312. Chapter 308, Crisis in the Spider Universe

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  Chapter 308: Crisis in the Spider Universe
  After hearing Chen Lin'an's question, Mrs. Spider continued to explain: "This is going to mention a prophecy. It was precisely because of the emergence of this prophecy that the Successor family took aim. Spider-Man with the power of Spider Totem." "

  This prophecy mentioned that the Successor family will end at the hands of Spider-Man at some point in the future. Therefore, in order to avoid the end of the family being destroyed, the entire Successor family began to They launched a hunting operation against Spider-Man, specifically hunting Spider Totems." "

  In their view, as long as all Spider Totems are eliminated, this prophecy can be shattered." "

  This" I heard Mrs. Spider talk about Why did the Heir family target Spider-Man? Chen Linan was suddenly at a loss for words.

  It turned out to be because of a prophecy. This statement made Chen Linan not sure how to evaluate it.

  Didn't the Successor family think that it was because of their actions after hearing the prophecy that the prophecy finally happened?

  "Madam, you look very uncomfortable and seriously injured." Looking at Mrs. Spider's ugly face, Peter asked with some concern.

  After hearing Peter's question, Chen Lin'an broke away from his thoughts.

  From the moment he came in, he had already seen that Mrs. Spider was a little depressed, as if she had been injured, but Mrs. Spider still hadn't said what caused her to become like this.

  Hearing Peter ask about her physical condition, Mrs. Spider coughed a few times and continued with a solemn expression: "It's because of the Heir family that I'm like this now." "Their patriarch is them

  . Soros, his father, took his wife and his children to find Universe No. 000 and found the Weaver Master." "

  Because they have a large number of people, special abilities, and are targeted, the Weaver Master and I conducted a They resisted hard and even killed their mother, but Master Weaver was still defeated and taken away by them." "Master Weaver

  is the god of all spider totems, guarding the web of life and destiny. He can be easily found. All spider totem power owners can break web threads, distort reality, create inter-dimensional portals, and connect different realities and different parallel universes." "The Successor family took him away and prepared to manipulate his power

  to Easily find all the Spider-Man, allowing them to better hunt." "

  And they also got a more accurate prophecy, and got a method that can solve the Spider Totem once and for all. They want to make the Spider Coating from Disappear in the universe and no longer pose a threat to them."

  At this point, Madam Spider also activated her power and condensed several pictures on the big web above her head.

  The first picture shows a Spider-Man wearing a black and red uniform. He is squatting on the top of the building, bathing in the bright moonlight.

  Different from the normal red and blue Spider-Man, not only his clothes are black and red, but even the eyes on the uniform are scarlet, making him look very cold and evil.

  The second picture shows a very cute looking baby. He is being held in someone's arms and being rocked gently.

  In his sleep, his mouth and little face moved, as if he was eating something delicious.

  The third picture is a girl leaning against a building. She has long black hair and a red scarf.

  The black and white uniform on her body and the shape of the spider web on it told Chen Linan and the others that this was also a Spider-Man from a different universe.

  "The one-and-done method is to hold a sacrificial ceremony, and the three people in the picture are the key to achieving this. They are the three key sacrifices in this ceremony." "Other things; descendants; brides. "

  According to the prophecy, after this ceremony is held, the successors will rebuild their home, and Spider-Man will never appear again." "With the

  first knife, let the blood of others dye the giant web of life and destiny red. At this point, the Spider Totem will No longer inhabiting any living thing, Spider-Man's era is over.

  The second knife, as the blood of the bride flows through the threads of the giant web, there will no longer be an accidental spider totem in the world. The

  third knife, the descendant , this is the youngest spider among all creations. With this cut, the ritual is completed. From

  now on, no new totem will appear, no more spiders will be born, and a new era of Spider-Man will never come."

  As Madam Spider recited sentence by sentence, the pictures that appeared on the spider web were shattered one by one, and then stained red with blood.

  Listening to Mrs. Spider's explanation and watching the changes in the picture above, Peter felt a strong sense of crisis in his heart. He did not expect that the fate of all Spider-Man in the parallel universe was already hanging in the balance.

  After showing Chen Lin'an and the others the intentions of the Successor family and the seriousness of their plan's success, Madam Spider looked at Chen Lin'an solemnly and said: "You and the Spider-Man of this universe are the key to solving this crisis. "

  The future that was previously observed is no longer accurate because of your appearance." Mrs. Spider looked at Chen Lin'an and continued.

  "As the only variable in the parallel universe, what you do will affect the emergence of a new future." "

  So I want to ask you and Spider-Man in this universe to stop the Successor family and not let their plans Really succeeded."

  "When Master Weaver was arrested, he also asked us to tell you that the future of the entire parallel universe, including Spider-Man, is entrusted to you. He can no longer see himself in that vague future."

  There was a long silence after Mrs. Spider finished speaking.

  Everyone present was still immersed in the news one after another given by Mrs. Spider, and could not react.

  Because of a prophecy that the family would be destroyed by the owner of the Spider Totem, the heir family began to hunt Spider-Man and the Spider Totem.

  And now it is too slow to hunt them down one by one. They even captured the god of spider totem, the Weaver Master. They want to use the Weaver Master's ability to arbitrarily distort reality, build space gates, and travel between various places more flexibly and accurately. In a parallel universe.

  They want to find the three key Spider-Man, and then use an evil ritual to directly eliminate all Spider-Man, so that this fable will be completely shattered, Spider-Man will disappear and the Successor family will last forever.

  After a long silence, Chen Lin'an also raised his head, broke the silence first and asked: "Then how should we deal with the successor family's plan now?" "

  If we kill them all, will this crisis be resolved?"

   There is one more chapter,
  (End of this chapter)

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