Chapter 65 Family Conflict

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  Chapter 65 Family Conflict
  "My daughter has developed an incredible interest in dragons. Shortly after her secret was exposed, she abandoned everything in the palace and went to the territory of a red dragon. It's hard for me not to be worried." Pat

  . Liz looked directly into Ganon's eyes, and her "natural enemy deterrence" ability gave her gaze a level of coercion at the level of an ancient dragon.

  Isabel on the side looked embarrassed and tried to explain: "No, no, Queen Mother..."

  "Don't speak yet." Patriz glanced at Isabel.

  Isabel fell silent on the spot, her body trembling involuntarily.

  Unlike Ganon, she has no ability to resist the "natural enemy deterrence" her mother is now emitting.

  This woman...

  Seeing how strong Patriz was showing towards Isabel, Ganouen suddenly understood a little bit more about the relationship between mother and daughter.

  "Let's hear your defense first, Red Dragon." Patriz said to Ganon.

  "Please clarify the causal relationship. It was she who became interested in me and then followed me, not me who caused her to become interested. Strictly speaking, I am the victim. Thank you. Before that, Instead, I would like to ask Her Royal Highness, how can a red dragon living outside the Breeze Forest approach Her Royal Highness the Princess of Muxia?" Ganon asked in return.

  "I heard that you once turned the princess of the Dragon Spine Empire into your own slave." Patriz continued to question.

  "Zhenna herself clarified it to Ranger Jamil in Late Autumn. I dare to ask your wise princess, do you believe her own testimony, or would you rather believe the rumors spread by the enemies who have launched a war against your country?" Ganon said again. rhetorical question.

  Patriz fell into silence for a moment.

  "Let me ask you boldly, after you discovered Isbel's secret, did you have a formal conversation with her?" Ganouen said.

  Patrice and Israel focused their attention on Ganouen at the same time. Patrice frowned slightly and asked Ganouen's intention with her eyes.

  "No, right, just like just now, you personally blocked her communication with you. With all due respect, at this point, you haven't tried to understand her, and you still want to find the reason in other people. As a Mother, you are unqualified." Ganon said unceremoniously.

  When Isabel heard this, she looked at Ganouen blankly.

  Patriz frowned even more tightly, and Ganon was mentally prepared for the other party to be angry.

  With the power of "guarding" to save his life, he had a certain degree of confidence in breaking out from the opponent's hands and escaping.

  Patriz is a typical strong parent who creates a estrangement from her children in the process of imposing strict demands on her children, but does not take it seriously. When this estrangement causes problems with her education policy, she is the first to Time looks for external causes rather than itself.

  Ganon has no interest in mediating the family affairs of the Elf Royal Family, but if Patriz cannot rationally examine her own problems and continues to have doubts about him, then this negotiation will not proceed normally at all.

  "Mother..." Taking advantage of this opportunity, Isabel mustered up the courage to overcome her fear and speak again, "I'm sorry, I messed up the sacrifice. It's all because I did some inappropriate things. The responsibility lies with me. This matter has nothing to do with Ganouen, I know I was wrong."

  Patriz's frozen face finally melted a little, and as her brows gradually relaxed, the pressure receded from her body.

  After that incident, she looked into Isbell's eyes for the first time.

  "So, just like Lampard said, you just arrived in his territory and were taken in by him?" Patriz confirmed to Isabel.

  "Yes." Isabel took the opportunity to talk to her mother and answered seriously.

  "You were not tortured?" Patriz asked.

  "No!" Isabel replied firmly.

  "Didn't he use words to coerce you?"


  "Didn't he drug you?"


  "Didn't you use any strange hypnosis or suggestion?"


  "Didn't use contract magic to control you?"

  "Uh, no, no!"

  "Why did you hesitate?" A trace of suspicion flashed in Patriz's eyes.

  "Really not!" Isabel waved her hands repeatedly.

  Ganon was not nervous. In order to prevent the [Prisoner Contract] from becoming a trigger, he temporarily released the contract on Isbell before setting off.

  Suddenly, Isabel noticed something, looked at her mother and asked cautiously: "Well, Queen Mother, did you... see it?" The

  various methods Patriz mentioned just now were all her actions. Those plots that appeared in the "treasure".

  It would have been impossible for Patrice to list all of these if she had not browsed through the books before destroying them.

  "Those are cult books issued by the dark elves in order to corrupt our morals and thoughts. You should not rashly come into contact with such dangerous works." Patriz avoided her daughter's question without changing her expression and began to preach instead.

  Ganouen raised his eyebrows aside, saying that he would be willing to read those dangerous works. It seemed that Patriz was not completely trying to understand her daughter.

  Of course, it's hard to guarantee that it's not just out of a desire to explore novel things...

  "I really know that I made the wrong mother, and I will never read it again." Isbel immediately lowered her head with a sincere expression.

  Ganon knew she was lying as soon as he heard it. Isbell still treasured the little erotic books she brought to the Endless Tower as treasures. She probably used this method of admitting mistakes with her parents many times.

  But he wisely kept silent, so that the matter could come to an end. He clearly felt that both Patrice and Isabel looked relieved.

  "Mr. Ganouen, please forgive me for my previous gaffe." Patriz looked at Ganouen again, "I never thought that one day I would learn from a red dragon. This is also my first time. See, such an eloquent dragon."

  "Then can we continue to talk about business?" Ganouen brought him back to the topic.

  "Of course." Patriz replied.

  "You said earlier that Mu Xia has the intention to trade, can I understand that as agreement?" Ganon asked.

  "We really need support, and the empire seems to have the intention of marching to the mining areas in the west. There is no doubt about Mr. Ganouen's combat prowess, but asking us to hand over the two artifacts that are regarded as national treasures may be a bit difficult. And I'm sorry

  . Let me be frank, the burden of using these two artifacts may be a bit heavy for you. Can we use gold or jewelry in exchange? Or... other artifacts?" Patriz discussed.

  It was entirely within Ganon's expectation that he would be bargained with like this. It would be better to say that it was not the case.

  The combat effectiveness of a mature red dragon is not low, but it would actually be a loss to exchange it for a top-notch artifact.

  "It's okay to just borrow it." Ganon also suggested tentatively.

  After the divinity is taken away from the artifact, the power of the artifact will be weakened. Mu Xia may not be able to accept it, but he must at least test it step by step to confirm the extent to which the other party can accept it.

  "Does your obsession with divine artifacts have something to do with the temple you are building to honor the Mother Goddess of Earth?" Patriz asked.

  Ganon was surprised. Patriz not only knew the concept of divinity, but also immediately thought of the relationship with the Endless Tower Temple.

  The long-lived elf seems to possess some information related to the Endless Tower.

  "Yes, what I can assure you is that after you agreed to my conditions, the power in the artifact will still be used to protect your country." Ganon said seriously.

  Patriz read that Ganouen didn't want to fully reveal the inside story, so she didn't ask any further questions.

  She thought for a moment and replied: "I still can't agree to hand over the artifact to you directly."

  Ganouen was still searching for words of persuasion in her heart, and Patriz spoke again: "But maybe, it can be changed in another form. "

  Ganon showed a surprised look upon hearing this.

  "I would like to have a few words with my daughter alone. Can Mr. Ganouen please step aside for a moment?" Patriz made a request.

  (End of chapter)

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