs back into his bag, took out the wood, and started lighting a bonfire in the cave.

  Swim here from Mirror Lake.

  Both of their bodies had been soaked by the lake water, and now they needed to dry their clothes.

  Moreover, Anrui had to eat something to regain his strength. Lindsay also took the opportunity to take out the meat he had stored and began to prepare food.

  Some time passed.

  When Lindsay brought the prepared barbecue to An Rui

  , he found that the soldier in front of him was thinking deeply about the problem, and he didn't even notice the food in front of him.

  "Uncle Anrui, have you eaten?"

  Lindsay called softly. Only then did Anrui react. He took the barbecue with his one arm and took a big bite.

  He was seriously injured and really needed to replenish his energy.

  Seeing that An Rui had almost finished eating, Lindsay asked:
  "Uncle An Rui, I saw your expression just now, and you seemed to be thinking about something. Is it something related to dragon beasts?"

  An Rui nodded, and then Shaking his head:

  "It may be related, but it's hard to be sure now."

  Lindsay sounded a little confused:

  "Aren't you already sure that the changes in the world are related to dragon beasts?"

  An Rui nodded immediately this time:
  "Yes, this is confirmed."

  "But what I was thinking about were those spiders. Their appearance was a bit strange. Normal."

  "The fifth-stage Warcraft is just like me. It should be quite rare. Before encountering it, I was even prepared to spend about a week to find the corresponding individual." "But the result is that we just

  Less than half a day after arriving, I met a stage five monster, which even controlled a considerable number of subordinates." After hearing An Rui's explanation,

  Lindsay also realized the weirdness of the matter.

  He frowned and thought about the possibilities behind this matter, but at this moment, An Rui had already put forward the next point: "
  And Lindsay, there are more strange things today than just that."

  "Think about it - with those spiders The speed of hunting, there shouldn't be so many monsters around Mirror Lake, the existence and motivation of these spiders are quite problematic!" [First update

   ! ]

    [At my speed, I will post one chapter in two hours]

  (End of this chapter)

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