Chapter 65: My immortal body can’t defeat you?

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  Chapter 65: My immortal body can’t defeat you?


  Ding Qimin screamed and struggled wildly.

  Snap! Fang Hao's arms were broken.

  But he sneered and still hugged Ding Qimin tightly, refusing to let go.

  My immortal body can still defeat you?

  Thanks to the accelerated recovery of ability points, the broken arms were reattached almost in the blink of an eye and recovered as before.

  Soul devouring! continue!
  Pure soul power was slowly injected into his body, but Ding Qimin became visibly weaker, and his complexion quickly turned pale.

  He was at the sixth level of Zhenwu. He was hugged by Fang Hao, whose strength was equivalent to the second level of Zhenwu, but he couldn't escape.

  Because most of his soul had been devoured by Fang Hao.

  The soul derives mental power, and the soul becomes weak, and the spirit will also become weak, resulting in an all-round decline in status, and the original 100% combat power cannot be used at 30%.

  This unexpected situation shocked everyone around.

  "What are you doing? Let go of my master!"

  The young researcher named Xiaoye was stunned, and immediately rushed forward and punched Fang Hao in the head.

  "Security Department! Enemy attack!!" Dean Zhao Huaisu also yelled after being stunned for a moment, and stepped forward to grab Fang Hao's shoulders.

  "Let go!"

  "Get out of here! We are Security Bureau agents!" The muscular driver got out of the car and yelled, while showing his ID.

  "Dean Zhao, that's not Ding Qimin, that's a spy who can possess someone's body and seize his body. Help me subdue him first!"

  Zhao Huaisu was stunned, looked at his ID, and didn't know whether to believe it or not.

  However, the hands clasping Fang Hao's shoulders had subconsciously let go.

  The driver bypassed him and pounced on Ding Qimin, whose weak soul caused slow reaction and declining energy.

  First, he kicked the stunned Xiaoye away, then pushed Ding Qimin to the ground and handcuffed him.

  "Ding Qimin, no, you are not Ding Qimin. I should be called 'Parasite'!"

  Ding Qimin, no, he is a spy codenamed Parasite.

  The explosion just now had consumed most of his energy, and now being held down by a seventh-level Zhenwu realm, he was naturally unable to move.

  Fang Hao, whose arms had regenerated, curled his lips.

  "Tsk, we actually captured him alive. What a great achievement."

  "Second Lieutenant Luo deserves the most credit." The driver looked up and smiled.

  He didn't know what Fang Hao had just done.

  But he knew that the current weak state of the parasite must be caused by Fang Hao.

  "I'm just here to do a small favor."

  The driver chuckled and said, "You're being modest. Capturing the parasite alive is a second-class achievement at least. It won't be a problem for you to be promoted to lieutenant or even captain." Seeing that the two of them were chatting

  . After a few rounds of merit, Zhao Huaisu and the researchers next to them all believed their identities.

  [Unlock possession and seize the body, currently S level!

  Fang Hao was a little surprised when he saw the reminder floating in his mind.

  He only devoured most of the parasite's soul, not all of it, but he was also able to obtain the [body possession and body seizing] power, and it was complete!

  Does this mean that the parasite can no longer use this ability?
  It's better to be safe.

  He took off the purple soul crystal pendant from his neck and put it on the parasite's neck.

  Now even if I could use [Possession and Seize Body], I would not dare to use it.

  As long as the soul dares to leave the body and lose the protection of the physical body, it will be absorbed by the purple soul crystal on the spot and imprisoned in it from then on.

  In that hug just now, most of the parasite's soul power had been devoured by him.

  If you are sucked in by the Purple Soul Crystal again, you may not even be able to maintain your self-awareness.

  Fang Hao turned to look at Zhao Huaisu, smiled and nodded.

  "Dean Zhao, I've shocked you. Because I can't alert the enemy, I have to hide it from you first." "What's wrong with him?" Zhao Huaisu looked at "Ding Qimin" who was pulled up by the driver with an ugly expression.

  "When did it happen?"

  The parasite responded silently.

  He didn't understand how he was exposed.

  Even if he was exposed, why did he happen to have a soul-type superpower who could defeat him?
  There is also the Purple Soul Crystal Pendant. Being so fully prepared means that you know too much about his situation.

  "Didi didi"

  Several police cars drove into the gate one after another and stopped at the door of the building one by one. Security Bureau officers in black uniforms quickly got out of the car.

  Luo Wenjing walked quickly towards Fang Hao, looking happy.

  "Luo Hao, are you okay?"


  Commander-in-Chief Shen Ao looked around and stepped forward to say hello to Zhao Huaisu.

  "Dean Zhao, I'm sorry. The situation was urgent and I couldn't notify you in advance."

  Zhao Huaisu sighed, his expression became tired, and he turned and walked into the building.

  The spy was caught.

  But the review of all of them has not yet begun.

  He is about to retire. Once he comes here, he really can only retire and cannot re-employ.

  The other researchers looked at each other, sighed, and turned around and entered the building.

  Let’s arrange the projects on hand first. The intensity of the subsequent review will probably be very high. If we don’t arrange it well, we will easily lose progress.

  The young researcher named Xiaoye watched the parasite being escorted into the police car, slowly closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

  He couldn't believe that his master who was so kind to him could actually be a spy.

  Master is finished.

  He's finished too.

  With such a master, it will be several times more difficult for him to be promoted and take on projects in the future than for others.

  Resign and go to a private enterprise. He thought silently and looked at Fang Hao who was getting into the police car.

  Fortunately, Fang Hao was just pretending to be a third-level researcher, not a real researcher, so he could comfort him somewhat.

  At noon that day, Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing attended the celebration banquet of the Security Bureau.

  The last dish was the green carp that he "crushed" to death, braised in braised sauce.

  After the celebration banquet, Fang Hao and Luo Wenjing boarded the plane back to the base camp of the Kunlun Garrison.

  After the headquarters reported to Song Yuanzheng, they also learned from Song Yuanzheng that a dozen other spies had been captured simultaneously.

  The person with the ability to [soul transfer] exchanged his body with the surviving victim on the premise that the official promised to ensure his safety.

  He didn't need to know how to deal with it after that, and he wasn't interested.

  The mirror project is already allocating manpower and resources, and it is expected that the construction plan will be finalized early next month and construction will begin.

  Ten days later, it was Monday, September 30th.

  The end-of-month assessment for Zhenwu Academy has arrived.

  The assessment has one more item than the entrance examination, the mental power test, which is used to test the students' mental power cultivation progress after one month of meditation.

  Although the students will not be expelled if their progress is too slow, the instructor will confirm one by one whether they are lazy or have insufficient mental strength.

  If you are born with insufficient mental strength, there is nothing you can do.

  If you are lazy, you will be criticized by the whole school.

  If you are always lazy, you may not be allowed to register next year, even if you pay more.

  Fang Hao naturally got another S and became a four-S genius boy, becoming the only one in this grade and even the whole school.

  This made the other two Class III students a little unconvinced.

  (End of chapter)

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