Chapter 242 In the Mountain (Part 1)

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  Chapter 242 In the Mountain (Part 1)

  Maya determines the location and route of the firepower point, and the group sets off in the morning. Not long after entering the mountain, Sunshine and Starlight fell last, and a quarrel broke out between them. As a guide, vanguard, vanguard, vanguard, trapper, and rope holder, Lin Wu only knew what was going on but didn't know why, and he was itching unbearably. Although I don't gossip, I can't stand the gossip. After all, this is a model couple, a golden boy and a beautiful girl.

  So Xiao Wai became the vanguard, and Lin Wu slowly fell behind. Maya, who saw through Lin Wu's thoughts, grabbed Lin Wu's clothes and brought him to the front line. Under Lin Wu's questioning, Maya said something she heard: "They should be arguing about the hard-core mode. Xingguang doesn't seem to want to stay in the hard-core mode, and Rizhao wants to stay in the hard-core mode to challenge himself." Maya said:

  " Rizhao expressed his support for Xingguang and others to leave the hardcore mode. Xingguang said something in Chinese in anger, and the two began to argue in Chinese."

  Lin Wu asked: "You don't know how to write Chinese?"

  Maya replied: "The role of language It's about communication and learning, Xia Ding Wen has no value in this aspect." She is a pragmatist.

  Lin Wu looked at the romantic Shana behind him and asked: "Hey, you are the captain of the rear team, why did you come to the front to eavesdrop on Maya and I's whispers." Shana groaned, looked up at Lin Wu, and stumbled under her feet

  . Fall forward. Fortunately, it was Maya in front of her and not Lin Wu. Maya had quick eyesight and quick hands to hug her to prevent her from falling and getting hurt. If it had been Lin Wu, he would have probably punched Shana aside to prevent her from falling directly. Regardless of whether others believed that Lin Wu would do this, at least Maya believed it.

  Maya helped Shana and asked, "What happened?" She was absent-minded.

  "No." Shana replied.

  Lin Wu asked: "Shana, can you understand Shrimp?"

  Shana replied: "Know a little bit."

  Lin Wu encouraged: "Hurry back to the back team and listen to why they are quarreling. I can sow discord, bah , so that I can mediate."

  When Maya heard this, she wondered, is this human speech? He couldn't help but hit Lin Wu on the shoulder. Whether it was Lin Wu's trick or Maya's unconventional beating, Shana turned a blind eye. She was in a low mood and replied, "It should be fine. Let's go   .


Sideways. From a glance, this is a very ordinary mountain road. There is a hillside on one side and a cliff on the other. Maya picked up the rifle and looked at it for a while: "Six-wings, at least ten Six-wings."

  Maya opened the map and found that the other end of the cliff was a lake resort. Obviously, the target of this group of Six-wings was to ambush players who entered the lake. But judging from the position of the six wings, they also blocked this mountain road.

  Lin Wu took the Silencer and looked at it for a while: "The range is too far, can't we leave?"

  Maya: "Let's go. The others rest where they are."

  Lin Wu and everyone sat down on the spot, Maya laughed angrily and said, "You Let's go."

  "Hmph." Lin Wu took the Silent Night Pistol and set off angrily with Beretta.

  After walking less than 10 meters, Six Wings pounced down. Lin Wu slowly raised his gun and waited. He locked the head and shot each Six Wings to the ground. After burning out 6 bullets and replacing them with Beretta, all 12 six-wings were dead.

  Lin Wu called for the team to move forward, but saw Shana in the back group trying to break up the fight, so he quietly got closer and found that Shana was also speaking in Xiatin. One of Xingguang and Rizhao looked at the ground and the other looked to the side. Although they didn't want to pay attention to each other, they seemed to have stopped arguing.

  Lin Wu said angrily to Maya beside him: "I didn't expect Shana to be such a bitch."

  Maya sighed: "If you don't understand anything, just stop talking nonsense and let's go."

  The team was divided into three groups, Linma Dog front team, Peanut, Ma Soul and Dashuang squadron, Shanna and Starlight husband and wife team behind. But Shana soon blended into the squadron, and the young couple in the rear team fell further and further behind, causing everyone to have to stop and rest to wait for them. After the break, the problem between Rizhao and Xingguang was solved. Xingguang left the back team and directly joined the front team. Rizhao stayed in the back team and chatted with Shana while walking.

  "Bear." Lin Wu saw a mother bear and a cub eating berries in the distance. He immediately crouched down and took out a smoke bomb from his backpack.

  Maya hurriedly took away the smoke bomb. No one died last time because there was a hillside. Now that the terrain is open, a few people will die after a round of artillery fire.

  "What for?" Lin Wu was dissatisfied.

  Maya said seriously: "Face your fear." Sometimes you can't reason directly with Lin Wu, you have to use his thinking to defeat him.

  Lin Wu said: "I'm not afraid of them."

  Maya: "Prove it to me."

  Lin Wu: "How to prove it?"

  Maya said: "They obviously have no intention of attacking. They are 15 meters away from the road. You take us there, I I just believe you're not afraid of black bears."

  "Tch!" Lin Wu straightened his chest and set off with an assault rifle in hand.

  Xingguang, who was originally in a bad mood, couldn't help laughing: "You really have a way to deal with him."

  Maya replied: "Practice brings true knowledge."

  The black bear soon discovered Lin Wu approaching. Lin Wu pretended not to see it, walking carefully and with long strides. Always watch the black bear. If the black bear dared to pounce down, it was not ruled out that Lin Wu would pull off a smoke bomb and die together with the black bear.

  Perhaps because the berries were delicious, or perhaps because there were so many people, the black bear finally ignored the group and quietly took the little black bear away. It can be seen that it is also afraid.


  After walking for about 40 minutes, the group began to cross the mountain forest, which was also the difficulty of the trip. Lin Wu took the lead, walking swiftly on the broken rocks of the cliff, and hanging ropes in dangerous areas to help everyone move forward.

  In this regard, Lin Wu was quite dissatisfied with Maya and Shitou's arrangement. It was clear that he could complete the work by himself, so he sent at most two people as bodyguards, so there was no need to call a group of people out for an outing. Especially Shanna, she is in a very bad state today. Look, she has to roll down. She is not round enough and she is not rolling far enough. Being in good shape can really make you run wild.

  Lin Wu grabbed the ferns and climbed up. The land in this mountain forest was moist, and if he didn't step on it well, he would break through the green weeds on the outer surface. Lin Wu made such a mistake. He stepped down carelessly, breaking through the weeds and into the soil, and his left foot immediately slipped. The fern held in his left hand could not bear Lin Wu's weight and was pulled out from the roots.

  Lin Wu thought it was too late to lie down on the slope, so he could only use his knees to increase friction. But misfortune never comes singly, and there is a stone hidden in the soil at the knee position. With a sound, Lin Wu fell down the slope of the woods. The people waiting to release the rope on the gentle slope below some subconsciously avoided, and some subconsciously stepped forward to protect them. As a result, Lin Wu knocked Peanut and Maya to the ground.

  At this time, Lin Wu knew why a group of people were needed for an outing. If the guide hangs up, only the guide will hang up. Of course, Lin Wu survived. The slope of about ten meters could not kill him. However, his left hand and right foot were hit by rocks and tree trunks, and they were both fractured.

  Shana said: "Maya, you are right."

  "Right to what?"

  Maya said: "I said with your arrogance, you will fall sooner or later."

  Lin Wu was angry: "Why didn't you remind me earlier?"

  Maya replied: "Reminding you will not change the result."

  Peanut praised: "No one knows Lin Wu better than Maya."

  Lin Wu explained: "She was an afterthought."

  Maya arranged: "Plan B. Ma Hun and I stay, The others were led by Shana and continued on. Shana, this is a sketch. "

  Be a human being, you actually have a plan B to fall to your death?"

  Shana squatted down and Maya explained: "Lin Wu's drone has scouted this area, and this is the basic sketch. The red line is the line we are taking now, and the road is more difficult. The blue line is the backup route, which takes longer."

  Maya drew a red cross at the small waterfall: "After occupying the firepower point, we will meet here."

  Shana said: "We have to retreat to the hillside first."

  "Well, go around like this. The drone will guide you." Maya glanced at Shana and asked hesitantly: "You are not in good condition today, can you?"

  Shana hesitated, then thought for a while and said: "Why don't I stay alone, and you lead the team to the firepower point."

  Lin Wu: "Objection." Horse Soul and Maya both have strength attributes and can be used as stretchers to carry themselves to the meeting point of the waterfall. In Shana's place, she could only heal her injuries on the spot, and then walk to the rendezvous point after recovery.

  Maya said: "Okay, Shana will stay, and the others will follow me."

  Lin Wu sighed: "It has lost its use value, and no one even listens to what I say."

  Maya, who couldn't bear it, kicked Lin Wu's knee fracture, and then He squatted down and covered Lin Wu's mouth. Lin Wu was in unbearable pain and couldn't take the painkiller in his hand. Maya asked kindly, "Did I listen to you?" Lin Wu nodded repeatedly. Maya's smile flashed and she stood up: "Let's go." Lin

  Wu Snorting and watching the group leave, Shana sat down on the side: "Maya is so special to you."

  Lin Wu: "Should I thank her?"

  Shana said: "It's just the two of us, stop pretending to me." Childish. A broken bone is a small matter, but embarrassment is a big deal. In order to take care of your face, Maya quickly answered the call and arranged the follow-up work. If it were anyone else, she would definitely care about this person's injury first, not his face. You howl and dress childishly for your face, That's so childish."

  Lin Wu said sarcastically: "It's a bit embarrassing to brag too much. Call the base."

  Shitou: "Say."


  Shitou: "I'll pick up Cuiyu for you."

  Cuiyu: "Hi, Lin Wu."

  Lin Wu said with an apologetic attitude, "I'm sorry to bother you."

  Cuiyu: "It's okay, keep in touch."

  Shana asked: "Why do you talk to everyone in a different manner? ?For example, if you talk to Shitou without any worries, his glorious career will be sprayed to pieces by you. On the contrary, your jokes on Ma Hun are very restrained and you never laugh at his career." Lin Wu replied: "I

  spray No matter how ruthless you are, an achievement is still an achievement. Whether Ma Hun is in Blue Star or in the game, it is not very successful. Any joke may hit the ground. By the way, how are you doing today?" Shana was startled and looked to the ground

  . Lying down, he raised his legs and looked up at the top of the tree: "It's okay."

  Lin Wu: "Oh." "


  Lin Wu: "That's right."

  "But I heard more than that."

  Lin Wu said: "I thought we were related Not bad."

  Shana sat up and hesitated: "Let me ask you a question first, who is your best friend, Maya or me?"

  Lin Wu replied: "Maya."

  Shana pounded the ground angrily: "I'm sorry to bother you. Can you think about it before answering? Give me a little face."

  Lin Wu said: "You have lost me as a friend, and you still have friends such as knife, snow egg, horse soul, stone, peanut, Cuiyu and so on. But if I don't If you chat and joke with Maya, no one will take the initiative to chat with her."

  Shana sighed softly: "Comparing the team she and I led, we were both demolishing shopping malls, with the same people and the same time, and I led the team to obtain The basic resources will be 30% less than the basic resources she led the team to obtain. Maybe this is the price."

  Lin Wu said: "I can't blame everyone. Maya is moody and angry, making it difficult for people to get close to her."

  Shana: "I am very serious. Let me ask you a question. Suppose that in the hard-core mode we have insufficient resources, the base goes downhill, everyone starts to blame each other, and the commanders lose their prestige, what are your plans?" Lin Wu replied: "There are two kinds of good people in the world, the first

  one Good people work hard to make money and give it to the poor. So I will work hard to reverse the decline as much as possible."

  Shana asked: "What if you don't have the ability to reverse the decline? For example, there is insufficient medicine and the plague spreads. Or there is insufficient serum and many people are infected. Or for several days Heavy rains destroyed the base. Or there may be people inside who have relationship, life and emotional problems that affect the harmonious atmosphere, etc."

  Lin Wu said: "The second kind of good people is to tell the poor to stay away, so that they can be out of sight and out of mind."

  Sha Na Le said: "That means you will choose to leave?"

  Lin Wu: "Maybe.

  Shanna asked again: "If you plan to leave, who will you leave with? " For example, if Shadow goes bankrupt, who would you start a new business with? Lin Wu looked at Shana: "

  This question is a bit heartbreaking." "

  Shana nodded noncommittally. Should she choose someone who is capable, someone who is harmonious, or someone she likes?
  Lin Wu was calm, and clasped his fingers: "I don't want the stone, the old guy lacks energy, and he is suitable for those who work in a good economy. Start a business under certain conditions, otherwise you will die before starting a business. Therefore, to choose people with strong survivability, Maya, Xiaodao, and Peanut are the first choices. Of course, Shanna can also consider it. "

  Shana put her hands on her hips and stared.

  Lin Wu continued: "These people are either determined, reckless, or optimistic, and they will not have negative emotions. The next step is to choose skills. Maya washes away command and becomes a doctor, Peanut washes away investigation and crafting, a knife digs herbs, and I hunt. The four of us were able to survive in a mountain cabin.

  Shana was confused: "Why don't you take me? "

  Lin Wu replied: "Of course, you can make clothes. " After talking so much, I feel that you are still not in the right mood today. "

  It's okay. "

  "Humph, I won't take it anymore. "

  " Childish ghost. " Shana lay down again and stared at the sunlight filtering through the canopy of trees without blinking: "At that time, the matter of Ma Soul and Snow Egg caused a lot of trouble for you, right?" Lin Wu: "

  It's all over." After a long silence, Shana asked: "

  Am I beautiful?"

  Lin Wu was startled and said, "I'm usually embarrassed to ask others if I'm handsome. " Because I know I'm handsome, people will think I'm showing off on purpose.

  Shana said: "Maybe I know the problem. " No matter you, Maya, Xiao Dao or others, you have direction, pursuit, and enthusiasm, but I am more delicate and pay attention to emotional needs. Lin

  Wu: "Hey, woman, although there are only two people and one dog, but you praise yourself so hard, I can't keep up with you." Shana

  turned sideways and looked at Lin Wu: "What do you think of the term beauty is a disaster?"

  Lin Wu replied: "Because no one cares about Heiyan's life or death. " "

  No." Shana threw a straw at Lin Wu: "I mean, a girl who is beautiful can easily arouse jealousy and suspicion of the same sex, and can easily arouse the liking of the opposite sex."

  Lin Wu: "Your husband is a woman. "

  " Speak nicely. "

  Lin Wu: "I didn't speak properly because I didn't want to answer such questions. " "

  Why? " "

  Lin Wu sighed: "Because I was born with this kind of trouble." It's hard to give up on being born handsome.

  "Go to hell."

  Lin Wu said: "My principle is that if you don't intend to get involved emotionally, you won't talk about any emotional issues. For example, if you ask: Xiaowai often peeks at you, does he like you? I am very fond of Xiaowai. Without this idea and no intention to develop it, I will not answer similar questions. Your question is obviously not suitable for me, and I have no intention of participating in your emotional world." "I thought we were friends?


  " They are friends. If you get married, I will contribute money, and if you commit suicide, I will be responsible for collecting the body. But if you want to ask whether you can get married, or whether it is worth committing suicide, this is not a question that I, a friend, can answer. I do practical things, and you can speak up if there is anything. If you need help, just ask." Lin Wu added: "Don't tell me who likes you, or who you like, how you like it, the ins and outs, etc. Just tell me directly whether you need me to organize a wedding or a funeral." Lin Wu

  said : "If you don't do dog licking, you won't be a blue-faced person." This is also one of the reasons why after Xiaodao and Xuedan established a relationship, Lin Wu and Xiaodao had less contact and stopped joking.

  "Hmph, Xiao Wai, hug my cousin, we are ignoring him." Shana greeted angrily, and Xiao Wai, who had obtained the owner's permission, fell into Shana's arms. The topic also ends with this.

  (End of chapter)

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