Chapter 46 Work for me

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  Chapter 46: Work for Me
  In the Sun Temple on the fifth floor, the magic circle lit up under the suspended divine seal.

  Under Ganon's order, the temple used the magic power stored in the Endless Tower to release large-scale holy light spells within the effective range of the tower.

  Although the divine seal of the Sun Temple has only recovered about 30%, the intensity of the spells it releases has exceeded the level of the legendary priest.

  The holy light suddenly filled the entire torture room, and everyone present felt a wave of heat pouring into their bodies.

  The three elf druids felt itchy on their necks at the same time. The curse runes cast by Elmira on them appeared, and then seemed to be washed away by the holy light, gradually fading until they disappeared.

  The female elf was also relieved from the pain, and her expression softened significantly.

  Cohen's eyes widened at the red dragon in front of him. He didn't see the other party take out any magic weapon. How could a red dragon release such a powerful Holy Light spell? Simply unheard of!

  "Untie them." Ganon signaled the stone to loosen the elves.

  Shitou complied directly. Anyway, as long as Ganon was present, these people couldn't escape.

  "It seems that you are indeed being persecuted. The curse has been lifted. Now you can explain it properly. As long as you tell everything you know, I can at least guarantee your personal safety." Ganouen retracted slightly

  . He regained his power and adopted a relatively relaxed attitude.

  Since these people are coerced by the curse, it means that they are not that loyal to the people behind them.

  He had already used the dragon's power to overwhelm their will, and if he made a gesture to win over him now, most of these people would grasp at this life-saving straw.

  The three elves looked at each other. After a moment, they opened their mouths to speak at the same time. Ganon raised his hand to stop him in time, and then pointed to the female elf who was the first to confess: "You speak first." "

  We were attacked by a green dragon. Instructions, her name is Elmira..." the female elf said walking on thin ice.

  "Elmira?" Ganon frowned.

  Is it the green dragon who is behind these three elven druids?
  He quickly searched Helganorn's memory, and the fragments about Elmira immediately emerged.

  Helganorn took up residence here about ten years ago, when Elmira had nested in the northwest part of Breezewood.

  After discovering that a young red dragon appeared near her territory, Elmira tried to drive it away, and the two sides experienced a not very fierce conflict.

  Elmira withdrew from the battle early after realizing that the adult red dragon was not so easy to deal with.

  Helganorn tried to pursue and find the location of Elmira's lair, but was led by the cunning Elmira to the castle of the Summer Elf in Breeze Forest.

  When the Late Summer elves in the walled city noticed the two giant dragons approaching menacingly, they immediately launched an attack. Elmira, who was well prepared, took the opportunity to get rid of Helganorn.

  Although Helganorn was angered by the elves' attack, he quickly realized that this was Elmira's plan and quickly moved away from the city without any conflict with the elves of Muxia.

  After that, the two sides basically had no contact with each other.

  But these two giant dragons whose territories are close to each other are always on guard against each other, always looking for opportunities to kill each other.

  "Keep talking!" Ganon signaled the female elf to continue explaining.

  Then, the female elf explained everything about them being Elmira's slaves and how Elmira forced them to spy on the red dragon's lair.

  Ganon then asked the other two people, and both Koen and another male elf gave the same answer. Koen also added some details about Elmira's mission:
  "A month ago, El Mera captured an elf who was gathering medicine at the edge of the forest, tortured her to death and then ate her. But the son of the elf was actually a senior commander of the forest guard, and he found out what Elmira had left behind. traces, vowing revenge.

  Now Elmira has been targeted by Muxia's forest guards, and they have also locked the general range of Elmira's lair. Elmira is now in a hurry to move her lair, so she has set her sights on your territory. She said that you haven't been out hunting for a long time, maybe..."

  Cohen stopped talking here. The red dragon's temperament is notoriously arrogant. He was withdrawn, and if he casually said something that made the other person feel that he had been belittled, he would die on the spot.

  But the red dragon laughed after hearing this: "Did she think I was dead or injured? I see. "

  Ganoun understood what was going on. He didn't know the specific location of Elmira's lair, but Elmira knew it. I think Elmira should always pay attention to Helganon. There was a lot of commotion

  in the previous battle with Lucio, and Elmira must have noticed something.

  He has indeed not gone hunting for several days. At first it was to recuperate from his injuries, but now his injuries have healed. He still wanted to avoid unnecessary outings as much as possible. These days, his main food was the wyverns he killed in the battle. As a result, he was

  targeted by Elmira.

  Elmira planned to use these elves' If he was dead or seriously injured, the elves would be able to report back alive, and she could take Helganorn's life and treasure without any risk. He realized at

  once This was an opportunity to kill Elmira.

  Elmira thought he was injured - which was true, but under the blessing of the Sun Temple and the holy light of Zhenna, his injury healed in an unusual way. Healed quickly.

  Now he has grown to the level of a mature red dragon. With the power of the hymn, it can be said that he is strong enough to crush Elmira. The

  only problem to be solved is to find Elmira's lair.

  Now , Elmira actually delivered this information to him with her own hands.

  Elmira placed a curse on the three elves to prevent them from revealing any information about themselves. The curse she cast with the help of her natural spellcasting talents and magical weapons was equivalent to the spells of an extraordinary sorcerer. She thought she was foolproof.

  She probably never dreamed that the red dragon could actually lift this curse.

  He focused his attention on Cohen: "You took orders directly from Elmira. In other words, you know the location of Elmira's lair, right?"

  He could see that Cohen was among the three of them. As a leader, he was the only one among the three who successfully resisted Long Wei, and he knew the most complete information about the mission.

  "Yes, I know." When Cohen heard this, he had vaguely noticed the red dragon's intention, "Do you want to..."

  Ganoen grinned, raised his finger and pointed at the three of them and said: "From now on, Just serve me."

  (End of chapter)

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