Chapter 499 New Election

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  Chapter 499 New Election
  The value that a Philippines can bring to Ah Si and Australasia is definitely very high, but if it is a Philippines that has only one voice and is very united, the value it can bring to Australasia will be greatly reduced.

  This is not only reflected in the Philippines, but also in all aspects of life.

  A completely unified Philippines could easily lead to various kinds of unrest against Australasia in the future, as it does now.

  When a country is completely stable and free of internal strife, its focus will also be on the outside.

  Therefore, if you want to deal with the Philippines more properly, it is a better way to plunge the Philippines into internal chaos.

  Manuel's huge popularity in the Philippine political arena and among the people can certainly speed up the Philippines' anti-American progress, and even very effectively undermine American rule in the Philippines.

  But this will also face a problem, that is, after independence from the United States, the Philippines has formed a whole centered on Manuel. Successfully gaining independence will also make Manuel's prestige stronger.

  Australasia may be able to use force to temporarily accommodate the Philippines under Australasian rule, but such a rule will have problems sooner or later. After all, the Philippines will also develop. Sooner or later, it will have a complete army, navy and government. The ambition to be completely independent will also be born.

  If we want to prevent this situation from happening, we must find several domestic competitors for Manuel, train a few people with a similar status to Manuel, and let the future Philippine government be dispersed into several large and small ones. forces compete with each other.

  Several forces compete with each other, making it easier for Australasia to operate externally.

  There is always a weak side in the competition, and they can only rely on the support of Australasia if they want to maintain power.

  As a result, it will be impossible for the Philippine government to unite with the outside world, let alone to unite and break out a war of independence.

  When Australasia completely controls the Philippines' economy and military, it will be impossible for local Philippine forces to make a comeback.

  More importantly, finding some temporary allies for Manuel can also strengthen the current anti-American forces in the Philippines.

  After all, if Manuel is the only one to stand up and resist the United States with a clear-cut stand, not only will he look a little alone, but he will also be more likely to be targeted by the U.S. government.

  For the US government, as long as it deals with Manuel, it can deal with most of the anti-American forces in the Philippines.

  This is something that Australasia does not want to see. After all, without Manuel, the real leader, the remaining anti-American forces in the Philippines are not worth mentioning at all, and they are unlikely to have any impact on American rule in the Philippines. threaten.

  Whether it is out of consideration for the stability of the future rule of the Philippines, or out of the current consideration of strengthening anti-American forces in the Philippines, more powerful figures in the Philippines should be found, firstly to share the attention of Manuel, and secondly, for the future of the Philippines. The establishment and layout of the government.

  It is precisely because of adhering to such a decision that in addition to finding Manuel, intelligence personnel also found many middle- and high-level Philippine officials. These people are almost the top level of local forces in the Philippines.

  After all, under the control of the United States, it is not easy for native Filipinos to become the middle and high-level officials of the Philippine government, and it is even rarer for a native Filipino to become the President of the Senate like Manuel.

  Although these native Filipinos cannot have much influence on the United States, they still have a great influence on Filipinos, and some even affect big local families.

  The process of the Philippines' resistance to the United States is also the process of Australasia testing these people.

  Whoever can have closer ties with Australasia will have more say in the future Philippine government.

  And those who are bent on achieving Philippine independence with the help of Australasia are now a knife in the hands of Australasia and are destined to be discarded in the scrapyard in the future.

  While the intelligence work was in progress, a relatively important task was also coming to Australasia at this time.

  After eight years, Australasia finally ushered in another cabinet election. The war that broke out in 1914 forced this cabinet government to last until 1917, and then encountered the American influenza in 1918. Only now has a new round of cabinet elections begun. Exactly eight years have passed since the last cabinet election. , that is, two terms.

  It is worth mentioning that the wartime cabinet does not enter the term statistics of cabinet members, which also means that many cabinet members can be re-elected and continue to compete for the throne of the cabinet.

  For example, the current Prime Minister Kent, although he is the longest-serving Prime Minister in Australasia, is still only counted for one term and can continue to seek re-election.

  Cabinet members like Agriculture Secretary Mark Mark, who served only two terms, can still seek a third term.

  However, some people are happy and some are worried. Since taking office as Minister of Health in 1903, Willie has been successfully re-elected for three terms, serving a term of 16 years. This can be regarded as one of the elders who followed Arthur. He was already Arthur's right-hand man during the Principality of Australia.

  Australasia was able to catch up with Europe in terms of medical standards, and Willy was indispensable. But there was nothing to be done about it. After all, the constitution stipulated that each cabinet member could serve a maximum of three consecutive terms. Willey had to leave the center of Australasian politics.

  But no matter what, Arthur will never forget these heroes of Australasia. It is almost inevitable that Health Minister Willie will leave the cabinet. Willie was knighted last time. After the new round of elections, it is time to mention it.

  It is only natural that a baron title be given to reward this minister who has dedicated sixteen years to the country.

  Long before Willy, Australia's first and second Prime Minister Evan; as well as Walter, the first and second Minister of People's Livelihood, and the third Prime Minister; the first and second Minister of Defense, the first Minister of State, and the current Prime Minister Kent, were awarded baronetcy as a reward for their hard work and contribution to the country.

  The governors-general of the colonial period and the first two cabinet officials of Australasia were basically awarded baron and knighthood.

  Although these people are not considered the ministers of the dragon who followed Arthur to Australasia from the UK, they respect Arthur's rule very much and have no distracting thoughts. They should be rewarded.

  This has also created a rather peculiar phenomenon. Cabinet members who serve for more than two terms will at least receive knighthoods to reward their contributions.

  Because of this, the determination of cabinet members to be re-elected has been further stimulated. Re-election not only means continuing to stay in the cabinet, the center of national power, but it also means taking one step further.

  This is very attractive to a series of cabinet members who only serve one term, such as Minister of Public Security Philip and Minister of Public Security Robert.

  Even if it is just a knighthood, it represents the aristocracy of Australasia. No matter what time it is, nobles and commoners are different after all.

  Even if it is just an honorary title, it has determined that the gap between him and ordinary people has been opened in terms of status.

  As time goes by, the electoral atmosphere in Australasia gradually becomes more intense.

  Although the election is only taking place in the House of Representatives, it is being watched closely across Australasia.

  In fact, this is normal. After all, the new cabinet government will also determine the most powerful people in the Australasian government in the next four years, except Arthur.

  Because eight years have passed since the last election. In these eight years, all major political parties and independents have experienced too many changes. No one is sure what the final election results will be.

  In this way, the uncertainty of the election has also added some topics and heat to this election. After all, if it is an election in which the candidates have already been scheduled, who will pay attention to it for no reason?
  Before this election, Arthur had communicated with some cabinet officials.

  The first is one of Arthur's confidants, the current Prime Minister Kent. Prime Minister Kent is the eldest son of Kent's steward and his absolute confidant who followed Arthur to Australasia.

  From the beginning, Prime Minister Kent was Australia's Defense Secretary. Starting from the establishment of the Minister of State, also known as the Deputy Prime Minister, Kent was promoted to the position of Minister of State. Arthur's purpose of cultivating his confidants has become obvious.

  Finally, in the 1911 cabinet election, Prime Minister Kent defeated a number of powerful opponents and became the new cabinet prime minister of Australasia, beginning an eight-year term.

  Overall, Arthur is very satisfied with Prime Minister Kent. Prime Minister Kent carried out Arthur's orders very thoroughly without any hesitation and would never interfere too much.

  This allows Arthur to safely hand over most of the central affairs to Prime Minister Kent, and he only needs to carry out macro-control and make decisions on some relatively important interests.

  Obviously, Prime Minister Kent is still very capable. Australasia has also developed very well in the past eight years. It has now become the fifth largest power after Britain, France, the United States and Russia. Except for population, everything else has exceeded Italy.

  Even after Russia experienced this civil war, it is unknown to what extent its strength can be restored. Whether it can maintain its status as the fourth power is also a question.

  Judging from the current situation, Soviet Russia has an advantage. But the problem is that Britain and Australasia are absolutely unwilling to see Soviet Russia win the war. This also means that the Russian Civil War is actually a human consumption of Tsarist Russia and Soviet Russia with the support of Britain.

  It is almost impossible to determine the winner of such a civil war in a short time. With the assistance of Britain and Australasia, Tsarist Russia would have no problem holding on for a few more years.

  Even if Soviet Russia achieves total suppression, Britain is likely to launch an intervention war as it did in history to eliminate this country that has greatly damaged the British colonial system.

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  (End of chapter)

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