136.Chapter 136 Fire Fire Spirit

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  Chapter 136: Meteor Fire Spirit


  Lindsay reacted very quickly.

  The flame appeared in front of me, and it was too late to retreat.

  So he kicked his feet hard and fell backwards, almost missing the flames.

  At the same time, Lindsay also stuffed the [Brilliant Bomb] in her bag.

  After confirming that there was nothing wrong with his equipment, he stood up and looked behind him again.


  Lindsay looked confused.

  Because when he saw the flame passing by him, it turned in the air and continued to rush towards him!
  This time Lindsay was prepared and looked more carefully.

  It was as if he discovered that there was an orange-yellow core looming in the flames that locked onto him for attack!
  "Monster? Warcraft?"

  He launched two consecutive attacks.

  It has proven that this flame is hostile to him.

  Lindsay didn't think much, and smashed the meteorite pickaxe directly into the flames.


  Lindsay is faster than this flying flame.

  When the pickaxe came down, there was no doubt that it hit the opponent.

  However, in his hands holding the meteorite pickaxe, there was no feeling of hitting something real.

  This attack seemed like it was really hitting a ball of flame.

  The meteorite pickaxe passed through the opponent's body without any hindrance, and then hit the ground heavily.

  Incorporeal elemental life?
  Lindsay suddenly had a guess in her mind.

  He turned sideways again, avoiding the impact of the flames.

  Moreover, Lindsay did not continue to pursue. This time, he took advantage of the reversal of positions of both parties and ran upwards along the newly excavated passage.

  While running, Lindsay turned her head from time to time to look at the flames behind her.

  This thing was erratic in the air, and even if the distance was widened, it was always chasing me, without any sign of being lost.

  "Where's it on the map?"

  Lindsay checked the map and found the red dot symbolizing hostility, which coincided with the position of the flame behind him.

  But that's not the point.

  Because of its location in the crater, the map shows more than one red dot, and there are densely packed enemies below, as if the entire crater is full of these dangerous things!
  "So many?"

  "Anyway, let's deal with the first one first..."

  Realizing the danger below, Lindsay accelerated her move upwards.

  But what he worried about didn't happen.

  Even though the red dots on the map are densely packed, they always stay in place.

  Only the flame behind Lindsay was still chasing him relentlessly.

  So after running up for dozens of meters.

  Lindsay stopped and consumed the essence at the same time, transforming the module he activated.

  "If it comes to the element of fire, it must be weak to water!"

  Lindsay looked quite confident at this moment.

  Whether for future travel or for his current life, he always has a sufficient amount of water in his bag.

  His eyes were locked on the flames floating towards him.

  The other party didn't seem to have a very advanced consciousness and could only run rampant. Regardless of why Lindsay stopped, his attack mode was to just rush towards the person in a daze.

  At the moment of contact.

  Lindsay took out the water from her bag and rushed towards the flames.

  Water and fire intersect, and a large amount of white steam bursts out.

  Lindsay took a few steps back cautiously, waiting for a few seconds for the water vapor in the air to dissipate, and her eyes turned into empty black scorched earth again.

  He was absolutely right.

  When it came into contact with the water flow with conflicting attributes, the flame had indeed dissipated without a trace.


  "So, what kind of monster is this?" Lindsay had already switched the template in advance. At this moment, he opened the [Hunting Notes] and saw that a new prey had been successfully entered.

  [Meteor Fire Essence]

  [Activated Elements - Second-Level Elemental Life]

  [Core diameter 10~120 cm. ]

  [Weight: 0]

  [Flight speed: 10~17 meters/second]

  [Elemental life, surrounded by flames, with the ability to sense heat.

  【The power of fire hosted inside the meteorite is combined with the source of matter, resulting in the birth of a special elemental creature. The Meteor Fire Spirit usually lives in the meteorite where it was born. If disturbed by the outside world, it will actively pursue the enemies that disturb it. It is an elemental life itself and is extremely difficult to be disturbed by physical attacks. At the same time, it can freely shuttle through solid materials such as rocks and soil. The attack method is a high-temperature flame ranging from 800℃ to 1200℃. ]

  [Weakness: The core in the center of the flame]

  [Hunting suggestion: Water]

  [Kill achievement: 1/10]

  "The elemental life born in the meteorite..."

  Lindsay suddenly realized. He only realized it at this time. He saw it before he came down. What exactly is the scene?

  These fiery red meteorites are scattered here.

  Those that are not on fire on the surface are naturally normal ores that can be mined at will; but meteorites that are on fire have sleeping meteorites inside.

  Just now, Lindsay would be attacked by this meteorite.

  I'm afraid it was also because the action of collecting meteorites disturbed the other party.

  That's why not long after synthesizing the [Brilliant Bomb], this guy passed through the soil and attacked him.

  "The second-stage elemental creatures are almost immune to most physical attacks, and they were born in such a dry and hot environment." "

  With such a large number, ordinary adventurers may not be able to deal with them."

  Lindsay He was summarizing the situation, but a smile appeared on his lips.

  "But, who told you to be afraid of water..."

  Lindsay carried a lot of water in her bag.

  It's just that he doesn't plan to consume a lot of his reserved resources.

  So switching the module again, Lindsay directly dug a four-by-four puddle in the crater, and then consumed source matter to create an infinite pool.

  As she dug, Lindsay always kept a bucket of water close at hand.

  Once a meteorite is alerted and appears, a bucket of cold water is poured on it, and the opponent immediately turns into a mist and dissipates under the attribute restraint.

  Half a day passed, and the content on Lindsay's [Hunting Notes] was updated.

  While obtaining the title of [Meteor Fire Spirit Killer].

  The achievement reward from this kind of prey has also appeared in his hands.

  [Accessories/Materials: Meteor Fire Brooch]

  [A brooch containing the power of fire. Weared on the chest, the wearer can consume the essence when launching an attack, and a layer of flames will be wrapped around the current attack. The temperature ranges from 600°C to 1200°C depending on the consumed essence. It can also be used as a material to make other props.

  【Achievement items, moderate value.

  Lindsay did not hesitate and immediately put the brooch on her chest.

  The next second, the swung meteorite pickaxe was covered with a layer of orange-red flames.

  Lindsay used the highest temperature flame attachment.

  A maximum level of 1200°C flame coverage will consume approximately 1/15 of Lindsay's source of energy. If the temperature of the flames is kept at the lowest level, he can even add flames to every strike in actual combat.

  Gazing at the blazing meteorite pickaxe in his hand, Lindsay looked very satisfied:

  "No matter how effective the attack is, at least it looks like the special effects are sufficient!"

  At this time, he raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

  After working in the crater for most of the day, he was inevitably a little hot, so he took a sip of water to quench his thirst.

  Just when I feel the temperature here.

  Lindsay had another idea:

  "If the cold winter caused by the dragon beast continues to spread, we can tell the people in the town." "

  Although the meteorite may bring danger."

  "But the survival temperature here is at least It’s guaranteed!”

  (End of chapter)

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