128.Chapter 128 Hope

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  Chapter 128 Hope
  "According to the records in the data, most of the main members of the expedition team are in the sixth or seventh stage. Even the awakened ones who lead the team are clearly strong in the eighth stage."

  Lindsay murmured.

  Under the gaze of the night stars, he walked towards the west side of the town.

  The night is already deep, and a bright moon shines its bright light on the gravel road of the town. The holy white and dark stone cracks overlap and spread, paving a quiet corridor with mottled light and shadow.

  Lindsay's heart suddenly became quiet.

  The bright moon showed him the way among the stars in the sky, and the houses in the towns on both sides seemed to be able to hear their breathing.

  The truest thoughts just emerged from the bottom of my heart.

  A solution to the problem must be found as soon as possible.

  Otherwise, everything in the Hidden Frontier, everything Lindsay knows and knows, and even himself, will perish.

  Lindsay couldn't even confirm the current situation in Anville Village, let alone another border town!
  At this moment, Lindsay was only thinking about one thing.

  In people's current understanding, no one in the hidden frontier can defeat the dragon beast in Black Mountain, and the expedition team that has been gone for a hundred years cannot be the target of help.

  Can the expedition team deal with the dragon beast?

  According to records, in order to ensure the success of the expedition as much as possible, they did not leave behind any powerful weapons that could be used to deal with the dragon beasts.

  But this does not mean that the expedition did not leave any physical objects here.

  There's one right in front of Lindsay.

  Under the dark night, the lighthouse bell tower towers majestically at the edge of the world. It is like a giant that has been sleeping for a hundred years, waiting for the return of the expedition team, and then opens its bright single eye to guide them.

  "Isn't this lighthouse what the expedition team left behind?"

  Lindsay recalled her experience when she first came to the Hidden Frontier three years ago.

  I also thought of the crystal core placed on the lighthouse as a beacon.

  Lindsay didn't even touch it with his hands, but the crystal brought him a sense of destruction that burned everything.

  The winter night is bitingly windy.

  There was no one guarding the lighthouse, so Lindsay easily cut off the door lock and walked up.

  In front of him, the beige crystal still stayed in the silver lamp.

  Nothing has changed from three years ago.

  [Rare Item: Ancestral Spirit Core]

  [The seven-stage ancestral spirit failed to advance, and the core of origin left behind when it died contains endless energy. The core of the ancestral spirit is extremely dangerous, and those awakened below the sixth stage will die if it touches it. ]

  [This core is engraved with a special spell to convert its internal energy into an eternal coordinate system that provides guidance. It is recommended to sell to buyers who can access the core of ancestral spirits. ]

  "The core left behind by the failed advancement of the seventh-stage ancestral spirit. Those who are awakened below the sixth stage will die if touched."

  Lindsay murmured the product introduction that appeared in front of him.

  This ancestral spirit core, which serves as a guiding beacon, was once left here by a big shot of the expedition team. Its violent nature prevents any weak people from touching it.

  But it also means one thing - power.

  Lindsay, who was only in the third stage, certainly couldn't grab the ancestral spirit core carelessly with his hands, and there was no way to capture the strange object through automatic pickup.

  Lindsay casually took out wood and iron pipes from her luggage.

  He tried to use these tools to contact the core of the ancestral spirit, but the moment he touched the crystal, the power on the surface of the crystal instantly burned the object in Lindsay's hand.

  It seems that only the silver lamp connected to the lighthouse can carry its existence.

  Lindsay used the skill to check the silver lamp again and found that this thing had also been processed. Once it moved, the function of restraining the core of the ancestral spirit would be disabled.

  "How is this thing stored and transported under normal circumstances?"

  Lindsay scratched her hair.

  At this time, a dark cloud floated across the sky, just blocking the moonlight above the lighthouse.

  Standing on the top of the dark lighthouse, only the core of the ancestral spirit shone in front of Lindsay, which seemed to indicate some kind of change.


  "Can this thing be used to deal with a seventh-level dragon beast?"

  Lindsay took a deep breath.

  He asked himself a question and received an affirmative answer.

  "If I take it away and the expedition team returns later, will the coordinates be lost?"

  Lindsay asked herself again, and received another affirmative answer.

  "But if I do nothing and leave it here and let the Hidden Frontier be destroyed, will it still be able to serve as a beacon?" Lindsay finally asked herself, and received a vague answer.


  "Yes, this is where hope lies."

  After asking three times about her heart, Lindsay had no hesitation.

  Although other items could not help him take out the core of the ancestral spirit, among Lindsay's equipment, the [Eight-claw Spider Silk Hook] belonging to the [Gamer] system has the function of grabbing items.

  So he waved one hand, and white spider silk immediately shot out from behind.

  Bang -

  In an instant, white spider silk ignited in the air.

  He quickly unequipped the eight-clawed spider silk hook and threw this functional equipment on the ground.

  Whoosh -

  almost in the next second, the [Eight-clawed Spider Silk Hook] turned into ashes.

  Even if it was only a brief contact, the weak power leaked from the ancestral spirit core was enough to destroy the piece of equipment, while also leaving a spider web-shaped flame mark on the floor.

  "But it's worth it."

  Lindsay didn't care about the loss.

  Because at the moment when the spider silk came into contact with the core of the ancestral spirit, the crystal disappeared from the silver lamp and was now lying in a grid of the luggage.

  Dark clouds drifted across the sky.

  The moonlight shone on the lighthouse again, and the side of Lindsay also turned white.

  On the attribute panel, he tried to transfer the [Ancestral Spirit Core] to the workbench.

  [1 Ancestral Spirit Core + 10 High-grade Metal + 3 Star Fragments = Sword of Eternal Corona]

  [1 Ancestral Spirit Core + 3 High-grade Metal + 1 Deified Statue + 3 High-grade Gems = Ancestral Spirit·Ancient Crown]

  [1 Ancestral Spirit Core + 15 Titanium alloy + 1 high-grade gem powder = death of ancestral spirit, upgrade, brilliant bomb]

  [1 ancestral spirit core + 1 natural core + 1 godhead + 30 high-grade metal + 7 high-grade gemstones = rod of faith, eternity, omnipotent domain]

  "... …"

  The sword of the eternal sun, the ancient crown, or the staff of the omnipotent domain.

  Lindsay didn't pay attention to these things that were absolutely extraordinary just by looking at their names. He only looked at one of the synthesis formulas.

  [1 Ancestral Spirit Core + 15 Titanium Alloy + 1 High-grade Gem Powder = Death of Ancestral Spirit·Upgrade·Brilliant Bullet]

  Just from the name, Lindsay could tell that this was a kind of ammunition.

  And it is the super ammunition transformed from the ancestral spirit core that failed in the seventh stage of upgrading!

  "Black Mountain...dragon beast...seventh stage"

  Lindsay clenched her fists.

  He looked around, his lips moving, but he didn't know what to say.

  There was an urge to shout out in my chest.

  Then he walked to the edge of the lighthouse, turned over and sat here, looking towards the empty world border to the west.

  The edge of this world is only more than 200 meters away from his current location.

  A hundred years ago, the members of the expedition team who left here must have left behind the ancestral spirit core just to leave a sign for their return. After all, Black Mountain had not been occupied by dragon beasts at that time, let alone deal with this guy. Props.

  But in a coincidental and wonderful way.

  This strange object that serves as the coordinates of the lighthouse has become the best hope of killing the dragon beast at this moment.

  Lindsay stared at the endless sky.

  But when his eyes were on the ground below the lighthouse, a new doubt popped up in his mind:
  "Isn't this distance not right?"

  This morning, Lindsay was still looking through the information, looking for ways to deal with dragon beasts. hope.

  There is a passage in it that is very clear.

  Before the expedition set off, they built this lighthouse more than a hundred meters away from the edge of the world. But now Lindsay looked down.

  The location at the edge of the world is obviously more than two hundred meters away from the lighthouse!

  (End of chapter)

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