125. Chapter 125 The Queen and Emperor Xi

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  Chapter 125 The Queen and Emperor

  Xi Fang Hao teleported to the courtyard of the palace and was taken to the Queen's room by the maid.

  The palace is very large, built entirely of white marble, and is elegant and refined in the style of a Western palace.

  The queen's room is also very large, like a hall, with a red carpet on the floor and famous paintings on the walls.

  The front half of the room is divided into a dressing area, and several long clothes racks are filled with exquisitely crafted clothes of various shapes.

  There are long skirts of various colors, as well as women's casual clothes of various colors.

  "How about this one?"

  The queen, wearing a light blue dress, turned around in front of the mirror and looked at Fang Hao who came in with a smile.

  "You still want to go shopping on the street, right?"



  Fang Hao looked at her like a fool.

  "Okay, but I definitely won't accompany you."

  Human beings don't want "Emperor Xi" to have a close relationship with the Queen, let alone them becoming a family.

  Otherwise, the fighting power of the two people is enough to suppress the whole world and make the whole world breathless.

  Without checks and balances on power, the Queen may have lost her scruples when she was in power.

  Without the support and deterrence of Emperor Xi, the United Council is in disarray and may fall apart at any time under the deterrence of the Queen's force.

  Or it may not fall apart, but it will lose its checks and balances on the Queen's imperial power and become a ruthless voting machine. All the Queen's proposals will be passed with a high vote.

  Once Emperor Xi and the Parliament lose their checks and balances on the Queen, it will cause group unrest and then lead to various riots.

  At least at this initial stage, Fang Hao will not let the situation that has just turned around suddenly worsen.

  The girl twirled her skirt, spun lightly, and came to Fang Hao. She smiled and said, "Don't you know how to change your face?" "..."

  Fang Hao looked at her and smiled, "Do you know what my powers are? "

  I guessed it!" the girl chuckled, and then spun lightly back to the big mirror.

  "Your life aura is very mixed, which means you have many powers. Isn't it surprising that you can change your face?" "

  Your life aura is very mixed?" Fang Hao thought thoughtfully, "You can smell all this?"

  "What can you smell? What can I smell?" Not a dog!" The girl glared at him dissatisfied, "Your soul is so strong, why can't you even sense breath?"

  Fang Hao was speechless.

  No one taught me this!

  I'm not like you. I received an elite education from a high level of civilization since I was a child, and I can learn everything I need to master.

  When I came out to work, I relied on having many superpowers and a strong soul, and nothing else.

  So he still doesn't know how to do the "breath sensing" that the Queen mentioned.

  How does this feel?

  Cover it with mental power?

  The girl walked over with small steps, and gently tapped Fang Hao's temples with the tips of her middle fingers.

  "Close your eyes, concentrate your mind and thoughts, and sense the breath of life from the depths of your soul. It's very simple!"

  Fang Hao closed his eyes and sensed the breath of life around him from the depths of his soul.

  In the darkness, human figures of different colors emerged from the range of perception.

  Some are very strong and bright red, obviously of high realm, and have strong blood, so they should be physical power users.

  Some are ethereal and ethereal, and right in front of her must be the queen of space superpowers.

  There are also weak white ones, which are the maids in the room.

  Fang Hao opened his eyes, and the feeling did not disappear. On the contrary, after integrating with the bodies of these creatures, the perception became clearer.

  "Thank you." He thanked the girl sincerely.

  There are many seemingly simple things, but you don’t know how long it will take you to think of them by yourself.

  "Hehe, in return, should you go shopping with me?"

  "Isn't it troublesome for you to walk on the street?"

  The girl took the wide white hat handed by the maid and smiled sweetly: "Although I have changed She has no face, but she can make others unable to see her true face~"

  In Fang Hao's eyes, her pretty face suddenly became blurry and he couldn't see clearly.

  Using subtle folds of space to refract light? Fang Hao understood immediately.

  There is actually such a usage!

  I do still have a lot to learn.

  "I am ready, let's go, let's go!"

  The girl smiled and extended her right hand to Fang Hao.

  Fang Hao raised his left hand and held her right hand. His face quickly changed and became more ordinary.

  The girl covered her mouth and smiled softly: "You look so ordinary, you can only be the emperor's attendant~"

  Fang Hao didn't want to be her prince at first, so he nodded and said: "The handsome guy is too eye-catching, so the attendant will just serve as his attendant. Let's go." "


  The two figures twisted, condensed and compressed into points, and disappeared in a flash.

  The maids were no longer surprised and went about their own business.

  They are just maids, they just need to serve the Queen well, and they have no ability to take care of unnecessary things.

  Humans don't want the Queen and Emperor Xi to get too close, but humans have no ability to stop them from getting closer.

  Control has never been in the hands of humans.

  All humanity can hope for is that Emperor Xi will still stand by humanity even if he is close to the Queen.

  Fang Hao took the queen and teleported directly to the imperial capital.

  As a capital city, there are many emperor-level powerful people sitting here. Powerful people gather here, and there are many aristocratic families.

  On New Year's Eve, the whole city is decorated with lanterns and colors and is full of joy.

  There has just been a heavy snowfall, which adds to the feeling of the new year.

  But also because of the Chinese New Year, the streets were deserted, there were not even a few cars in sight, and only a few places were lively.

  For example, food courts, theaters, restaurants, some large shopping malls, movie theaters, etc., because during the Chinese New Year, shopping and watching movies are also good entertainment for the whole family.

  Then there is the official fireworks show in the evening, where the whole city and even the country watch the carefully prepared fireworks.

  Nowadays, many families find it troublesome to cook for themselves, so they simply have their reunion dinner in a restaurant to save worry and effort.

  This type of restaurant will be carefully decorated and decorated with lights, and people will come and go, and everyone can watch the New Year's party together, which makes it feel more like the New Year than at home.

  Fang Hao and the Queen quickly walked into a shopping mall and started shopping in the lively and warm mall.

  The big Chinese New Year sales are also a good time for merchants to clear their inventory, and all kinds of goods that have been hoarded and unsold are wildly discounted.

  Popular items will definitely increase in price, after all, there is no need to worry about selling them.

  "It's really different~"

  The girl was very impressed after taking Fang Hao for a walk around the first floor of the mall.

  "On New Year's Day before, the New Year was celebrated over there. I went out for a walk, but I didn't feel like celebrating the New Year."

  Fang Hao twitched the corner of his mouth: "Maybe it's because you don't believe in the religion there and can't feel the atmosphere."


  "Where is your hometown? The planet has a cycle, how do you celebrate?" "

  Of course we will go home to reunite with our parents and family!"

  It seems that after the development of human civilization on various planets, the general customs It's pretty much the same, but the details are very different.

  "Go upstairs and have a look!"

  The two of them walked up the stairs to the second floor.

  The second floor is a floor selling gourmet snacks. There are many gourmet shops.

  "..." The girl looked at Fang Hao beside her with a smile.

  Fang Hao took out his mobile phone.

  "Okay, I'll treat you. You can eat whatever you want!"

  As a host, he doesn't lack the money.

  "Then I want to try it!"

  The two of them walked along the corridor, watching, eating and ordering.

  There were dozens of kinds of fried, fried, steamed, grilled and boiled snacks, as well as various desserts, and the two of them ate them all.

  "It's still rich in food here, and you won't be able to taste the same thing in a day. Burp~" "

  These are just a small part."

  In terms of the richness of food, Yanxia ranks second, and no country or region can rank first.

  "Then I'll come often in the future?"

  "..." Fang Hao was speechless, "You have so many things to do, so you can just come here during the Chinese New Year." "

  Then I'll come once a month!" The girl turned around and chuckled, "My emperor We are human beings and we need to rest! From now on, you come and pick me up on the 1st of every month, that’s it!”

  Fang Hao thought that once a month was fine, so he agreed.

  After the two went shopping and eating on the second floor, they went up to the third floor.

  The third floor sells various skin care products and toiletries, but it didn't make sense to either of them, so they went up to the fourth floor.

  The fourth floor is the clothing floor, which sells all kinds of beautiful clothes and shoes. The girl became interested again and bought basically all the clothes she tried on.

  As for the price, Fang Hao wasn't short of that much, and he didn't even frown when he emptied this floor.

  The clothes he bought were packaged and naturally handed over to him.

  But he wasn't stupid enough to keep carrying it.

  As soon as they rounded the corner, they were all sent into the pocket of another dimension.

  Then I went to the fifth floor to watch a movie. It was almost dark.

  The two walked out of the theater.

  "It's time for the reunion dinner. Where are you going to take me?" "

  Come with me to find Lao Song, the old general who went to the banquet with me last year."

  This has been decided a long time ago. We are together in the military camp. Chinese New Year.

  The Queen's appearance was an accident. The girl smiled and nodded.


  Fang Hao took her and teleported to Song Yuanzheng's office.

  The timeline is right.

  He, the Queen, Song Yuanzheng, Luo Wenjing, and Li Shuhao all had a reunion dinner together at the military camp.

  When he predicted the future, he felt strange when he saw this scene.

  Unexpectedly, without deliberately changing the future, the future would just happen naturally.

  Song Yuanzheng was not in the office. He was probably busy outside because of the Chinese New Year.

  "Let's wait here for him to come back." Fang Hao let go of her little hand and walked to the sofa nearby to sit down.

  "There is nothing interesting to see in the military camp. The architecture and style are very monotonous."

  The girl also walked to the sofa and sat down. She took off her wide white hat and placed it on the tea table. She hugged his right arm and leaned against him, closing her eyes. .

  "How is the Stone Emperor?"

  "He was rescued. He lost part of his memory, but the rest is fine."


  The girl's expression darkened.

  If there were people like Fang Hao in his civilization, he would have saved his father as soon as possible.

  The whole civilization would not have been leaderless and divided for more than ten years, so that the final moments of civilization were chaotic and disgraceful.

  "Where's the jar?" she asked softly again, still with her eyes closed.

  "It's not attached to you, right?"

  "No." Fang Hao said lightly, "I can remove it even if it's attached to you. It has no effect on me." "


  Soon after, Song Yuanzheng returned to the office with Li Shuhao. His face was filled with a festive and joyful atmosphere.

  But as soon as they entered the office, they stopped laughing.



  On both sides, the four people were silent for a long time.

  Finally, the Queen took the initiative to break the awkward silence, waving with a smile: "Hi~ I have nowhere to go, would you like to celebrate the New Year here?"

  Song Yuanzheng and Li Shuhao both frowned and looked at each other speechlessly.

  This is not impossible.

  But this is a military camp.

  The Queen is the supreme leader of mankind, and this identity is too sensitive.

  With Emperor Xi, it becomes even more sensitive.

  It has to be kept secret.

  "Do you want to celebrate the New Year with the officers and soldiers?" Fang Hao asked with a smile, "If it's not convenient, I will take her to another place." "

  It's convenient." Song Yuanzheng hurriedly smiled and nodded to Li Shuhao, "You Go and make arrangements. A table will be set up here and the food will be delivered here."

  "Yes!" Li Shuhao immediately accepted the order.

  "I'm going to pick up someone." Fang Hao nodded gently to the girl who was leaning against him, "You sit here for a while." "


  Fang Hao stood up and left his seat, teleported to the residence of Mirror Project, and picked up Luo Wenjing. Come over.

  When Luo Wenjing came over and saw that the Queen was there, she quickly cleared her thoughts.

  Fang Hao was basking in the sun while sending a clone to accompany the queen?
  At the same time, she also recalled why Fang Hao had a weird expression when he predicted the "New Year" here last time.

  Because at the time, he never imagined that the future would be so bizarre.

  She looked at the empress sitting on the sofa with a big smile. She didn't know what to say for a moment, she just felt a little uncomfortable in her heart.

  What if you are attracted to his other clone?

  She had long known that Fang Hao's other clones had their own independent social circles, and she had no control over the other clones.

  But this "Luo Hao" was the one she got to know first.

  "Sit down first. The food will be ready and delivered shortly."

  Song Yuanzheng saw that something was wrong with the atmosphere and hurriedly smiled to adjust the atmosphere.

  "Xiao Luo, come here and I'll show you a document."

  It doesn't matter what document you're looking at. What's important is that they don't make eye contact.

  Luo Wenjing turned around, walked to the desk and sat down, with her back to the queen on the sofa.

  Song Yuanzheng searched in the drawer, suddenly pulled out a document bag with a smile, put it on the desk and pushed it to her.

  "Take a good look at it, it's related to you."

  Luo Wenjing opened the document bag, took out the documents inside and looked at it.

  Fang Hao came over and looked at the documents.

  "Emperor Realm Training Plan? Sister, are you in the air in ten days?"

  Luo Wenjing turned around and smiled: "Thanks to you, we are only one day away. In another month, it should be..."

  Her smile suddenly froze.

  Because the Queen appeared next to Fang Hao, looked at the documents in her hand, and asked Fang Hao again.

  "What is the Ten Suns in the Sky? Ten suns in the sky?"


  "The visualization cultivation method of Zhenwu Taoism is used to enhance spiritual power. You should have a similar cultivation method, right?" "Yes, there is

  , but we generally Using medicine and meditation to enhance mental strength, how does this visualization work?"

  Western meditation and Eastern visualization are two different systems.

  But after years of exchanges and development, they have become indistinguishable from each other.

  The meditation mentioned by the Queen is similar to the early stage of the wizard tradition in the west of this planet. Meditation only enhances spiritual power, so that the spiritual power obtained is purer and cleaner.

  And visualization is "contemplating extraordinary shapes to integrate all things in the world."

  It can give spiritual power and the vision of all things in the spiritual world, as well as the ability to match the vision, with greater room for development and broader connotation.

  For example, according to the Golden Crow Concept, after successful cultivation, one can really turn one's mental power into blazing flames, roasting and burning the opponent's mental power alive.

  Another example is the "Magic Arrow Shooting Sun Technique", which can really turn mental power into a divine arrow, piercing the target's spiritual world with one arrow.

  There is also the "Stone Man Conception Method", where spiritual power turns into a stone giant, which is indestructible.

  These concepts are all manifestations of will and the embodiment of inner spirit!

  Judging from the upper limit, it is definitely higher, and much higher.

  Under "Practice False Become Reality", the upper limit of visualization will become higher and higher with the improvement of cognition and realm!
  However, because meditation remains unchanged and lacks the ability to innovate and upgrade itself, it will only become more and more outdated.

  But the spiritual power improved by meditation is purer, which is not without its merits.

  Pragmatism and learning from each other's strengths is the right answer.

  "You have no upper limit on the amount of potion you can drink? Will you become resistant to the medicine?"

  "Yes~" the Queen smiled.

  "Drinking too much in a short period of time is harmful and useless, so we start from a young age and drink according to the plan.

  " When drinking low-level potions no longer increases mental energy, we switch to high-level ones.

  "With the help of meditation and body potions, one can generally become a second-level extraordinary life as an adult."

  Fang Hao, Song Yuanzheng, and Luo Wenjing were all silent after listening.

  When you reach adulthood, you will become a second-level extraordinary life, that is - the imperial realm?
  Okay, okay, you are so good at drinking, right?

  Give me a whole box too!
  It's a pity that such a powerful civilization was still destroyed.

  However, the destruction of that civilization brought extraordinary power to this planet. As the beneficiaries of the decline of civilization, humans on this planet should remember it with gratitude.

  "If you want to mass-produce those potions, you have to build a transcendent engine first?" "

  Yes. The mass production of spiritual growth potions requires a second-level extraordinary engine. Take your time." There is

  no first-level extraordinary engine on this planet now. It's too far-fetched to think about it.

  "Can you teach me your concept?"

  "You are the queen, you can learn whatever you want."

  "Then teach me!"

  "Let's talk about it after dinner."

  Fang Hao picked up the document in front of Luo Wenjing, Looked through it.

  Generally speaking, the king-level experts on the list are given priority in providing beast-king-level meat steaks and essence and blood crystals, so that these people can be promoted to the imperial realm as soon as possible.

  Emperor Xi is also mentioned here, that is, him.

  Because it was necessary to use the divine power he radiated when he focused the light to quickly improve the mental power of the people on the list to reach the standard as soon as possible, the document required Song Yuanzheng to find an opportunity to mention this matter to him.

  No need to mention it now, Emperor Xi himself has seen it.

  When Fang Hao realized something was wrong when he saw this, the girl on the side had her eyes shining: "Can you still emit divine power to help others improve their spiritual power?"

  She couldn't help but be surprised.

  How many secrets does this “person” around me have?

  It seems that the more you learn about him, the more secrets he hides.

  "Can't you?" Fang Hao asked, closing the file and putting it back on the table.


  The girl smiled and pinched his forearm.

  "I'm not you. I only have space powers, but I don't have that ability."

  Fang Hao also has the powers she has.

  Fang Hao has special powers, but she doesn't.

  A little jealous.

   Thank you to all those who subscribed, voted monthly, and recommended tickets. I wish you good health and make money every day.

  (End of chapter)

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