Chapter 97 The world goes on as usual

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  Chapter 97 The world continues as usual.
  The soldier glared at the opponent with red eyes: "Shut up, you won. Except for this card, all my cards are yours, except this one."

  Gongshang looked around. , shook his head helplessly: "Okay, okay..."

  The soldiers were less interested and no longer interested in spending time on Gwent. When the wine was deep, someone was slamming the table angrily and yelling.

  "Lord Lannister must have been sneak-attacked by the Nilfgaardians, and Toussaint is definitely an accomplice!" A

  companion next to him held down the drinking buddy who was drunk and started talking nonsense, shook his head and shouted to the bard on the side of the tavern: "Poet, please sing a song for our Lord Lannister."

  Everyone raised their glasses in cooperation at this moment: "To Lannister!"

  Milo Glass nodded and began to play the strings: "Kind Lannisters Nister, brave Lannister, generous Lannister, compassionate Lannister..."

  At the bar, two men dressed as warriors were drinking, and there was an empty circle around them. People passing by clinked their wine glasses, but no one came to join them.

  They are Ace and House.

  Only Milo Glass, who had finished singing, came over to toast the two attendants at this moment. They were barely acquainted.

  "Here's Earl Lion, you two gentlemen."

  Ace picked up the wine glass and said back: "We are not grown-ups."

  House picked up the wine glass and said back: "Thank you for your song, poet. But why are you back again?"

  Traveling Trade Poet He plucked the strings and said with a smile: "Everyone likes the Lion Earl's songs. This is the place that most inspires my creative inspiration. And I also hope to be lucky enough to meet the Earl again. After all, I still owe him a drink."

  Ace He smiled bitterly. If Lan En were still here, he would hate these people who come over without knowing what they can do. These greedy guys stare at the sparsely populated Lannister, always hoping to get a part-time job, or lick the crowns leaking from the fingers of the generous earl.

  But now that the earl has passed away, he can only sigh for the merchant poet:

  "Your Majesty the earl never buys wine just to be returned. He is different from those stingy knights you have seen. And you will have no new themes to create in the future. ——Leave Sintra, poet, and don’t imitate those businessmen who desperately want to make war fortune. If you want to repay the Count’s wine, spread his poems. Knights like him should not be forgotten. ."

  Milo Glass smiled nonchalantly and said: "Of course you have to return the wine. This is a rule for me...and I don't think I have any new themes to create." The stubborn business poet said in a simple

  way After the conversation, he greeted the two attendants and left, and the remaining two fell into silence again.

  The tavern owner poured wine for the two waiters, and the next second they picked it up and drank it down. After a long time, Ace finally asked:
  "Isn't Swade still coming?"

  House nodded: "He is now closely following Her Highness the Princess. He stood guard until he fainted two days ago. Fortunately, Hardy discovered him in time. He always felt that it was his fault because he was the only one among the three of us who followed the Earl."

  Ace sighed: "Do you blame him?"

  House glanced at Ace: "What about you?"

  The tavern The boss poured wine for the two of them, and they clinked their glasses and drank them all.

  Ace suggested: "Let's get together more often in the future. The longer I stay in contact with those officers...the more I miss the Earl."

  House shook his head: "Who doesn't? Those knights in the palace are really ...There will never be a knight like the Earl again.

  But let’s forget about it. Didn’t your father help you become the captain of the city guard? Don’t be so idle when you first took office. I am also following En now. Mr. Ace is studying housekeeping and will probably become a palace chamberlain or something like that in the future."

  Ace lowered his head. His former comrade-in-arms fell apart due to the death of Lord Sworn. He steeled himself and asked again: "You have Geralt over there. Any news about sir?"

  "Queen Calanthe almost didn't let him out of the dungeon, but in the end it was the work of Advisor Mossak that kept him alive. In the end, Queen Calanthe asked him to never set foot in Cintra, otherwise he would die. Cut off his head."

  Ace sighed: "Then we may never see Mr. Geralt, he is also an amazing warrior."

  House suddenly remembered something and said: "But don't Mr. Ssak seems to have asked him to do something. It may be something related to magic. The specifics are not something I should know about." "

  Speaking of magic... Doesn't the Earl also have a warlock friend? What's his name? Are you here?"

  "I heard he's an advisor to Temeria. I forgot his name."



  Triss was walking in the crowd and suddenly heard someone calling her name.

  Looking back, she saw a sorceress wearing a black and white dress with a rustling hem. She has violet-like eyes, long wavy black hair that reflects the light of peacock feathers, and her whole body exudes the scent of lilac and gooseberry that Triss is familiar with.

  "Yennefer? I have been looking for you for many years..."

  The sorceress named Yennefer twisted her white neck tied with a black velvet ribbon and looked at everything in front of her in confusion. A large number of warlocks poured into a meeting. In the hall, Triss was originally one of them.

  "A warlock said that Tisaya needs my help, and that man calls himself Vilgefortz of Rogoeven." Yennefer frowned and said, "What are you doing? Why do you need to gather so many warlocks?

  " Liz was overjoyed when she heard Yennefer's answer: "Dean Tissaya will indeed be relieved if you come back."

  Then she explained: "We are holding a secret meeting of the warlocks of the Northern Kingdom. Nilfgaard is unstoppable, they have occupied Manado, and Cintra is next!"

  Everyone filed into the conference hall. In the hall, a middle-aged warlock who looked about fifty years old was talking loudly. He saw He looked energetic and his brown beard was neatly groomed.

  But warlocks and witchers alike cannot judge age by appearance. This is actually an old warlock who is hundreds of years old, named Artorius Vigo. He is a master of illusions and spells. His powerful power and deep qualifications have given him many fans in the Warlock Brotherhood. His prestige even exceeds that of most members of the Wizards' Council and the Supreme Council of Warlocks.

  At this moment, Artorius was stating his point of view to the warlocks present: "It would be crazy to go to war with Nilfgaard, and it would be even more stupid to fight against Nilfgaard for Cintra! Cintra has been rejecting our warlocks for decades. With the help of magic, they can get what they want now."

  The warlocks in the room were divided into two groups and gathered around both sides of the long table. Artorius was led by him and another white-haired male warlock in robes. They were clearly against the resistance to Nilfgaard.

  Opposite them, the warlocks who advocated taking the initiative to fight against Nilfgaard were represented by two young-looking warlocks, a man and a woman.

  The sorceress's name is Tishaia de Verres, a senior sorceress, one of the five members of the Witches' Guild, and the principal of Arethusa Academy, one of the only magic academies in the world. She is dressed rigorously, with her black hair tied into a classic bun, and her plain-colored low-cut long skirt outlines her plump figure, revealing her large breasts while still being dignified. Her elegant aura attracts attention.

  The male warlock next to her was exceptionally handsome, strong, and dressed more like a noble swordsman than a warlock. He was the one who called Yennefer back - Vilgefortz of Logoivn.

  Hearing Artorius's point of view, Vilgefortz retorted: "We are not just talking about Cintra now. Nilfgaard will only be satisfied if it takes over the entire continent." "   How

  do you know?"

Gofortz replied: "Because if it were me, I would do the same thing. I am the only one here who has led troops on the battlefield. I can know what the emperor of Nilfgaard thinks." After listening to his words, the man

  opposite The white-bearded warlock mocked: "We all know this. Whenever you get a chance, you put on your ridiculous costumes, dance with knives, guns, and sticks. Over the years, you have looked more like a lowly soldier than a warlock!" The white-bearded warlock

  ! His name is Strigob. He has pale skin, a hunched back, a long staff, and a wide floor-length black robe. He looks like a warlock who stepped out of a textbook.

  His words aroused the ridicule of a group of arrogant warlocks. Vilgefortz is a powerful warlock who has suddenly emerged in recent decades. He became a member of the Wizard Council before he was a hundred years old and is considered one of the ten most powerful warlocks in the world. . However, his "unconventional young man's behavior" is always criticized by veteran warlocks.

  After hearing what the other party said, Vilgefortz gritted his teeth helplessly, and just as he was about to refute, Tisaya beside him suddenly spoke expressionlessly.

  The voice was cold and majestic. Many of the young warlocks present were once students of Tisaya, and they couldn't help but think of their own academic careers at this moment.

  "No matter what Vilgefortz is, it's better than killing babies born at the moment of a solar eclipse. Moreover, you have been chased by one of the children of the solar eclipse who did not kill him and have been hiding in Tibet for so many years. Your reputation as a warlock has been ruined because of you. A lot of shame - Strigob."

  The ridiculed warlock blushed suddenly, but he could no longer use a disrespectful tone when facing Tisaya. The strength and prestige of the sorceress in front of him was not inferior to her beauty. , are all undisputed top among the current warlocks.

  Tisaya was not interested in seeing the other party's ugly appearance anymore, but looked around and called out: "If we take action now, we can still stop Nilfgaard. The south is the south, and our northern kingdoms should unite!

  " Govortz waved his hand, and a huge map appeared on the table in front of him. Chaos magic gathered at his fingertips to mark each position on the map. He said: "If you convince our king to send troops now, it is still too late

  . . The army can arrive at Soden within a week and then save Icintra."

  Strigorb responded tit-for-tat: "Why? So what if Cintra is destroyed, who cares?"

  "I care!" There is a warlock behind Tisaya Suddenly shouted, "If Cintra perishes, my country will be next!"

  Suddenly, the door of the living room opened at this moment, and a sorceress and a group of sorcerers broke in. This sorceress has rare neat short hair, wears a hollow and gorgeous palace dress, has snow-white skin, is beautiful and elegant.

  In sharp contrast to her were the warlocks who came in behind her. They were all wearing plain robes and were simply dressed, even a bit like the standard military standards.

  The name of the leading sorceress is Fringilla Vigo, who was born in Beauclair, Toussaint, and serves Nilfgaard. After she brought the warlocks in, she broke the confrontation between the two sides, and for a while, there was a vague appearance of a three-way confrontation.

  This is indeed a secret meeting of the Warlocks of the Northern Kingdom, but the Warlock Academy itself has no clear political stance. Warlocks from all countries have graduated from here, and warlocks from all countries are allowed to return here.

  And for Fringilla to break into this meeting at such a clever time, someone was obviously tipping off the information.

  (End of chapter)

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