Chapter 41 Inhibitors and Guns

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  Chapter 41 The inhibitor and gun

  airdrop box is large, but after opening it, the space inside is not as big as it looks because a lot of black shock-proof materials are used.

  The inside is divided into three areas of different sizes, each area has separate packaging.

  He opened the largest area first. As expected, except for a few small radios, everything else was filled with food.

  They are self-heating rice, compressed biscuits, energy bars, chocolate, sugar, powdered drinks, cans and other convenient and portable foods.

  Wang Tao opened a few and tasted a few. I don't know if it was a psychological effect, but he always felt that the food inside was more delicious.

  He then opened a second area.

  "Are these... first-aid items?"

  There are many small medical kits inside. I counted twenty of them in total.

  But in addition to the medical kit, there is also a small box with a snap lock.

  "Huh? What is this?"

  Wang Tao was a little confused when he opened the small box and looked at the 20 bottles of blue potions neatly arranged inside.

  However, there were instructions printed on the inside of the box, and he quickly read it.

  "The zombie virus inhibitor...can suppress the early infection mutation to a certain extent? But it has side effects...what a guy!"

  Wang Tao was a little shocked after reading the introduction.

  It is said above that this zombie virus inhibitor was something developed in a short period of time by those Taishan Beidou in the medical field after the virus outbreak.

  It cannot completely solve the zombie virus, but it can suppress the outbreak of the zombie virus!

  Theoretically, if a person infected with the zombie virus continues to take this inhibitor, he will never mutate.

  Of course, this is theoretically impossible. Let’s not talk about the limited quantity of this inhibitor. Even if it can be supplied in unlimited quantities, it is not certain whether people can bear it.

  Because this inhibitor has great side effects - it will affect your own health, and you may even die if you use it too much!
  And the inhibitors are a bit painful to use. For inhibitors to work optimally, at least one of two conditions must be met.

  One is a strong willpower, and the other is a strong physique.

  If a person with weak willpower and poor physical condition uses an inhibitor, he may not need to wait for the mutation, but will be directly hurt to death by the inhibitor... So as

  mentioned above, you must be careful before using an inhibitor!

  If an ordinary person is infected by a zombie virus, the infected area should be removed first. If it cannot be removed or removal is ineffective, then use an inhibitor... After reading

  this inhibitor, Wang Tao felt that it was a useful but useless thing. .

  If it is useful, it can certainly save someone's life at a critical moment.

  It is said to be useless because the conditions for use are somewhat harsh and it is not 100% effective.

  Of course, this is definitely useful to Wang Tao.

  It's hard to say whether he has a strong willpower or not. He is suspected of being narcissistic. But his physical fitness is absolutely nothing to say.

  He can use this inhibitor!
  Of course, he hoped he would never have to use it.

  "Wait a minute -"

  Suddenly, Wang Tao thought of something.

  After the fusion of human and zombie crystal nuclei, impurities will accumulate in the body while gaining superpowers. If there are more fused crystal nuclei, there will be more impurities, and there is a risk of turning into zombies.

  So can this inhibitor be used by such "superpowers"?

  They can kill zombies and obtain crystal nuclei. Their physical fitness is certainly good, and their willpower may be relatively strong, so the effect of using inhibitors will definitely be very good.

  As for the side effects of inhibitors that will affect their health... They are almost turning into zombies, so what do they care about whether they are healthy or not?

  Wang Tao felt that perhaps this was the correct use of inhibitors. But this is a matter for the future. It is not yet known whether anyone can become a superpower.

  After covering and locking the box containing the inhibitor, Wang Tao looked at the last area inside the airdrop box.

  Rubbing his hands together, he opened it expectantly.

  "Huh? Are there multiple small boxes inside? There are also buckles and anti-collision materials..."

  Press the buckle and open one of the boxes.

  After seeing what was inside, Wang Tao's eyes widened instantly.


  What did he see?
  He saw the gun!
  What’s inside this box is actually a gun!
  There are a total of 10 military pistols from the Type 400 gun family!

  There are also 20 extra magazines, 10 silencers and 10 boxes of 5.8mm pistol bullets. Each box of bullets says 100 bullets, which means a total of 1,000 bullets!
  Wang Tao guessed that during previous airdrops, some airdrops did not have parachutes, but his one had a parachute. It's probably because he has weapons and ammunition in it. If it's just food, obviously there's no need for a parachute.

  Wang Tao took out a pistol and played with it. He had actually touched a real gun before, either during filming or at a shooting studio.

  Not to mention the filming crew, they are all old guns, and they don’t actually shoot, they don’t even have blank ammunition, it’s all special effects.

  The guns in the shooting gallery can be used for shooting, but a bullet costs him 20 yuan. Wang Tao has played it a few times, but his family conditions really do not allow it.

  He knew something about guns.

  Now that I have touched these real guns, I would be lying if I said I wasn’t excited. After all, what man doesn’t like guns?
  "With these guns, I'm afraid I won't be able to deal with zombies one at a time!"

  Although Wang Tao's shooting skills may be average, zombies don't deliberately hide. Headshots at close range should be no problem.

  A zombie's head may be able to carry a few sticks, but it definitely can't withstand a bullet.

  But there's a problem - the sound of shooting is too loud! The so-called silencer actually only suppresses the sound, but cannot completely silence it.

  If the consequence of killing a few zombies is to be surrounded by a large group of zombies, then Wang Tao feels that there is nothing wrong with using cold weapons.

  There was an envelope in the box containing the weapons, and Wang Tao opened it.

  There are three pieces of paper inside.

  The first piece of paper contains the basic operating methods of the pistol, along with pictures and a red letter warning: Do not shoot unless necessary! Because the sound of gunfire will attract a lot of zombies! The silencer doesn't do much! It is best if multiple people can act together, take care of each other, and have a quick evacuation route after firing. Otherwise, the danger of shooting is much higher than its lethality.

  Wang Tao agreed with these words. He liked these guns very much, but he would not shoot them unless absolutely necessary.

  The second piece of paper contains what the government knows about the end of the world.

  It said that the end of the world came too suddenly and without any warning. The government had no preparations. Although there were many civil air defense projects in the country, the zombie virus spread in an unbelievable way in its early stages and could not be stopped at all.

  The local government and the Qianguo government also lost contact one after another. The unit airdropped this time was a military base in Wuyang Province - Wang Tao thought it was the Hongshi Base, but it turned out not to be the case.

  The situation at the Wuyang military base was also very bad. After the disaster, they could only barely protect themselves and were unable to carry out rescue operations. They also encouraged citizens to take up arms to protect themselves.

  As for whether there will be another airdrop, the letter said... don't have high expectations.

  (End of chapter)

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