126. Chapter 126 Sudden Success

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  Chapter 126 Sudden Success

  “November 2:
  This is our first winter in this world, and it will also be our last winter.

  The expedition team is never afraid of challenges!
  Even if there is endless nothingness in front of them , this expedition will not stop because of this, not to mention that it is not consistent with the space border recorded in ancient times!

  Miss Kayes' hurricane fortress can ensure that we can operate in the air for a long time.

  However, considering the return journey, we also decided to travel within a short distance Build a lighthouse one hundred meters from the edge of the world. The Knights of the Capital of France have a perfect lighthouse design and sufficient energy to provide guidance for thousands of years to come.

  An Rui, who followed us all the way here, is still in In the fifth stage.

  He will become the lord of this outpost, and Mr. Compton's student Finn will assist him.

  With these two people staying here, they should be able to run this base properly..."

  Sitting in the winter In the wooden house, Lindsay directly used the fireplace to warm her feet, holding the town's construction records in her hands to read.

  This is a text left by a member of the expedition team.

  Seeing the familiar name written in unfamiliar handwriting, Lindsay's fingers gently pressing on the page seemed to be wandering.


  At this moment, there was a sound from the window nearby.

  Lindsay turned around and saw that it was the bat she had summoned. She gently opened the window, then flew to the roof beam and hung upside down, and began to deliver the message to herself.


  "Somkin still didn't do anything suspicious today."

  Listening to the bat reporting the news to himself, Lindsay closed the book in his hand, stood up and stretched.

  Winter has passed for more than two months.

  During this period, he kept summoning bats and conducted relatively covert surveillance of Somkin.

  The results were surprising.

  Over the past two months, this businessman has turned out to be really honest.

  Almost like the unified atmosphere in the town, he seemed to have given up on the idea of ​​adventurously breaking through the Black Mountains and returned to a very peaceful daily life.

  "Could it be that there is someone else who delivers the message to the Warcraft?"

  "Does that mean those Warcraft have some kind of reconnaissance method that I don't know about?"

  Lindsay muttered.

  Then he moved to the greenhouse and inspected the plants he cultivated.

  After more than two months of cultivation, coupled with the hybridization of wild plants, the three crops in his hands already have many special traits.

  To put it bluntly, every time you sow and harvest now, it is possible to get satisfactory results at any time.

  So at this moment, I look at the buds of hope in front of me.

  Lindsay smiled and couldn't help but touch the green leaves on it.

  "Let's get some results soon, it's almost spring."

  With the help of resource utilization capabilities, these crops are growing vigorously and can be harvested in about half an hour.

  Lindsay checked that there was nothing wrong, then went back to the front room and sat down.

  He opened the window to let the bat out again, and casually took out a fiery red spear over one meter long from his bag.

  [Flintlock Gun]

  [A flintlock gun that contains the power of explosive flames. The barrel is made of fine steel. Compared with ordinary flintlock guns, its accuracy and power are greatly improved.

  【Excellent original firearms, but no one has purchased them and their value is low.

  More than a month ago.

  Joel handed the completed flintlock to Lindsay.

  The materials were ready, and the synthesis was naturally smooth sailing. While Lindsay had his first firearm, he also made a batch of iron bullets.

  However, the problem is that the task of [First Gunshot], in addition to making firearms, also requires defeating valuable enemies.

  For more than two months, the town has been peaceful, with no internal disputes or invasion by foreign enemies.

  It's impossible for Lindsay to just catch a powerful awakener in the town and shoot him, right? The best result is to use the World of Warcraft in Black Mountain to test its power.

  "The question we should be thinking about now is how to break through Montenegro."

  Lindsay leaned against the window and thought.

  "But if you want to break through the world of Black Mountain, you must break the blockade of the dragon beast, and that thing has hard power requirements."

  "A seventh-stage, or even advanced to the eighth-stage Warcraft. There are six hidden borders in a row. There are no people at this stage, so where can you find a strong person who can defeat this kind of enemy?" "


  Suddenly, Lindsay's murmur stopped.

  This is not because he thought of a solution to the dragon beast.

  But while he was thinking about it, he was on the taskbar of the properties panel.

  The task of [Cultivation of new cold-resistant crops] actually shows the status of [Task Completed]!

  Lindsay didn't even receive the reward. He threw the flintlock gun in his hand on the chair, turned around and rushed towards the glass greenhouse.

  In front of him, a new batch of crops has finished growing and is stretching its bountiful figure under the sunlight.

  Sow – wait – gather – sow.

  Lindsay has been doing the above process every day for the past two months. It can be said that she is so familiar with it that she can do it even with her eyes closed.

  But now his movements were so nervous that he was trembling.

  They didn't even start collecting them right away, but first used the product skills to identify them.

  [Plant: Cold-resistant potato]

  [High-yielding potato with extremely strong cold resistance.

  【A type of crop with strong cold resistance, while the yield is not reduced and the value is low. ]


  [Plant: Cold-resistant wheat]

  [High-yielding wheat with extremely strong cold resistance.

  【A type of crop with strong cold resistance, while the yield is not reduced and the value is low.

  These two pieces of information poured a lot of hot oil directly on Lindsay's fiery heart.

  He quickly collected these successfully cultivated crops and said excitedly:
  "No problem, this is what I want!"

  "Cold resistance! High yield!"

  "Now all that's left is to breed them quickly and prepare them for production. Enough seeds will be distributed to everyone, and then planted..."

  "No! That's not right!"

  Lindsay skillfully collected these newly harvested plants, and then sown them again, allowing them to continue to reproduce more seeds.

  But during this process, Lindsay suddenly clapped her hands:
  "It's not time to get excited yet!"

  "Cultivating and preparing seeds does need to be carried out, but I also need to take some of these seeds separately and let them grow in a completely natural situation to observe the actual situation."

  Two Many months of hard work finally bore fruit.

  Lindsay's excitement at this moment is almost indescribable.

  He knew in his heart that the completion mark on the task bar meant that his cultivation was successful, and there would be almost no problems with this batch of cold-resistant crops.

  But this feeling of huge reward after months of hard work still left him with an uneasy emptiness in his heart.

  So I want to do something and make sure there are no problems with my results as much as possible.

  From day to night.

  Lindsay used her skills intensively to breed several jars of seeds for this batch of crops.

  Check them one by one to ensure that all seeds have cold resistance properties. Lindsay was in the greenhouse, demarcating a piece of land that had not been affected by technology at all, and took out samples of these seeds and planted them.

  He calculated the time and concluded confidently:
  "For potatoes, the results of natural growth can be confirmed in as soon as three months. Wheat should last another two weeks, but the weather will be just right by then. The seeds are sown."

  (End of chapter)

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