Chapter 119 Refinery and Gold (Please subscribe!)

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  Chapter 119 Refinery and Gold (Please subscribe!)
  The total weight of forty-eight pieces of five hundred grams of gold reaches twenty-four thousand kilograms, which is twenty-four kilograms.

  If converted into pounds sterling, the total value of these gold nuggets amounts to more than 3,200 pounds.

  Although it may not seem like much, these are actually only one-third of the daily output of the gold mining area.

  In other words, if gold mine output continues to grow, then new gold mines can make at least tens of thousands of pounds a day, which is at least more than three million pounds a year.

  According to the industrial sector's classification of gold mining areas and estimates of gold mine reserves, the total reserves of this new gold mine are at least 20 million tons.

  This will bring tens of millions or more pounds of revenue to Australia, and the speed of revenue depends on the speed of gold mining.

  The size of the gold mine also coincided with the size of the new currency that Arthur expected to issue.

  Although plans are already underway to issue a new currency, Arthur does not expect to replace the pound's role in Australia anytime soon.

  Before the outbreak of World War I, the British Empire was still the undisputed number one hegemon, and the pound's status was irreplaceable, even in independent Australia.

  What Arthur can do is to issue a certain scale of Australia's own currency and let the new currency circulate at least within Australia.

  Even within the confines of Australia and Oceania, replacing the pound with a new currency is an ambitious plan.

  Therefore, Arthur also planned the maximum amount for the issuance of new currency, which was equivalent to 20 million pounds of new currency.

  This is a number determined after careful consideration. If the amount of newly issued currency is too small to circulate in Australia, people will only think about collecting it instead of circulating it when they get the new currency.

  If too much new currency is issued, good results may be achieved in a short period of time.

  Once there are any problems with the new currency, or any external factors reduce people's acceptance of the new currency, it is very likely that the issuance of all new currencies will fail.

  Even if it is more serious, it will directly threaten the issuance of official Australian currency in the future.

  After all, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of ropes for ten years. If there are any problems with the issuance of the new currency, people will also bring it into the future issuance of Australia's official currency.

  Under the leadership of Adam Root, Prime Ministers Arthur and Evan and Minister Pierre finally saw the first batch of gold bars newly refined by the refinery.

  In order to facilitate storage and calculation, each gold bar is equivalent to 500 grams, and a total of forty-eight gold bars are neatly placed in the warehouse.

  Although the net worth of Prime Minister Evan and Minister Pierre far exceeded the value of these gold bars, after seeing these stacked gold bars with their own eyes, a trace of fluctuation flashed in their eyes, but soon He was suppressed by two people.

  It goes without saying that Arthur, as a super rich man with a net worth of hundreds of millions of pounds, does not like this little gold.

  According to the expenses in Arthur's hands, everything is a huge expenditure of tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of pounds. These thousands of pounds of gold seem to be a drop in the bucket and cannot make Arthur have any fluctuations. "Director Adam Root, how much gold can your factory produce every day?" Arthur looked at the person in charge of the refinery and asked.

  If you want to issue 20 million pounds of new currency, you must have at least ten tons of gold in hand, and you must be able to ensure that a large amount of gold is mined and produced every day.

  Therefore, the speed at which the refinery produces gold also determines the time for the issuance of new currency. Without sufficient gold reserves, Arthur does not intend to issue new currency as soon as possible.

  "Your Highness, there are many factors that determine the amount of gold production. If we can ensure that enough gold ore is delivered every day, and let the workers work overtime, we should be able to ensure the output of at least fifty gold bars per day." Adam Root After thinking carefully for a while, he said.

  Indeed, as Adam Root said, the production speed of gold depends not only on the refining speed of the refinery, but also on the quantity of gold ore transported, the number of workers, etc.

  "This output is still not enough. It must at least basically match the daily output of our gold mining area." Arthur shook his head and ordered: "Now the output of the gold mining area has exceeded five thousand tons per day, and it will continue to increase." Continue to increase. Under such circumstances, I hope that the refinery can refine at least five thousand tons of gold ore every day, so that the manpower and material resources we invest will not be wasted. If you have any questions, you can tell Minister Pierre, whether it is a shortage of workers There is still insufficient equipment, or there is not enough space, and it can be expanded quickly. In short, I hope that the refinery can match the mining volume of the gold mining area as soon as possible. Can this be done? Director Adam Root." Adam

  Root Te nodded quickly and said: "Don't worry, Your Highness. As long as we can provide enough equipment, manpower and funds, I promise to increase gold production in the shortest possible time." Director Adam Root knew that

  Ah Se's question didn't require an answer from him, but a firm assurance.

  With enough manpower, equipment and funds provided, if gold production cannot be successfully expanded, then Arthur will really have to change the person in charge of the refinery.

  In order to keep his position, no matter how difficult the task was, Adam Root had no choice but to take it on.

  But the good news is that Arthur has ensured the supply of equipment and manpower, and there will be no shortage of funds.

  Under such a premise, it is not too difficult to expand the production of gold. At least Adam Root is confident that he can do it.

  After receiving Adam Root's assurance, Arthur nodded with satisfaction and ordered: "The production of gold is very important to Australia, and it will be related to Australia's important plans. If we can do this to increase gold production, Adam Root, you also have a lot of credit for this matter. Any problems encountered during this process can be reported to Minister Pierre, and he will ensure the smooth expansion of the refinery." Adam Root nodded repeatedly and

  respectfully They agreed one by one.

  The gold bars produced at the refinery will be transported by one of Australia's few cars to the Crown Bank vault in Sydney for storage until needed.

  There is no need to doubt the security of the royal bank vault, which is even more stringent than the refinery.

  The only thing that needs to be worried about is the distance between the refinery and the royal bank, but because there is military protection accompanying the trip, there will basically be no problems.

   Second update, please support!

  (End of chapter)

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