65.Chapter 65 Cold Wind

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  Chapter 65 Cold Wind


  Lindsay's brain couldn't even process the situation in front of her for a while.

  There are too many red dots appearing below!
  More than a dozen enemy marks almost covered the dozens of meters near the vine cliff. There are more red dots below that are climbing up as time goes by.

  In Lindsay's current position.

  When the team below reaches the corresponding height, the two sides will inevitably meet, and his current hiding position will inevitably be exposed.

  If these more than a dozen, or even an increasing number of red marks, were all dryads...

  Lindsay shuddered.

  No matter how resourceful and brave he is, he can't turn the corner in this situation!
  "Are you kidding me...Wait!"

  "I still have this!"

  At the critical moment.

  Lindsay suddenly thought that there might be something else in his [carry-on bag] that could help the current situation.

  At this critical moment, any hope must be tried first!

  Without saying a word, Lindsay took out the [Ivy Circlet] and put it on her head.

  Almost at the same time, the emerald green ring was put on his head.

  The figure of the first vanguard of the approaching red dot marked army below also appeared on Lindsay's retina.

  Bad news – there are indeed dryads.

  Worse news - these climbers are not only dryads, but also other strong or weak monsters.

  Even the firefox that Lindsay saw in the snow before was here.

  The next second, the two sides met.

  Just like the hostile tendencies shown on the map, the first thing these monsters did after discovering Lindsay was naturally to look fiercely.

  However, the effect of [Ivy Circlet] is also working.

  The monster, which was originally on the run, was affected by the ability to be close to nature, and its tendency to be hostile to Lindsay was reduced. They still regard climbing up as their top priority and continue to sprint in the direction of the hidden border.


  At this time, Lindsay hung motionless in the cracks of the vines.

  Not to mention taking out your spear and attacking these monsters.

  What he hopes most now is to maintain the status quo and let these monsters completely ignore his existence!

  Because it is clearly displayed on the skill map!
  These monsters undoubtedly regarded him as their enemy.

  Just because of the bonus of [Ivy Ring], he is not that important now!


  During the whole process, Lindsay remained silent.

  But he still controlled his mentality and counted these climbing monsters.

  Twenty-one in total.

  As for their strength, they are just like the corpses dug up in the snowfield above Lindsay's belt, varying in strength and weakness.

  But there is one thing - they are definitely monsters that have been fused with the essence.

  There aren’t any ordinary animals!
  More than ten breaths passed, and all these monsters disappeared from Lindsay's sight.

  Lindsay looked up and waited for a while.

  After confirming that no new enemies appeared below or above, his anxious heart finally relaxed.

  "Holy shit-"

  Lindsay couldn't help but cursed, and her body hanging on the cliff took a few sharp breaths.

  When those monsters with fierce eyes passed by him just now, his heart was almost in his throat, and he could even hear his own pulse speeding up when he was nervous.

  After all, what if we were really on this cliff and fighting these dozens of monsters?

  The only thing Lindsay can think about at that time is probably the issue of how to lay down a few cushions before she dies.


  At this time, Lindsay looked down again. His original plan was to reach the bottom of the cliff within this day and enter the Black Mountain world to see the situation.

  But now, this is an unlikely goal.

  According to the frequency of these monsters appearing, in addition to those climbing up, there must be other monsters waiting at the bottom of the cliff.

  If the monster below does not have an urgent need to climb the cliff.

  Even though the [Ivy Circlet] is still on Lindsay's head, this level of natural affinity still cannot prevent him from becoming the first target of Warcraft.

  Continuing downward will only lead to a dead end.

  As for going up...

  Just now, dozens of monsters climbed up in front of Lindsay.

  Theoretically speaking, there is not much difference in the results of going up and going down.

  But Lindsay clenched her fists and her eyes changed accordingly.

  He thought of the corpses of the monsters buried under the snowfields, and the fact that three years had passed, but there was only one tree spirit plotting against the hidden border.

  A bold guess came into his mind.

  "No, you have to go up immediately and see the situation with your own eyes!"

  Lindsay reacted and quickly started climbing up.

  The dagger in his hand was poked on the ice again and again, catching the ice like a professional ice pick, helping Lindsay's position rise quickly.

  In his actions that didn't save any energy at all.

  This climb was even faster than the climb down!
  Before long, Lindsay was back at the top of the cliff.

  He stood still on the snow and looked around. His field of vision was completely white and he couldn't see anything.

  [Management Simulation] → [Hunting Simulation]

  Lindsay decisively switched the game module and immediately launched [Trace Tracking].

  The next second, dense footprints were marked on the snowfield, and Lindsay could barely see a clean white patch in his field of vision.

  He put his plank sled back on.

  Chase the group with the darkest color among the footprints, that is, the one closest in time, and run in the corresponding direction.

  With the equipment, Lindsay can move much faster in the snow than the Warcraft.

  So without spending much time, he saw those figures in front who were still running away, or far away from the Black Mountain world.

  Phew -

  at this time, a bone-chilling cold wind blew from behind.

  Lindsay shivered subconsciously.

  As a result, he saw that the monsters in front were blown by the cold wind, and each one was immediately frozen into ice sculptures, and then fell on the snowy field.

  I'm afraid it won't be long before these creatures that have just escaped will be buried forever under the thick snow like the corpses Lindsay saw when she came.


  Faced with the scene in front of him, Lindsay's pursuit stopped.

  This scene happened in front of his eyes, which also explained how the previous encounter occurred.

  The cold wind blows intermittently, freezing these monsters to death in place.

  So they tried to break through this cold plain of despair in the gap between the two cold winds. The tree spirit who was stabbed to death by Lindsay's surprise spear was probably the forerunner who discovered this opportunity, and the following monsters that were chasing after him were the followers who were a step slower.

  After Lindsay went down the cliff and returned to the snowfield, she was blown by the cold wind twice.

  It was indeed so cold that one couldn't help but shiver.

  But when it comes to freezing people in an instant, it is definitely not of this level.

  Lindsay frowned, quite confused by this question:

  "Warcraft will be frozen to death in an instant, but I, a human, will not be affected..." "

  And what is there in the Black Mountain world that can force them to this point?"

  (End of chapter)

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