Chapter 120 Mass Production of Cars (Please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 120: Mass Production of Cars (Please subscribe!)
  After visiting the entire gold mining area and refinery, there is hope that the problem of gold reserves required to issue new currency will be solved.

  Only by issuing a new currency can it effectively reduce Australians' dependence on the pound, and also reduce the British Empire's control over the Australian economy.

  Of course, this is also a long-term plan. As long as the British Empire does not lose its status as the first great power, the pound will always be an extremely important currency in any region.

  Arthur did not pursue the complete replacement of the pound in Australia. He only hoped that the new currency could gain a certain degree of circulation and reduce the influence of the British Empire on Australia.

  After all, the current monarch of Australia is Arthur. For Arthur, an Australia that is not affected by any country is his own territory.

  At this stage, Arthur can only reduce the British influence on Australia as much as possible. It is impossible to completely eliminate it. After all, Australia's ethnic composition determines the special relationship Australians have with the British Empire.

  After returning to the manor, Arthur met Princess Louise and her two younger sisters, whom he had not seen for more than a month. After having a simple dinner with his family, Arthur returned to his room.

  Now that I have returned to Australia, it is natural to speed up the pace of development in Australia.

  There are currently many construction projects underway in Australia. In addition to industrial areas, steel plants in Western Australia, military factories in New South Wales, shipyards, etc., there is also the construction of industrial railways, the construction of hospitals and schools, as well as the construction of nursing homes and orphanages. These are all plans that Australia is currently focusing on.

  On the premise of having enough indigenous labor force, Arthur felt it was necessary to speed up the progress of these construction plans, even if it cost thousands or even tens of thousands of indigenous casualties.

  Although Australia had a golden development period for more than ten years before World War I, who can guarantee that reality will be like what happened in history?
  If anything unexpected happens to the situation in Europe and Australia is not prepared, then Arthur's efforts will be in vain.

  Therefore, in addition to grasping the situation in Europe more accurately, it is also very important to speed up the pace of construction in Australia.

  After making the immediate plan, Arthur fell asleep deeply in his bed again after many days.

  May 17, 1902, Benz Automobile Factory.

  A year later, Arthur arrived at Benz's automobile factory again, adjacent to Diesel's engine factory.

  The last time I came here was a year ago, when Benz and Diesel jointly invented a new car.

  It was also at that time that Arthur first proposed the concept of the assembly line to Benz and Diesel, which surprised them and began to make changes to their factory.

  More than half a year has passed since the last successful assembly line construction. With the workers of Benz Automobile Factory becoming more proficient in the assembly line production technology, coupled with the repeated modifications and improvements of the assembly line production technology by Benz and Diesel, finally The cost of the car was reduced to a figure acceptable to Arthur, which was more than eighty pounds.

  Is the production cost of over eighty pounds high? If it is in this era, then it is indeed not high.

  You know, even the Model T, whose market technology is already very mature, has a final price of up to $260, which is more than 50 pounds.

  The original price of the Model T was more than $800, which was more than 140 pounds. The Model T car priced at this price was snapped up at the time and was hailed as a car for the common people.

  It is precisely because of the low price of the T-type car that the car has truly entered thousands of households and become one of the most important means of transportation, completely replacing horse-drawn carriages.

  Judging from the initial selling price of the Model T, the profit of each car produced by the Benz Automobile Factory has reached more than sixty pounds, which is an extremely terrifying figure.

  If this is added to the total production of 15 million Model T cars, it would be a profit of at least 900 million pounds.

  Although the selling price of cars will become lower and lower as time goes by, the cost of cars will also gradually decrease, and can even be controlled to about thirty or forty pounds.

  This represents a net profit of at least more than ten pounds per car, and the total profit of the entire automotive industry may exceed one billion pounds.

  Now, the automobile industry in various countries is at an extremely backward level. Benz Automobile is fully capable of taking the lead, quickly occupying the world's automobile market with excellent performance and low price, and earning a lot of profits.

  This is why Arthur attaches so much importance to cars. Not only can they bring a lot of profits to themselves, but the changes in cars can also allow Australia to overtake in corners. For the economy and military, cars are absolutely extremely important products.

  A year has passed, but Benz and Diesel are still the same. With the expansion of their respective factories, Benz and Diesel both became rich men worth hundreds of thousands of pounds because they held 10% of the shares. Even their salaries are as high as hundreds of pounds per month.

  But they didn't pay much attention to their appearance, and they always wore their own work clothes in the factory, which were stained with large and small oil stains and stains, which did not look consistent with their status.

  After seeing Arthur, Benz was very excited and quickly invited Diesel who was next door.

  Diesel is usually very busy with his research, and sometimes even Minister Pierre has to wait for a while to find him.

  But after Diesel learned of Arthur's arrival, he quickly stopped his research and went to the car factory next door in person.

  Seeing the two of them again, Arthur was also a little emotional, and asked with a smile: "I heard that the car factory has now begun mass production?"

  According to Arthur's agreement with Benz at the time, if the car's safety cannot be guaranteed, With production costs in the region of eighty pounds, the car would not have begun mass production.

  Now that car factories have begun mass production, it means that the cost of cars has been reduced to about 80 pounds, or the assembly line developed by Benz has achieved initial success.

  "Yes, Your Highness, as early as a month ago, our improved assembly line was able to keep the production cost of the car at around eighty pounds, which already meets your mass production requirements." Benz smiled and nodded, saying excitedly To: "But because you were not in Australia at that time, we could not report to you. But you had already ordered the production of the car before, so I took it upon myself to let the car factory start mass production of cars."

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  (End of chapter)

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