Chapter 42 Encountering Survivors by Chance

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  Chapter 42: Encountering Survivors by Chance


  After reading the message on the second piece of paper, Wang Tao sighed.

  Although he knew that the situation outside was definitely not good, he was still a little disappointed after it was confirmed.

  There is one last piece of paper in the envelope.

  On this paper was written how to communicate with their base by radio, the specific location of their base and a drawing.

  This drawing is not a map, but a zombie drawing. It records information about various zombies encountered so far!
  Wang Tao was more interested in this zombie drawing than contact information.

  After all, he is too far away from the military base now, and there is no way to contact them even if he knows the method. But the zombie information on the drawings can definitely bring a lot of help to Wang Tao.

  There are more than twenty types of zombies on the drawings, among which Wang Tao saw a few familiar ones.

  The old Yinbi zombie he encountered before was called the "Silent One".

  The Silent Ones will lurk silently in the shadows, or disguise themselves as human corpses. They make no sound and have very weak senses of their own. Only when the prey is close to them will they discover it and suddenly launch a fatal blow.

  The frontal combat effectiveness of this kind of zombie is actually similar to that of ordinary zombies, but due to sneak attacks, many people died at the mouth of the Silent One. In the house, this is a very dangerous zombie...

  The child zombie that Wang Tao saw before that can sprint over short distances is officially called a "sprinter".

  They are faster than ordinary zombies and have higher attack power. When the prey is relatively close, the sprint ability will be activated. The threat of a single sprinter is not great, but if the sprinter mixes among other zombies and launches a sudden attack, the survivors will be in great danger... There is

  also the screaming zombie that Wang Tao encountered and killed while driving on the road. This is called for "The Screamer."

  They themselves are relatively weak, much weaker than ordinary zombies. An adult male with normal physical fitness can completely fight with cold weapons.

  But this zombie is very sensitive to sound, and before it finds humans, it will make certain preparations. After the preparation is completed, it will emit a loud scream that can attract surrounding zombies, especially special zombies.

  If you kill the screamer before it makes a sound, it's fine. And if the screamer is made to scream, the best choice at this time is to run! Otherwise, if you are besieged by a group of zombies, you will have no choice but to die...

  As for the sledgehammer zombies that Wang Tao encountered today, they are also introduced above, but not much.

  The Sledgehammer Zombie is called the "Violent Terrorist". It is a zombie that only appears a few days after the end of the world. At that time, everyone was protecting themselves and no one would take the initiative to kill him.

  The Terrorist is slow but knows how to use weapons, has strong attack power and strong defense. And its attack will have a shock wave that cannot be explained by science... As for the photophobia characteristics of the eyes, it is not mentioned above. I guess no one has noticed...

  Wang Tao has not encountered other types of zombies yet, but he has the information about these zombies firmly in his mind, and he will definitely use them in the future.

  The information also states that most zombies are afraid of fire. If you want to build a survivor base, fire is essential.

  At the end of this information, zombie crystal cores were also mentioned.

  It is said that only powerful zombies have such a thing as a crystal core. But the specific use of this thing is not yet known, because several people who volunteered to conduct experiments all failed, and suffered great sequelae.

  They speculated that taking this kind of crystal core should enhance human physical fitness, but it would have serious side effects. If someone wants to use it, they must be mentally prepared. In principle, they do not recommend using them...

  After Wang Tao read the messages on these three pieces of paper, he carefully collected them and placed them in the weapon box.

  As for these guns, he thought about it and took out one. And loaded with 10 bullets.

  You don't have to use a gun. But you have to prepare in advance, just in case it plays an important role at a critical moment.

  Then Wang Tao packed up the airdrop and took it all back. It's a pity that these things cannot be put into the space backpack, otherwise it would be much easier.

  By this time, the sun was almost setting.

  The sunset was beautiful, but unfortunately Wang Tao was not in the mood to enjoy it.

  He simply made himself some large and filling dinner, and when he was halfway through eating, his eyes suddenly froze.

  Because he saw a group of people appearing in the distance!

  There were six people in total, four men and two women, all dirty, carrying large and small bags on their backs, and holding some homemade weapons in their hands. There seemed to be a police comrade?
  "There are actually survivors coming out..."

  Wang Tao felt a little surprised.

  It’s not surprising that there are survivors. The world is so big, there must be people who survive. But when the survivors come out at this they think they are too lucky?

  It's going to be dark soon! He himself didn't dare to come out at night...

  but Wang Tao soon discovered that he might have misunderstood.

  These survivors may not have come out in the evening, but came out before and walked into the evening.

  Because they were hiding in the corner, pointing at the water plant, as if they wanted to stay overnight, but were a little scared.

  Wang Tao has no intention of going out to say hello to the other party. He has been in society for so many years and has long known the dangers of the human heart. Especially now that he has so much supplies and his health is still low, he has to be more vigilant.

  Although the small building where Wang Tao was staying was some distance from the door, there was no building blocking it, so he could clearly observe the situation outside.

  The group of survivors walked into the water plant cautiously and were very excited when they saw that the door was unlocked. But there was a young man with dyed yellow hair who was startled when he found the zombie in the guard box that was hammered to death by Wang Tao, and ran into the crowd in panic.

  "There are zombies!"

  "Don't be nervous, there are many of us, and a zombie can't beat us!"

  A woman in a black police uniform took out a police pistol and shouted in a low voice while pointing at the security booth.

  When the others saw the female police officer speaking, they immediately seemed to have found a backbone. They immediately grasped the kitchen knives, steel pipes, table legs and other weapons in their hands, and surrounded the security booth in a fan shape.

  The female police officer was about to say that she would go and take a look. A thin young man next to him suddenly said to her:
  "Honey, why don't you go and have a look?"


  The female police officer opened her mouth, but then didn't say anything. What.

  She put away the pistol, then picked up the baton at her waist and cautiously approached the security booth.

  Others followed her with weapons in hand.

  The female police officer came to the security booth and carefully took a look at the zombie inside. When she saw the bloody hole on its head, she breathed a sigh of relief.

  "Don't worry, everyone! The zombies inside are dead!"

  After hearing that the zombies were dead, everyone dared to vent their anger loudly.

  The husband of the female police officer was still a little uneasy. He took another look and saw that the zombie was indeed dead, and then he straightened his back.

  "But how did this zombie die? Judging from the wounds, it seems that it hasn't been dead for long..."

  The policewoman frowned. She looked at the water plant. Could it be that there was someone inside...


  the small building.

  Wang Tao immediately relaxed after seeing the situation of the survivors outside.

  "It turns out they are a bunch of rookies..."

  (End of chapter)

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