165. Chapter 165 Classic Hunting

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  Chapter 165 Classic Hunting
  In fact, it should take two or three days before Lindsay completely eliminates the toxins in his body.

  But he didn't want to miss the opportunity.

  Because the injured relationship between him and the Black Scaled Lizard Dragon is equal.

  Lindsay is currently in a bad state, but he has the help of antidote potions and the support of Calder who suddenly appears.

  On the other hand, look at the black-scaled lizard dragon.

  If this guy is fully recovered, the difficulty of dealing with him will definitely increase exponentially!
  After the last fight, it will inevitably guard against Lindsay's underground raid.

  It would be better to take advantage of the opponent's injury before he can bite the bullet and solve this problem in one fell swoop.

  After making the above decision.

  What Lindsay has to do now is cook!

  He lit a bonfire in front of Carlton and used his skills to make a maple waffle and a fruit and vegetable barbecue.

  One of the two can speed up health recovery.

  The other one is the one with the highest physical increase value among the foods that Lindsay can cook.

  Then wear a tree spirit crown that can increase physical fitness.

  After finishing the meal, Lindsay's original physical fitness of 23 points was suddenly pushed to 27 points!

  As a result, Lindsay's body's ability to automatically remove residual toxins almost tripled.

  At the same time, it will not affect his normal actions.

  That night, Lindsay and Calder set out from the edge of the frozen swamp and headed towards the lake where the Black Scale Lizard lived.

  Experienced previous wars.

  The black-scaled lizard dragon did not dare to be careless. It fell asleep alone in the lake and repaired its injured body.

  In the surrounding swamps, there are glacial elements patrolling.

  These originally sleeping elemental creatures chose to surrender and stopped resisting. At this moment, they are the loyal guards of the black-scaled lizard dragon!

  "Calder, come with me."

  Under the cold wind-swept night, Lindsay led Calder through the swamp.

  These patrolling glacial elements may be tricky for others, but with the help of the map, Lindsay can avoid them before they hit them.

  At the same time, in the process of exploring forward.

  Calder, who was following Lindsay, was also helping in his own way.

  Glacier elements are different from fire elements. They perceive objects through the reflection of light and can be regarded as elemental creatures with 'normal eyes'. But the difference is that they can sense light all over their bodies, so they are born with a field of vision that has no blind spots.

  Take advantage of this visual advantage, as well as the kin advantage of the Glacier element.

  Even if Lindsay and Calder encounter a patrol point that is difficult to pass through, Calder can discover it in advance and point out the most suitable position to cover Lindsay.

  Four hours later, late night came.

  Lindsay and Calder also came to the edge of the lake, and the sleeping black-scaled lizard dragon lay in the middle of the lake.

  "Lindsay, don't step into the water."

  Calder reminded:
  "This lake is connected to its source, and you will be discovered the moment you come into contact."

  Lindsay nodded to express understanding:

  "No problem, then I will lurk Here."

  "Let's act according to the plan."

  As soon as the words fell, Lindsay started tinkering at the edge of the lake.

  He picked up the meteorite pickaxe, dug a small hole in the ground, and then jumped in. Kalder imitated other sleeping glacial elements and directly blocked the hole.

  Click - click - click -

  in the unknown underground, Lindsay dug a trap with a pickaxe.

  After making sure it was deep enough, he came to the entrance, reached out and knocked on the Calder above.

  "I'm ready."

  Calder said nothing.

  It took off its camouflage and walked towards the lake.


  Almost at the same time, the black-scaled lizard dragon resting in the lake opened its eyes.

  When it saw that it was a glacier element that entered its territory, it was relieved at first, but then became angry.

  "Asshole!" "Go and patrol for me!"

  A hailstone hit the black-scaled lizard dragon in the lake in reply.

  The monster with an abdominal injury in the lake didn't even realize what had happened to it.

  Wait until the hailstone is pushed away by the gas shield on its body.

  Only then did it realize that it was the weak elemental creature it was guarding here that was attacking it!
  "A weak person who cannot compete with humans is not worthy of restricting my freedom!"

  At this moment, Kalder began to add fuel to the fire.

  It said with the vibration of ice crystals:
  "Let the dragon beast come over with a strong one, you should get out!"


  Faced with such a provocation, the green snake eyes of the black scale lizard dragon immediately locked on Kalder.

  Then, it rushed over with frantic steps.

  There is clearly a lesson to be taught to Calder.

  Tell the other party that even if it is injured, a fifth-level monster cannot be provoked by a fourth-level elemental creature!

  "Sure enough, it worked."

  When Lindsay saw this scene in the distance, a smile appeared on her lips.

  The hunting notes clearly describe the brutal character of the Black Scaled Lizard Dragon. Faced with the provocation of a weakling, this guy will definitely burn with rage.

  Under other circumstances, it would undoubtedly detonate the air and blow Kalder into pieces of ice.

  But the Black Scaled Lizard is responsible.

  As its master, Dragon Beast's order is to let it guard these glacial elements, rather than killing them so that the reborn glacial elements can disturb the promotion.

  You can't kill, but you have to vent violence.

  Rough physical attacks are undoubtedly the final answer.

  Using this idea, Lindsay felt that there was a high probability that the black-scaled lizard dragon would be tricked.

  The reality turned out to be true. Its ferocious character led it out of the lake and chased it towards Calder by the lake.

  But when it left the lake, it stepped onto the ground.

  The moment when he was ready to vent his anger and torture the glacier element in front of him.

  Bang -

  it missed the mark.


  The body suddenly fell downwards, and the black-scaled lizard dragon also realized that he had fallen into a trap.

  Its snake pupils shrank.

  I immediately wanted to grab the edge of the hole to stop the fall.

  "Get down here!"

  Almost at the same time, a huge mace stretched out from the soil next to it and hit it on the back.

  The ice badger's mace sank with great force, instantly smashing the black-scaled lizard down.

  Immediately afterwards, several fire bombs were dropped at the same time, and the soil blocks that Lindsay had prepared long ago quickly sealed the entrance to the cave.

  boom! boom! boom!
  Under the ground, there was a series of low muffled sounds.

  Ordinary fire bombs cannot break through the gas shield of the Black Scale Lizard Dragon.

  But in a completely enclosed underground space.

  Multiple bombs were detonated at the same time. The impact of the explosion could not spread quickly. Instead, it began to gather in a limited space. At the same time, it also caused the reflection and further enhancement of the explosion wave!

  The black-scaled lizard dragon's roar turned into a howl, and its several-meter-long body was twisted by the blast.

  The originally well-protected gas shield was violently torn apart.

  However, the hard scales on its body are still trying their best to protect its body.

  At this moment, the soil at the entrance of the cave disappeared.

  Lindsay's figure appeared here. He held up the iron-horned bow and aimed the flaming armor-piercing arrow at the eyes of the black-scaled lizard dragon:

  "You are indeed a troublesome opponent."

  "But unfortunately, that's all. That's it."

  (End of chapter)

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