135. Chapter 135 Meteor Pickaxe and Brilliant Bullet

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  Chapter 135 Meteor Pickaxe and Brilliant Bullet


  Lindsay instantly retracted her outstretched finger, put it into her mouth and licked it.

  This thing is so hot!

  The red ore embedded deeply in the scorched earth is extremely hot, and is like a red-hot soldering iron.

  If Lindsay hadn't reacted quickly enough, she would have withdrawn her finger immediately.

  He might be able to gnaw on mature chicken feet now!

  "It's been more than a hundred years, and it's still so hot?"

  Lindsay complained while putting her fingers in front of her eyes.

  The fingertips of his right hand had been burned red. Even though the source of life was rapidly repairing the burn, the severe pain from his fingers still made him frown.

  "Okay, I can't move you!"

  "Can't I move you next to me?"

  Lindsay was a little angry, but also very submissive.

  He took out his dagger and started digging next to the hot ore.

  Not long after, the black scorched earth around the ore was hollowed out by Lindsay. He only tapped it lightly with his dagger, and the ore naturally slipped away under the influence of gravity.

  "Finally got it done."

  Lindsay had a victorious smile on her face.

  [Ore/Material: Meteorite]

  [The hot meteorite falling from the sky contains powerful fire power.

  【Rare ore, higher value. ]

  "It's true!"

  The introduction of the product attributes proved the success of this trip.

  After so many days of trekking, it was finally not in vain!

  Lindsay was in an excellent mood. He poked his head out of the groove he had dug and looked under and around the crater walls.

  At this depth, you can find this touch of red wherever you look.

  The number of meteorites just mounted near the wall is already quite exaggerated, not to mention the ones buried deep in the scorched earth!

  If only I could collect all these things.

  "Then I can't take this kind of weight away..."

  Lindsay shrugged and smiled.

  As his basic attributes improve, the weight of his backpack will naturally increase a lot.

  It’s not a problem to put some heavy objects such as iron ingots and steel ingots.

  But it would be a bit difficult to dig out all the meteorites in the entire crater.

  "Take what you need and keep what you need, that's enough."

  Whispering the teacher's instructions, Lindsay studied the synthesis formula of meteorites again.

  The surprise just appeared.

  In addition to being used as raw materials to synthesize special metals such as titanium alloys.

  Meteorites themselves are also considered a mineral.

  So just like iron ore, meteorites can also be refined in a furnace and made into corresponding meteorite ingots, which can then be used to create equipment!
  Lindsay's first goal is naturally to use the ancestral spirit core to make a [brilliant bomb].

  However, [Brilliant Bullet] requires fifteen titanium alloys, and each titanium alloy requires a meteorite.

  There are quite a few meteorites here.

  Lindsay continued to dig, and in order to satisfy his curiosity, he simply smelted the three unearthed meteorites into a meteorite ingot.

  "Is this a meteorite ingot..."

  Holding the finished product in your hands, the successfully smelted meteorite ingot does not have the exaggerated heat of a meteorite.

  The power of the flame changed from being outward to being restrained.

  The orange-red metallic ingot is not hot to the touch, but makes people feel warm.

  [5 meteorite ingots + 1 wood + 1 steel ingot = meteorite pickaxe]

  [3 meteorite ingots + 1 flame totem · Phoenix wood + 5 hellfire stone + 1 high-level gem = infernal ray gun]

  [18 meteorite ingots + 3 obsidian = meteorite armor]

  [ 4 meteorite ingots + 1 wood + 2 obsidian = shining flame prison knife/sword]

  [2 meteorite ingots + 1 wood + 1 high-grade silk thread = lava fishing rod]

  "Lava fishing rod?"

  "Why is there a hanging rod again?"

  Lindsay couldn't help but Licking his lips.

  The air is somewhat dry due to the high temperature baking.

  Meteorite ingots are obviously a high-grade ingot, and the name of the synthesized equipment indicates that its effects are extraordinary. It's just the material he has.

  At present, it seems that only the synthesis formula of the meteorite pickaxe is satisfied.

  "As for obsidian, it can be synthesized with water and magma..."

  "But where should I find a volcano?"

  Lindsay, who was still thinking about magma, continued to dig.

  The sky soon became completely dark.

  However, there were a huge number of meteorites waiting for Lindsay to dig here, so he didn't feel tired at all. Even if you are tired or thirsty, the supplies in your bag can be used at any time.

  Lindsay always maintains a lot of energy.

  Among the synthesis formulas, the meteorite pickaxe is obviously a tool.

  Sharpening the knife will not make you a chopping wood.

  In order to speed up his digging efficiency, Lindsay first used the accumulated meteorite mines to make this manuscript.

  [Weapons/Tools: Meteor Pickaxe]

  [A high-end manuscript made of meteorites, which contains strong flame energy and can be used to mine high-grade ores with fire attributes; when used as a weapon, hitting the enemy will cause a certain burning effect.

  【A high-grade mining pickaxe made of meteorites, valuable.

  "Advanced mining pickaxe!"

  Lindsay was a little moved, and gave it the resource-turning effect.

  The change can be said to be immediate.

  With an ordinary iron pickaxe, four or five picks can knock off a piece of scorched earth. After switching to a meteorite pickaxe, it only takes two hits to knock out a piece of scorched earth, which directly doubled Lindsay's work efficiency!
  Even meteorites that were originally unable to be mined with iron pickaxes.

  The meteorite pick can be excavated smoothly even if it is struck four or five times, saving Lindsay the process of cleaning up the scorched earth around the meteorite.

  After improving efficiency, a few more hours passed.

  Lindsay finally gathered up fifteen meteorites to make the [Brilliant Bomb], and the other materials were already prepared in town.

  [1 titanium block + 1 aluminum ingot + 1 magnetite + 1 molybdenite + 1 meteorite = titanium alloy]

  [1 ancestral spirit core + 15 titanium alloy + 1 high-grade gem powder = death of the ancestral spirit, promotion, brilliant bomb]

  The entire synthesis process was carried out on Lindsay's panel.

  So the moment the ancestral spirit core disappears.

  There were no inexplicable sighs or roars in the air.

  On the contrary, the synthesis process itself directly extracted nearly three-fifths of Lindsay's essence.

  Buzz -

  There was a golden flash in Lindsay's hand.

  A bullet shining with golden light, with circles of blue rings on its surface, lay quietly on it.

  [Ammunition: Death of the Ancestral Spirits·Upgrade·Brilliant Bullets]

  [Ammunition made from the core left by the decaying ancestral spirits, combined with advanced materials, is powerful enough to seriously injure an awakened person at the eighth stage. A hit below the seventh stage will result in death.

  【Extremely rare and of immeasurable value. ]

  ["The mortal world is filled with flames and embers!" The

  glorious ancestral spirit Orfa brings endless flames to the world. Even if he dies, this power will not dissipate.

  This is the first time that Lindsay has seen a short biography attached to the equipment description.

  This is enough to see the uniqueness of the ancestral spirit core.

  At the same time, this was also the second time he saw the description of "inestimable value" after [Purple Leaf Vine with Branches].

  "Those who are in the seventh stage will die, and those who are in the eighth stage can be seriously injured."

  "I really came up with something incredible this time."

  Lindsay shook his head slightly, with a somewhat emotional expression.

  His synthesis of items generally does not consume much essence, not to mention that his life essence has just been upgraded.

  As a result, just synthesizing such an action would take out nearly three-fifths.

  The power of [Brilliant Bullet] can be imagined.

  "In the future, you should be more careful when synthesizing advanced equipment."

  Lindsay thought to himself, and then a heartfelt smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

  "But no matter what."

  "I have firmly grasped the opportunity to kill the dragon beast!"


  , there was a flash of fire.

  The [Brilliant Bullet] in Lindsay's hand is fine.

  But the scorched earth in front of him burst into a ball of hot flames at this moment!

  (End of chapter)

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