126. Chapter 126 is not good! Emperor Xi is killing people!

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  Chapter 126 Not good! Emperor Xi is killing people!
  "Let them come over when they are ready." Fang Hao nodded to Song Yuanzheng.

  "Thank you." Song Yuanzheng saluted seriously.

  "Add me one!" The girl was curious and decided to go and have a look together.

  "You are mentally strong enough." Fang Hao was speechless.

  The girl was speechless: "I just went to take a look, and I don't need your magical power!"

  "Okay, just take a look." Fang Hao nodded.

  The title of Emperor Xi was not something Song Yuanzheng and the others thought of casually. Xi represented the sun, morning light, and dawn, and was the title that best suited his abilities.


  Song Yuanzheng frowned, but didn't say anything.

  From the perspective of the country, it is a good thing that the Queen is close to Emperor Xi, because they understand who Emperor Xi is and know that he is not someone who will change his position easily.

  But this cannot be said out loud.

  Because in the eyes of outsiders, Emperor Xi is close to you, but this does not mean that he is also close to us.

  When the time comes, the dragon slayer becomes an evil dragon, and you guys become the former federation, and even join forces with the former federation, what the hell are we going to do!
  Therefore, the two great gods are getting closer, and this matter cannot be spread to the outside world.

  Even if the other emperor-level experts knew that the Queen was here to celebrate the New Year, they were a little worried, but as long as the two of them did not do anything obvious and maintained a check and balance on the surface, it was still acceptable.

  Because the United Council has no ability to restrict the contact between Emperor Xi and the Queen, with this ability, there will be no such worries.

  Therefore, as long as the two of them do their best to show their attitude, calm people's hearts, the Joint Council will turn a blind eye.

  Li Shuhao moved a round table into the office and placed it in the vacant area in the middle of the office. He went out and moved five stools.

  "I'll serve the food."

  Luo Wenjing left the sentence and walked out of the office.

  Now she is best suited to serving food.

  But she didn't go far, because Li Shuhao had already asked the person in charge of delivering food to deliver the food to the headquarters hall, and then he went to bring the food in the hall to Song Yuanzheng's office.

  The two ran back and forth several times and quickly delivered the sumptuous New Year's Eve meal to the dining table.

  Song Yuanzheng picked up his chopsticks and looked at the plate of meat and vegetables in the center with a smile.

  "This dish is made from the meat of Beast Emperor Leviathan. Using our method, Her Majesty the Queen must have never eaten it, right?" "No." "Then try it quickly


  There is also this dish, which was hunted by Emperor Xi. It is made from the meat of the Megalodon King, and the rest are also the delicious parts of the king-level sea beast."

  These dishes are considered to be the highest quality, and the chef's cooking skills are also first-rate. The smell of them will make people appetite.

  It was the first time for the Queen to use chopsticks, but it was not difficult for her to master.

  "Eat them all, feel free to do it." Fang Hao smiled and picked up the chopsticks.

  "Do you have any wine? How about some?"

  "I have it here." The queen opened her extra-dimensional pocket and took out a bottle of wine that seemed to be made of glass but was golden.

  "This is the fine wine of our planet, let's try it together."

  "Three lives are lucky!"

  When it comes to the queen's destroyed home planet, others only dare to say that they are lucky and dare not go further.

  Fang Hao uncorked the bottle and poured a glass for everyone present.

  The wine is amber-orange in color and exudes a fresh aroma.

  "It makes me a little dizzy when I smell it." Li Shuhao frowned, "What about you, Xiao Luo?"

  "I'm a little bit too." Luo Wenjing nodded and looked at the bottle of alien wine in a golden glass.

  "Is this a bar brewed with extraordinary resources? Our planet has not yet reached this level of luxury."

  "Yes." The Queen nodded lightly.

  "This wine is also a luxury product in our area. It is specially provided to the palace."

  Ordinary wine has only the taste of wine for cultivators and extraordinary people. No matter how much you drink, you will not get drunk.

  But these wines brewed with extraordinary resources can allow extraordinary beings to enjoy the feeling of being drunk.

  She doesn't like to drink, and all the things she collected were collected when she was fleeing.

  "Let's have a drink first!" Fang Hao smiled and raised his glass.

  The others also raised their glasses, and after greeting each other, they each took a sip, and they all felt a little drunk.

  "Hey, I'm a little dizzy." Fang Hao felt dizzy after taking one gulp.

  Because he was the one with the lowest level and the weakest body among the people present. It was only his powerful soul, numerous superpowers, and two beast-king-level humanoid monsters that made people mistakenly think that he was in the divine realm.

  "Are you drunk now?"

  "Haha, I'm so drunk that I need to take a nap after drinking."

  "Eat the food, eat the food, drink the wine!"

  "The party has begun." Li Shuhao stood up and went to turn on the LCD screen hanging on the wall. television.

  The five of them were enjoying the New Year's Eve dinner and watching the gala, occasionally making comments and laughing.

  During the period, a video of Emperor Xi giving New Year greetings to all the people appeared, which made everyone laugh.

  After all, it was the first Spring Festival of the new era. If Emperor Xi didn't show up at the party, everyone would feel lacking.

  But as long as he shows up and pays New Year greetings, the morale of the entire country will rise.

  Those who are favored are confident. Emperor Xi lives in the East all year round and has close relations with the government. This kind of preference is not the envy of other countries and regions.

  Because the Queen wanted to avoid suspicion, she did not shoot a New Year greeting video and only mentioned it at the beginning of the party.

  If she shows too close to Dongfang, the balance will be broken.

  What it will bring about is uneasiness in other regions.

  Fang Hao's main body was also eating New Year's Eve dinner with his parents and watching the gala.

  Fang Mengqi went to celebrate the New Year with her biological parents and other family members. Their family had moved to the city and was not far away.

  The horned dragon clone was sitting on an island in the deep sea area, sleeping against the mountain wall. There were many king-level experts resting on the island.

  After knowing that it was the "pet" of Emperor Xi, king-level experts from the nearby sea would come to this island to rest at night.

  For more than a month, there has been no record of it hurting anyone. It only occasionally hunts a sea beast in the deep sea and eats it as food to maintain its body's needs.

  So the island was named "Qiulong Island" and became a safe zone in this sea area.

  In the deep sea area, sea beasts are not the most dangerous, people are.

  Kill a king-level warrior and take away his weapons and level-9 alloy armor. Even if they are broken, the materials are worth tens of millions.

  So if you want to hang out here, you have to find someone you can trust to form a team. One person can easily become a prey and be hunted.

  In their view, the horned dragon clone was a trustworthy "teammate", and this kind of trust was brought to them by Emperor Xi.

  With it on this island, no one dares to do anything on the island.

  It is the Beast King level, and the King level can hunt the Beast King. Now that it has been promoted to the Beast King, it is definitely the strongest level among the Beast King.

  All the king-level experts on the island put together are no match for it.

  Yinglong's clone returned to the Kunlun garrison base camp and stayed in the large warehouse. Soldiers often ran over to see it and take photos with it.

  That night, after midnight, throughout the hot summer, all cities big and small set off fireworks of various colors to celebrate the arrival of the new year.

  Fang Hao took the Queen and Luo Wenjing to the imperial capital where the fireworks show was the grandest and most dazzling, and quietly enjoyed it on the roof of a tall building.

  It wasn't until one o'clock in the morning, after the fireworks were set off, that Fang Hao sent the still unfinished queen back to the Western Hemisphere.

  Luo Wenjing took this opportunity to return home.

  She originally had a vacation, but she stayed there just to spend the New Year with Fang Hao in the military camp.

  Her parents wanted her to take "Luo Hao" home for the New Year, and nominally "Luo Hao" was their adopted son.

  But Fang Hao had biological parents and there was no need to recognize another pair of adoptive parents, so he refused.

  Such unnecessary interpersonal relationships should be kept as little as possible.

  Royal Palace, the Queen's Great Room.

  Fang Hao took the queen and appeared through teleportation.

  It was daytime in the Western Hemisphere, so the Queen actually left at midnight and returned at noon, which did not attract much attention.

  "I'm very happy today."

  "Just be happy."

  "Remember to pick me up on the 1st."


  "How about you stay a little longer?"

  "I'm drunk and have to go back and take a nap."

  Fang Hao smiled, let go of her little hand, and teleported away.

  I really don’t understand the style. The girl thought.

  Wouldn't it be the same if you slept here?
  She took off her broad white hat and handed it to the maid, then went to the office area to handle official business.

  If you want to firmly hold power, you must also fulfill the obligations of a monarch.

  Deterrence by force alone can only make people jealous and fearful, but cannot win respect and following.

  Now that she sits on the throne, she must fulfill her duties as a queen and lead the human race on this planet to develop and expand into the universe. The current overall power structure of mankind is that the Joint Parliament is responsible for discussion, voting and specific implementation, but a proposal still needs the Queen's signature from proposal to implementation.

  If the Queen vetoes the proposal, the proposal will have to be sent back to Parliament for discussion and vote.

  Give her the right to veto because she is a powerful person in the divine realm.

  What she did not wish to do, or what she did not wish the United Council to do, no one dared to do.

  Similarly, she can't do whatever she wants to do, because behind the United Council is Emperor Xi, and with Emperor Xi here, she can't do whatever she wants.

  Therefore, the proposal she proposed also needs to be voted by the parliament, otherwise it cannot be implemented.

  That is, a two-way veto. Both parties have the power to veto the other party's proposal.

  This is checks and balances.

  Fang Hao does not directly hold power, nor does he interfere with parliamentary voting or the implementation of power. He only exists as a "supervisor."

  And the objects of his supervision are not only the Queen, but also the United Parliament.

  If the parliament relied on his support to act recklessly, he would not approve of it.

  The Parliament absolutely does not want to lose his support, otherwise it will be disbanded, so the Parliament will also maintain the necessary support for the Queen's fundamental demand (finding her clan members).

  Since neither party dares to mess around, the Queen and the MPs can abandon most of their selfishness, focus on the goal of making mankind as a whole better, and do things that are truly meaningful and conducive to the development and growth of mankind.

  The Queen's desire to find her people scattered in the universe and the rapid development of human science and technology to rush into the universe are two goals that can run parallel and do not conflict.

  It can be seen that his existence is indispensable to mankind.

  Without him there would have been no United Parliament, only a Cabinet entirely at the mercy of the Queen.

  Or be obedient.

  Or die.

  All human affairs will be decided by the Queen.

  But when it comes to actually dealing with them, and involving all of humanity, these government affairs are very cumbersome, boring, and very nerve-wracking.

  Fortunately, there is intelligent AI assistance, which will provide her with the most appropriate suggestions or a variety of suitable options for each matter, so that she can handle it with ease.

  Approaching and capturing Fang Hao's heart is also a proposal of intelligent AI.

  Of course, she doesn't reject it herself.

  Fang Hao did not jump out to stop her from ruling all mankind, which shows that there is no fundamental conflict of interest between them and there is no need to become enemies.

  On the contrary, she had a vague feeling that Fang Hao seemed to know her origins and how the spaceship she was on was destroyed.

  Because every time Fang Hao mentioned that spaceship, he would reveal a "sense of understanding" that was difficult for her to understand.

  What fell on this planet was obviously just some spacecraft wreckage and some debris.

  But Fang Hao seemed to have seen the entire spaceship.

  Intelligent AI analysis, given that Fang Hao's life is complicated, is likely to have the ability to "see the past".

  This may be the reason why Fang Hao was not surprised or stopped her from appearing.

  Recalling that his dormant cabin was once buried a thousand meters underground, it was obvious that this depth could not have been buried by geological activities, but was buried by man-made pits.

  Combined with the fact that the humanoid monster had already appeared in the deep sea area, the matter became very clear.

  Her sleeping cabin was found by Fang Hao!
  The gap in the dormant cabin was also cut by Fang Hao's humanoid monster using the Silver Moon Flywheel.

  But Fang Hao did not force himself to wake up, but instead buried himself deep underground.

  He didn't want to wake up on his own, or so early.

  But after he really woke up, he looked indifferent.

  According to intelligent AI analysis, Fang Hao chose to bury himself deep in the seabed because the extraordinary beings in the dormant cabin did not know their enemies or friends.

  After she regained consciousness, she realized that she was not a cruel and heartless person, so she didn't care.

  So there was no need for her to regard Fang Hao as her enemy.

  But whether Fang Hao can "see the past", she needs to find a chance to confirm.

  Today was the New Year's Eve, so it was obviously not the right time to inquire about such secret information, so she didn't ask.

  Next time, it will only be half a month.

  When the relationship gets closer, she will know.

  "Your Majesty!"

  Ednas and Hank Porter hurried over after learning that she was back.

  "What's wrong?"

  "Your Majesty, we just got information about the Overlord."


  "The Overlord seems to have entered the realm of gods."

  The Queen did not show any shock. She raised her eyes slightly, her blue eyes like the sea.


  "This..." Ednas and Hank Porter looked at each other and frowned.

  "If the news of the Overlord's breakthrough to the divine realm is widely publicized, it will be very detrimental to you and us... mainly to you!" The corners of the Queen's mouth slightly raised, and her eyes fell on the document she was reviewing


  "The divine realm and the divine realm are not the same concept."

  The Overlord broke through to the divine realm, and then what?
  Then no.

  The Overlord is not the Xi Emperor, the only one she fears is the Xi Emperor, but the Xi Emperor is not her enemy.

  If the Overlord wanted to become her enemy, she would not mind killing a chicken to scare the monkeys.

  Will Emperor Xi intercede for Emperor Ba?
  Or to become her enemy for the Overlord?
  Or to take the Overlord back for her?

  Seeing how calm she was, Ednas and Hank Porter had no choice but to respectfully retreat.

  The news that the Overlord had entered the divine realm seemed to have been leaked intentionally, and it spread all over the world that day.

  Even Fang Hao was a little surprised.

  So fast?
  Is it too fast?
  It happens to be the Chinese New Year, so it’s a bit weird no matter how you look at it.

  Emperor Yan quickly refuted the rumors. The Emperor of Dominance has not yet made a breakthrough, and even if he breaks through, he will not challenge the authority of the Queen and the United Council. He asks all mankind to beware of those who are willing to sow discord and create opposition.

  This kind of thing happened during the Chinese New Year, which gave Emperor Yan a headache.

  You know, even if the Overlord really breaks through, he will definitely keep it secret. How could it be publicized?
  Now that Emperor Xi is sitting in the East, he is no less than a divine overlord.

  On the contrary, having one more god-level Overlord is a factor of instability - this does not mean that the Overlord is unstable, but that an imbalance in the situation will cause instability.

  So behind this incident, someone must be deliberately creating confrontation and shaking people's hearts.

  The Joint Council has just been established. It has only been more than a month. Many things have not been implemented yet, and only the broad framework of the establishment of various departments has been completed.

  Inciting confrontation at this time should be because someone or an organization does not want the United Parliament to successfully take over the power and future of all mankind.

  Nowadays, there are still people who want to go against the general trend, and they don’t know whether they are confident in their own strength or in their own intelligence.

  But the person behind this conspiracy definitely didn't know it. Fang Hao could look back into the past and easily find out the person behind the conspiracy.

  It's not that he was a powerful emperor in the original federation.

  Instead, they were a few emperor-level experts who had never been human before.

  What happens when a villain gains extraordinary power?
  Under the general trend, he may be more restrained, but he will still kill the "weak" at will and cause tragedy.

  In the past, when we were not under the same system, no one took care of these "powerful people".

  As long as it's not too bad or too obvious, other strong men won't do anything, because if they do, they'll be criticized.

  For example, if you kill him, who will protect the people in this area from the threat of alien beasts and sea monsters?
  There's no need to mess with that mess.

  But now, all mankind must live under the same system.

  Although for the sake of stability and orderly advancement, the United Council has not done anything against the emperor-level and king-level experts who have committed serious crimes against humanity before.

  But those evil things cannot be covered up, and they will be exposed sooner or later. When the time comes, the Queen and the Parliament will not be able to deal with it even if they don't want to.

  Because after taking full power, you will be responsible for all human beings on this planet, no matter where they are.

  Now the Queen and the Parliament just don't have time to pay attention to it, so they don't care about it.

  You can't just sentence someone to death right away, right?

  But it takes a lot of time to investigate and collect evidence, and trials are even more time-consuming. Besides, even universal legal provisions have not been formulated yet, so how can we be tried?
  These emperor-level and king-level experts know that they have become members now, but there is a high probability that they will become corpses in the future, so they might as well make something happen now.

  What if the parliament collapses?
  What if the Queen gets angry and goes to kill Emperor Ba and start a fight with Emperor Xi?

  The timing they chose was very good. It happened to be during the Chinese New Year in the East and everyone was free. After learning the news, couldn't they be overjoyed?

  When Idenas and Hank Porter found out about this, although they thought it was strange, they immediately decided to make a fuss.

  So, on that day alone, they saw why Emperor Xi was on an equal footing with the Queen.

  The clone of the horned dragon that had been staying on the horned dragon island in the deep sea area suddenly twisted into points on this day and disappeared.

  Soon after, it appeared over a famous coastal city in the southern continent.

  Winter in the northern hemisphere and summer in the southern hemisphere are perfect for enjoying the beach.

  The Silver Moon Flywheel flashed across the beach!

  An Imperial Realm expert who will be vacationing on the city's beach in an instant!
  Cut into two pieces!

  (End of chapter)

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