Chapter 6 The Knight Who Slays the Dragon

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  Chapter 6 The dragon-slaying knight

  Outside the tower, some of the knights who were ambushing could no longer hold themselves back.

  "Sir, it's been a long time, and there's been no movement at all. Could it be..."

  A knight lowered his voice and spoke to the commander of this mission, deputy commander Heinrich.

  He wondered if their target might not have hid in the tower at all.

  "How can she deceive Lu Xinglong in such a short period of time? Wait patiently!"

  Heinrich was much calmer than the others.

  He had been the princess's mentor and was confident that he understood Princess Zhenna's fighting style very well.

  They didn't give Princess Zhenna time to calmly respond. Seeing such a ruins, Princess Zhenna would definitely think that this was a place where they could ambush them in a last-ditch battle. Little did she know that this was the tomb they chose for Her Royal Highness.

  Another two excruciating minutes passed, and they finally got the news they wanted.

  The angry roar of the dragon surged out from the doorway of the tower, causing all the knights present to tremble subconsciously.

  The horses were immediately frightened, stamped their feet restlessly, and began to turn around one after another. The knights had to pull hard on the reins and comfort their cars at the same time.

  Even the land dragon that Heinrich was riding tensed up in alarm and let out an uneasy growl in the direction of the tower.

  The giant dragon is a creature that stands at the top of the food chain in the wild. The dragon's roar has an immediate deterrent effect on other creatures.

  Even these knights who have participated in dragon-slaying hunts will inevitably feel frightened when they hear the roar of a dragon again.

  The fire flickered in the deep doorway, followed by another dragon roar, and the violent sound of smashing came from the tower.

  "It's begun, prepare for the assault!" Heinrich ordered in a deep voice.

  He had already imagined in his mind the scene of a deadly fight between the Red Dragon and Princess Zhenna, and everything was just as they planned.

  The other knights dismounted one after another, gathered their horses together and tied them up.

  What follows will be a dragon-slaying battle. The horses will definitely be frightened in front of the dragon and will be of no use at all.

  A knight approached the land dragon that Heinrich was riding, took out a syringe containing stimulants, and expertly stabbed the land dragon's neck.

  Even Lu Xinglong, who is considered to have dragon blood and a ferocious nature, is unable to maintain normal combat status in the face of the power of a real dragon without the blessing of stimulants.

  Lu Xinglong was obviously used to it. He didn't resist at all and even stretched his neck actively.

  As the red liquid poured into its blood vessels, Lu Xinglong's eyes began to become bloodshot, and his nose wheezed and he breathed heavily.

  The other knights also arranged their equipment at this time. Three paladins held heavy shields, and the other three carried special mechanical crossbows on their shoulder armors, and loaded crossbow arrows that were thicker than spears. .

  Everyone tensed up and entered a battle-ready state, waiting for Heinrich's order.

  The earth-shattering sound in the tower lasted for a while, then gradually slowed down, and finally ended with a woman's shrill scream, and then suddenly returned to silence.

  "Now, get on!!"

  Heinrich made a quick decision and picked up an exaggeratedly large mechanical battle ax and pointed it at the tower.

  Lu Xinglong also let out an excited roar, and under his leadership, he rushed towards the entrance of the tower.

  The remaining knights followed closely in groups of two, including a paladin holding a giant shield and a heavy armored knight carrying a ballista.

  They quickly rushed through the dark corridors, and the empty temple-like hall suddenly appeared in front of them.

  The first thing that caught Heinrich's sight was the image of the red dragon holding the bloody Princess Zhenna in its mouth.

  The moment he saw the intruder, the red dragon immediately let go of the "food" in his mouth, and fire appeared in his throat.

  At the same time, the ferocious dragon power was released from him.

  The red dragon's quick response to the enemy caught Heinrich by surprise. He relied on his will to resist the pressure released by the adult red dragon. When the red dragon's breath spurted in front of him, he showed his ability in time. The ability of a paladin.

  A shield made of holy light flashed in front of him, blocking the flames that were about to engulf him. Only part of the hot air flow penetrated the holy shield and rushed over. Fortunately, the heavy armor on him and Lu Xinglong were both fireproof.

  At the same time, other knights followed and broke into the hall.

  "Get ready!"

  Heinrich shouted, while driving the land dragon to move forward, pushing the summoned holy shield forward to gain room for the knights behind to move.

  The knights rushed to different directions in pairs and opened up the front line.

  Li Yuan also noticed the other knights, turned his head and swept the remaining flame breath towards the two groups of knights moving to his left front.

  The knights immediately settled in their positions and all knelt down. The paladin responsible for defense held the giant shield directly in front of him to provide cover for himself and his teammates.

  Their shields showed runes, emitted dazzling holy light, and successfully blocked the red dragon's breath of fire.

  The level of holy shield skills of these people is far inferior to that of Heinrich. It is almost impossible for the holy shields they summon to block the breath of an adult red dragon.

  Fortunately, the giant rune shields they hold are enough to amplify their Holy Light spell to the extent that they can be useful on this battlefield.

  "You're really spending a lot of money on these bastards!"

  Li Yuan breathed out the flames and took a breath, cursing secretly in his heart.

  Although Helganorn had already experienced it once in his memory, he still couldn't help but feel troubled when he saw the equipment carried by these people.

  With the red dragon's valuation intuition, he could tell that the equipment of these knights were all valuable, including the three huge shields, the arrows loaded in the ballistae, and the commander's outfit.

  The era of relying solely on the swords and magic of legendary heroes to fight evil dragons has passed. Humans in this era have learned how to stack technology and money to close the distance between themselves and powerful creatures. They spend everything they have to arm themselves to the teeth!

  Li Yuan finished spraying the flames and chose to charge forward.

  After a round of full breath, the dragon needs about ten deep breaths to adjust before brewing again, but the dragon's teeth, claws and tail are not as dangerous as his breath.

  With his size, he can easily crush people into a pulp just by collision and crushing.

  "Solley!" Heinrich issued a counterattack order the moment the red dragon breathed out.

  The knights with the crossbows on their shoulders moved slightly, revealing half of their bodies and the crossbows on their shoulders from behind the huge shield. The arrows of the crossbows shone with a silvery cold light.

  The moment he saw those ballistae, Li Yuan thought of the harpoon cannons on the whaling ship.

  With a loud bang, the mechanical ballista erupted into a puff of gunpowder smoke, and the crossbow arrow turned into a flash of silver light and stabbed towards the red dragon's head.

  (End of chapter)

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