Chapter 241 Chores

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  Chapter 241 Chores
  and home connection, Shitou agrees with Maya’s view that there are huge resources in the airport. As for whether and how to capture the airport, that is Maya's business. The stone is just a reminder that theoretically the ammunition for similar defensive facilities is unlimited. Even if you can shoot down drones, how can you deal with hundreds of combat robots? Judging from the metal cladding of the robots, Lin Wu.22 Silencer may not be able to destroy them.

  Maya finally decided to raid Shuixi Middle School. They said they were searching for something, but they actually gave up on capturing the airport. There are no other tasks on the left and right. Quan Quan, a dead horse, is a living doctor. Maybe he can find a way to crack the airport. Shana's analysis conclusion completely extinguished Maya's hopes. Shana believes that even if the access code is found, the player may only have the right to use the aircraft and ride on it, but not the ownership of the aircraft and hangar.

  The clues found during the search also confirmed Shana's view. According to clues, all teachers and students of Shuixi Middle School had been evacuated before the virus outbreak, and Shuixi Middle School became an exclusive airport for fortress agents and mercenaries. Fortress Company has invested a lot of money in building an airport security system. Its purpose is to ensure that the airport can still operate normally after Zuoxian loses control. After all, there is only traffic jam, not machine jam.

  A diary records that the airport hosted a total of 5 flight missions last month, and each flight mission had a different access code. Fortress Company dropped about 100 Fortress agents and ten tons of supplies through the airport, and 20 people left Zuoxian through the airport.

  The diary is located on the fourth floor of the building closest to the hangar. Now there are only zombies and no living people inside. Zombies have occupied all areas except the hangar and a certain range of runways.

  The only good news is that there is a satellite phone in the room where the diary is located. There is no number stored in it, but the call and receive function works fine. Xianglai Fortress Company uses this satellite phone to communicate with the staff staying at Shuixi Middle School Airport. This means players can get access codes via satellite phone.

  But what can you do after you get the access code? Flying to a safe zone? Lin Wu's idea was more straightforward and he could steal something depending on the situation. What to do if the theft fails? That is death, so we strongly recommend sunlight and starlight. Xingguang smiled from ear to ear at this suggestion and called Lin Wu a wonderful person, but she also thought Lin Wu's idea was indeed a good one. If she could get the access code, she was willing to give it a try.

  In addition, Lin Wu had a more direct idea: "Old Su, hurry up and get the laser guidance out." He would not be a gentleman without revenge. Lin Wu would rather blow up the hangar than steal things.

  After staying at Shuixi Middle School until seven o'clock in the evening, Xingguang's injuries finally recovered, and the three of them evacuated Shuixi Middle School each with a bag of supplies and a satellite phone. Rizhao welcomed his beloved wife in the parking lot, and everyone was touched by their love. But in Shitou's view, this move was not out of Rizhao's true intentions, but a polite and habitual behavior.

  In fact, although Rizhao stayed at the base today, he contacted Shana through the headset from time to time about some issues at the base. The two chatted for a long time.

  That night, a meeting was held between the three commanders and Dashuang, Xingguang and Rizhao. The meeting decided to go to the Invincible Base tomorrow. On the one hand, it was to conduct a trade, purchase a batch of gasoline packages, reserve incendiary bombs for capturing the container base, and also to stockpile fuel for the future. Secondly, for more than a month, Shadow and Beishang Town have been semi-disconnected from the Internet, hoping to understand the situation of several quasi-doctor members through external information.

  Why are they meeting? Lin Wu and the others are no longer meeting, so coaxing and threats are useless. So when they saw Shitou leading the team the next day, they were stunned for a moment. Everyone urged Shitou to be more open-minded. After all, with Su Shi, his lovely wife, his life would be bright.

  In fact, there are four vehicles to go out today, including an Overlord repaired with the last repair kit, a gas-guzzling armored truck, a pickup truck, and a Road Star. In addition to trading with Invincible, the convoy will also visit player settlements, with the goal of exchanging weapons for material packages, especially ammunition packages and gasoline packages.

  Many players have decided to leave hardcore mode. In non-hardcore mode, they have many ways to obtain resources, but there are still relatively few ways to obtain weapons. I believe the team will return home with a full load today.

  But before going out, a lottery must be conducted to select two people to stay at the base. Although the threat level of the weather station base and sawmill base is not high, people must be left to protect Su Shi and Cuiyu. After being disconnected from the outside world for more than a month, everyone hopes to go out and revisit their old places.

  Xingguang and Rizhao have good driving skills and high driving mileage, so they, Maya, and Shitou do not participate in the lottery as drivers. Lin Wu felt vaguely bad after hearing this. After all, it seemed like he didn't have a role in every team building. If you have never participated in catching seafood, then you will most likely not be able to participate in the outing.

  As expected, Lin Wu became the first person to garrison the base when the cards in her hand were turned over. Da Shuang had never caught any seafood, so she drew the second ghost card. Willing to admit defeat, Lin Wu and Xiaowai watched the convoy leave. At this time, Lin Wu understood Blizzard Shana's anxious mood better.

  Even Lin Wu wanted to go out for a walk if he had the chance.

  On second thought, maybe this is one of the reasons why Maya proposed to capture the container fortress base. If you get tired of staying at the sawmill, you can go to the Container Fortress. There is a river on the left and the sea on the right. You can swim, fish and watch the sunset. Life is endless. Also, if you are tired of staying in the giant container fortress, you can go to the sawmill to feel the industrial atmosphere.

  The container fortress can take a boat to the sea to survive, and the sawmill can go into the mountains to practice. After all, there is only more than a year left, I believe the two bases will be enough for everyone to entertain themselves.


  During this day, Lin Wu learned more about reserve cadre Da Shuang. In ancient terms, Dashuang is a standard good wife and mother. She does more and talks less. There is no unified plan for doing things, just do things when you see them.

  Da Shuang missed his sister very much and told Lin Wu their story. They are not foster sisters, their parents are just ordinary people. There was no problem at first, after all, the official paid me money every month. But after going to school, their parents discovered that they might have made a big mistake.

  In the concept of Blue Star, the twin sisters are called the Crack People. Their parents are not rich and powerful and cannot afford the high expenses of private schools. They are not in the 5% and can only be ranked at the bottom among urban schools. Like them, 95% can enjoy well-planned collective living and arrangements in public housing communities.

  Overall there are good and bad things.

  The good thing is, of course, that both young and old have the love of their parents while they are growing up. But my parents are from ordinary families and don’t spend much time together. Whenever the Jammers encountered trouble when they were growing up, their parents would tell them what to do. And no one tells Gong Yangsheng what to do. If there is no danger, they will be encouraged to do what they want.

  To put it simply, the people in the gap are raised in captivity, and the public health is free-range. However, the captive breeders are not professionals, but native parents. The people responsible for the public health care are social workers who have passed strict examinations. They are composed of professional psychologists, counselors, teachers, etc.

  Why do the authorities spend so much effort and use such huge manpower and material resources to establish a public welfare system? A very important reason is that many parents are unwilling to reduce their quality of life because of the birth of a child. Official money cannot solve the problem, because some quality of life has nothing to do with money, but to do with time and energy.

  Rich people will hire nannies to look after their children, but nannies are not professionals. Their biggest function is to keep their children alive. So someone was inspired and proposed a public support plan. After the public welfare plan was officially implemented, the population growth rate began to turn from negative to positive. Lin Wu and Da Shuang exchanged views on the two lives at the sentry post. For Lin Wu, who does not have lofty ideals, if given a chance to choose, he would most likely choose public raising. The reason is simple: you won't be beaten, scolded, forced to do homework, don't have to attend cram schools, and don't need to learn rules. You don’t need to worry about your father coming home drunk, your mother wiping tears in secret, or your parents quarreling. There will be no gossip from relatives, nor will there be comparisons between mothers and children among women.

  Dashuang has the opposite view. She believes that having her parents grow up with her is an extremely happy thing. Although she has a lot of unhappiness, now she only remembers the good things about her parents and cannot remember the bad things about her parents.

  Lin Wu concluded: "Life has happened, and any ifs are meaningless. I am happy, you are happy, and that is enough." The

  businessman who joined in the fun came, Su Shi temporarily avoided it, and Lin Wu and Da Shuang attacked. I have had many business visits. Therefore, he did not take risks to save the businessman, but concentrated on cleaning up the zombies, and solved the crisis smoothly and easily.

  The bosses were too far away to connect through the headsets, so Lin Wu, with full decisiveness, took matters into his own hands. Cuiyu made painkillers in exchange for material packs, and Lin Wu used serum in exchange for reset skill books. After switching to the skill book, Lin Wu asked Dashuang to learn how to reset the skill book and then learn infrastructure. He could add one gasoline and one building material to the base every day.

  But Da Shuang was very hesitant. Da Shuang, who took the skill book, said he would wait until Shitou and the others came back. What Da Shuang meant was that he did say in the previous meeting that he would purchase reset skill books so that Da Shuang could learn infrastructure skills. But that was on the basis that the skill book had not been reset. It was not certain whether the commanders had other ideas in the past few days, so Da Shuang would rather wait for the commanders to come back before making a decision.

  From this we can see that Da Shuang is an obedient and good girl in Blue Star. Cuiyu's behavior is different from that of Dashuang. Cuiyu has a well-behaved personality, while Dashuang is obedient and obeys authority.

  At four o'clock in the afternoon, the convoy returned fully loaded. A large number of gasoline and ammunition bags not only filled the trunks of the four vehicles, but also carried one in each person's backpack. Maya calculated the warehouse capacity and stored some of the material packages in the trunk of the car.

  At the same time, they also brought news that the candidate for the doctor had been basically determined. The male doctor was affectionate and said that he would report to Shadow in the last few days of late spring.

  On the surface, Shitou admires the doctor's sentiment and loyalty, but secretly asks Shana to collect information about the second candidate. As a boss, your moral character will not determine the future of your company. Shitou knows very well that after the summer, it will be very difficult to recruit doctors. At present, Shana has more than 40 resumes. If you don’t select people at this time, when will you select them?

  As the hardcore mode slowly approaches, the frequency of Dawn Broadcast broadcasts begins to increase, reminding players who stay in the hardcore mode of what they need to pay attention to. The broadcast first mentioned necessities. In addition to food and water, necessities include clothing, salt, sugar and other items.

  The broadcast explained the rule that zombies will not be refreshed within 30 meters outside the safe zone of the base in hardcore mode, and the refresh rate of zombies will be reduced. In addition, the siege battles have also been adjusted to equalize the number of Big Macs and Rampages. There will no longer be a group of Rampages or a group of Giant Macs appearing at the same time. The biggest adjustment is that even if the base is completely destroyed, the player still owns the base and the safe zone always exists. The base can be rebuilt after the zombies are eliminated.

  The countdown to the hardcore mode is half a month, and the game has opened a communication system for half a month. Everyone can input the name of the person they want to communicate with to make voice contact with the other party. Shuguang reminds players that they can find like-minded people and use the event rules to form a group in the last few days of late spring.

  There is a lot of panic in the game, especially for those players who are not sure whether to stay or stay, or who want to stay but cannot find a suitable team, it is inevitable to feel anxious.

  Fortunately for Shadow, everyone defaults to hardcore mode. On the other hand, the Rizhao group had some problems. After the communication system was turned on, Rizhao and Xingguang immediately contacted Huo Wu and others. Their base has been disbanded, and Huo Wu and Huang Mao are currently living in a temporary base, and their life is quite difficult.

  Rizhao proposed the base transfer at the end of the season. The best option was for Huo Wu and Huang Mao to move to a nearby fire station. Having Shadow as their backer would be of great help to their survival. However, Rizhao is arrogant and has no interest in points, so even if they move to the fire station base, they will not seek help from the Shadow for survival.

  After all, Shadow will give Rizhao face only Shitou, but Shadow is not owned by Shitou alone.

  This topic was only halfway discussed when a new issue emerged: Should we stay in the hardcore mode?
  Starlight believes that the four of them are currently broke and have no capital accumulation. It is almost impossible for them to survive in the hardcore mode as an independent team. Huo Wu believes that finding sea, lake, mountain and forest terrain suitable for survival in the near future, away from the city, relying on the mountains and the sea, there is hope for survival. But this kind of life will be very difficult.

  Rizhao did not want to leave the hard-core mode. He believed that Zuoxian County had good resources and strongly recommended moving to the fire station. In his idea, as long as the Shadows are willing to provide force protection for a period of time, they can occupy the fire station and weather station to accumulate resources and make a comeback.

  Elsewhere, Shadow is completing the last two tasks.

  One is to recruit people. Currently, there are 11 official members of Shadow, and the doctor must add them. The 12 people are divided into two bases, the container and the sawmill. There are 6 people in the container and 5 manpower are sent to form an alliance. All the manpower in the sawmill is used for research. There are 6 people left in the sawmill and only one barracks needs to be built.

  The second job is to capture the container fortress. Lin Ma has been driving Route 99 for the past two days. Maya mapped out the detailed topography of the container fortress through the observation of Lin Wu's drone. After returning, Maya and Shana calculated the explosives and simulated the artillery coverage again and again to find the best solution.

  They put number tags on their F4s and homemade bombs. Lin Wu had to place the corresponding bombs at the corresponding locations based on the map and labels to achieve the maximum killing effect.

  After many meetings among the commanders, Shitou agreed to sacrifice an outpost card and occupy another firepower point. Because of the lessons learned from the past, not only Lin Wu and Maya, but also Rizhao and Xingguang set out together on this mountaineering team. The remaining people were Su Shi, Shitou, Xiaodao and Xuedan.

  The reason why the knife and snow egg were left behind was because Shi Shi gave them an order requiring them to discuss the content of the wedding within today. Otherwise, register the marriage immediately, and wait until they figure out the wedding. Although Xiaodao was not happy, she could only nod in agreement when facing the rarely serious uncle. She and everyone knew that the wedding that had been debated for so long could not be decided in one day.

  After all, every girl has a dream of a perfect wedding.

  (End of chapter)

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