129. Chapter 129 Resurrection and so on

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  Chapter 129: Resurrection or something...

  Lindsay raised her eyebrows and left the lighthouse directly.

  He returned to the ground with this question and walked towards the edge of the world.

  More than two hundred meters is not too far.

  After walking to the edge of the earth, what appeared in front of Lindsay's eyes was a scene where all rules and common sense seemed to be thrown away.

  There is no solid earth, no rolling mountains, and no flowing rivers. There are only stars in the sky, hanging high in the endless dark abyss.

  The deep and silent picture stretches forward, as if time has lost its meaning here.


  at this time, a bone-chilling winter wind blew past Lindsay.

  The whispers from the distant sky echoed in front of me, as if telling Lindsay in a special language that this is an unfinished picture, still waiting for the master's handwriting and the emergence of life. "...

  Lindsay said nothing. hair.

  He stood at the edge of the world and looked far into the distance, but still couldn't find any clues. Even if he put on a telescope to enhance his field of vision, he still gained nothing.

  Lindsay's eyes were a little unwilling:

  "Why do the distances on the ground change?"

  He shook his head slightly, squatted on the ground, and used his commercial skills to check the soil and rocks around him.

  However, commercialized skills only prove that everything on the edge of the world is ordinary earth and stone with nothing special.

  Nothing unexpected happened!

  "Forget it, now is not the time to think about these issues."

  Half an hour later, Lindsay decisively gave up the idea of ​​delving into this issue.

  Everything has its priorities.

  Solving the dragon beasts in the Black Mountain world is his immediate goal.

  Lindsay once again focused on the synthesis formula of [Ancestral Spirit Core].

  "Ancestral spirit core, titanium alloy, high-grade gem powder."

  Synthesis of [Brilliant Bullet].

  Lindsay was really only missing two synthetic materials.

  The first is the meteorite needed to forge titanium alloy, and the second is high-grade gem powder.

  But he actually has news about the latter!
  When he was in town inquiring about precious materials and information, Lindsay almost asked all the awakeners in the town. Complete high-grade gems are indeed not available in border towns, but powders do exist!

  "Ms. Agnes."

  Lindsay murmured a name.

  The awakened person holding the high-grade gem powder was the artist from the Seven Seas Alliance whom he wanted to learn musical instruments from before.

  I just never expected it.

  The study plan that was shelved at that time was now put in front of Lindsay again for this reason.

  But at this moment, Lindsay looked up at the sky.

  After all his troubles, it was already too late to disturb a lady so late at night.

  It's better to go back and take a rest.

  Wait until you are ready tomorrow before visiting the other person's home.

  With a plan in mind, Lindsay walked to the south of the town, preparing to go back to the cabin to sleep.

  He opened the attribute panel and planned to allocate the experience points rewarded by [Cultivation of new cold-resistant crops].


  Lindsay's movements suddenly stopped.

  Because just on the taskbar of his property panel, a new task appeared at some point!
  [Ancestral Spirit Resurrection]

  [Use the core of the ancestral spirit that failed to advance to resurrect this ancient and powerful ancestral spirit!

  【Mission reward: Brilliant Corona Sword, module slot +1, huge attribute/skill experience points. ]


  Module slot +1!

  The reward immediately caught Lindsay's attention. After all, the number of modules activated at the same time really affects his strength.

  But what followed the desire was surprise.

  "This thing is really outrageous."

  Lindsay shook her head slightly. You must know that the content that appears on the taskbar is basically a task that was condensed out of the desire in his heart after his participation.

  Lindsay knew nothing about the so-called resurrection of ancestral spirits.

  The only answer is that the will of the ancestral spirit still remains in this core, so it affects the changes on the taskbar.

  These high-level existences are really exaggerated.

  It's a pity that what's hanging on Lindsay's face at this moment is just a slightly apologetic smile:

  "I'm going to use you to deal with the dragon beast."

  "Resurrection or something, I can only say sorry first."

  Without hesitation Putting the task behind her, Lindsay began to distribute her experience points.

  The rewards given in this mission are the largest in history.

  A rough calculation shows that if all of it is used to strengthen basic attributes and distributed reasonably, it should be able to increase a total of about six points. According to the normal speed of exercise, this will take at least three years to achieve.

  However, Lindsay did not add experience points to attributes.

  Because if you invest all your experience points in basic sword skills, you can upgrade this skill from proficient to master!

  From [Quick Shooting] to [Dense Forest Archer].

  Lindsay has deeply experienced the power of this advancement.

  So he didn't hesitate and directly allocated all the reward experience to basic sword skills.

  [Basic Sword Skills]

  (Proficient) → (Master)

  (Advantage Strike) → (Death Blade)

  "Death Blade?"

  Lindsay took out the Ice Fang Dagger.

  He didn't even need to fight, just holding the weapon in his hand, he felt this ability.

  The core of his ability lies in the word "death".

  Anyway, normally, this skill will not have much effect, but if it is a battle involving life and death, Lindsay's offense will be greatly improved.

  "Does this encourage me to risk my life?"

  Lindsay curled her lips dissatisfied.

  He can feel the power of this skill, but just like the RPG module that encourages him to take risks, something that requires taking personal risks to be effective always makes people feel bad.

  If there is any choice.

  Lindsay still wanted to defeat the enemy while ensuring her own safety.

  After a random experiment, Lindsay put away the weapon and returned.

  Regarding the high-grade gem powder, he planned to visit the artist Agnes tomorrow.

  As for the gift for visiting at home...

  Thinking of this, Lindsay's eyes stayed on the [food making] skill she had just unlocked.

  "Isn't this you!"

  Perfect food can even satisfy Lindsay's vitality.

  It is undoubtedly the best stepping stone to visit the other party.

  Back home, Lindsay did what she said and took advantage of the darkness to prepare the ingredients.

  Now has the help of skills.

  His cooking can completely ignore the process. Just wait for the pointer to shake and aim at the right time to get the best results.

  Only a quarter of an hour passed.

  A dazzling array of food was placed in front of Lindsay.

  "Well... let me try it first, Chi Liu... if it doesn't taste good, well... that would be bad..."

  Another hour passed.

  Lindsay prepared another perfect meal, put it in her bag, then lay on the bed and fell asleep with the exhaustion of the whole day.

  What Lindsay didn't know was.

  After the perfect food continuously satisfies the desire for the essence of life, and after the sleep that immediately falls into dreamland due to exhaustion.

  On Lindsay's attribute panel, the entry for the essence of life is also slowly changing.

  (End of chapter)

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