Chapter 500 The First Four-Year Plan

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  Chapter 500 The First Four-Year Plan

  As the monarch of Australasia, Arthur is quite concerned about this cabinet election.

  Although some of the positions were appointed by Arthur, most positions were still uncertain. After all, Arthur did not intend to completely control the cabinet government. The opinions of the parties and the people were still very important.

  According to past practice, ordinary people do not have the right to stand for election for the three positions of Minister of Royal Affairs, Minister of Defense and Minister of Finance.

  Candidates can only be nine people recommended by Arthur, an average of three for each position, for small-scale elections in the House of Representatives.

  In addition, the Minister of State, also known as the Deputy Prime Minister, Arthur also has decision-making power.

  However, Arthur generally does not ask for positions other than those three positions. After all, a competitive government with fresh blood is what Arthur wants.

  Although Arthur can rule the country for decades with any government, doing so will not be beneficial to the country's politics and will greatly restrict the inflow of fresh blood in the political arena.

  This is why Arthur stipulated from the beginning that the prime minister is only allowed to serve two consecutive terms and the cabinet ministers are only allowed to serve three consecutive terms.

  Only by limiting the term of each position can we ensure that the position will not be held by any one person, and more fresh blood will flow into the political arena.

  Compared with elections in which the House of Representatives needs to win over civilian votes, cabinet elections are still very quick.

  The cabinet election is only an internal election in the Senate, with only 198 people, and the counting of votes does not take too long.

  This also resulted in cabinet elections starting on July 1, 1919, and lasting only until July 3.

  July 4th is the day when the results are officially announced and the date when the fifth Australasian cabinet takes office.

  This cabinet election is quite important. In Arthur's plan, the few years since the end of the war are the years that set the tone for Australasia and are also the highlight of peaceful development.

  Especially because of the impact of the flu, the national reputation of the United States has almost become bad. Australasia has become the most popular choice for immigrants. This has a greater impact on Australasia absorbing immigrants from Europe, especially British immigrants. s help.

  On July 4, 1919, the fifth Australasian Cabinet was officially announced.

  As expected, Prime Minister Kent was re-elected and became the Prime Minister of the fifth Australasian cabinet government, continuing to set a new record for the length of time a Prime Minister has been re-elected.

  Unless the next prime minister can face the same opportunity as Prime Minister Kent, and continue the cabinet due to major reasons, or form a war cabinet and suspend the election, he will be able to catch up with the length of Prime Minister Kent's term in two terms.

  According to their positions, the list of candidates for the fifth Australasian Cabinet Government is:

  Chief Minister (Prime Minister): Kent Clover-Rollan
  Minister of State (Deputy Prime Minister): Roger Joseph Ebert
  Archbishop of Australasia: Steed Malbranco

  Justice of Australasia: Karen Carney
  Speaker of the House of Representatives: Grant Wilson

  Minister of Crown Affairs: Hunter Moncey Lauren

  Defense Minister: Raul Plange
  Chancellor of the Exchequer: Kay Vin Noble

  Minister of Industry: Joey Mello

  Minister of Agriculture: Robert Swift
  Minister of Livelihood: Philip Chapman

  Minister of Transport: Martin Pospisil

  Minister of Public Security: Robert Hillier

  Minister of Health: Ryan Reid

  Education Secretary: Stefan Cross

  Foreign Secretary: Daize Watson

  Although there are many familiar names in the new cabinet government, there are also many new members.

  There is good news for Arthur, that is, the government framework of Kent Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister Gallo has not changed. The new cabinet government should be able to quickly adapt to the previous government affairs. This is very important for the future development of Australasia. favorable. The Ministers of Defense and Finance, whom Arthur trusted more, and the younger brother of Prime Minister Kent, the Minister of Royal Affairs Hunter, all continued to stay in their positions and serve Arthur.

  There are also some people, such as the very important Ministry of Industry, Industry Minister Paul, who lost the election and ended his term with regret.

  The Justice, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Minister of Industry, the Minister of Transport, the Minister of Health and the Minister of Agriculture are all new candidates. This is also the fresh blood that the Australasian political arena has injected into the cabinet government.

  As for their abilities, they have not yet been tested and can only wait for verification in the next work.

  However, being able to be elected to the House of Representatives by the people and become a member of the cabinet government after being elected by the House of Representatives also proves that their ability at least meets the qualification standards.

  Otherwise, the Intelligence Bureau would have submitted their information to Arthur's desk long ago, and it would be absolutely impossible for incompetent people to enter the electoral ranks.

  Although they had already become members of the new cabinet government on the day the list was announced, their official appointment was the next day, July 5.

  After all, there is an extremely important step for the members of the Australasian cabinet before they officially take office, which is to swear allegiance to Arthur in front of many Australasians in front of the Palace Square.

  While all the cabinet members were waiting with joy or anxiety, the oath-taking ceremony also went on smoothly, marking the official birth of a new cabinet government in Australasia.

  During the two days from July 4th to 5th, the new cabinet government will not have much work. These cabinet members will need some time to adapt. After all, they have to consider the feelings of some of the new officials.

  At the same time, these two days are also days for them to celebrate. Some post-election celebrations are inevitable among diplomatic envoys in Australasia, the major political parties, and the families of these officials.

  After all, this is the highest level of the Australasian government, which means that they have entered the country's decision-making circle and can have a certain impact on the country.

  Arthur is also willing to give the new cabinet government two days to familiarize themselves with the new work.

  At the same time, it also allows them to be fully prepared for this job, which concerns the entire country of Australasia and its 20 million people.

  On July 7, 1919, the first cabinet meeting of the new cabinet government was officially held at Sydney Palace.

  It is related to the development of the country in the next few years. Arthur's expression was very serious. He looked at the cabinet members sitting in authority and said: "Everyone, first of all, I want to congratulate you. Whether you are an old face or a new member, You will all be the most important part of Australasia, and you will also be able to determine the fate of this country in the next few years." "

  This is a huge power, but it also represents huge responsibilities and obligations. I believe it. You have gained a certain understanding of your respective jobs in the past few days, and I hope you can get involved in your respective jobs as soon as possible, regard national development as the most important thing, and devote yourself to it."

  "Okay, Prime Minister Kent, let's start with you and talk about your plans for your work and the problems you want to solve next." Arthur looked at Prime Minister Kent and said.

  "Yes, Your Majesty!" Prime Minister Kent nodded very respectfully, walked to the stage very confidently, saluted Arthur first, and then said: "Your Majesty, everyone. In the development of the past
  few years, our country has made great achievements. We have achieved very good results. At present, our industrial level ranks among the top five in the world, our economic level ranks among the top eight in the world, and our growth momentum is good." "But at the same time, there are still

  some problems that have not been completely solved. In view of the current world situation, we It is believed that the government's next main goals should focus on immigration, industry, military, science and technology and education. At the same time, it should speed up the process of localization of colonies and firmly control our existing colonies." Prime Minister Kent said.

  "To this end, I follow the five-year plan proposed by His Majesty and set up a four-year plan for the next work of the government.

  First, while the United States' international reputation is damaged, we should vigorously absorb immigrants from Europe. At the same time, as much as possible, It is possible to reduce the proportion of Russian immigrants and ensure that the proportion of our main ethnic group exceeds the qualifying line of 60%." "

  The number of Russian immigrants and non-Russian immigrants last year was 447,000 and 321,000 respectively, and the proportion of Russian immigrants was slightly higher. According to the immigration data in the first half of this year, our number of non-Russian immigrants is expected to reach 472,000 this year, and the number of Russian immigrants should remain around 440,000. In this way, our immigrant population will be about 900,000 , coupled with the domestic newborn population, the population growth is approximately between 1.4 million and 1.5 million, which has met our initial requirements for population growth.” “The most

  important part of the four-year plan is population growth. Within four years, Western European immigrants should remain larger than Russian immigrants, and the population growth should be above 1.4 million. In four years, the country's population can reach the expected 26 million, further solving the problem of sparse population. Secondly, our total steel production last year

  was 3.012 million tons and 4.557 million tons. The industrial level is second only to Britain, France, Russia and the United States, ranking fifth in the world.

  With the construction of the fourth phase of the Leonora Industrial Base, coupled with the construction of new industrial bases in various states, in the next four years , the growth of the industry will also be within a good range, and it is expected that in four years' time, the annual steel output will be more than 4 million tons, and the annual iron output will be more than 6 million tons. In this way, our total steel production will

  exceed 10 million tons, stabilizing our position as one of the top five industrial powers in the world, while waiting for the opportunity to surpass Russia.

  Our arms exports and domestic production and construction require a large amount of steel, and there is no need to worry about any problems with the growth of steel production.

  In industry While growing, we should vigorously support private small and medium-sized enterprises, provide support to the chemical industry, civil industry, and various industries, including tax exemption policies, etc., to improve our comprehensive industrial strength." Second update of 3,000 words, please vote

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  (End of chapter)

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