Chapter 13 There is one more

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  There is another gem in Chapter 13

  , which has always been the carrier of magic power with the highest frequency in various Western fantasy worlds. It is often used by various wizards and wizards as a magic power storage object or alchemy material.

  "The Witcher 3" is not exempt from this. The gems in the original book can enchant equipment. The forging of various equipment and the alchemy of special potions require various gems and crystals as materials.

  The warlock's remote communication device also requires crystals and gems as materials. In order to create a communication device that was far enough away, the heroine in the original novel also took a huge diamond that was the treasure of the sect because it "has unparalleled magic power."

  Lann had long guessed that special minerals such as gems and crystals would contain magic power, or even be the "source of magic power." He had also touched most of the jewelry owned by the family and even the royal family, but there was no hint of magic power.

  Lann probably had some tricks on gem selection that he didn't know, and this knowledge was probably only known to serious warlocks.

  As for the unexpected surprise in front of us, is there anything worth hesitating about?

  Lann grabbed the crystal with one hand and saw the prompt box in front of him shaking. An indescribable energy flowed directly from the crystal towards Lann.

  At the same time, Lan En was pleasantly surprised to see that the dark parts on the panel lit up little by little, as if they were suddenly drying up.

  Among them is the [Sign] skill panel that Lan En has dreamed of!
  [Absorb the source of magic power, skill point +1]

  However, before Lann could react, the feeling of energy surge disappeared in an instant. As the skill points increased, the magic power was completely absorbed by the panel, and those parts of the panel that were briefly lit dimmed again.

  Lan's hand that was just thinking about some magic seals stopped trembling.

  After taking several deep breaths to calm down, Lann's mind suddenly collided with several ideas.

  What just flowed into his body must be magic power, and the skill panel lighting up should be because his body has magic power and has the conditions for the seal.

  And after just a glimpse, the only skills that are enabled are [Sigils], such as [Alchemy] and [Adrenaline] in [Combat] are not enabled. This should be because the body just now only has the condition of "having magic power", but the other "poison resistance" and "adrenaline body" do not have it.

  In other words, my suspicion all along was correct. As long as I became a demon hunter, I could activate all the skills on the panel.

  Soon, Lan comforted himself in his heart. soon.

  Looking regretfully at the dimming panel again, Lan clicked the skill point he had just obtained on [Mountain-Free] again.

  [Moveless as a Mountain]: The damage taken from attacks while dodging is reduced by 80%. Adrenaline Toxin Increase: +4%. (4/5)

  At this point, Lann can dodge most attacks. It is only one skill point away from that unreasonable god-level dodge effect.

  "Your Majesty the Earl!" A strong and fanatical voice pulled Lan out of his thoughts. When he looked up, he saw his new attendant Sward standing in front of him with a fanatical look on his face.

  This little blacksmith is his fanboy. He just performed an unparalleled performance on the spot, and I don't know how much his favorability has increased.

  "All supplies, casualties, and prisoners have been accounted for. Please give me your instructions!"

  Lann was amused by the serious look of this young man, and he answered him seriously:
  "Rest where you are, and bring the troops back tomorrow morning!"

  It was almost dusk at this time, and it was not far from Sintra, but it would take at least half a day's journey. There is no reason to rush all night in the woods, not to mention that even if you rush back, it is impossible to open the city gate in the middle of the night.

  It happened to rely on the camp of these bandits to be stationed on the spot, which also saved the soldiers the effort of setting up camp.

  Soon the moon rose above the treetops, and bonfires were lit. The soldiers were divided into groups and roasted dry food. Lan was surrounded by his three attendants and several deputy captains, listening to them talk about some of the usual operational knowledge of the city defense army.

  Beside a fire at the edge of the camp, several soldiers looked towards Lan from a distance and whispered.

  "The earl is really as noble as the legendary lord. He camped outside and had meals together like us." "

  Which lord? What kind of noble character is it?"

  "That's Lord Lannister. The lion knight in the poem. He is the father of the earl. I heard that he is not only as brave as a lion, but also has noble aspirations. He is often... often... just different from ordinary nobles." "What? Lion

  ? Is the knight the father of our Lord Earl?"

  Several other soldiers' eyes suddenly turned over, as if they were looking at something stupid.

  "If you have nothing to do, don't go to the Rose Garden to find a girl. Ask and chat with everyone in the team..."

  The soldier who started the topic picked up the rations and slapped the recruit Danzi on the forehead, and continued:

  "What I mean is , His Majesty the Count has noble interests. But even if His Majesty the Count has noble interests and doesn't care about eating these poor people's dry food, we have to think about His Majesty the Count, don't you think?" "Boss, what do you mean?" "Go and hunt some game in the


  . !"

  On the other side, the screams of the seriously injured robber gradually subsided, and the soldier in charge of the interrogation wiped his hands hard on the robber's body, trying to wipe away the strong smell of blood.

  "Your Majesty, the interrogation has come out, and one person is dead."

  Lan's hand paused while he was eating, and he felt a little pain in breathing when he saw that there was no sign of any increase in the panel.

  The soldier who was reporting the report continued with an expression of admiration: "As you expected, Lord Count, there are still remnants of this bandit group. They were preparing to evacuate just before we came, and their leader left early in order to find an evacuation route. After a while, he happened to miss us."

  Lann nodded: "Then he will definitely come back. Let everyone be on guard after getting ready, and don't miss anything approaching the camp." After thinking about it,

  Lann added Asked: "Did he say what characteristics this leader has? Pass it on to the soldiers so that everyone can have an idea." "

  Yes." The interrogator nodded. "Listen to him, their leader is particularly good at fighting. He usually takes action." Sometimes I can kill four or five people at once."

  The vice-captain who was listening immediately laughed: "Four or five people? Are they all refugees without weapons? Who can't kill ten with a sword?"

  Lann waved his hand . The man shut up and motioned for the interrogator to continue.

  "Not only that... the bandit also said that their leader is used to carrying two swords on his back, and he always carries some bottles and cans that are said to be magic potions." "Magic potions? That was made up by

  their leader to scare the people below. Did you come out? Where did the robber get the magic potion?"

  The vice-captain laughed louder, but did not see Lann's face gradually change.

  "It's not just that." The interrogator said, "They also mentioned that their leader's eyes are very strange, as if..." "

  Amber like a cat?" Lan asked softly.

  "Yes... Sir, how do you know?"

  In the night, deep in the jungle, a figure hiding in the bushes quietly observed several soldiers who came out to capture wild animals.

  His eyes were bright and amber, like a leopard preparing to hunt its prey.

  (End of chapter)

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