Chapter 45 Curse and Restriction

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  Chapter 45: Curse Restriction
  "Life Sense" can distinguish whether a creature is powerful or not to a certain extent. Now Cohen has a sense of crisis towards this creature as if it has encountered a natural enemy.

  It goes without saying that there are other creatures here that could pose such a strong threat to them.

  Cohen immediately let out a warning growl. Their level of transformation was not enough to retain the ability to speak in the beast state.

  Fire suddenly appeared in the sky, and in the three people's "life perception", the medium-sized creature in the sky suddenly expanded into a giant creature. At the same time, a terrifying pressure suddenly descended.

  The ability of "life perception" allowed them to clearly feel the dragon's power released by the dragon before they even looked up and saw the red dragon's figure.

  Cohen's two companions let out abnormal howls at the same time. Their willpower was not enough to resist the power of the mature red dragon.

  Fear instantly emptied their brains, and in wolf form, they began to flee in different directions in a panic.

  Cohen, who barely maintained his rationality, tried to speak out to calm them down, but it didn't work at all.

  Why did this red dragon find them? Or were they just unlucky and happened to encounter this red dragon hunting them and regarded them as prey?
  But didn't Elmira say that this red dragon hasn't hunted for a long time?

  Cohen didn't have time to think about it.

  Pillars of fire fell from the sky, and the red dragon hovered while spitting flames, drawing an arc on the ground and igniting the vegetation on its path.

  Ganon controlled his breath into a long stream, extending the breath time as much as possible.

  He used his breath to draw a huge circle on the ground, and the burning trail surrounded the three elven druids in the middle.

  Cohen's two companions fell into a complete panic because of Long Wei. They fled in all directions based on instinct. When they saw the fire in front of them, they subconsciously turned around and changed their route. However, after changing several directions, they found that there was a sea of ​​fire everywhere. .

  While they were attacking the walls, the red dragon had already rushed down and covered them one after another with its huge claws, catching them easily.

  At this time, Cohen had given up on his companions and quickly rushed towards the edge of the fire ring, using the cover of the dust raised by the red dragon and the thick smoke from the surrounding vegetation.

  He calmly found a gap between the ignited trees. There was only a ignited bush between the two trees far apart. He could break through the fire wall by jumping over here!

  The red dragon is still running around, but now he can only use this information to go back to Elmira!

  The gray wolf transformed by Cohen flew over vigorously, and then jumped.

  At this time, a black figure suddenly stood up in the flames, charged directly through the wall of fire, and hit the gray wolf head and face with a punch.

  Cohen never expected that someone would jump out of the wall of fire. He received a solid punch and was beaten back. The opponent's fist was as hard as a rock.

  Cohen rolled twice on the ground and stood up, seeing the tall demon statue standing in front of him.

  No wonder the opponent is not afraid of fire and his fist is so hard. It turns out that his whole body is really made of stone.

  "You can't run away anymore. The master's order is to capture you alive. Please surrender."

  The stone man approached him while speaking out to persuade him to surrender.

  Cohen growled subconsciously and suddenly froze.

  "Life Sense" made him realize that the red dragon was already standing behind him, very close to him.

  He turned around suddenly, and the shadow of the huge dragon claw had already covered him. Ganon caught him easily.
  few minutes later, the torture room of the Endless Tower dungeon.

  Ganon, who had transformed into a human form, held his hands and looked at the three elf druids who were chained together in a back-to-back position.

  Two men and one woman, both look very young - of course, considering the longevity of elves, it is basically difficult to judge their age based on their appearance.

  "My lord, is there anything worth paying attention to?" Shitou asked from the side.

  "It's nothing. I thought the druid would be naked when he returned to his human form, but I didn't expect that he would be wearing clothes." Ganon said casually.

  "Their clothes are made by using natural materials and the magic of druids. They can change together with their natural transformation. Druids with higher realms can also make weapons that can match the transformation." Shitou said. Explain aside.

  The three elves listened to the conversation between the red dragon and the golem. They all lowered their heads and did not dare to express their anger. The two except Cohen were trembling slightly.

  They had all been enslaved by Elmira for a long time and suffered from the torture of the green dragon. The fear of the dragon had already been deeply rooted in their hearts.

  In the process of being enslaved by a green dragon and then falling into the hands of a red dragon, this tragic experience could be turned into a tasteless joke by a bard, but it was a pity that they, as the parties involved, couldn't laugh at all.

  "You should know the reason why I caught you. You broke into my territory and went straight to my lair. You'd better have a reasonable explanation." Ganon finally began the formal interrogation.

  After a few seconds of silence, both of Cohen's companions looked at a loss. Finally, Cohen raised his face and tried to maintain his composure to reply to Ganon:

  "Great True Dragon, we have no intention of offending you. ...Actually, we are wanted criminals in late summer. We were chased by the forest guards, so we stepped into your territory in a panic. Please let us go, we are willing to offer our treasures to make amends!" He quickly made up a lie, and the top priority was

  to First stabilize the red dragon, and then wait for an opportunity to escape.

  "I have to tear off each of your arms before you can tell the truth?" Ganouen's cold voice cut off Cohen's lies.

  At the same time, he unleashed his dragon power, which made the three of them breathless.

  He could see clearly in the [Watcher] screen that the movement trajectory of the three druids started from the edge of the surveillance range and rushed straight towards the Endless Tower. Their formation and pace were orderly. There is absolutely no chance that he is a fugitive who has no choice but to flee.

  He was very sure that these three people knew about the existence of the Endless Tower and the red dragon living here in advance.

  At this time, the female elf seemed to be unable to bear the pressure. She raised her face in horror and shouted: "I said! In fact, we were forced, because-" "Don't say it!!" Cohen hurriedly


  . Sheng wanted to stop his companions, but suddenly Ganoen used the transformed dragon claws to hold down his entire face.

  The strong grip penetrated his skull, causing a splitting headache. Cohen wailed on the spot.

  "Next time you will be disabled." Ganon threatened Cohen in a deep voice, and then looked at the female elf, "You, keep talking!" "

  We were... were... were... were... Ga!"

  The female elf tried to complete her words again and again, but every time she wanted to reveal the name, her voice would break as if her neck was suddenly strangled.

  Then suddenly, her eyes widened, and a circle of black runes appeared around her neck.

  Then, her expression twisted and became painful, but she still couldn't make any sound, only her face turned red.

  The curse issued by the green dragon Elmira will not only occur when the time limit is up. Once the prohibition issued by Elmira is violated, such as trying to reveal relevant information about Elmira as the caster in any way, including The name and the location of the lair, the curse will strike early.

  Cohen wanted to stop his companion who fell into panic and forgot the prohibition conditions, because he didn't want her to be tortured by the curse in vain.

  "It's an abyss-based curse, my lord. I'm afraid the three of them have been banned from telling the mastermind behind it." Shitou explained at the side, "But a curse of this degree is not a problem for us." "Yes

  . Ah." Ganon nodded calmly, "Activate the magic circle and invoke the purification technique!"

  (End of this chapter)

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