Chapter 5 The plot between the dragon and the princess

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  Chapter 5 The Conspiracy between the Dragon and the Princess
  "Let me explain first, who are you, why do you come to a place like this, and what's going on with the knights outside?" Li Yuan began to ask formal questions.

  Zhenna nodded: "My name is Zhenna. I come from the Dragon Spine Empire. As you can see, I am a Holy Knight. When I came outside the border this time, I was assigned a hunting mission..." She did not explain directly

  . My most important identity is the little princess of the empire, Zhenna of Longshou Castle.

  Li Yuan also realized this. He had already made a guess about Helganorn's identity through her memory.

  At the same time, he was keenly aware of another thing and interrupted: "What are you hunting?"

  Zhenna was silent for a while and then said: "A red dragon called Kuja."

  Li Yuan also fell silent.

  The awkward silence continued for a while, and Zhenna asked cautiously: "According to the information I received, it seems that only one red dragon was sighted in this area." "Yes, that's what I think you humans call me.

  " Li Yuan admitted frankly, noticing the change in Zhenna's face, and added, "But I remember that I have not provoked many human settlements in the empire. After all, there is a fortress as big as the mountain pass on the border. And for safety reasons After thinking about it, I have already decided to give up directly plundering humans, believe it or not."

  Zhenna thought for a while and continued to explain: "It is true that you have not plundered the territory of the Dragon Spine Empire, but the Imperial City still announced The reason for the subjugation order was to take precautions. Now that I think about it, this mission was probably an assassination plan against me from the beginning." "Looking at

  your equipment, you should be a noble with a high status. It's a shame that you are willing to take on such a mission. , Are you so willing to risk your life?" Li Yuan commented.

  The red dragon has a natural keen intuition about treasures. Li Yuan could tell at a glance that Zhenna's rune armor and sword were valuable. Based on this alone, he could easily tell that the other party's status was not low, not to mention that he had already Already guessed the truth.

  A dignified princess of a country slays a dragon herself, most likely to use her military exploits to add points to her political status.

  To reach this point, either the empire's spirit is strong, or the rivals for the throne are too strong.

  Zhenna did not respond to this evaluation, but continued to explain: "My former subordinates and I came to the border. They conducted reconnaissance first. They reported to me that you lived in the mountains further north." "False

  . , I have always lived here. So, those people blocking the outside now..." Li Yuan has already come to a conclusion.

  "They are my subordinates. They betrayed me. Most of them joined my political opponents and set up a trap to assassinate me here." Zhenna sighed.

  "Then the matter is almost settled." Li Yuan nodded.

  He didn't intend to bother to dig into the princess's possibly complicated political background. As long as things could be straightened out, the most important thing right now was to deal with the group of people blocking the outside of the tower.

  "I guess their whole plan is this. After weakening you with sneak attacks, they will drive you to me and let me kill you, and then they will rush in and kill me. They will claim to the outside world that you unfortunately died when slaying the dragon, and you can still be solved. Drop a dangerous red dragon and steal my treasure at the same time, killing three birds with one stone. Oh, what a trick to kill someone with a borrowed knife!" Li Yuan concluded.

  "It seems so." Zhenna lowered her eyes.

  "They won't let any of us go. I suggest we join forces first. How about that?" Li Yuan immediately put forward this proposal that he had conceived long ago.

  Zhenna looked at him and didn't answer immediately.

  She also thought of this plan. After all, their cooperation was the only way to solve the situation at the moment.

  But dragons are very cunning creatures. No one can guarantee that after the pursuers are eliminated, the red dragon's next target will not be her.

  After all, it is quite incredible that the red dragon, known for its arrogance and cruelty, would take the initiative to "condescend" and propose joining forces with a human.

  "Don't worry, I can see that you have a certain strength, and I don't want to risk my life to fight you two times in a row. And if I have to say it, I was the one whose life was targeted in the first place. On the contrary, I doubt that you will You won't find an opportunity to kill me." Li Yuan saw her concerns.

  Having said that, whether she believes it or not is her own business.

  Zhenna pondered deeply. It was indeed them who had set their sights on Kuja's life first, and her subordinates could even use this evil dragon in order to murder her.

  She suspected that the evil dragon was insidious and cunning, but from the perspective of this red dragon, how could it not be the case for humans?

  Human beings have become so insidious that even evil dragons may be ashamed of themselves.

  "I understand, let's join forces for now." Zhenna made a decision calmly.

  Even if she and Red Dragon join forces to deal with the seven people outside, there is still considerable risk. If they are wary of each other and have reservations at this time, they will only lead to their own destruction.

  "Since they were originally your subordinates, you should know a lot about them. Do you have any suggestions?" Li Yuan asked.

  "With all due respect, they are all elites of the Black Iron Knights. They are led by the deputy captain of the Knights. They have experience in slaying dragons. Even if we join forces, the odds of winning are hard to say. My suggestion is to wait until they react. Before, you took me and rushed out and flew away, and I could use the holy wall to help you block the attack of the Dragon Hunting Ballista." Zhenna said seriously.

  "No! I will never give up this territory." Li Yuan immediately rejected it.

  Escape was the safest plan, but considering the possible symbiosis contract, the option of abandoning the Endless Tower was not considered for him.

  Zhenna sighed in her heart. She expected that the red dragon would refuse. From her understanding, the real dragon attaches great importance to the treasures it collects. They will not give up guarding the nest unless they have to.

  "Then at least, let's rush out first. When fighting in the open, you can use your air superiority to suppress them. I'll help you defend against long-range attacks. If you attack with breath, you should be able to push them back." Zhenna proposed another relatively safe plan.

  But Li Yuan was still not satisfied after hearing this. His flying ability would indeed give him a certain advantage when going out to fight against him, but in open areas, the knights would also have more escape routes.

  When those knights find that the situation is unfavorable, they may choose to retreat temporarily under the cover of the woods. Once the knights retreat to a certain stronghold or disperse, he may not be able to pursue and solve all targets.

  And once a knight comes back alive to report the situation here, I am afraid that the next wave of crusade will soon be brought.

  They must be caught in one fell swoop and killed all - this thought came up immediately, and even Li Yuan himself was a little surprised.

  After turning into a red dragon, his way of thinking seemed to have changed a little, and the will to kill easily took over his thinking.

  But in the long run, it is indeed unwise to let them go.

  He thought for a moment and said, "I have an idea..."

  He explained the plan he had thought of to Zhenna.

  Zhenna opened her eyes slightly after hearing this.

  She suddenly felt that her previous thoughts seemed a bit off.

  This red dragon may still be more cunning than the knights outside.

  (End of chapter)

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