Chapter 15 What I’m sending is not a love letter, but an attitude

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  Chapter 15: What I sent was not a love letter, but an attitude
  . What a big fish!
  After leaving Ota's house, Asuka walked on the streets of Konoha, looking at the passers-by with emotion on his face.

  Unexpectedly, that female ninja actually had a special identity.

  When the Nara family
  thought about the information that Ohta told him just now, Asuka's mouth curled up. When he bought information in the past, although he always bought it with money, he had to use coercion and inducement, and even used his Sharingan.

  But now that he has the identity of ANBU, it becomes easier to get some information.

  While Namikaze Minato is still alive, he should quickly do more things with his identity as an ANBU, lest the third generation of Hokage rise to power in the future and expel him from the secret service.


  As soon as he opened the door, Feiniao saw a fat orange cat lying on his bed.

  Hanging the ninja tool bag on the wall, he said hello to the orange cat.

  "Hey, Fei Fei is back, has the letter been delivered?"


  The orange cat raised his eyelids and glanced at Asuka, then closed his eyes again, making a girlish voice in his throat.

  "It was delivered. That old lady Tsunade almost punched me into a catcake, but when I handed over the hundred thousand taels, she asked Shizune to reply with a letter." "What else did that guy say?


  "She said that Jiraiya wrote 328 letters in order to pursue her, with a total word count of more than 2 million. At that time, she felt a little relieved. You can't tell anything from this

  letter. Write 500 letters first. .

  Oh, by the way, remember to put money in the letter, otherwise the old woman’s fist will fall on me.”

  At this point, the orange cat turned over, looking up at the roof, her face Showing human helplessness, he said.

  "Asuka, I feel like you are doing useless work.

  500 letters, each containing 100,000, is 50 million.

  How many cans can you buy for this cat with this 50 million?
  When the time comes, I will learn a transformation technique to relieve your loneliness.

  "You don't understand! " "

  Hearing this, the orange cat suddenly stood up from the bed. It quickly climbed to the top of the flying bird with cat steps, and while grinding its claws with the other person's hair, said angrily. "Then tell me, what is the purpose of doing this

  ? What? Don't use the same excuse as last time to deceive me. "

  Alas! " "

  Asuka sighed, raised his eyelids slightly, looked at the orange cat pooping just above his head, and explained.

  "Outsiders know that the Senju and Uchiha clans have been hostile for nearly a thousand years, and they suddenly heard that the Uchiha If the clan leader wants to marry the leader of the Thousand Hands clan, his first reaction will definitely be that this is false news.

  And when they discovered that there were actually many members of the Uchiha clan who supported this proposal, they had to consider this matter carefully.

  After all, many times, the will of the tribe can influence the tribe leader.

  Regardless of whether this letter comes from the clan leader or not, as long as the letter comes from the Uchiha clan in the eyes of outsiders, it is enough, because it represents the will of some people within the Uchiha clan.

  Whether they are hawks, doves or centrists, I don’t like them.

  So I plan to be extreme and create a divorce faction. The purpose of the faction is to incite the clan leader to divorce and marry the Senju clan clan leader, and then the two clans will merge into one and target the fifth, sixth and seventh generation Hokage.

  This not only expresses my thoughts within the clan, but also shows it to some people in Konoha. After all, easing the conflict between the two clans is also a manifestation of the will of fire.

  It doesn't matter whether Tsunade Senju and Fugaku Uchiha agree or not.

  The important thing is that I have done this, and those who see my actions and agree with my ideas will stand behind me and become my supporters.

  In addition, the love letters cannot be broken in the future, which represents my firm will.

  At worst, I will accept the mission to earn money to support Tsunade.
  If I were the current elder of the Uchiha clan, this letter would be signed with my name. "


  Although it didn't understand what Asuka said, looking at the serious look on this guy's face, it still said with a look of surprise on its face.

  "You don't really want to persuade Uchiha Fugaku to divorce?"

  "No, this is true. Not only do I want to persuade him to divorce, I also want to get him sterilized. "

  "Then you challenge the great elder and write it in your own name. "

  "Don't write. Tsunade is a bit old. I want to find someone younger. " "

  "It looks pretty pink to me.

  "Did you see it? " "Not only did I see it, I even slept on my chest while she was gambling. Haven't you seen it?" "


  The night was very dark.

  Asuka was wearing a set of black clothes. He opened the door and jumped onto the roof. Then he identified the location of the Nara clan and disappeared directly into the Uchiha clan.

  In the sick Uchiha clan , if your ideas are not extreme, it will be difficult to gain supporters.

  Especially those conservative old men who proposed "guaranteing two and competing for three and rushing four" ended up wasting the expectations of the tribe. In this case, why not try your

  own I think
  it has been 51 years since the village was founded in Konoha. There are fewer and fewer people from the older generation, but the new generation has lived with the Senju clan for 51 years, and there is no hatred in their hearts. Is what we are writing a love letter to Tsunade



  That's the attitude.

  There was a sudden sound of braking, and Asuka squatted on the roof, closing his eyes to sense the location of the Nara ninja.

  Is he there?

  After a while, Asuka opened his eyes, looked at the lighted house in the distance, and murmured to himself.

  "This is my first time to break into the widow's door at night."

  Since he didn't do much to conceal his movements, he noticed some tingling on his neck after he opened the door and entered the room.

  "Who are you?"

  His eyes slightly lowered, and after looking at the kunai pressed against his neck, Asuka slowly raised his hands in a gesture of surrender and said.

  "It's me, the Uchiha who was attacked by you last time."


  didn't wait for her to finish her words, she only felt a pain in her wrist, and then the kunai in her hand fell to the floor with a snapping sound.

  "Nara Ryoko, don't put kunai against other people's necks. It's very dangerous."

  Asuka rubbed his neck, then kicked the kunai aside, walked to the table in the dark, and was about to light the candle. stand up.

  "Don't light it!"

  Nara Ryoko also recognized who the other person was by the moonlight. She quickly stopped the guy from lighting the lamp, then stood on the opposite side, looking straight at Asuka, frowning.

  "You came to my house quietly late at night and you still blamed me for putting a kunai on your neck?" "Don't be

  kidding me. If I hadn't deliberately made a noise before coming in, how could you have noticed me?"

  Asuka said. Sitting on the chair, looking at Nara Ryoko's somewhat ugly face, he continued.

  "Don't think too much. The reason why I came in the middle of the night is because coming to the widow's house during the day is not good."

  Hearing this, Nara Ryoko glared at Asuka with wide eyes and asked.

  "You can just come and influence me in the middle of the night?"

  Feiniao shrugged and said casually,

  "No one will see me

  in the middle of the night." "What do you want to do?"

  "Come here to chat with you."

  "I have nothing to talk to you, don't expect anything from me." "


  Just as the two were arguing in a low voice in the room, a member of the Nara family passed by Ryoko Nara's yard, and she glanced at Ryoko The lights had been turned off in the room, and then he looked at the moon above his head, which was about to be obscured by dark clouds, and sighed in his heart.

  After Ichiki left, I didn't know if Ryoko would be scared if she lived alone.

  If you have a chance, come and stay with me.
  ? ? ? ?
  Looking at the black shadow that suddenly appeared in Liangzi's room, the man rubbed his eyes in disbelief.

  Did you read that correctly? ? Why are there two shadows in the Liangzi family? ?
  Could it be that because she missed her husband too much, she manipulated her shadow to transform her dead husband into reality?

  ps: Dear readers, see you tomorrow.

  (End of chapter)

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