196.Chapter 195 The Second Ladder

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  Chapter 195 The Second Step
  Time is life.

  Every minute that passes, the probability of the tree mother recovering becomes higher by one point.

  Lindsay didn't dare to delay. She rushed forward like lightning, and then collided head-on with the growing thorns.

  The meteorite dagger slashed forward instantly.

  "Don't block the road!"

  Click -

  Lindsay frowned.

  The flaming meteorite dagger struck the thorns, and there was a strong resistance.

  He slashed with all his strength, but was able to cut it off.

  But the thorns in front of her...

  Lindsay looked forward. In just a few breaths, the number and density of thorns continued to increase. The spreading plant hell was like a green ocean rushing around.

  Lindsay looked down at her hands again.

  Even if both hands were armed, it would be impossible to keep up with this exaggerated spread.

  "Just passive defense is enough to give people a headache."

  Lindsay shook his head slightly and immediately changed his forward strategy.

  He no longer tried to pass through the thorns, but jumped forward on the growing and spreading thorns. In this way, his calves would inevitably be stabbed, but his speed had actually improved a lot.


  just a few steps later, thorns suddenly wrapped themselves around Lindsay's calf.

  Lindsay swung the knife and the meteorite dagger immediately cut it off, but the increasing resistance in his hand also showed a fact.

  In order to protect the mother tree, the thorns repel all outsiders.

  At this time, Lindsay, the only one who was still rushing towards the tree mother, became their target without any accident.

  "This can't go on like this!"

  Lindsay's eyes narrowed and she had another idea in her mind.

  He quickly switched weapons, putting the meteorite dagger into the equipment slot and holding the ice badger mace in his hand.

  In this way, the fire and sharpness of the meteorite dagger to restrain the plants can still be maintained.

  The mace is huge in size and can clean the entangled thorns in a large area, and the efficiency is doubled!

  Lindsay's pace picked up again.

  Every time the weapon in his hand was swung, a large thorn was broken, and before long, he was only about twenty meters away from the tree mother.

  Lindsay looked certain.

  "We'll be there soon... huh?"

  At this moment, his steps stopped again.

  There are obstacles beyond the thorns!

  From a distance, it looks like just a storm of energy that stirs up air currents. But when you come up to touch it, it's not a concept at all!
  Half of the broken branches of the banyan forest on the tree mother's chest are guiding the flow of source matter in the surrounding environment, trying to repair the damage to the tree mother as much as possible.

  If divided in human terms.

  As a creature of the spirit of vegetation, the tree mother can also be regarded as a user of the source of life.

  It just so happens that Lindsay herself mainly uses Essence of Life.

  Under the interference from the same source, he even felt as if his power was out of control, and his internal organs seemed to be disrupted!
  "At this time, we can't back down."

  Lindsay gritted her teeth.

  Now that we have reached this position, we cannot give up halfway.

  He forced himself to resist the pain in his body, moved his legs forcefully, and continued to move forward.

  Twenty meters...fifteen meters...ten meters...

  As the distance gets closer, the impact of the source storm becomes more and more exaggerated.

  Lindsay felt like he was fighting against his will and body with every step he took. Fatigue beat his spirit every moment. He was like a prey that he squeezed into a meat grinder.


  Lindsay took a deep breath and looked up.

  As his physical strength and spirit reached their limits, his vision became blurry at the moment. Even the gains brought by the equipment could only allow him to see a blurry silhouette.

  "More...five meters?"

  Suddenly, a support came from behind Lindsay.

  "Do you think it's possible for me to just watch from behind?"

  Hong's voice sounded from behind at the same time, but Lindsay could no longer hear clearly. But he could also guess what this guy would say, and even wanted to complain:
  "You guy, try it with my life essence..."

  Lindsay was speechless.

  Such an action took away a lot of his strength.

  Behind him, compared to Lindsay's state, Hong actually felt better. She was not using the source of life. Even though she was also affected by the storm of the source of life around Mother Tree, she was definitely not as exaggerated as Lindsay.

  At this moment, Hong was standing behind Lindsay.

  She opened her arms to protect Lindsay against her chest, and the two of them moved forward one after another, like travelers struggling to move forward in the storm.


  The two of them walked the last five meters for more than a minute.

  Lindsay still felt Hong stop behind her, and suddenly realized that they had arrived.

  The two of them launched an all-out attack before, but their weapons were shattered before they could break through the tree mother's defense.

  But Lindsay happened to have something very hard in her hand.

  ——[Tantalum Dagger]

  This is a dagger that can only be praised for its strength.

  It is very likely that it came from the hands of the powerful awakened ones in the expedition a hundred years ago.

  Lindsay believes it.

  As long as it has enough power, this weapon can definitely bear the important task of breaking through the tree mother's defense!
  The only thing that couldn't be determined was whether his strength was enough. This was the only concern that he couldn't control before.


  Lindsay shouted, and the girl's arms wrapped around him immediately guided his movements.

  The [Tantalum Dagger] slowly stabbed the tree mother in the chest.


  A touch as hard as iron came from my wrist.


  The essence that Lindsay managed to maintain was completely activated at this moment, allowing his explosive power to reach its limit.

  At this time, Hong's palms holding his arms also felt strong.

  Lindsay couldn't tell whether it was her own power or Hong's power, but at this moment, the almost indestructible [Chalk Tantalum Dagger] did indeed pierce something.

  Once a wound appears, subsequent penetrations become much smoother.


  The next second, the resistance in front instantly dissipated, and Lindsay and Hong fell to the ground together.

  Before the two of them could get up in time, a dazzling green light suddenly appeared between the sky and the earth.

  Lindsay, who uses the essence of life, feels it especially clearly.

  In front of them, the newly condensed source matter regained its freedom, as if the heaven and earth itself had resumed breathing.

  [Advanced Will Source]

  [Ladder to Heaven (Statement of Pain/Joy) → Second Ladder (Cold Silence of Death/Zest of Life)]

  [Game Player Upgrade]

  [Game Lover (Stage 2) → Game Master (Stage) 3)]

  [Module Slot: 2 → 3]

  [RPG Level: 6] → [RPG Level: 7]

  [RPG module acquires new skills - plot performance.

  Lindsay's attribute panel started to refresh the screen in an instant.

  The choice under difficult circumstances, the tempering of will to challenge the limit, the joy of defeating the strong, and the enthusiasm brought by regaining safety in life.

  Finally, his will essence advanced.

  With the death of a six-stage BOSS, the [RPG Module] naturally increases its level.

  But this 'challenge' was too outrageous.

  So much so that the joy of victory did not come to Lindsay's mind, but something else came to mind.

  The beings in the sixth stage are so strong.

  Is that a bit much?

  (End of chapter)

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