164. Chapter 164 Name

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  Chapter 164 Name

  Lindsay pondered for a moment, and then continued:
  "I'm also curious about this."

  "Beings like you should live in cold glaciers, why would you migrate to such a place?"

  Glacier Elemental replied:
  "According to you humans, that was decades ago, or more than a hundred years ago. A powerful dragon beast suddenly descended on Black Mountain and forced us to leave our hometown."

  Lindsay Some were curious:

  "You just left willingly?"

  Glacier Elemental told the truth calmly.

  "The dragon beast is very strong and we are unable to resist."

  "And it seems unwilling to destroy the glacier. It just drives us away and promises that we can return to our hometown in two hundred years." After

  the death of the glacier element, it will be in the glacier where it was born. Reborn.

  Lindsay's notes clearly recorded this news, and the elemental creature in front of him was not lying.

  But there is one thing worth noting.

  With the strength of the dragon beast, it is not a problem to destroy the glacier and kill these glacier elements. So why risk the grudges of the glacial elements by driving them so far away?

  There's no way this dragon beast is still an environmentalist, right?

  At this time, a word flashed in Lindsay's mind - temperature.

  Based on his current knowledge and analysis, the promotion process of dragon beasts plundering the world's essence is inseparable from temperature, and the glaciers that give birth to these glacial elements are also very important elements around Black Mountain.

  Perhaps it was for this reason that the dragon beast did not destroy the glacier.

  In the face of these elemental creatures born from them, we can only be forced to drive them away instead of completely eradicating them once and for all!

  The glacier element in front of him was the best person to ask. Lindsay naturally wanted to find out:

  "You should know that the dragon beast is advancing, right?"

  The glacier element affirmed:
  "I know."

  Lindsay asked her real question:
  "So do you think its promotion process has something to do with the glaciers around Black Mountain?" "


  The glacier element was silent for a moment.

  The ice core in its body flickered slightly, as if to indicate that this elemental creature was thinking seriously.

  Lindsay waited quietly for a few seconds before hearing the glacier element's answer.

  "I'm... not sure. The power of the dragon beast is too strong, and I can't understand that level of power..." "

  Okay." Lindsay shrugged, not discouraged.

  After all, the glacier element in front of him is only a fourth-stage elemental creature. It is a low probability event to expect to find out the weakness of another dragon beast from the opponent's mouth.

  This news.

  Just treat it as a guess and keep it in your heart.

  Lindsay ended this topic and turned to discuss the commission of Glacier Element:

  "I understand the general situation."

  "So how can I help you with the freedom you are pursuing?"

  Glacier Element replied:
  "Kill that black scale. Lizard dragon."

  "It is the jailer sent by the dragon beast, and its talent can restrain my actions." "

  It was precisely because I noticed the harm you caused to it that I finally decided to save you."

  Just kill that one Black-scaled lizard?
  Lindsay looked at the contents of the hunting notes.

  The black-scaled lizard dragon's ability says this - to interfere with the flow of hot and cold air.

  Glacier elements must be dependent on and restrained by temperature.

  After leaving the glacier where it was born, this ability to interfere with hot and cold air is indeed a powerful restraint.

  But there is a problem that cannot be avoided.

  Lindsay asked with vigilance:

  "In the previous battle, the black-scaled lizard dragon was seriously injured by me."

  "You can leave on your own now. I don't think it can come out to stop you with serious injuries, right?"

  Glacial Element Explaining why he didn't run:
  "The key point is that lake."

  "The power of the Black Scale Lizard Dragon is integrated into it, forming this special low-temperature zone, but it also binds us here."

  Lindsay understood. The other party's thoughts:

  "So as long as the black scale lizard dragon is killed, the restraints will disappear?"

  Glacier Element affirmed:
  "That's it." Lindsay asked another question:
  "But according to you, it This low-temperature zone will disappear after death. You who pursue freedom can leave, but what about your fellow humans who are willing to sleep here?"

  Glacier Elemental thought Lindsay's inquiry was a bit inexplicable.

  It asked back:
  "Will they be reborn in the glacier?"


  The elemental life that can be reborn is really amazing!

  Lindsay complained in her mind.

  But it was this rhetorical question that reminded him.

  On the way out, Lindsay used fire bombs to kill several glacier elements.

  Just kill these enemies.

  But if they follow the survival laws of glacier elements and resurrect in the glaciers near Black Mountain...

  the dragon beasts may not care about a weak human like Lindsay.

  But for Lindsay, who embarked on this journey with the purpose of killing the opponent, this was a somewhat troublesome problem.

  He quickly asked:

  "After you die, how long will it take for you to be reborn in the glacier?"

  The glacier element replied calmly:
  "5 to 10 years."

  This time is quite sufficient.

  Lindsay breathed a sigh of relief, and then asked for details:
  "Will the rebirth process be discovered in advance?"

  "Are you worried about that dragon beast?" Glacier Element also saw what Lindsay was worried about and gave it in advance. Answer, "Don't worry, this is a reaction that occurs inside the glacier. The dragon beast is not an elemental creature. Unless it dismantles the glacier and checks it, it will never be discovered." The

  dragon beast drives away these glacier elements in order not to damage the glacier. of.

  This answer completely dispelled Lindsay's worries.

  He stopped asking other questions, opened his hunting notes, and began to study the prey data of the Black Scaled Lizard Dragon.

  After experiencing a lose-lose battle, the effectiveness of the two investigation skills has been further enhanced.

  The following new information has been added to the hunting notes.

  [Although the black-scaled lizard dragon can overcome the weakness of cold-blooded animals through the source of magic, it will still reduce body activity at night. ]

  [The eyes of the black-scaled lizard dragon are not protected by scales. ]

  [The ability of this creature to interfere with the air is related to its eyes. The bone gap behind the eyes leads directly to the brain, which is the second weak point besides the abdomen. ]

  "Human, what are you doing?"

  Lindsay's contemplation made Glacier Elemental a little curious.

  Upon hearing the inquiry, Lindsay waved his hand:

  "I'm thinking about how to deal with our common enemy."

  "By the way, my name is Lindsay, you can call me this."

  Glacier Elemental accepted this immediately statement.

  "But unlike you humans, I don't have a name."


  "The mountain spirit I met last time did have a name."

  Glacier Elemental:

  "Then it must be a great existence."

  "We will have to Fighting side by side." Lindsay didn't want to call his comrades by their names as 'hello' during the battle, so he took the initiative to suggest, "Would you like me to give you a name?"

  Glacier Element agreed:

  "Of course."

  Lindsay Thinking of the name of the ancient ice soul in the game, he asked:
  "How about Kalder?"

  The glacier element, or Kalder, replied:
  "I am very satisfied."


  "Well, Kalder, I am very happy. I know you."

  "So, Lindsay, do you have any ideas about our enemies?"

  Lindsay didn't dislike the straightforwardness of Glacier Elemental at all.

  He smiled and replied:
  "It's a very simple plan, and we'd better start it tonight."

  (End of Chapter)

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