Chapter 16: Rumors that are far from the truth

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  Chapter 16: The dark
  night, which is so thick that it cannot be dissolved, is like a masterful hand, painting everything with a mysterious color, while the pure white moonlight is like a touch of white paint, assisting the masterful hand to paint the inside of the house The scene that happened was painted on the window in real time for outsiders to enjoy.
  As a result, the dark night produced an exciting charm.

  The Nara clan member standing outside the yard looked at the scene happening in the room. She exclaimed in her heart and quickly covered her mouth with both hands. Then she hid herself in the grass and secretly observed the room on the second floor where Ryoko Nara was. .

  Unexpectedly, the family's secret shadow imitation technique can still be used in this way.

  Seeing the female black shadow sitting on the male shadow's lap, the Nara tribesman in the grass subconsciously licked his dry lips, and his throat was slightly dry.

  So exciting
  at this time.

  Nara Ryoko sat on the chair, took a deep look at Uchiha Asuka opposite, and whispered.

  "Logically speaking, my information is highly confidential. It's not surprising that you can find out my name and address, but where did you find out so much detailed information?" "Oh, someone put

  it You sold it."

  Hearing this, a feeling of betrayal rushed out of his mind instantly. Ryoko Nara slapped the table and stood up. She appeared in front of Asuka, grabbed the opponent's collar with both hands, and gritted her teeth.

  "Who is it?"

  Seeing that this guy's nose was almost touching his own face, Asuka tilted his head back and said directly without thinking.



  After hearing the name Ota, Ryoko Nara snorted coldly. She had some vague guesses in her mind just now, but when she really knew that her teammates had sold her out, she still felt a little uncomfortable.

  That bastard can sell his information now, but will he sell himself to the enemy on the battlefield?

  "Actually, you don't have to be so angry. If you sell Datian's information to me again, won't you two be even?" "

  Don't even think about it."

  Seeing the other party rejecting him, Feiniao calmly took out a bag from his pants pocket. After playing with the scroll for a while, he spoke.

  "You joined there because you wanted to find a way to cure your son.

  Bring him back from the hospital. I can cure that disease."


  Suddenly hearing the news, Ryoko Nara looked at Asuka in disbelief. .

  Her two-year-old son has been in the hospital for more than a year due to an incurable condition.

  During this period, whenever she had free time, she would go to the hospital to accompany her son. If it weren't for the swollen cheeks that were difficult to explain, she would not have appeared at home at all.

  After a moment of silence, she put her hand on the scroll handed by Asuka and said with a trembling voice.


  "Absolutely. If you can invite Tsunade over, she can also treat it."

  "What do you want me to do?"

  "Pass information.

  My dream is for you adults to change into a pair of pants. I We can all know it as soon as possible."

  "Don't be kidding, we have seals in our mouths, how can we reveal the news of the adults." "

  This is just a metaphor.

  You can tell me secretly any Uchiha missions you receive in the future."

  Asuka rolled his eyes at her and couldn't help but feel speechless when he saw Ryoko Nara still staring at him with a wary expression.

  "Don't worry, I'm not interested in you, and I won't let you do something dangerous. If you feel that what I ask you to do is dangerous, just give up. And you don't have to be afraid that I will use your son as a threat

  . .

  Because I will cure his illness first and let him go to school, graduate, and do tasks like a normal person."

  Hearing this, Nara Ryoko instantly became a little silent.

  She just thought that the other party would put forward some harsh conditions, and might even have some bad thoughts about herself.

  Unexpectedly, the other party did not restrict himself at all, and even seemed to be deliberately helping him.

  Looking at the clear eyes of this Uchiha, Nara Ryoko directly asked the doubts in her heart.

  Why are you helping me like this?"

  Feiniao shrugged, picked up the tea on the table and took a sip, then said casually.

  "Because we live in the same village and have lived together for 51 years.

  Isn't it normal for villagers to help each other without conflicts of interest?

  You are also aware of the conflict between Senju and Uchiha. When Tsunade was still there When she was in Konoha, although she cursed and didn't want to see Uchiha, she also treated Uchiha's patients. Doctors are benevolent and

  practice the art of benevolence with noble sentiments.

  They are worthy of heaven and earth and worthy of their hearts."

  Look . Looking at the other party's suspicious eyes, Feiniao twitched the corner of his mouth and revealed his true purpose.

  "Actually, the real purpose of my treatment of your son is to let you remember this kindness one day in the future, and to pass on some information about the future of the Uchiha clan at a critical moment." Is that so


  Ryoko Nara couldn't help but fall into self-doubt. She didn't believe that the Uchiha people could suddenly care about herself as a villager, but it didn't sound like the other party's true purpose was true. never mind.

  As long as his son is cured, this guy won't have any means to blackmail him.

  At that time, if the other party really wants you to do something dangerous, the worst case scenario is that you will quit the ninja sequence, and your kindness will be repaid in the next life.

  at the same time.

  In the grass outside the room.

  The Nara tribesman was a little dazzled.

  What did she just see?
  That guy Ryoko Nara actually controlled the shadow. First he grabbed the collar of another shadow very violently, and then kissed the other shadow face to face.

  After thinking about it in his mind, this Nara tribe member probably understood the reason for Ryoko's anger.

  It was just that her husband left the orphans and widows and went to the Pure Land alone. She felt a little sad inside. If her husband's shadow suddenly appeared, she would be a little confused.

  Tsk tsk!

  Looking at the two shadows sticking closely together, the Nara tribesman shook his head, stood up and planned to leave.

  I had never realized before that Liangzi was such an infatuated person.

  The tribesman turned around and took one last look at the two shadows in the room. When she saw the masculine shadow clearly, the look of emotion on her face froze.

  She rubbed her eyes vigorously, looked at the scene in the room in disbelief, and murmured.

  "Ryoko. Liangzi, is she so eager for a "happy life"??

  Even if she turned into a shadow, she actually turned it out.


  When she saw Liangzi's shadow, she became silent.

  The Nara tribesman subconsciously stretched out his hand to hold the air.
  he felt nothing.

  It seems that Ryoko is sick.

  The next day, the sky was slightly bright.

  Last night, the Nara tribesman who had been squatting in the grass for a long time walked out of the house with a pair of dark circles under her eyes. She looked at the red sun above her head and said to herself.

  "What does it feel like to hold the air? Why do I feel nothing when I hold it all night?" "

  Naomi, what are you mumbling about so early in the morning?"

  Hearing a familiar voice coming from behind, Naomi turned to look behind her and looked toward her weakly. The other party said hello.

  "Good morning, sister."

  "Naomi, what's wrong with you?"


  After sighing, Naomi looked at her sister's concerned expression. She hooked her fingers at her and said against her sister's ear.

  "Sister, let me tell you a secret. You can refer to it for me. You

  can't tell this secret to others. Just the two of us know it."

  Looking at her sister's haggard face, she nodded and signaled to the other party. Keep talking.

  Afterwards, Naomi fully described to her sister what she saw and heard last night, as well as her doubts.


  After listening to Naomi's description, she subconsciously stretched out her hand to hold the air, with a look of confusion on her face as well.

  I don't feel it,
  but she looked at the curiosity in her sister's eyes, reached out and patted her shoulder, teasingly.

  "Maybe you won't understand this feeling until you find a boyfriend."

  After saying that, before her sister could continue to ask, she made an excuse and ran away.

  Although she doesn't understand this kind of thing, her best friend is well-informed, so she must understand.

  The sun was high in the sky, and it was already noon.

  Only then did Liangzi open the door, breathing in the fresh air outside.

  Last night was the most peaceful sleep she had in this year.

  Her son's condition was finally under control.
  "Sister-in-law Yoshino, good afternoon."

  After saying hello to the patriarch's wife who passed by the house, Ryoko Nara closed her eyes and began to sunbathe.

  It seems like the last time I basked in the sun so easily and comfortably was the year before last.

  Nara Yoshino stood there blankly. She looked at Ryoko on the recliner, and her eyes suddenly became complicated.

  Although she doesn't understand medicine, she understands the things between men and women.

  Ryoko's face was rosy and shiny, she looked very happy, and there were no dark circles under her eyes. She must have had an excellent sleep last night, and the cold and distant aura about her body had also disappeared.

  Are the rumors that spread among the clan this morning true? ?
  The widowhood of a widowed person lasts for one year and ends?
  (End of chapter)

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