125. Chapter 125 Gray Fur Rabbit Shoes

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  Chapter 125 Gray Fur Rabbit Shoes
  It’s getting late tonight.

  But according to Lindsay's understanding of Red Moon, his godmother would probably have to patrol the cemetery for another two hours or so before she was ready to fall asleep.

  Lindsay was filled with doubts and simply set off.

  On the way, he also synthesized the Bat Staff.

  The bat summoned by the staff is the same as the snow wolf. Once summoned, it will occupy Lindsay's summoning slot, and its strength is also slightly weaker than the snow wolf.

  But the advantage is that bats are extremely small and fly very fast.

  While reducing its combat capabilities, it can also emit a sound wave directed towards Lindsay to convey relatively simple information.

  "One for combat and one for reconnaissance."

  "That's enough."

  At the same time, gray fur rabbit shoes were also made of rabbit fur and brocade cloth.

  [Equipment: Gray Fur Rabbit Shoes]

  [Smallly increase movement speed and agility, and reduce the wearer's footsteps.

  【Soft and comfortable rabbit fur shoes, the fluffy rabbit shape is very popular among girls. ]


  Lindsay had nothing to say about these cute bunny shoes.

  He put it on at night and tried it. His speed immediately became a little faster, and he arrived at the east side of the town before long.

  Under the dark night.

  As expected, a figure wearing a nun's uniform was walking around the cemetery, checking the situation here every day.

  Lindsay stepped forward without thinking:
  "Mom...ah? Anna!"

  The moment she saw the other person's appearance, Lindsay immediately changed her tune.

  Because the person patrolling the cemetery at night was not the red moon, but An Rui's daughter

  as the lord's child, there was no reason for Anna to appear here.

  Not to mention that the other party was wearing a black nun uniform from the Death School.

  According to the regulations that Lindsay knew, this should be a costume that only nuns who join the Death School can wear.

  Lindsay was speechless and didn't know what to say for a moment.

  On the contrary, Anna turned her head when she heard Lindsay's voice, with a rather teasing smile on her face:

  "Hey, isn't this my parishioner Lindsay?"

  "It's so late, why are you still here?" Are you coming here specifically?"

  Lindsay then said hello and walked forward:

  "No, Anna, what is going on?"

  "Why are you here and what are you wearing? Have you already joined death? School?"

  Seeing Lindsay's confused look, Anna covered her lips with one hand and giggled:

  "Why, don't you recognize it? This is the serious costume of our death school!"

  Lin Sai was forced to accept the reality:

  "So you joined the Death School?"

  "I have never heard of this before. And when we chatted last time, didn't you say that you wanted to become a life scholar in the future?"

  At the mention of this, Anna's expression darkened, but she soon smiled with relief:

  "It was originally like this."

  "But as long as people live, they will find that not everything can be as they wish. It develops like that. Seven years later, I will definitely become an awakener, and as a member of the town, I must also bear some responsibilities."

  After explaining, Anna looked at Lindsay quietly.

  Then the girl took two steps forward, leaned close to Lindsay, and said in a small voice:

  "Lindsay, I know you will not inherit Ms. Red Moon's job, and you will definitely leave here in the future. But for this small town, This job has to be inherited." Anna was right.

  The burial of the leader of the Death School.

  For a border town, especially an outpost on the edge of the world, its importance is self-evident.

  "Anna, I..."

  Lindsay wanted to speak, but Anna directly blocked his mouth with a slender finger.

  "Lindsay, stop talking."

  "This is not just because of you, but also because of my father's thoughts." "

  The situation in the town a few days ago. If my father wants to calm people's hearts and gather public opinion, he must make efforts in all aspects. The reputation of the Death School in the town is a good help."

  "As his daughter, I did not inherit other jobs and joined the Death School, which can be regarded as one of these efforts."

  Although I did not explicitly mention it. Win people's hearts by saying these four words.

  But Anna's explanation was straightforward enough.

  And carefully analyze the current situation in the town. The status of Red Moon and the Death School has indeed remained the same, and has not been shaken by the dispute between the two parties.

  If there is another accident in the future.

  Anna can also be well protected here in Hongyue.

  After thinking about everything, Lindsay sighed, and finally asked the girl in front of her:
  "Ana, are you willing?"

  Anna smiled, looking at Lindsay with her amethyst eyes, and said without hesitation:
  "Father gave me a choice, and I am willing to take on this responsibility."

  After giving a positive answer, Anna took two steps back and pointed to the church aside:

  "Lindsay, I have to patrol here for a while. I'll go in with you."

  Lindsay nodded slightly and walked towards the church.

  Because someone died in the battle to eliminate the monsters, the church is also preparing for tomorrow's funeral.

  As he walked into the chapel.

  Then he found Hongyue sitting by the wall of the chapel, sewing some damaged curtains in her hands.

  Hongyue noticed Lindsay coming in and didn't stop what she was doing.

  She just turned her gaze slightly and asked in a calm tone:
  "Lindsay, what's the matter?"

  Lindsay nodded and affirmed:
  "Mommy, some very special things happened during this siege against the monsters. The corrupted poisonous spiders that originally lived around the town got the news of our actions inexplicably..."

  Lindsay informed Hongyue of what happened in the past few days.

  The old nun quickly understood everything and frowned slightly:
  "So you suspect that Somkin made a deal with Warcraft and betrayed the information about the Awakening operation in the town."

  Lindsay nodded and affirmed:
  "I was quite Suspicious, but not sure of the specific situation."

  "And today he came to me specifically to deliver some urgently needed crop plants, and explained that he had been busy with this in the past few days."

  Lindsay paused for a moment, then added:

  "Mommy, it's absolutely true that he found the plants, but other aspects are really suspicious. I'm really not sure about this, so I want to ask you about Somkin. Opinion."

  Hongyue shook her head and did not make any judgment.

  She simply described her opinion of Somkin:
  "He is a businessman from the Platinum City. He has always been very shrewd in the past, and he also has the greed that a businessman should have. But in the aspects you mentioned, he has never shown that Betraying humanity's position."

  Hong Yue's answer should have ended there.

  Because this is all she knows about Somkin.

  But the Lindsay in front of her was her godson after all, so after finishing speaking, the elderly nun asked with concern:
  "Lindsay, what are you going to do?"

  Lindsay replied calmly:
  "Since there is no clear evidence, then Just keep waiting."

  "At the same time, pay more attention to Somkin."

  "If he really did such a heinous thing, there will inevitably be other measures in the future. When the truth is revealed again, it is not the time to collect plants to explain it. It’s over!”

  (End of chapter)

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