Chapter 64 Princess Mu Xia

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  Chapter 64 Princess Mu Xia
  The next day, in the middle of Mu Xia, Shuo Xing City Walled City.

  A shining arcane arrow was shot into the sky. Ganon, who was high in the sky, saw the signal and quickly descended towards the direction where the arcane arrow flew from, passing through the canopy of the dense forest and descending.

  As soon as he landed, a large group of fully armed elves surrounded him, confronting Ganon with some vigilance.

  Isabel stood up from Ganon's back and slid down to the ground along his spread wings.

  She covered her face with a veil and wore the attire of a ranger. She walked towards the leading ranger and said hello: "Hello, I was assigned by Her Royal Highness Princess Patriz to lead this Mr. Ganouen to meet with Her Royal Highness the Princess. ."

  "Welcome, we have been ordered to wait here, Her Royal Highness the Princess is in the walled city, please, and..." When the ranger moved his eyes to Ganouen, his voice stopped for a moment, "This Ganouen. Mr. En, please follow me into the city."

  Ganouen turned into a human form, and together with Isabel, accompanied by a large group of soldiers, they entered the heavily defended city.

  After learning that Mu Xia's high-level artifacts were under the control of Mu Xia's Princess Patriz, Ganon thought for a long time and decided to try to obtain the artifacts through negotiation.

  He planned to offer Princess Mu Xia an exchange for an artifact on the condition of long-term assistance in guarding five important cities in the western region of Mu Xia.

  Isabel didn't know where her mother was currently guarding the front line, but Ganouen was able to contact Jamil and send a message in the name of negotiating with Mu Xia.

  In order to make Patriz willing to see him, Ganouen vaguely mentioned that he accepted Lampard's request and took in Isabel who had run away from home, although Patriz should have known it from her son. about this.

  The garrison officer of Duqiu Walled City, Jamil, has shown great enthusiasm for promoting negotiations. Now that the empire is in a strong position on the front line, if the sword is aimed at the western region, the risk of Duqiu Walled City falling is also very high.

  If Ganon is willing to provide support, it will naturally be a must-have for the local defense forces.

  Of course, the premise is that Her Royal Highness the Princess agrees.

  In just one day, Ganouen received a reply. The princess agreed to his request for an interview. However, since the princess could not easily leave the front line at the moment, she designated the location of the negotiation at Shuo Xing Walled City in the middle of late summer.

  In addition, she also asked Ganouen to accompany an envoy named "Bell" she designated.

  Of course, this actually requires Ganon to bring Isabel with him.

  The secret that Isabel is now being taken in by Ganon is only known to the Muxia royal family and a few insiders.

  In order to deceive others, Isabel covered her face and went to Twinkle Star City with Ganon as a diplomat designated by the princess.

  There is a distance between Shuangxing City and Ganon's territory, and it would take about two hours at Ganon's flying speed.

  Ganon asked Zhenna and Shitou to guard the Endless Tower, and also entrusted Jamil to send scouts to monitor the movements of Longkou Fortress for him. Even if he leaves the territory, he can still use [Watcher] to control the situation of the territory.

  As long as his whereabouts are not easily exposed to the empire and he just goes out to talk to people, the risk can generally be controlled.

  The biggest risk in this negotiation does not actually lie with the empire...

  "Welcome to Late Summer, Red Dragon Ganon." A

  majestic voice sounded in the reception hall, and the Elf Princess wore a wedding dress decorated with flowers and leaves. He was wearing a robe and a flower crown on his head, looking at Ganouen who entered the hall with a cold and arrogant expression.

  The appearance of Princess Mu Xia can be summed up in one word. It can be said that she is an upgraded version of Isabel. Not only is her appearance and figure more outstanding, she also has a calm temperament that Isabel currently lacks.

  "Greetings to you, Your Highness, Your Highness." Ganon bowed in the elf way according to the method he learned from Isabel before.

  "You still understand the etiquette of elves. It seems that you are an unusual dragon as Lampard said." Patriz nodded, and then told the guards around her, "You can go down.

  " The guards were caught off guard. One of them mustered up the courage to speak: "Your Highness the Princess..."

  "What's wrong? I just chatted with an ordinary red dragon. Is it your turn to worry about me?" Patriz glanced at the guards.

  "I don't dare." The guards could only quickly leave the hall.

  With the princess's strength, the duty of these guards is not so much to protect the princess, but to help the princess deal with some troublesome things that do not require her to take action personally, or to give the princess a hand in the battle.

  As the only legendary powerhouse in the world in Mu Xia, Princess Patriz is strong enough to fight against an ancient dragon on her own. With two high-level artifacts in her possession, even the ancient dragon cannot compete with her.

  According to the information they received, this was just a mature red dragon.

  Suddenly, only Patriz, Ganouen and the masked Isbell were left in this space.

  "We can have a good talk now." Patriz said calmly, and suddenly a strong sense of coercion emitted from her body.

  Druid ability, deterrence of natural enemies.

  The coercion that Patriz exudes at this time can make the creatures within the range feel a strong deterrent from her, similar to encountering a natural enemy, and then make the target fall into a state of panic and suppression.

  This coercion is very similar to Long Wei, and in Ganon's feeling, it is completely indistinguishable from Long Wei.

  When it comes to natural enemies that true dragons can have, the most common ones are probably other more powerful true dragons.

  At this moment, what he felt from Patriz was the power of an ancient dragon. This was because Patriz had given up on her daughter's presence.

  With Ganon's willpower, it would not be greatly affected, but seeing this battle, he still couldn't help but become nervous.

  The biggest risk in this meeting lies with Patriz herself.

  Even if the image he has shown so far makes Lampard believe him, Patriz, who has never had formal contact with him, may not necessarily believe in a red dragon.


  Ganon glanced at Isabel.

  After discovering that his daughter has strange habits, and hearing that her daughter ran away from home to stay with a red dragon, no one can predict what Her Royal Highness the Princess will think. She may not be as easy to talk to as Lampard, and she is far better than Lampard is threatening.

  You must know that Patriz is a monster whose strength is not inferior to Lucio.

  Judging from the aggressive behavior during this meeting, Patriz seemed to be quite wary of him.

  However, Ganon decided to give it a try during this negotiation. After all, objectively speaking, the risk of obtaining the artifact through negotiation and trading is lower than snatching the artifact from a certain force. Such opportunities do not come around all the time. of.

  "Mother." Seeing her mother's power, Isabel felt a little panicked.

  Her mother has not officially forgiven her for desecrating the sacrifice, and now she has been charged with running away from home. She is not sure what her mother's attitude will be when she sees her.

  But Patriz didn't look at her, but stared at Ganouen closely: "Red Dragon, I have read your proposal in the letter, and it is indeed worthy of consideration. I must admit that the current situation is not suitable for Mu Xia. Optimistic, the empire seems to have the intention of marching to the mining areas in the west. First of all, I must declare that we intend to cooperate with you." Ganon was a little

  surprised when he heard that, when Patriz released the pressure, he was already ready Be mentally prepared that this negotiation will be difficult.

  "You look a little surprised." Patriz saw Ganouen's thoughts.

  "Yes, I thought Her Royal Highness the Princess would definitely be wary of a red dragon like me." Ganon admitted.

  "The country is in crisis, and I have to put the overall situation first and put aside my personal grudges for the time being. Therefore, even if you have deceived my daughter, we can solve the matter slowly later." Patriz said expressionlessly.

  "Wait a minute, Your Highness, it seems that I have been wrongly accused of a terrible crime by you." Ganon corrected him seriously.

  (End of chapter)

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