195. Chapter 194 Tree Mother

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  Chapter 194 The Tree Mother
  Rumbles -

  Under the night, the trees in the forest fell, and the earth and rocks were torn apart, as if a terrifying giant beast was traveling through the forest.

  In fact it's not that far off.

  The thick trees are twisted together like twists. It crawls on the ground, half sunk into the ground and half exposed on the surface. It digs forward with a flexible rotation that exceeds that of normal trees, and moves forward quickly.

  in its forward direction.

  Soil, trees, and rocks will all be shattered instantly.

  A wide road in the forest, which was 5 meters wide, was struck by the trees.

  Moving quickly among the trees, a pair of red eyes were almost going crazy.

  The Tree Mother lives here.

  During the decades she succumbed to the dragon beast, she still retained her sanity.

  But in the past ten years, her essence has been extracted all the time, and at the same time, she has been controlled by the core in the hands of the fairy girl, and her sanity has been hovering on the edge of collapse.

  At this moment, her frantic heart was filled with countless thoughts.

  Even I can't tell what it feels like.

  A few minutes ago, the fairy girl summoned her, and the tree mother naturally responded.

  But on the way there, she suddenly couldn't feel him anymore!

  Is the person controlling me dead?

  Someone killed the flower elf?
  These people are friends or foes, why should they help themselves? What will happen next to Dragon Beast?

  "Let's all die!"

  The frantic thoughts were finally completely occupied by murderous intent.

  She even began to have confused memory and began to scream as she moved forward.

  "Elf, where are you!"

  "Kill you!"

  "I won't give in... I obey and live!"

  At the other end of the forest, Lindsay and Hong were waiting.

  Of course they saw the ferocious trees rushing towards here, and also heard the crazy roar of the tree mother.

  Hong was even a little surprised and couldn't help but ask:
  "Is this guy so crazy?"

  Lindsay nodded slightly:

  "But for us, this is pure good news."

  While speaking, Lindsay stared intently at Looking at the tree mother rushing over.

  Just by moving, this guy is surrounded by a thick layer of trees with a diameter of 4 meters, which is already a defense that is difficult to break through.

  The power and speed when moving are almost like a high-speed train.

  "If it were normal, we probably wouldn't be able to fight."

  Lindsay sighed with emotion.

  This is a helpless judgment of reality.

  He and Red had almost no way to penetrate the opponent's defense or force it to a stop.

  There are obvious differences in individual strength in the five stages.

  In the sixth stage, this gap has widened rapidly again, becoming an almost insurmountable chasm!

  "Fortunately, we have this."

  Lindsay lowered her head slightly and held the broken branch of the banyan tree in her hand.

  This thing is originally used by the flower elf to control the tree mother, and it is also a privilege that the dragon beast messenger can have.

  But now, it has become Lindsay and Hong's only hope of defeating the enemy.


  The moment Lindsay took out the [Banyan Broken Branch], the tree mother who was moving frantically also speeded up.

  Her original target of attack was these two humans.

  Not to mention that his core is still in the opponent's hands!


  The next second, a broken branch of the banyan tree was crushed in Lindsay's hand.

  The [Emblem of Ice and Fire] is activated at the same time, and a layer of flames adheres to it, immediately burning the fragile core into charcoal.


  For a moment, the advancing thick trees stopped in place.

  The tree mother inside didn't even have time to scream.

  While the core was broken and burned, the thick trees withered on the spot, and soon turned into a pile of rotten wood.


  The withdrawal of power caused the rotten wood to collapse.

  A thin figure also appeared in the forest at night.

  It was a creature that looked like a tree spirit, but it was much larger and had certain female characteristics.

  It just stood there, motionless.

  Various emotions continued to emerge in the red pupils, and the original deep and restrained source of energy surged, setting off violent air currents around it. The tree mother just stood there, and power continued to surge in all directions.


  Lindsay and Hong looked at each other.

  They originally dug traps in front and laid a large number of fire bombs.

  But now it seems that the opponent's core has been destroyed and his body has stagnated, making it impossible to enter.

  "Do it!"

  The next second, Lindsay and Hong took action at the same time.

  With a thunderous roar, the [Iron Horned Big Bow] shot out arrows covered with multiple source of damage; Hong also used all the strength in his body to concentrate his strength on the meteorite spear and threw it out.

  The powerful impact exploded directly on the tree mother.

  Lindsay and Hong attacked with all their strength, and the attack came to the tree mother almost in the next second.

  In an instant, smoke and dust filled the air, and flames, cold air, corruption, explosions, and fragments of weapons exploded around.


  Lingshan and Hong stared nervously at the center of the explosion.

  The attack just now was carried out with all their strength without reservation. The opponent also stood motionless because of the damage to his core, and was in the best attack condition.

  Can we defeat this dangerous enemy...

  Immediately, Hong's voice sounded next to Lindsay:

  "Lindsay, is it too late for us to run away now?"

  Lindsay did not answer Hong's question.

  He stared steadily at the ground where the smoke had dispersed.

  In the ruins of the forest and the earth, the tree mother reappeared, but there was almost no damage to her body.

  The reality is so cruel.

  Not only was he unable to move, his body and mind were severely damaged.

  But the sixth-stage monster just stood here motionless, and its own defenses were hopelessly strong.

  Lindsay's arrow exploded into pieces the moment it hit the opponent's body.

  Even the meteorite spear thrown by Hong with all his strength had been broken into several pieces at the opponent's feet.

  There were no wounds even found on the tree mother's body.

  Attack with all your strength, even unable to break through the defense. The motionless existence in front of them was no enemy they could deal with!

  Lindsay swallowed.

  Faced with this level of strength gap, an idea emerged uncontrollably.

  Do you want to withdraw first?
  While the other party is in a bad state, they may be able to buy time away from the forest.

  But once the other party leaves this state.

  Lindsay shook her head.

  They have revealed their existence and are racing with the monster Tree Mother in the Forest of Stars.

  There is no chance of winning at all.

  The attack cannot break through the defense, and the escaper has no hope at all.

  Neither advancing nor retreating.

  Could it be that we can only use [Brilliant Bullets] to kill this guy?

  Hong on the side poked Lindsay's arm:
  "Lindsay, is this really something we can deal with?"

  Lindsay immediately shook his head, how could he just tell the trump card against the dragon beast here!

  Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!
  Lindsay gritted her teeth and immediately opened the [Iron Horn Big Bow] and shot a few arrows.

  But he also shot with all his strength, and the arrows were no different from the previous attacks, leaving only a pile of new arrow residues on the ground.

  Buzz -

  At this moment, a green light burst out from the tree mother's chest.

  Lindsay put on the [Crimson Spider Eye Goggles] and the [Black Scale Lizard Dragon Head], and with the enhanced vision, he could see clearly that something like a broken branch was buried in the tree mother's chest.

  "Another broken branch of the banyan forest?"

  Lindsay instantly realized what she had seen.

  At the same time, a large number of thorns spread and grew from the mother tree's feet, guarding it.

  "It's protecting itself and repairing the body!"

  Hong on the side immediately made a judgment.

  "But it still can't move, otherwise there wouldn't be these thorns to protect itself!" Lindsay glanced at the luggage and made the final decision at this time: "Hong, I'll go up and try."

  Hong With her eyes widened, she thought of Lindsay's endless pile of props:

  "Do you still have any tricks?"

  Lindsay smiled bitterly and shook her head:

  "I hope I still have tricks?"

  (End of Chapter)

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