Chapter 64 gives you a warm but deadly hug!

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  Chapter 64 gives you a warm but deadly hug!
  In an office of the institute.

  "Master, the director said that the newcomers are arriving soon. Let's gather at the door."

  A young and fair researcher poked his head in from the door and grinned at the Mediterranean researcher sitting behind the desk.

  "Does a newcomer have to be so grand?" Researcher Mediterranean did not raise his head and was still looking at the documents on the table.

  The young researcher smiled and said: "I heard from the director that he is a third-level researcher from that research base. He is the same age as me but at the same level as you. He came here to exchange and study for a month." That research base

  ? Ding Qimin's heart moved slightly, he adjusted the frame of the mirror and said calmly: "You go first, I will come after reading this document." "

  Okay, hurry up then."

  The young researcher left quickly. .

  Ding Qimin put down the document and squinted slightly.

  That place.

  The most mysterious research base in Yanxia was built in the desert. It was known as the last fortress of Yanxia and the refuge of the older generation of Emperor Realm powerhouses such as Yandi Overlord in their youth.

  If you can enter there, the information you come into contact with will definitely be far more confidential than this research institute.

  Exchange and learn?
  He felt a little strange, but when he thought that the man was still very young, he dispelled his doubts.

  It is indeed a bit suspicious if an older researcher comes to exchange and learn.

  But it makes sense for a young man who can't stay in a closed research base and relaxes and exchanges and learns by the way.

  Young people, who have become third-level researchers at a young age, must be trained intensively.

  If you allow yourself to have more exchanges, more experiences, and more contact with peers, your character and thoughts will be greatly improved.

  He had to build a good relationship and see if he could get some words out of him.

  It would be best to recommend him to that research base through this young man.

  If that doesn't work, then give up your current identity as "Ding Qimin" and possess that young man.

  After thinking quickly, he carefully organized the documents and locked them in the drawer.

  Rigorousness is an important detail that cannot be doubted.

  He has stayed in this research institute for five or six years, and has been exposed to a lot of confidential information, most of which was sent back to his home country.

  But most of the information is of little value because the same experiment is being conducted in the home country and the data is not much different.

  Get out of the office.

  Get out of the building again.

  There were already many researchers in white coats gathered at the gate, many of whom looked pale.

  It is caused by being indoors all year round and not getting too much sunlight.

  It was basically quiet, except for the young researcher who had only been here a few months and was active, saying a few words here and asking a few questions there.

  "That man is the same age as me. Why is he a third-level researcher? My master is only a third-level researcher." "I'm still just

  an assistant now, not even a formal researcher." "

  You're talking nonsense. Why is the gap between us and humans bigger than humans and dogs?"

  Most of the others were immersed in research, taciturn, and not good at words, so naturally they were annoyed by him.

  "Tell your master and don't bother me."

  "Take your time, we can survive it too."

  "Xiaoye, the dean is here, be quiet." Ding Qimin, who had just walked out of the building, frowned and stopped. Leaflet.

  Xiaoye had no choice but to stop nagging and stand obediently behind Ding Qimin.

  He just doesn't quite understand that he is also a talented graduate student who graduated from a top university.

  Although I just graduated this year, I have already worked on several big projects.

  When you come to this institute, you can only work as an intern researcher for a few years. According to the classification, you can only be regarded as a fifth-level researcher.

  But one of his peers has already reached the position of third-level researcher with his master (Ding Qimin).

  It was really hard for him to understand.

  Even if that person is much more talented than him, there should be a process of growth and promotion, right?
  "Are you all here? Stand in an orderly manner." The old voice of Dean Zhao Huaisu came, and the researchers and assistants immediately straightened up and lined up neatly.

  Zhao Huaisu, with gray hair and neatly combed hair, walked over quickly.

  He counted the heads, nodded and said with a smile: "We're all here, okay. Be more enthusiastic for a while. We want to make that young man feel the warmth of home. Maybe we can keep him in our institute." When the researchers heard that Zhao

  Huaisu At this, they all nodded secretly.

  In the field of scientific research, in addition to funding, the most important thing is talent, especially those "geniuses" with leading qualities.

  The person who came to exchange and study became a third-level researcher at a young age. He was obviously very capable and had a bright future.

  If you can stay in their place, it will not be a problem to bring them good food and drink in the future.

  "Here we come!" Zhao Huaisu saw a black car with a public license plate parked at the gate from a distance, and immediately asked other researchers to cheer up and stand in order.

  The iron gate opened and the black car slowly drove in.

  The driver glanced at Fang Hao in the rearview mirror and whispered: "Second Lieutenant Luo, if there is any danger later, please ensure your own safety first." "Where are the

  other researchers?"

  "Although they are all researchers, but at the true martial arts level There are generally four or five levels, so it's not that easy to die."

  "I understand." Fang Hao nodded, looking at Dean Zhao Huaisu who was standing at the front, and also saw the familiar face in the photo.

  But you can't look at that person too much at this time. The show must be done well before shaking hands.

  At the door of the building, Ding Qimin looked at the approaching black car, feeling slightly uncomfortable and frowning slightly.

  It seemed that there was someone or something he didn't like in that car, which made him instinctively feel threatened.

  "Warmly welcome our researcher Luo Haolo!"

  Zhao Huaisu took the lead in applauding, and other researchers immediately followed suit.

  The car door opened, Fang Hao got out of the car, and the scene became quiet for a moment. Because everyone in the institute was stunned for a moment when they saw Fang Hao.

  With such good external conditions, it seems that I have given up a lot if I don't want to be a big star and instead engage in scientific research.

  "Hello, Dean Zhao."

  Fang Hao smiled and shook hands with Zhao Huaisu.

  "Please take good care of me in the next month."

  "Hello, hello, you're welcome." Zhao Huaisu smiled and held Fang Hao's right hand tightly, "All researchers in our institute warmly welcome you! I hope you can call this place your home. Same, relaxed and happy!"

  Fang Hao looked at the people behind him and said with a smile: "I can already feel the warmth of home." "

  That's good, that's good. Come, let me introduce them to you." Zhao Huaisu turned around and walked from From left to right, other researchers at the institute were introduced to Fang Hao one by one.

  Ding Qimin was on the far right, and he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the purple soul crystal pendant under Fang Hao's neck.

  Such talents will of course take some protective measures to avoid being tricked.

  It seemed that the threatening aura he felt just now and now was emanating from the purple soul crystal pendant.

  The handshake soon came to him.

  "This is Ding Qimin, a third-level researcher like you, and in the same direction."

  "Senior Ding, hello."

  Fang Hao smiled as usual, shook hands with Ding Qimin's right hands, and also held his left hand.

  "I'm too young. Please ask my seniors for more advice and guidance in the future."

  "Hello." Ding Qimin forced a smile and glanced at the purple soul crystal pendant under Fang Hao's neck with some fear.

  "Senior Ding, how about I become your disciple?" Fang Hao let go of his hands, but then hugged him with a smile.

  "Uh, um..." Ding Qimin was caught off guard and was hugged by Fang Hao.

  Fang Hao's smile suddenly turned cold as he hugged him tightly.

  Soul devouring!

   Thanks to Taozi who loves watermelon for the reward, thank you for your support~
    Thank you for being happy and priceless 1, Yuantong Temple Changxiu, QAQ struggling salted fish, me sleeping on the upper bunk, Zhixiang, Xia Yeguang, book friend 149312221549411, Xiaoshan I love reading, shop waiter, reading just because I am old, can anyone remember my name now, Jiukong, Wangtianchen, a piece of ice in the well, Hagwskly, happy pig blame me, AL moment, past tense Wolf, wonderful and so on. My monthly ticket is an encouragement, thank you for your support~
    Thank you to all the big guys who recommended tickets to me, thank you for your support~
  (End of this chapter)

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