Chapter 14 It’s all here

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  Chapter 14 Laidu came.
  In the woods, three bodies were lying crookedly. They were all well-equipped, but the enemy's sword tips penetrated the vital points around the gaps in their armor, with precise and deadly precision.

  Silent, like shrewd hunters, these people have been on the predator's diet for a long time.

  There were many torches set up all around, and Lann's expression was difficult to explain under the intertwined light and dark flames.

  "Their blood hasn't been drained yet, and the enemy is still around. Lord Earl, we can still pursue..." "

  No." Lann shook his head, "Let's retreat."

  "But sir..."


  " The captain may be angry, wondering why the count, who was so brave during the day, has become so timid now. But Lann already had a guess about the enemy.

  A witcher, definitely a witcher. Based on the appearance and characteristics that the robbers had extracted from him, Lann was certain of this.

  The iconic double sword. The witcher always carries a steel sword and a silver sword on his back. The steel sword kills, the silver sword hunts demons. It is said that silver swords are very effective in destroying demons and many magical creatures are sensitive to silver. However, silver swords are too fragile and expensive to make, so demon hunters will prepare an extra steel sword to deal with battles with humans.

  Iconic potion backpack straps. Demon hunters are also alchemists who prepare magic potions. They can prepare magic potions with various functions including healing, night vision, underwater breathing, attack and defense, etc. There are even alchemy schools that specialize in preparing magic potions. In addition to potions, you can also carry a small amount of alchemical bombs here.

  As well as the iconic amber cat eyes, the eyes that every demon hunter will obtain after passing the alchemical transformation called "Trial of Grass", which can give them the ability of night vision and powerful dynamic vision.

  In addition to the above abilities, a demon hunter also has other abilities such as superhuman physique, spell casting, etc.

  If the team is assembled for a head-on confrontation, Lann is not afraid of the opponent, because whether in the novel or in the game, the witcher (except the player) is quite weak in frontal combat against the army.

  But now we are in the jungle, the enemy is dark and we are clear. This is when the traps, potions, tracking and other demon hunting methods that the demon hunter is good at can best be used. Given enough time, it might be impossible to annihilate the centurions, but most of them could be assassinated before they returned to Cintra.

  To put it simply, you can "fight" with the witcher, but never "make an appointment" with the witcher. Now Lan is in the awkward position of "making a date".

  The deputy captain blew the horn to close the troops, and the dispersed troops slowly retreated to the camp.

  When counting the number of people, the soldiers came back with bad news: three more soldiers were missing.

  The troops that rashly dispersed to search for the missing soldiers gave the unknown demon hunter a chance, and allowed him to silently harvest three lives. Including the three corpses found previously, a total of six people died, which was surprisingly more casualties than when they encircled and suppressed the bandits before.

  Attendant Sward came over and handed Lan a water bag, and the irritable Lan drank it all in one gulp.

  "Sir, there is something weird about the leader of these bandits."

  "I know." Lann said, "That's a demon hunter."

  "A demon hunter?" Swader and the deputy captain who heard on the side both exclaimed in low voices. "I have often heard of them from bards and Gwent. There is also a poet named Dandelion who often writes poems about witchers." Swader said strangely: "I have never seen any

  real ones. Demon hunters, but aren’t they responsible for hunting monsters? How come they have become bandit leaders?”

  Lann threw the water bag back to the attendant and said: “It turns out that there are exceptions among witchers, and we are now I just met one."

  The question now is why this demon hunter insists on clinging to his group of soldiers.

  In the original work, demon hunters seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. Except for the Cat School, demon hunters will give in as much as possible to organizations such as the army and the Knights. They are well versed in the way of protecting oneself to the point of "weakness".

  Even the crazy Cat School would not be crazy enough to want to hunt an army alone.

  Suddenly, Lann thought of the crystal containing magic power. Even though I searched through the family collection and contacted half of Cintra's upper class, I still couldn't find a piece of the source of magic crystal.

  Yes, that can explain why there is a demon hunter here, and why a large-scale bandit group that is rare in the northern countries can be gathered here.

  What if the witcher came here just for this crystal? Did this group of thieves even gather for this crystal? The plundering of passing caravans was just wild food they couldn't help but hunt.

  This could also explain why this crazy demon hunter would not let go of people like him like a provoked beast. He did not lose his mind for revenge, but his life was held in his hands.

  "Lord Earl, what should we do next? Wait until dawn or..." The vice-captain watched Lan's face change, feeling uneasy, and cautiously stepped forward and asked.

  "No, wait." Lan said, "Send the people out again."

  "Huh?" The vice-captain who had just called everyone back was dumbfounded.

  "But this time, there are twenty people in groups. Hold up torches to light up the surroundings. Don't spread too far apart to avoid being attacked by surprise. Don't go too far. Come back immediately when you hear my signal." "Huh?" Vice

  Captain Even more stupid, this doesn't look like a camp that has dispersed to find someone, but rather like a camp that has dispersed for a temporary walk.

  Swade nodded in agreement. He didn't think as much as the deputy captain. He obeyed Lann's order unconditionally: "I'll go and select the troops with you." "No."

  Lann waved his hand. "I'll stay."

  Swader paused and then said, "Then I'll choose the troops to stay with you..." "

  I'll stay alone."

  After saying this, Lann ignored the reactions of others and took care of himself. He walked to the fire and sat down, taking out the crystal that had absorbed all the magic power and looking at it carefully.

  What he was looking at was not this crystal that had no value anymore, but what he hoped to elicit from this crystal.

  Now that you know the other party's purpose, why go to find the other party? Wouldn't it be better to wait for the other party to come to your door?

  It was just that they were worried that so many soldiers would scare the other party, so they had no choice but to disperse them all.

  "I've been looking for you for a long time, Demon Hunter." Lann summoned the panel and looked at the rows of gray skills on it, "I could actually wait for dawn and let the troops protect me back to the city, but wouldn't that be What a pity?"

  "It's been more than a year since I came to this world. I have spent so much effort and experience searching for the demon hunter. I didn't expect you to appear in front of me now. It really took no effort at all. "

  You're here now, so you have to play some role... but don't let me down."

  (End of Chapter)

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