Chapter 98 Northern Kingdom Warlocks (Not) Secret Meeting

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  Chapter 98 The Secret Meeting of the Warlocks of the Northern Kingdom (Not)

  Artorius Vigo, who had been advocating for Nilfgaard just now, crossed his arms. He is Fringilla's uncle and called on the warlocks to take unconventional measures against Nilfgaard. The resistance was partly an effort to support his niece.

  "We are fighting Cintra, but we are only fighting Cintra." Fringilla emphasized, "I know you are biased against Nilfgaard, but since our Majesty Emhyr succeeded to the throne, Everything has changed.

  We have opened up trade and invested in research, and everyone in the northern countries has benefited a lot from this."

  Fringilla looked around confidently, and the warlocks behind Artorius gave her a friendly greeting. Smiling, several of the warlocks behind Tisaya also lowered their heads. Obviously, these people had "benefited a lot".

  "We Nilfgaard are tearing down the wall." Fringilla looked at the warlocks on Tisaya's side, "But Queen Calanthe is just building a wall. Do you want to support such a monarch?"

  Nilfgaard The new emperor of Germany is indeed extraordinary in his methods. The "great benefits" mentioned by Fringilla are not only the warlocks present, but also the king they are loyal to. This is one of the reasons why Nilfgaard has not encountered large-scale resistance so far.

  Disaya suddenly asked: "If Nilfgaard is so friendly in your mouth, why are the warlocks behind you so miserable?
  Fringilla, you were once one of my best students, why are you helping me now?" Nilfgaard treats his companions like slaves."

  Everyone's attention focused on the sorcerers behind Fringilla. They followed the leading sorceress and kept pace, wearing simple clothes. A stark contrast to all the other warlocks present.

  The headmistress looked at the group of warlocks behind Fringilla and said: "Resisting Nilfgaard is not only for Cintra, but also to protect the way of life of the warlocks, to protect our academy, and to maintain us for hundreds of years. The order established. These are your Nilfgaard and the things you destroyed."

  Fringilla shook her head and said: "Their downfall is just compared with the luxurious you, Tisaya. Nilfgaard has not Destruction of order, just modified this - all the time we have only outstanding warlocks who can be assigned to the kingdom to become royal advisors after graduating from the academy, but other warlocks are ignored or even destitute. Look at them, Tisha Ya, there are also your students among them. After they failed to become royal advisors and left the academy, have you ever looked at them again -"

  She opened her hands and took a step back, letting the warlocks behind her attract everyone's attention: "We all come from the two magic schools of Arethusa and Ban Gend. The number of you here far exceeds the number of royal advisors in the Northern Kingdom, so you must understand what I say. We in Nilfgaard are just

  pioneers We have taken a different path. The accusation of slaves is too harsh. In fact, we are trained in the army like soldiers, and we have given more warlocks a broader stage." Triss suddenly retorted at this time: "

  You You also violated the taboo rules. You studied demonology, necromancy and fire magic."

  Fringilla shook her head: "Forbidden magic is the ghost story taught to us in this academy. You didn't delve into it at all, so you just took it away Ignore it."

  She actually still had something to say. Everyone of the older generation of magicians knew forbidden magic, but the young magicians didn't learn it after being educated in the academy. Therefore, Triss' accusation against her has no lethality at all. Only a new generation of warlocks like herself would care about this kind of thing.

  This topic was quickly brought up by Fringilla. She exchanged glances with her uncle and felt that what she had said so far was enough to win the support of the warlocks present and disintegrate the warlocks' efforts to resist Nilfgaard. The secret meeting formed:

  "I know some people are alarmist and think that Nilfgaard is destroying the continent. But only we know that by taking Cintra, we are saving it from the rule of the stupid Calanthe.

  And The destruction of this country without magic will also make other kings on the continent realize the importance of magic again!" The warlocks

  in the field whispered, and the warlocks who supported Cintra were shaken in large numbers, while other non-royal advisers The young warlock looked at the warlock troops behind Fringilla, seeming to be weighing something in his heart.

  "I've heard enough boring debates." Artorius and his niece sang in harmony. "Cintra should be left to fend for itself. Let us vote." "Decide that

  Cintra should continue to maintain their self-preservation Lioness proud warlocks, please raise your hands."


  Night, Arethusa's guest room.

  In the daytime vote, Cintra was undisputedly abandoned by the warlocks. Not only the warlocks who refused to help Cintra from the beginning, but also several people from the Unionist faction led by Tisaya voted against it. Vote for support.

  Fringilla was in a good mood at the moment. She dismissed the warlock troops she brought and asked them to return to Cintra first, while she stayed in Aretuza's guest room.

  Because according to Emperor Emhyr's orders, she needed to contact someone today.

  "Nice speech, Fringilla."

  A voice suddenly sounded behind her, and the air suddenly rippled on the empty sofa, and a man's figure appeared. At this time, the sofa seemed to remember that there was someone on it, and finally felt slightly deformed as if it was carrying a heavy load.

  "Suddenly appearing in a lady's room is not polite behavior. Tisaya will be sad - Vilgefortz."

  The warlock who argued for Cintra in the conference hall during the day was now in Nefer. The Gad Warlock poured tea and drank it in his room, and he sighed.

  At this moment, he still doesn't have the look of a warrior bent on fighting like he followed Tisaya during the day. If someone else were to guess Wigfortz's age based on his temperament at this moment, they would definitely increase it based on his true age. Several times.

  "My compliments to you are sincere, Fringilla. I don't know how many warlocks who are living in embarrassment will be inspired by your words to contribute to Emhyr's warlock army. And when they truly experience the kind of dependence and dependence on others, After living, how many people will regret it?"

  Fringilla said coldly: "The status of magic should transcend all differences. That is why I chose to serve Nilfgaard. Those warlocks who have no fixed abode at least They can get a status in Nilfgaard that matches their abilities, but they also need to pay a corresponding price."

  Vilgefortz shook his head, he was not serving the Emperor of Nilfgaard, but cooperating with it. He met Emhyr when he was an exiled prince, and supported and guided him step by step to become the emperor who rules nearly half of the continent today.

  He also gained the support of an empire of power and wealth. Now, it seems that he is very close to his goal, just one step away.

  However, since Emhyr became emperor, the emperor's aura began to radiate towards him, and he was far less obedient than the troubled prince before.

  Fringilla asked: "So, Emhyr ordered me to contact you, is there any news?"

  Vilgefortz handed over a note: "The king of Cintra disappeared for a while. My contact learned that he went to Skellige to ask for help - after all, he was once the king of the islands, and the current king is still his brother, so he succeeded. Now the

  Skellige support force has set off, and this note says What is written is the place where their fleet will pass, and I need you to take your troops to stop them."

  Fringilla's expression became solemn. If Skellige and Cintra united, they might really be able to hinder the progress of Nilfgaard's army.

  "Since you already know the news, why don't you solve it together?" Fringilla said dissatisfied, "The power of the warlock army is not enough to destroy a fleet. At most, it can create a storm to hinder them." Wigfortz's mouth couldn't help

  but He put on a contemptuous smile, but quickly concealed it again:
  "The power to destroy a fleet may indeed be too difficult, but delaying them for a little time is enough, right? This time difference is enough for you to annihilate Cintra's troops. Attacked their capital.

  During this time, I will study with Tisaya and others on how to resist the invasion of Nilfgaard. After you destroy Cintra and attempt to continue to advance, the Warlock Brotherhood will definitely take corresponding measures. Means, as a member of the Wizarding Council, I can't be here at this time."

  Fringilla sarcastically said: "How many people from the Wizarding Council and the Supreme Council of Warlocks are present today?"

  The corner of Wige Fortz's mouth began to curl up again. He smiled contemptuously and said: "Emhyr also gave me a task. After you capture the princess of Cintra, Sirilla, you can continue to lead the troops to occupy the entire territory of Cintra, and I will bring her to Emhyr." ."

  Fringilla frowned, stared into Wigefortz's eyes and said, "Didn't you say you wanted to discuss countermeasures with the Brotherhood?"

  Wigefortz explained calmly: "It's just that the fleet is passing by. I don't have time at that location. And Emhyr hopes to get Cirilla as soon as possible. You can't open a portal at this distance, can you?"

  Fringilla glanced at him suspiciously and reluctantly nodded in approval. Yes.

  Vilgefortz then added: "In addition to Cirilla, Cintra also has a member of the royal family named Lann, Lann Lannister Leanne, you can also capture him and treat him as It's my personal request."

  Fringilla refused: "Emhyr did not give me this order."

  After saying that, she added with a weird attitude: "I don't know about your weird collection of the Cintra royal family. What's the purpose of the addiction, but even if I agree, I can't capture Lann of Cintra for you..."

  Vilgefortz looked at Fringilla with doubtful eyes.

  "Because Lann of Cintra is dead, died in Beauclair."

  The evening wind blew, the gauze curtain lifted, and a person appeared quietly in the empty space.

  Vilgefortz returned to his room and watched the ebb and flow of the coast outside the academy.

  His graceful and polite expression faded from his face little by little, and the fierceness and ferocity in his eyes began to burst out little by little: "...
  What a waste!"

  "The blood of the ancients...I should have taken it earlier. You captured it...If it weren't for my experiment, it wouldn't be complete." "

  That means...only Cirilla is left now..."

  (End of this chapter)

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