311. Chapter 307, The Call of the Spider Lady and the Heir Family

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  Chapter 307: The Call of the Spider Lady and the Heir Family

  After listening to Felicia’s persuasion, Peter had to admit that he really couldn’t help much now, but he was still waiting anxiously.

  Those Spider-Man specimens were still dangling in front of his eyes, forcing him to think over and over in his mind whether Chen Lin'an would also encounter such a thing, and whether this worst possibility would happen.

  After a while, Chen Lin'an's figure finally walked out of the black cave door.

  He also held two human heads with long white hair and dripping blood in his hands. It was Bora and Blix who had just appeared suddenly and wanted to stop them.

  The expressions of fear and surprise before death were still frozen on their faces, as if they did not expect Chen Lin'an to be so powerful.

  In fact, it didn't take much effort to deal with them. Chen Lin'an just felt how big the strength gap between them and Peter was before he expanded his domain and condensed time and space to imprison them.

  Then, in slow motion in their own eyes, Chen Linan raised his knife and chopped off their heads.

  The whole process probably lasted for more than a minute at most, and Chen Linan spent most of this minute feeling their strength.

  Chen Li'an threw the two white-haired heads on the ground and said to Peter: "I have a rough feel for their strength. They may be a little stronger than you, but they are not too insurmountable."

  "Their advantage may be that they are stronger and faster than Spider-Man, but Spider-Man's spider sense has no effect on them. In addition, they often hunt Spider-Man and know Spider-Man's fighting skills very well, so Only then will it have a more restrained effect."

  "That's right, that's right." Venom nodded beside him and said, "Those two guys are very loud, but their strength is average. I thought they were so strong. In the end, my head was cut off after just two brushes."

  Seeing that Chen Lin'an had come out safely, Felicia also pressed the button and closed the black hole door.

  After doing this, Felicia also walked over to Chen Lin'an and touched the venom, handed it a piece of chocolate, and then said: "I have heard from Peter what happened to you over there. I never thought that there would be others in this world. Such a perverted family exists."

  Chen Lin'an also sighed after hearing this, looked at Peter and Mary Janes at the scene and said: "I didn't expect that maybe this is the crisis about Spider-Man that Mrs. Spider mentioned to me before. Right."

  "But I still don't understand why Madam Spider hasn't contacted us this time. After all, this incident has a wider impact than the last one, and has involved the entire parallel universe." Just when Chen Lin'an said

  this When he finished speaking, ripples like water suddenly began to ripple in the air in the laboratory, gradually spreading and growing, forming an illusory oval space-time gate.

  Seeing this familiar scene and feeling the familiar atmosphere coming from this time and space gate, Chen Lin'an also said to Felicia and Peter, who were a little panicked around them: "Don't be nervous, the time and space gate created by Mrs. Spider last time was like this. This is She should be summoning us again."

  Chen Lin'an did not expect that as soon as he finished speaking, Madam Spider's summons followed.

  But Mrs. Spider did come in time, because he happened to have a lot of questions that he didn't understand.

  "Don't be nervous, just follow me and walk in." Chen Lin'an said as he took the lead and walked directly across the time and space gate.

  After he walked in, what caught his eye was Mrs. Spider whom he had seen last time. She still looked like a djinn, but this time her aura was weaker, as if she had been seriously injured.

  Peter, Felicia and other Mary Jane also followed Chen Linan, walked into this mysterious space, and met the legendary Spider Lady.

  Peter had the same idea as Chen Lin'an when he first saw Mrs. Spider. He also felt strange why Mrs. Spider looked like she had no legs, just like the djinn in the cartoon.

  "You are here, children. Forgive me, this old guy, for coming a little late this time." Mrs. Spider coughed slightly, then looked at Peter and Chen Lin'an and said.

  "A crisis sweeping the parallel universe is about to begin, and all Spider-Man's will be involved. If there is no way to properly resolve it, then all Spider-Man's will disappear in the parallel universe, and there will be no more Spider-Man's in the future. The emergence of Spider-Man."

  After hearing Mrs. Spider's words, Chen Lin'an also said: "The crisis you are talking about refers to Morun and his family? We have just been in contact with them, and Mary Jane here is from their Brought out of the castle."

  Mrs. Spider nodded when she heard this and said, "Yes, they are them. To be more precise, they should be called the Heir Family." "

  Before introducing them, I think I should Let me tell you about the totem first."

  "Totem is a special mysterious power that connects people and animals. People who own the totem can possess the power represented by the totem."

  At this point, Mrs. Spider also looked towards Peter said: "Just like Spider-Man, what he possesses is the power represented by the spider totem. The spider that bit him originally allowed the spider totem to establish a connection with him, and then died willingly." "Totems are such existences

  . The person selected by the totem will have the power represented by the layer."

  After saying this, Mrs. Spider brought the topic back to the heir family just mentioned, that is, Morun and his family.

  "The heir family just mentioned is also a group of people who have inherited the power of totems. They come from universe 001 and are a clan of totem hunters." "Their totems are very special.

  Although they are the lowest form of all totems, they The ability of the totem is very strange."

  "This totem can absorb the power of other totems and then strengthen itself." "

  Because of the existence of this totem, they feed on the vitality of animals, human totem incarnations and god's totems."

  " Based on this characteristic, this totem is also called the vampire totem, and they are also called the vampire totem family." "They are

  keen on hunting people with totem power, and then absorb their totem power, Make yourself stronger."

  Hearing this, Chen Lin'an also frowned and asked with some confusion: "Since everyone with the power of totem is their target, why does he only focus on Spider-Man? The spider totem is just one of all totems, isn't it?"

  (End of this chapter)

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