Chapter 43 Walking

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  Chapter 43 Walking
  "My lord, there is actually a more direct way to solve the problem of food than to cultivate a farm." The

  sound of the stone brought Ganouen's attention back.

  "Oh?" Ganon signaled Shitou to continue.

  Stone began to explain: "In fact, as long as you repair the Temple of the Earth Mother on the sixth floor and make it operational, you can use the blessing power of the temple to accelerate the growth and reproduction of some of the surrounding life, and attract more animals to gather. In the long

  run Look, it should be able to increase the production of surrounding biological resources several times. In the past, the residents here also relied on the power of the Earth Mother Temple to solve their food problems." "Is there such an operation? But then, don't we have to repair the temple first

  ? And you have to find someone to activate the temple, right?" Ganon asked.

  "Yes, after repairing the temple, you must find at least one druid with a certain level of power to become a member of the Endless Tower and serve as a priest. By the way, according to the information I can obtain, the east side The Summer Elves in Breeze Forest believe in Druidism." Stone replied.

  "To provoke the Dusk Summer Elf in order to capture a priest? Am I crazy?" Ganon shook his head.

  "I mean, you can recruit." Shitou spread his hands and added.

  "The kind that costs money?" Ganon frowned.

  Shitou's movements stopped, and Zhenna beside him also sighed.

  "There will always be a way to choose the priest. For now, we can rebuild the temple first. Anyway, the temple above will have to be repaired sooner or later." Shitou casually brought up the topic of selection.

  Ganon agrees with this. Repairing the Endless Tower is still crucial to him now.

  He also wants to repair as many temples as possible, especially the temples of the Earth Mother God and the God of Death. The power of [rebirth] that allows him to transcend life and death depends on the power of these two temples.

  "Can you build it?" Ganon asked the stone.

  "With the current manpower, the progress may be slow, and it will probably take one to two years." Shitou replied.

  "Isn't this question coming back again?" Ganon shook his head with some dissatisfaction.

  Manpower is needed to build the ranch, and manpower is still needed to repair the temple.

  "If I come to help, can the work progress faster?" Ganouen suddenly suggested.

  "Master, you alone can withstand the strength of a hundred people, but I can completely solve the heavy work such as moving materials. The problem lies in some technical work and fine work. Besides, you also have to control the entire Endless Tower, so I have to help you handle it. This kind of chore is my dereliction of duty." Shitou said tactfully.

  "But I don't have anything serious to do."

  Ganon looked into the distance, let out a sigh of relief, and began to consider whether to look at the books in the study or continue to bask in the sun.

  The past few days spent in the Tower of Endlessness recuperating from his injuries were the most leisurely time he had spent since he came to this world.

  He found that he was gradually accepting and adapting to the life here. In fact, regardless of the possible crises in the future, he quite liked this kind of leisurely life.

  At the same time, he also began to gradually get used to the identity he had acquired in this world: Ganouen - only Zhenna called him by his name these days, and he also began to get used to this name.

  He is neither Li Yuan, an ordinary human from another world, nor the evil red dragon Helganorn. He is a brand-new existence that combines the soul of another world with the body of a giant dragon.

  Zhenna glanced at Ganouen several times, as if she was hesitant to speak.

  Shitou suddenly approached her and spoke in a very low voice: "Miss Zhenna, you want to get closer to your master, right?"

  Zhenna tensed up like a frightened cat and immediately stared at Shitou. One glance: "What nonsense are you talking

  about?" "Am I right? I think my judgment should be more than 90% accurate."

  Shitou continued to whisper to Zhenna, his tone unwavering.

  "No! Shut up!" Zhenna blushed and denied in a low voice.

  "Please allow me to sincerely say that if no action is taken, things will not progress. For the Paladin, courage is a vital quality." Shitou suddenly seemed to be very serious.

  "Don't mind your own business!" Zhenna pushed the stone, but it didn't move at all.

  Zhenna turned her attention to Ganouen again.

  She said that, but in her heart she was still clear.

  When she experienced the despair of being betrayed and separated from her relatives, it was this red dragon that saved her and gradually became her spiritual support.

  She actually knew very well what kind of affection she had gradually developed for this male red dragon in the process of sharing the crisis.

  Rather than race, what is more important is spirit - this is the education she has received since she was a child.

  Ganon is not evil, and is her savior.

  There's nothing wrong with just thinking about getting closer first, right?
  Thinking of this, she hesitated for a while, and finally plucked up the courage to speak:
  "Ganoen, if there's nothing else, do you want to... go out together?"

  Hearing this, Ganon suddenly looked over with vigilance: "You want to buy something again? "

  No, it's not!" Zhenna waved her hands helplessly, "I mean, it's around..." "Want to

  go hunting with me? It's not necessary for the time being. There is still some meat left in the flying dragon." Norn raised his eyebrows.

  "No..." Zhenna suddenly became discouraged and muttered in a low voice, "Oh, forget it..." "

  With all due respect, my lord, Miss Zhenna wants to date you." Shitou suddenly spoke at this time.

  "Don't talk nonsense!" Zhenna's voice immediately became louder again.

  She raised her foot and kicked the stone, but it still didn't move.

  Then she turned to Ganouen and explained: "I, what I mean is to go for a walk together!"

  After hearing this, Ganouen looked at Zhenna for a while, with a subtle smile on her face: "A date, right? "

  When Zhenna heard this, her eyes widened and her face became even redder.

  "It's a walk..." she said, feeling a little embarrassed, "Are you going to walk or not?"

  This red dragon is so bad!
  "Okay, it's good to take a walk in the woods." The smile on Ganon's face did not fade and he waved, "Let's go then, Your Highness." "Please go slowly,

  I will prepare a meal and wait for you two to come back. Yes." Shitou saluted respectfully from behind.

  Ganouen and Zhenna walked for a long time in the forest, silent all the way.

  "Should we find something to talk about?" Gradually feeling the awkward atmosphere growing, Zhenna began to think hard in her heart.

  Fortunately, at this time, Ganouen spoke first and broke the silence: "When I turned into a human and went to the border village to buy things, I heard some rumors about us." "What rumors?" Zhenna asked subconsciously


  "There are rumors in the empire now that the little princess Zhenna was abducted by the evil dragon and brainwashed with magic. She became the dragon's accomplice and assisted the dragon in killing the knight who wanted to rescue her." Ganon replied.

  Zhenna's eyes widened in surprise, but she quickly regained her composure: "It's very much like the imperial sister's style."

  "The reaction was less dramatic than I thought." Ganouen commented.

  "After all, half of the statement is true. For me, there is no need to clarify. I can no longer return to the empire." Zhenna replied calmly.

  "Do you want to go back?" Ganon asked.

  Zhenna thought about it seriously and shook her head: "There is nothing to go back to. The only one who can make me care a little is actually my father."

  She was completely tired of the struggle in the palace, and did not want to be treated as someone else anymore. Utilization of political tools.

  But her father, who was seriously ill in bed, still worried her endlessly.

  Because the emperor's sister has been basically confirmed as the successor, her father has favored her more than educated her since she was a child.

  After her mother passed away and her sister showed murderous intent towards her, her father became the only relative worth caring about in the world. She really wanted to see her father again.

  Ganon's expression froze slightly at this time, and then he stopped.

  "Ganoen?" Zhenna also stopped.

  "Zhenna, I have something to tell you about your father. Please calm down and listen to me..." After a moment of silence, Ganouen said seriously, "I heard the news. On the night of the 16th, you His father, His Majesty Emperor Terent II, passed away. Three days ago, Fred had officially ascended the throne."

  Zhenna was stunned in place for a while, and then lowered her eyes.

  After a long time, she said softly: "That's it."

  "My condolences," Ganouen said.

  "Yeah." Zhenna nodded lightly, "I was actually mentally prepared to never see him again, but... I didn't expect it to be so soon. You've been looking for a chance to tell me, right? Thank you.

  " Norn said nothing.

  After a while, Zhenna said, "Let's go back."


  Ganouen and Zhenna walked back for a while. Ganouen felt that Zhenna was walking slower and slower, gradually falling behind. Later, it seemed as if something invisible and heavy was gradually poured into her body.

  He found that Zhenna's footsteps had stopped, so he turned around and saw Zhenna standing there with her head lowered.

  A moment passed and he heard sobs.

  Ganouen walked up to Zhenna, raised his hand and put it on her shoulder: "Cry if you want."

  The last bit of bravery collapsed, and Zhenna suddenly threw herself into his arms, burying her face on his shoulder, He burst into tears.

  (End of chapter)

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