179. Chapter 179 Competing Patience

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  Chapter 179 Competing Patience
  "Lindsay, I feel like this meat tastes weird?"

  "What do you think my cooking skills are, a universal wishing machine? If you really want to eat delicious meat, I can give it to you now. You roast..."

  After hearing the first byte of roasting, Hong decisively rejected the proposal.

  "Forget it, I'll still eat this... This noodle tastes so good, and it tastes completely different from meat! Can we eat this every day in the future?"

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows: "And then eat it for a month. ."

  Hong bit her lip: "Uh... I think it's better to eat in rotation."

  Lindsay didn't intend to tease Hong all the time, so she shook her head and chuckled:
  "Stop making a sour face."

  "I'm still here. There are potatoes and cabbage seeds, which we can eat later on the road. If we can find other crops by chance, we will have more choices in food."

  Hong's attention almost entirely went to the new terms.

  "Potatoes? Cabbage?"

  "What is that? Lindsay, I want to eat it now!"

  Lindsay glanced at the bats in the sky without leaving any trace, and then decisively refused:
  "No, cultivating plants consumes energy. Let's talk tomorrow. Right."

  Hong immediately finished the vulture stewed noodles, then moved to sit next to Lindsay and stretched out his palm:

  "Essence, right? You can use mine, I have plenty of this!"


  "Where did you get the power bank?"

  Lindsay complained, while the girl waved her white arms in front of Lindsay and urged:

  "Quick, take it and use it!"

  Lindsay slapped Hong's palm away and told the cruel reality:

  "Even if you say so, I really don't know how to do it!"

  Hong immediately put forward a counterexample:
  "But when you helped me feel the essence before, you didn't Did you just stuff your own essence into my body?"

  "Now try the other way round!"

  Lindsay shrugged:

  "That's just giving you a little essence, and extracting other people's essence , exercising your own skills are completely different things. You are confusing different concepts."

  Hong was very unwilling and gritted his teeth and said:
  "Can't you think of a way? Even if you are cruel to me, I don't mind at all. "."

  Lindsay's tone did not change at all:
  "If you can't do something, it just won't work. Just give up." "


  After repeated confirmations to no avail, Hong could only accept the reality. She put her expectations for new food until tomorrow. , he stretched himself and ran to sleep.

  Lindsay waited a little longer.

  He sowed some more seeds, this time into potatoes and cabbage, which took about half an hour.

  Lindsay then entered the camp and continued to sleep.

  Yet this performance leads to nothing.

  No matter what it shows on a map, aerial reconnaissance bats, or Lindsay's own senses.

  No new attackers were ever discovered.

  Except for the rock puppet outside that has lost its power.

  The sneak attack just now seemed to be an illusion, and the enemy hiding in the dark did not make any new moves.


  Early the next morning, Lindsay and Hong woke up on time.

  The two of them walked out of the camp, and the canyon they saw was no different from yesterday.

  But at the place where the rock golem was killed yesterday.


  "Lindsay, that thing called a puppet is missing!"

  Hong opened his eyes wide and stepped forward to check the situation.

  The girl bent over, scanning the earth with her fingers and eyes.

  The traces of yesterday's battle were all well left on the ground and cliff walls, except for the remains of the rock puppet.


  Lindsay nodded slightly, and the hunting module was activated along with the action.

  However, there were no footprints or any traces of where the rock puppet fell.

  Things several meters high just disappeared!
  Lindsay looked up at the sky:

  "Come down, what happened last night?"

  After hearing the master's order, the bat summon that had been guarding all night landed down and began to report the situation:
  "Last night, no enemy came close." Lindsay pointed to the place where the rock puppet disappeared:

  "Then why is this thing missing?"

  "After you guys go to sleep, it blends into the earth and disappears."


  The introduction of the rock puppet does indicate that it can Traveling through the earth.

  But Lindsay doesn't think that a destroyed puppet can still have this ability functioning normally.

  Not to mention the timing of the opponent's disappearance, just after Lindsay and Hong took a break, obviously deliberately avoiding their detection.

  "Sure enough, you are still watching us from the dark..."

  Lindsay sighed in a low voice, waving his hand to let the bat take off again, to stay alert.

  Hong Ze, who also heard the report from the bat, was slightly dissatisfied:
  "Lindsay, your summoned object is too stupid. It doesn't even respond to such obvious abnormalities!"

  Lindsay blamed the problem on himself:

  "The summoned object is inherently intelligent. Low down."

  "The order I gave was not rigorous enough. I only let it be responsible for warning the enemy. This can be considered a lesson."

  With that said, Lindsay turned to harvest the potatoes planted last night.

  Since the attackers have worked out the details to this extent, they must be preparing to continue to lie dormant. There is a high probability that they will not be able to get any other information just by tossing around in place.

  Hong also followed.

  She watched Lindsay's movements and followed to help without prompting. She also learned how to dig potatoes.

  Lindsay noticed something very keenly.

  While digging potatoes, Hong secretly took a bite.

  As for the taste of raw potatoes... at least judging from her expression, she was quite satisfied.

  This scene also inspired Lindsay, reminding him of the street food he had when he was a child.

  "If you have the materials later, can you try making some skewers?" "


  A few minutes later, Hong helped Lindsay finish harvesting the food and prepared to organize the camp.

  As a result, she found that Lindsay did not return, but started digging the soil at the place where she planted yesterday.

  "What are you digging the soil for?"

  Lindsay explained:
  "I spent the essence to cultivate this soil. You can take it away and use it several times, but you can't waste it here!"


  Hong's expression was thoughtful Thinking, then he stretched out his right hand towards Lindsay:
  "Hey, give me that thing of yours."

  Lindsay immediately realized that Hong was asking him for the [Ice Badger Claw Pendant].

  He asked back:
  "Is it cold now?"

  Hong turned around and angrily tried to get into the camp. His voice floated out at the same time:

  "You are really too busy, just tell me whether you will give it to me or not!"

  "Lindsay, don't hit me on the head!"


  The rest of the journey.

  In addition to struggling to cross the cliffs, Lindsay and the two also had an additional task of finding the attacker.

  But the actual situation was unexpected.

  They were gone for two whole weeks!
  A full half month passed, but the expected second sneak attack never came, as if the attacker had completely given up paying attention to the two of them.

  Until the afternoon of the sixteenth day.

  After crossing countless cracks in the earth.

  Finally, a few kilometers ahead, an endless forest appeared in their field of vision.

  There are lush trees there, covering the sky with shade.

  The air in the forest was fresh and moist, filled with rich plant fragrances, and even Lindsay could smell it in the wind now.

  At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded behind the two of them.

  The low roar said in Common Tongue:

  "If I were you, I would never set foot in this forest."

  (End of this chapter)

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