66.Chapter 66 Night on the Cliff

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  Chapter 66 Night on the Cliff
  With doubts, Lindsay stepped forward through the snow.

  Start looking at product listings for these corpses.

  The result was the same as the fire fox corpse he had examined before. The monsters that froze to death in front of Lindsay also had exactly the same death information. They were only different from the ones he had seen before in terms of the length of time they had been frozen.


  After confirming several corpses in succession, Lindsay stood on the spot, frowning and thinking about the problem.

  Like these monsters, he was blown by the sudden cold wind.

  However, Lindsay just felt a little cold. The fate of these monsters was to be killed instantly in the freezing cold wave.

  There must be some kind of difference.

  Just like Lindsay's subconscious judgment before.

  It may be that his identity as a human being is not affected, or the reason is that these monsters all come from the Black Mountain world.

  "It should still be a problem with Montenegro..."

  Between the two possibilities, Lindsay is more inclined to the latter.

  The phenomenon of instant freezing is inseparable from the source of matter. Even though there are differences in the way humans and monsters use the source of matter, the essential difference is not that obvious.

  If it was the former, he should at least be able to feel the invasion of the essence.

  Analyzing this in my mind.

  Lindsay walked on the snow, picked a relatively light body and put it into her [carry-on bag].

  This is not just for collecting and making dry food on the road.

  But apart from product identification, Lindsay has no better analysis method at hand.

  So he planned to take the body back to the border town and let other awakened people handle it to see if he could further analyze the information contained on the body.

  After doing these things, to ensure that nothing unexpected happened, Lindsay checked the other corpses around him.

  After detailed investigation, make sure there are no exceptions.

  Lindsay did not immediately embark on the return journey, but once again returned to the vine cliff at the edge of the world.

  "It's dark."

  Standing on the edge of the cliff, Lindsay looked into the distance.

  After a series of unexpected incidents, the sky has turned dark at this moment.

  At the end of the sight, there is only the endless night sky extending forward, with twinkling stars dotting the night curtain.

  Lindsay sighed for a moment, and then started working immediately.

  He untied his wooden sled and used it as a makeshift shovel. He dug out the snow on the top of the cliff and dug a snow cave next to the climbing vines. Then he got in and began to wait for changes in the outside world.

  Before leaving, Lindsay needs to figure out one thing.

  What is the frequency and number of these monsters climbing up from below? What Lindsay encountered before was because he was just unlucky enough to run into it head-on; or could it be that monsters appear frequently here and what he encountered was just a very common scene that happened here.

  In order not to disturb anything with his presence.

  Lindsay hid in the snow cave without making a fire, so she took out her own meat biscuits and had a simple meal.

  Chewing the salty taste in his mouth, he began to wait on the edge of the cliff all night.


  In the silent watch, the whole night passed quickly.

  Lindsay's risky behavior of spending the night on the edge of the cliff finally helped him summarize two pieces of news.

  The first thing is the weird cold wind blowing.

  This kind of cold current, which can instantly freeze monsters, blows up from the bottom of the cliff with almost irregular intervals. When it is short, there are two cold winds blowing one after another in just a few breaths; but when it is long, there is an exaggerated gap of an hour.

  Lindsay also tried to use mathematical methods to deduce this change pattern. But it's a pity.

  Perhaps the number of samples in one night is not enough to deduce the results, or it may be that the occurrence of this cold wave is irregular.

  In short, in a short period of time, Lindsay was unable to draw a pattern from it and could only treat it as an irregular phenomenon.

  Another important news is the Black Mountain Warcraft below.

  Throughout the night, Lindsay only saw a monster escaping from below once.

  Facing this irregular cold wind, these monsters are helpless and can only play games with this unpredictable time interval.

  Lindsay was not sure how many monsters there were below and what the specific situation was.

  But only one wave of Warcraft managed to reach the top in just one night.

  What awaits them here is not to escape successfully, but to be overtaken by the cold wind from behind again in the long snowfield, and then turn into ice sculptures and sink into the deep snow.

  Lindsay was guarding the entrance to the snow cave at the top of the cliff.

  He sees everything with his eyes and has his own thoughts in his heart.

  "Let's call it good news."

  "Although I was unlucky enough to encounter that group of monsters, at least it proves that the number of these guys is far away and not as exaggerated as I imagined." That's exactly what happened


  Even though Warcraft has the ability to reproduce that awakened humans do not have.

  But if every gust of cold wind blows, a corresponding number of Warcraft escapes from the Black Mountain World, then the number of Warcraft below is definitely an astronomical number that is difficult to calculate!
  This situation has completely exceeded the possibility of reality!
  Early the next morning.

  The sun rises in the east, shining right on the entrance to Lindsay's snow cave.

  He stood up and moved his body, which had been frozen all night. The life essence was flowing in his body, and he quickly adapted to it.

  "Okay, it's time to go back."

  Lindsay exhaled. After warming up, he climbed out of the snow cave, but he did not leave in a hurry. Instead, he stood on the roof of the cave and jumped hard.

  boom! boom! boom!
  After a few muffled sounds, Lindsay successfully stepped on the snow on the top of the snow cave, but the cave he dug below was still strong.

  boom! boom! boom!

  "So hard?"

  Lindsay tilted her head, with a helpless expression on her face.

  He had no choice but to sneak back in, pull out his long dagger, draw grid-like cracks on the wall inside the snow cave, and then punch it to destroy it.

  Wait until the structure of the snow cave is completely destroyed and collapses.

  Lindsay then climbed out, put on his wooden sled, and embarked on the real journey home.

  Before leaving, I made a special effort to do this.

  Lindsay's purpose is also simple.

  Although these monsters that climbed up from the Black Mountain World were all wiped out on the snowy field. But no one can guarantee that if a monster comes up later, something will happen to his cave.

  These are monsters that will really threaten the town!

  Regarding matters related to the overall safety of the Hidden Frontier, Lindsay didn't want to make a big mistake in the details, so he went out of his way to erase his own traces.

  On a vast white snowfield, Lindsay's figure gradually faded away and finally disappeared.

  He took one last look at the cliff behind him, the intersection of the two worlds, and couldn't help but murmured in a low voice:
  "What a pity."

  "Originally, I wanted to collect some more wild crops on the way back. But now it seems, The most important thing is to go back quickly and tell the people in town about the situation here." [I've been suffering from

   gastritis for the past two days, so I'm in poor condition when I'm typing. Please forgive me.

  (End of this chapter)

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