178. Chapter 178 Can’t be distracted

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  Chapter 178: Don’t be distracted
  [Esencelasm Structure: Rock Puppet]

  [An autonomous puppet created using superb skills. Due to its own material and source quality blessing, it can freely travel through the earth.

  【Completely controlled by the producer, extremely difficult to sell.

  Lindsay informed Hong about the attacker's information. The girl obviously did not understand some of the concepts:

  "Autonomous puppet? What is that?"

  Lindsay explained:
  "It cannot act independently and is controlled by others."

  After answering Hong question, Lindsay began to examine her surroundings.

  Of course, he couldn't always focus on the map in the attribute panel.

  But before setting up the temporary camp, Lindsay also conducted reconnaissance and found that there was no hostile person within about 300 meters.

  Maybe this guy just caught the opportunity.

  Or is this inanimate puppet invisible to the map?
  Lindsay has encountered living enemies before, and knows very little about this kind of puppet controlled by others. If he wants to confirm the actual situation, he will definitely need to encounter another one for testing...

  "Lindsay, I'm hungry. !"

  While Lindsay was thinking about the problem, Hong stepped forward, raised his leg and kicked the body of the rock puppet.

  Seeing that the attacker had completely stopped moving, she thought of the bird eggs she had just thrown away.

  As a result, he turned back and all three eggs shattered on the ground.

  White and yellow were scattered all over the floor, and Hong's desire to improve the dinner was also shattered in it.


  "Lindsay, what should we have for dinner?"

  Lindsay was still studying the rock puppet in front of her.

  This guy is not considered a prey in the hunting system, so no materials can be collected, and there is no achievement list.

  Hearing Hong's voice at this moment, Lindsay turned around and glanced, only to find the girl's somewhat sad back.

  "Hong, don't worry, I'm still scouting the surrounding environment."

  Hong returned to the camp and threw the captured vulture on the ground:

  "Isn't this puppet dead? Have you found its companions around?" "

  No. Companion." Lindsay shook her head and objected to Hong's wording. "This is a puppet. Killing him doesn't mean it will be safe. Moreover, the person behind this guy is not a companion. He should be called a manipulator."

  Hong began to complain: "So what? !"

  "Don't we stop eating when there are enemies?"

  Without the bird eggs, Hong was in a very bad mood, and her dissatisfaction was written on her face with her straightforward character.

  Looking at the girl's unhappy look.

  Lindsay recalled the previous surprise attack and the heroism of the other party who came to support them without caring about their own safety.

  Let's think of a way.

  Lindsay scratched her hair and began to examine her luggage.

  In the grid in the upper left corner, he really found something that could improve his food.

  Crop seeds!
  After cultivating plants in the hidden border town, it was kept as a souvenir, and Lindsay also left a little behind.

  He was a little reluctant to use it before.

  But now...

  "Although the quantity is not much."

  "But with my ability, it is only a matter of time before I can cultivate enough food!"

  Lindsay was full of confidence and directly said to Hong next to him:
  "You Don't worry, let's improve the food today!"

  At this time, Lindsay also used the map to confirm the environment. There were no other dangerous enemies around.

  He waved the bats into the air on alert.

  Take out the soil, water, bone meal and seeds yourself, and start sowing on the spot with the ability to use resources!
  "What are you doing?" Hong came up with a curious look on his face, "Is eating soil what you mean by improving food?"

  Lindsay replied seriously:

  "I'm farming."

  "Go and kill that vulture. , pluck the hair, bleed it, and clean the internal organs."

  Hong obeyed the instructions and processed the prey in the river at the bottom of the canyon, waiting for him to return to the camp with the processed vulture.

  What came into view was Lindsay who continued to squat in the camp, and the crops rising next to him. "Huh?"

  Although she lost her memory, Hong also understood that the growth rate of the plants in front of her was abnormal.

  She thought of Lindsay's previous actions and reacted quickly:
  "Lindsay, is this the effect that your skills can achieve?"

  Lindsay nodded:

  "Yes, I changed the properties of the seeds and soil to make it faster. Growth speed."

  The girl gritted her teeth enviously and said,

  "Are you sure I really can't learn your skills?"

  Lindsay asked back,
  "Do you want to lose your memory again?"


  Hong was completely discouraged.

  She threw the treated vulture in front of Lindsay, ran to the temporary camp where she had been treated, lay down directly on the ground, and made a big letter:
  "The world is so unfair!"

  Lindsay only rolled his eyes at it, but didn't Ignore Hong's complaints.

  At this time, the crops were growing well. He went over to prepare for harvesting and also to store food for the next planting.

  Although farming every few times will consume some source of essence.

  But there was an opportunity to improve the food. Lindsay's inner thoughts were no different from the girl lying on the ground next to her.

  Hong only ate barbecue for a month, but Lindsay ate it for nearly half a year!

  To celebrate this special occasion, he even made a new pot on the workbench.

  Under normal circumstances, dealing with wheat is a bit troublesome.

  But Lindsay's survival module can handle this problem perfectly. Wheat goes from seeds to flour to noodles, consuming only source matter and a small amount of time.

  When Lindsay put the noodles and vulture meat in the pot, prepared for today's braised noodles, and began to stare at the indicator of cooking skills.

  Hongye, who saw this scene for the first time, couldn't help it.

  Only halfway through cooking, she got up from the ground when she smelled the smell and rushed to Lindsay's side again.

  "Lindsay, what is this?"

  "Noodles." Lindsay explained, "Simply speaking, it is a kind of food made by grinding wheat into powder."

  Hong Jiang completely understood this scene as Lindsay's response to own care.

  She wasn't embarrassed at all.

  Instead, he stretched out his elbow and pushed against the soft flesh of Lindsay's waist.

  "Didn't you just say that you should pay attention to the surrounding environment? Why are you cooking for me now?"

  Lindsay began to talk about her mental journey:

  "Because I thought about it, when people are alert to their surroundings, by the way Cooking will definitely distract you."

  Hong answered:


  A smile appeared on Lindsay's face:

  "So I will concentrate on cooking and not be alert!"

  After hearing such an answer, Hong's eyes widened. He opened his eyes and recognized the man in front of him again:

  "You guy, why did you suddenly become enlightened?"

  "Because what you just said makes sense." Lindsay then explained in detail, "You can't be stared at. Why don't you just eat?"

  "What's more, the enemy is in the dark and we are in the light."

  "Let's take it easy. In the end, the only one who will be tired is this coward who dares not show up."

  Hong laughed.

  At this time, the cooking pointer reaches the perfect range.

  Lindsay took action in an instant, and a vulture stewed noodles with full color, flavor and flavor was prepared.

  Lindsay and Hong have a great chemistry.

  The two of them gathered around the iron pot and began to cook with concentration under the watchful eyes of the bats overhead.

  (End of chapter)

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